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Changes in Onboard Behavior & Procedures after Cruises restart sailing again...


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On 3/28/2020 at 5:18 AM, sanger727 said:

OP; I can see the temperature scanners. When we went to Japan last year, they have scanners you must go through as you walk through customs that take your temperature. Didn’t even realize it was happening until we were through and looked back at them. Seamless and easy


I like the buffet idea but agree that it’s an increased staffing cost so might be done intially but then phase out over time.


a majority of your suggestions refer to the staff policing the guests behavior; and as seen by the fact that people walk past the sanitizing stations to get into the buffet, chair hogging, and seat saving practices - staff policing behavior is an unpopular idea. They may ‘make rules’ but they won’t enforce them. 

as in most things in life the only persons behavior you can control is your own. So  if certain things like hot tubs, gyms, and buffets make your uncomfortable because of other people’s behavior; all you can really do is choose not to use them yourself.

Your last sentence sums up why many, many people will probably never cruise again.

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All crew and passengers must present proof of COVID 19 vaccination before boarding ship. Think - no quarantine in cabins, all ports would welcomed us. This is what we are waiting for then we will sail away.

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1 hour ago, Odile1 said:

4. Maybe next year the CDC will not disregard that local flu and will include it on the flu vaccine they work on every year


I've really not idea what that means. Sorry.


1 hour ago, Odile1 said:

And I hope in the future the  FDA will approve new drugs a faster


I want "drugs" to go through clinical trials. If not they can kill people.

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The Abbott covid19 antibody detector coming out next week will be a game changer. Since it will only be operated by medical personnel I believe a health card or health paper will be issued to clear individuals with the antibodies. This should be a requirement for cruisers until a vaccine is on the market. 

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So on a bit of a different note, something I have thought of in the past might be to have some kind of disinfectant, wet or dry, applied to the walkway as people are coming from a port back to the ship.  Who knows what is on these returning shoes as they walk down the halls and back into the staterooms and dining rooms.  Coming from a home where we remove shoes before entering the house to keep out dirt and germs, I was just wondering.....

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4 hours ago, Odile1 said:

1. We should all calm down

2. Cruise lines will find a balance of enhancing cleaning , regulating buffet , how much it will cost them and still make a profit

3. If I see kids or adults behaving in a manner that is not safe for the rest of the population, it is my responsibility to mention it , either to them or a staff member .

4. Maybe next year the CDC will not disregard that local flu and will include it on the flu vaccine they work on every year

And I hope in the future the  FDA will approve new drugs a faster

5. I wish I was in Sweden


Like thalidomide?  Remember that one.


Actually thalidomide is currently available and has some approved clinical uses - as long as you are not a possibly pregnant woman.  It is just that they did not know that at the time.



Edited by donaldsc
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I would like to see a consistent hygiene program installed across ALL cruise ships and lines. As an example my wife and I cruised on the MSC Orchestra from Genoa to Durban in November last year. It was our first MSC experience and we were surprised at the lack of 'normal' hygiene measures - as an example on boarding the ship at embarkation and in the various ports we visited there were no staff with the sanitizer sprays, nor were any staff present to sanitize passengers as they entered the buffet. There was a cough on board and surprise surprise virtually all passengers and crew got the cough. If I compare this with our usual experience on lines such as NCL or Holland America, on these lines the hygiene measures seem much higher. So if the cruise lines agreed - or were forced - to have at least a base line of hygiene measures this would help. HOWEVER, the main problem is the small number of passengers who have poor hygiene habits - there are always a few on every ship. If you consider that you hand your cruise card to perhaps 20 crew on a daily basis, and these crew also handle the cruise cards of 100s of others - and some of those are the cards of the passengers with questionable hygiene habits - it is inevitable that bugs will spread. If there was a way of sanitizing your cruise card during these transactions that would help enormously. 

Edited by kenandmaureen
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We are in our 50's and love cruises as our vacation of choice. Husband and I both retail management (in "essential" industries) so a cruise provides us with a great mix of activities and relaxation. Hoping all of this does not cripple the cruise industry to the point we cannot afford it anymore.

