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I am going through cruise withdrawal..anyone else?


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15 hours ago, bays said:

Pinboy, why are you judging others and assuming they don’t care about those who are sick, etc? Why do you think others are not feeling blessed to have been able to do something enjoyable? Why presume to know how others feel? Why is it bad to be missing something that was or is enjoyable? Why is it bad to be wondering if one will be able to cruise again? Obviously you have cruised. Did you not enjoy it? If not, I’m sorry you didn’t, but that is not due to someone on this site. I’m sorry you have to endure cold and windy weather right now. Here in Louisiana we are in quarantine too. Louisiana is a hot spot for Covid 19. We are staying at home and doing what is necessary to flatten the curve. FYI a family member, a single 55 year old grandfather, who has adopted his only two grandchildren, (8 and 10), is NOT currently working due to having to stay home with the children and his business closing down. I know how some are suffering. My husband and I have had our granddaughter since she was a baby. We are 72 and 66. She is 13 now. We don’t know where our daughter, her mother, is right now. Our anxiety has certainly gone up because of this. As I said, we are staying at home too. I say all of this to tell you that present circumstances do not prevent me from thinking about and missing my previous, enjoyable cruises and wondering if I will cruise again anytime soon. Present circumstances don’t make it a bad thing for me to do that. Quit judging!


15 hours ago, bays said:

Also, I do feel very blessed in my present circumstances. I am happy to be at home and not stuck on a cruise ship. I pray for all those who have had to endure that. I pray for all the doctors, nurses, therapists, all the heroes on our “front lines” fighting this virus. I pray for all the patients and their families. Stay safe everybody! 


I agree. Just because people are looking forward to something and/or remembering fabulous experiences does NOT mean they don't care about what is going on.


Similarly, there is a middle ground between blind optimism and utter destruction gloom and doom. People on both sides fail to see that.


Everyone copes with stresses differently, and just because how someone else does is not how you do does not make them wrong. That said, I have used the "silence" or "mute" mode for a few people on Facebook and Twitter because they were constantly over the top negative's whining and while I get that's how they deal, it does bring me down when I'm trying to stay as positive as I can (especially when I have a sister who is an officer on another cruise line and all crew and officers on board it (no guests are aboard) have been quarantined to individual cabins because 38 have tested positive).  This may be a time to use the ignore feature on here if someone's posts are constantly upsetting you to the point you cannot deal. Again, it doesn't mean you don't care...it just means you have to take care of yourself mentally, physically, and emotionally.

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On 3/27/2020 at 4:39 PM, sandycruzr said:

OK i know there are a lot more serious issues in the world right now.  Maybe  this is just a diversion for me from all the doom and gloom in the world right now. I know there are so many people that are suffering and extremely stressed about Coronavirus and all the effects of it both medically and otherwise. I sympathize, I really do. But, I have been in my house for 10 days now and I keep dreaming of being at sea! I feel so fortunate that my family is safe and well but my thoughts keep going back to the sea. Am I alone in this?  Am I suffering from cabin fever so badly that I am fixating on cruising?😎


You are not alone ....  

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1 hour ago, WrittenOnYourHeart said:



I agree. Just because people are looking forward to something and/or remembering fabulous experiences does NOT mean they don't care about what is going on.


Similarly, there is a middle ground between blind optimism and utter destruction gloom and doom. People on both sides fail to see that.


Everyone copes with stresses differently, and just because how someone else does is not how you do does not make them wrong. That said, I have used the "silence" or "mute" mode for a few people on Facebook and Twitter because they were constantly over the top negative's whining and while I get that's how they deal, it does bring me down when I'm trying to stay as positive as I can (especially when I have a sister who is an officer on another cruise line and all crew and officers on board it (no guests are aboard) have been quarantined to individual cabins because 38 have tested positive).  This may be a time to use the ignore feature on here if someone's posts are constantly upsetting you to the point you cannot deal. Again, it doesn't mean you don't care...it just means you have to take care of yourself mentally, physically, and emotionally.

You are absolutely correct .

If you have a minute , kindly look at my reply ( pg 8 ) to bays post.