As for restrictions, we went on a big final family vacation in October 2017 with my father who was 83 at the time. He had a stroke a year earlier, diabetic and limited mobility. It was him, his 3 daughters and 3 son in laws. We had balcony cabins side by side. Dad loved the wonderful dinners together and his afternoon naps while watching the sea. Was he in what is considered good health? Nothing contagious but probably would not have been able to get a Dr to sign off on a health paper. 

I myself had breast cancer that same year. Life is short! If you are so scared of the risks, stay home or spend more money than I have for something more private/exclusive as far as travel goes. My husband and I risk exposure to this virus daily right now so people can still get their prescriptions and gasoline along with all the other products purchased at our stores. I have to trust that the cruiselines, just like retail are doing their best in this horrible time.

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I was onboard NCL Spirit very recently for 2 long cuises. The ship departed Civitavecchia (Rome) just before the major Italy outbreak. (There were some cases in Northern Italy.) Our ship was able to remain completely Covid-19 free, due, I believe, to equal parts screening, behaviors, and dumb luck. We had temperature checks at every embarkation .point, and in conjunction with immigration screening at the ports we visited. Some were done by local authorities, and some by ship's crew. I don't know if any passengers were denied boarding, because that's not information that would have been shared. NCL implemented fleet-wide infection precautions. We were reminded before excursions to be careful with handwashing and sanitizing. 


No handshakes,Ship Cards were wiped with antiseptic wipes after scanning. Infection control measures were maintained in all dining facilities. I observed extra wipe-downs of handrails, constant emphasis on handwashing and using hand sanitizer during announcements and in the Freestyle Daily.


When we were still allowed to visit ports, the ship's personnel sprayed and wiped down buses prior to boarding for excursions. The culture everywhere among passengers was to use hand sanitizer constantly. Everyone seemed to have their little bottles with them, and people were consistently using them. Most passengers coughed or sneezed into elbows. Knuckles and elbows were used for elevator buttons. Public area bathroom doors were propped open (twofold benefit- peer pressure to wash hands, and not having to touch the door.). I'm sure there were many other measures that we didn't see.  


We all believed that we were in the safest place on the planet- and when our port calls were cancelled, many of us were relieved.  Many of us also had anxiety about leaving the ship and going into airports, and long flights from South Africa to our homes.

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7 hours ago, clo said:

I've really not idea what that means. Sorry.


I want "drugs" to go through clinical trials. If not they can kill people.

hmmm....even if the drug is effective and kills fewer than the coronavirus? Personall, this is NOT a statement I would make around someone dying from the virus. You go to war with the weapons you have.....

Edited by Pster55
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We were on the Norwegian Gem on March 6-16, 2020.  We sailed out of NYC and everyone had their temperature scanned before boarding.  From 3/6-12 the cruise was normal and we docked in 4 ports of call.  Then on March 12 everything changed. St Thomas, our last island, was closed to us and we headed back to NYC, four full days at sea.  All self-serve food stopped, card room, library, deck sports, hot tub, spas, etc....closed.  No one was allowed to touch anything that other people touched.  (However....curiously, all the stores were open for business as usual).    
     Two staterooms on deck 9 had security guards posted outside 24/7.   March 15 a medivac helicopter evacuated two passengers. The captain just announced that the transfer was a success, but no details.  Coronavirus? Who knows.  Conjecture amongst the passengers was rampant!  
      Back at Pier 88 we all had our temperature scanned again before we were allowed to disembark.   The scene in the terminal was surreal!  Armed military, masks on everyone.  Monday morning, and the normally busy streets seemed deserted.   We stepped off the ship into a changed world!

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10 hours ago, OBX-Cruisers said:

Your last sentence sums up why many, many people will probably never cruise again.

maybe many won’t. But I think it will represent a very small minority of cruisers. All I see all over these forums are people saying they can’t wait to cruise again, people taking FCC over refunds because it’s more valuable and of course they will use it, and people hoping their summer/fall cruises won’t be cancelled.

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On 3/27/2020 at 3:09 PM, NavyCruiser said:

Even way before this current cruise line shutdown, we have observed numerous questionable guest behaviors & onboard procedures.  Pls don't take this personally if you still enjoy these activities, but just for us, we don't get into the hot tubs, pools, steam rooms, etc. anymore, since my spouse considers them cesspools for germs & other nastyness.  There are numerous guest behaviors that grossed us out, esp in the buffet, gym, theater, & other large gatherings.  For example:

- buffet:  both adults & kids directly touching food items then put it back, without using tongs;  how many people touch those tongs...?

- gym:  walking away from sweaty equipment without towel wipedown, spitting in water fountain

- theater:  openly coughing & sneezing, etc

Sorry, these are just a very few examples of gross behaviors that really need to change, esp after this shutdown is done

So what do you think new procedures the cruise lines will implement once they restart sailing again for better sanitation purposes?

I would guess:

- mini health inspection, ie: temperature scanner for fever, at embarkation, instead of just paper form stating you are fever free & no flu-like symptoms

- retrofit all ships with full hand washing stations instead of just Purell dispensers at buffet entrance

- staff will serve you food items from behind the counter in the buffet, instead of you self-serve food items with tongs

- limit number of persons in hot tubs, & must shower before entering

- eliminate steam rooms

- more antiseptic wipes in the gym

- no more self serve ice cream dispensers, only served by staff at certain hours


What are your ideas...?


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People who are sneezing, coughing, and blowing their noses should not be allowed on tour buses. They should be restricted to their cabins. Food at buffets should be served by staff. Agree with all of your recommendations. I became ill on a world cruise and stayed in my cabin for 2:5 weeks. Caught the cold from others sneezing and coughing near me at shows and on buses.

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I can't believe people would waste their time to come to this cruise forum & state that they'll never cruise again.

Or saying that some of us Posters on here won't ever cruise again, just because we're voicing concerns & give constructive inputs on our views of how cruise lines & fellow passengers can improve their practices in order for everyone to safely enjoy future cruising...

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12 hours ago, Vegas12 said:

The Abbott covid19 antibody detector coming out next week will be a game changer. Since it will only be operated by medical personnel I believe a health card or health paper will be issued to clear individuals with the antibodies. This should be a requirement for cruisers until a vaccine is on the market. 

But having antibodies can indicate active disease also.

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12 hours ago, 1moresail said:

So on a bit of a different note, something I have thought of in the past might be to have some kind of disinfectant, wet or dry, applied to the walkway as people are coming from a port back to the ship.  Who knows what is on these returning shoes as they walk down the halls and back into the staterooms and dining rooms.  Coming from a home where we remove shoes before entering the house to keep out dirt and germs, I was just wondering.....

When we would return from shores excursions in Antarctica (wearing boots that they provided) we walked through 'scrubbers' like car washes have - feet only. Having something on the bottoms of shoes and not the sides and tops.... ?

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6 hours ago, Pster55 said:

hmmm....even if the drug is effective and kills fewer than the coronavirus? Personall, this is NOT a statement I would make around someone dying from the virus. You go to war with the weapons you have.....

They find out if they're effective and not unduly dangerous THROUGH clinical trials.

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1 hour ago, clo said:

But having antibodies can indicate active disease also.

Actually the active proteins or virus shows a different test result, so that is not true for this testing platform 

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5 minutes ago, Vegas12 said:

Actually the active proteins or virus shows a different test result, so that is not true for this testing platform 

Oh thank goodness. Someone who has current knowledge. Mine is so very, very old. Do you have a link that you can share just so I can update my old self 🙂 Again thanks a ton.

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40 minutes ago, clo said:

Oh thank goodness. Someone who has current knowledge. Mine is so very, very old. Do you have a link that you can share just so I can update my old self 🙂 Again thanks a ton.

Check out serological test corona—19 virus. Hope this helps. 😊

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19 hours ago, evandbob said:

There were plenty of senior snowbirds on Florida beaches as well as spring breakers.  Our local TV news had similar interviews with both, but the national news just carried the drunk breakers.


During the 18 month long toxic red tide we recently had here in SW FL the local news usually ran a story each week about northerners who saw nothing wrong with the water and were adamant about swimming and sunbathing.  They paid for their vacation and were going to enjoy it, why would we let a little microbe in the Gulf bother us?


Idiots come in all ages and states.  


BTW, I am a 


Did you see the crowds in NYC just a couple of days ago, gathering to welcome the naval hospital ship?  Any plan to deal with this crisis that doesn't take into account human stupidity is doomed.

Oh well, at least no one tried to destroy the hospital ship by driving a train into it like on the West Coast.

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