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15 hours ago, Pinboy said:


I totally understand the frustration you have with my post .

It's really too bad that I can't reach out to you personally and express how sorry I am for what you and your family are going through. Let's hope everything gets better soon for everybody.

Regarding my post--- It was the term " Withdrawal " that I found excessive in relation to cruise vacations at this time

We all love to cruise and " dreaming " is great .





Thumbs up!

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58 minutes ago, OCruisers said:


You are not alone ....  

From time immemorial people have dreamed of going to sea.;some to escape their environments, some to seek their fortunes, some to learn a new trad. But dreaming of going to sea means freedom. Concentrating on the beauty of the sea and the joy of being on the water is never a bad thing. I'd say more power to one's imagination and a positive attitude that viewing a future trip can bring. May all of our trips be smooth ones and may all remain healthy in both mind and body.

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I really want to thank all of you for your posts.  I really thought I was the alone in feeling this yearning for the sea. My grandfather used to tell us of his amazing adventures as a merchant marine with a twinkle in his eye. (Yes, his eye...he wore a patch like a pirate over the other one which was lost during one of his adventures at sea) As a child I was always so fascinated by his stories of far off mysterious lands, the treacherous journeys around Cape Horn, tropical storms etc. He always ended his stories by saying “I miss the sea” or my childhood favorite “I miss the sea..she is a seductive mistress!”   Needless to say my sisters and I were quite confused by the seductive mistress part when we looked those words up in the dictionary! 😂

My grandfather died 40 years ago  but I have thought of him more over these past few weeks than I had in decades.  I finally truly understand his words...the sea is a seductive mistress!

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We have a friend who is in his early 90's now and up until a few years ago he had a beautiful sloop that he sailed either single-handedly or with a friend all over Canada, New England etc. He is an excellent writer and kept wonderful logs of his sailing adven tures and would send them to us. They never failed to delight us. Did our grandfather every put his tales in  writing, or have you thought of doing that? So lucky to have a love of the sea and experience everything that is good about it. 

When I was a little girl I grew up near the ocean and would sit on the boardwalk and watch the water and dream of sailing to interesting places. I am a grown up with 40 plus cruises in my history now and still dreaming of sailing away. It's almost as if I were returning to my natural state every time I board for another adventure.

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3 hours ago, WrittenOnYourHeart said:



.....This may be a time to use the ignore feature on here if someone's posts are constantly upsetting you to the point you cannot deal. Again, it doesn't mean you don't care...it just means you have to take care of yourself mentally, physically, and emotionally.


The irony of this is that after years of being a member on CC, for the first time ever I have used the ignore feature on someone.  My reason was a person posting (to complain) about an FCC refund situation which is to be expected here but when others tried to assist with insight into what was posted, the OP would have none of it and just wanted to keep venting ... that is my idea of someone who has lost sight ... nice to have the ignore feature.


Alternatively, I think it is healthy for people to come here to talk about better times, both future and past, and it certainly does not equate to anyone being insensitive to the sadness of our current times.


And to answer the OP question ... YES I am going through withdrawal big time.  Not just of the actual cruising but of all the discussion on future cruising, planning, videos, reviews.  I've said on another post, it's my happy place.

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21 minutes ago, poffles said:

Alternatively, I think it is healthy for people to come here to talk about better times, both future and past, and it certainly does not equate to anyone being insensitive to the sadness of our current times.



I agree. There have been some posts - both here and on other travel-related forums I'm on - where the naysayers in particular are brutal to anyone trying to have the slightest bit of optimism with statements like "You're absolutely crazy if you think that" or "You're completely blind to everything happening" or even calling them ostriches with their heads in the sand rather than saying it in less inflammatory words. The positive people don't tend to resort to name-calling, though I'm sure it can happen that way too.

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1 hour ago, sandycruzr said:

I really want to thank all of you for your posts.  I really thought I was the alone in feeling this yearning for the sea. My grandfather used to tell us of his amazing adventures as a merchant marine with a twinkle in his eye. (Yes, his eye...he wore a patch like a pirate over the other one which was lost during one of his adventures at sea) As a child I was always so fascinated by his stories of far off mysterious lands, the treacherous journeys around Cape Horn, tropical storms etc. He always ended his stories by saying “I miss the sea” or my childhood favorite “I miss the sea..she is a seductive mistress!”   Needless to say my sisters and I were quite confused by the seductive mistress part when we looked those words up in the dictionary! 😂

My grandfather died 40 years ago  but I have thought of him more over these past few weeks than I had in decades.  I finally truly understand his words...the sea is a seductive mistress!


When I first saw your post,  I will confess my initial thought was "too soon", but it's mostly been a fun thread. It's gone long, and an early poster who had the same thought initially, and posted the same, keeps getting drug up by people who haven't read the rest of their replies which had a totally different tone, but that's a thing around here.


Stories like your grandfather always interest me. A Merchant Marine officer "above the waterline" would have that sort of view, and that's why he went to sea. Centuries of people going to sea were below decks, and still are today. Totally different view of that experience.


For a variety of reasons, not related to current events, we'll go almost four years between cruises, assuming all's well in 2022 and I'm OK to travel (one of the reasons). I do look forward to being on a ship in blue water...

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4 minutes ago, markeb said:


but it's mostly been a fun thread. It's gone long, and an early poster who had the same thought initially, and posted the same, keeps getting drug up by people who haven't read the rest of their replies which had a totally different tone, but that's a thing around here.


Stories like your grandfather always interest me. A Merchant Marine officer "above the waterline" would have that sort of view, and that's why he went to sea. Centuries of people going to sea were below decks, and still are today. Totally different view of that experience.


For a variety of reasons, not related to current events, we'll go almost four years between cruises, assuming all's well in 2022 and I'm OK to travel (one of the reasons). I do look forward to being on a ship in blue water...

" When I first saw your post,  I will confess my initial thought was "too soon".

an early poster who had the same thought initially, and posted the same, keeps getting drug up by people who haven't read the rest of their replies which had a totally different tone ".

You sound as if you are referring to me ???  Some posters were not understanding of what I meant and were quite aggressive in their replies. I doubt they would have the same " toughness " face to face. 





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1 minute ago, Pinboy said:

" When I first saw your post,  I will confess my initial thought was "too soon".

an early poster who had the same thought initially, and posted the same, keeps getting drug up by people who haven't read the rest of their replies which had a totally different tone ".

You sound as if you are referring to me ???  Some posters were not understanding of what I meant and were quite aggressive in their replies. I doubt they would have the same " toughness " face to face. 






Yes, but I didn't want to continue to draw fire on you. I've read your other replies, but this isn't a board where continued defense pays off. It just draws fire...


I'm not as diplomatic as Bo, but I personally just tend to ignore follow ups unless i re-read my initial reply and realize I got in a hurry. It just makes my life simpler, and has the exact same impact on the flow of the thread. And the responses are still to your first post...



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1 hour ago, sandycruzr said:

I really want to thank all of you for your posts.  I really thought I was the alone in feeling this yearning for the sea. My grandfather used to tell us of his amazing adventures as a merchant marine with a twinkle in his eye. (Yes, his eye...he wore a patch like a pirate over the other one which was lost during one of his adventures at sea) As a child I was always so fascinated by his stories of far off mysterious lands, the treacherous journeys around Cape Horn, tropical storms etc. He always ended his stories by saying “I miss the sea” or my childhood favorite “I miss the sea..she is a seductive mistress!”   Needless to say my sisters and I were quite confused by the seductive mistress part when we looked those words up in the dictionary! 😂

My grandfather died 40 years ago  but I have thought of him more over these past few weeks than I had in decades.  I finally truly understand his words...the sea is a seductive mistress!

I can relate to this.  When I was growing up we lived next door to a lovely lady in her 90s.  I would visit her from time to time because I loved playing with her beautiful cats.  As it turned out those visits became something special.  Her home was filled with beautiful carved wood furnishings, pottery from the Orient, lovely silk embroidered tablecloths and so many more exotic treasures.  Of course I was intrigued by it all and would sit with her as she related where all the treasures came from..


She was the daughter of a whaling captain and was born aboard a clipper ship in the late 1870s!  Her father collected all these treasures on his many sea voyages chasing the whales.  She told me stories of Australia, the islands of Polynesia, the Bering Sea, his voyages around the Horn.  It instilled in me such a yearning to discover as many of those sea routes if I could.  Now as a retiree I have been so fortunate to experience some of those routes, most recently an Antarctica cruise that sailed around the Horn.  It was mesmerizing. I am looking forward with anticipation to planned cruises to Australia, New Zealand and French Polynesia next year, followed by Japan and a transpacific sailing through the Bering Sea in 2022.


I too thought a lot of the lovely "Miss Andrews"  that filled my heart and soul with the beauty of the sea these past few weeks.


Memories are coming into the forefront as we all stay at home these days.  May everyone be safe and dream a bit of the sea.



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7 minutes ago, markeb said:


Yes, but I didn't want to continue to draw fire on you. I've read your other replies, but this isn't a board where continued defense pays off. It just draws fire...


I'm not as diplomatic as Bo, but I personally just tend to ignore follow ups unless i re-read my initial reply and realize I got in a hurry. It just makes my life simpler, and has the exact same impact on the flow of the thread. And the responses are still to your first post...



m - of course you are, if only on occasion, similar to myself!




bon voyage

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2 minutes ago, markeb said:


Yes, but I didn't want to continue to draw fire on you. I've read your other replies, but


I'm not as diplomatic as Bo, but I personally just tend to ignore follow ups unless i re-read my initial reply and realize I got in a hurry. It just makes my life simpler, and has the exact same impact on the flow of the thread. And the responses are still to your first post...



" this isn't a board where continued defense pays off. It just draws fire..."

Ok--- I get it. That's fair. I probably fell into some " Trolls " trap.

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Like so many others, we are experiencing cruise withdrawal, especially as we approach the date of our cancelled cruise this month. However, now every time I make my once a week trip to the grocery store, I can remember my cruising days. I made a face mask out of one of our many, many -- did I say many, blue Celebrity reusable grocery bags! I'd rather be using it to carry my stuff to the Solarium but you do what you gotta do!

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1 hour ago, Pinboy said:

" this isn't a board where continued defense pays off. It just draws fire..."

Ok--- I get it. That's fair. I probably fell into some " Trolls " trap.

Dude, just let it go. 

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I grew up on the Mississippi & have always been a water baby...

I grew up in Dubuque, where our bluffs & sheer cliffs rise high above the river.

There are pictures of me on the river as a baby.

However, my earliest memories of being out in the boat & on the river, are from when I was 2, with our family, friends & neighbors.

Being on the water is one of my happy places 🙂

When you can bring the mountains down to the water, I am truly happy 🙂


I started going to camp as a 5-year old, as did my friends & family...

Camp songs tend to stick with you & we still spring into spontaneous camp songs, when we are together & sometimes even on the telephone.

Reading through so many of these posts, one song that repeatedly springs to mind is...


Barges, I would like to go with you,
I would like to sail the ocean blue.
Barges, have you treasures in your hold?
Do you fight with pirates brave and bold?


Out of my window looking in the night,
I can see the barges flickering light.
Starboard showing green and port is glowing red,
I can see the barges from my bed.


Barges, I would like to go with you,
I would like to sail the ocean blue.
Barges, have you treasures in your hold?
Do you fight with pirates brave and bold?


How my heart longs to sail away with you,

As you sail across the ocean blue.

But I must stay here, beside my river view,

As the barges sail away from here.


Barges, I would like to go with you,
I would like to sail the ocean blue.
Barges, have you treasures in your hold?
Do you fight with pirates brave and bold?


Out of my window looking in the night
I can see the barges flickering light.
Taking their cargo out into the sea,
How I wish that someday they'd take me.


Barges, I would like to go with you,
I would like to sail the ocean blue.
Barges, have you treasures in your hold?
Do you fight with pirates brave and bold?


Out of my window looking in the night,
I can see the barges flickering light.
Silently flows the river to the sea,
As the barges go by silently.


Barges, I would like to go with you,
I would like to sail the ocean blue.
Barges, have you treasures in your hold?
Do you fight with pirates brave and bold?


Out of my window looking in the night,
I can see the barges flickering light.
Anchors start to pull and engines start to roar,
As the barges pull away from shore.


Barges, I would like to go with you,
I would like to sail the ocean blue.
Barges, have you treasures in your hold?
Do you fight with pirates brave and bold?


Out of my window looking in the night,
I can see the barges flickering light.
Stars are brightly lighting up the sky,
As the barges seem to skip right by.


Barges, I would like to go with you,
I would like to sail the ocean blue.
Barges, have you treasures in your hold?
Do you fight with pirates brave and bold?


How my heart wants to sail away with you,
As you sail across the ocean blue.
But I must stay beside my window clear,
As the barges sail away from here.


Barges, I would like to go with you,
I would like to sail the ocean blue.
Barges, have you treasures in your hold?
Do you fight with pirates brave and bold?




Edited by Von & John
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15 minutes ago, Von & John said:

I grew up on the Mississippi & have always been a water baby...

I grew up in Dubuque, where our bluffs & sheer cliffs rise high above the river.

My earliest memories of being out in the boat & on the river, are from when I was 2, with our family, friends & neighbors.

Being on the water is one of my happy places 🙂

When you can bring the mountains down to the water, I am truly happy 🙂


I started going to camp as a 5-year old, as did my friends & family...

Camp songs tend to stick with you & we still spring into spontaneous camp songs, when we are together & sometimes even on the telephone.

Reading through so many of these posts, one song that repeatedly springs to mind is...


Barges, I would like to go with you,
I would like to sail the ocean blue.
Barges, have you treasures in your hold?
Do you fight with pirates brave and bold?


Out of my window looking in the night,
I can see the barges flickering light.
Starboard showing green and port is glowing red,
I can see the barges from my bed.


Barges, I would like to go with you,
I would like to sail the ocean blue.
Barges, have you treasures in your hold?
Do you fight with pirates brave and bold?


How my heart longs to sail away with you,

As you sail across the ocean blue.

But I must stay here, beside my river view,

As the barges sail away from here.


Barges, I would like to go with you,
I would like to sail the ocean blue.
Barges, have you treasures in your hold?
Do you fight with pirates brave and bold?


Out of my window looking in the night
I can see the barges flickering light.
Taking their cargo out into the sea,
How I wish that someday they'd take me.


Barges, I would like to go with you,
I would like to sail the ocean blue.
Barges, have you treasures in your hold?
Do you fight with pirates brave and bold?


Out of my window looking in the night,
I can see the barges flickering light.
Silently flows the river to the sea,
As the barges go by silently.


Barges, I would like to go with you,
I would like to sail the ocean blue.
Barges, have you treasures in your hold?
Do you fight with pirates brave and bold?


Out of my window looking in the night,
I can see the barges flickering light.
Anchors start to pull and engines start to roar,
As the barges pull away from shore.


Barges, I would like to go with you,
I would like to sail the ocean blue.
Barges, have you treasures in your hold?
Do you fight with pirates brave and bold?


Out of my window looking in the night,
I can see the barges flickering light.
Stars are brightly lighting up the sky,
As the barges seem to skip right by.


Barges, I would like to go with you,
I would like to sail the ocean blue.
Barges, have you treasures in your hold?
Do you fight with pirates brave and bold?


How my heart wants to sail away with you,
As you sail across the ocean blue.
But I must stay beside my window clear,
As the barges sail away from here.


Barges, I would like to go with you,
I would like to sail the ocean blue.
Barges, have you treasures in your hold?
Do you fight with pirates brave and bold?




Thanks for sharing!

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2 hours ago, CruisinNole said:

Like so many others, we are experiencing cruise withdrawal, especially as we approach the date of our cancelled cruise this month.

Yep.  I was supposed to have my pre-cruise hair appointment on Monday for our up coming (now cancelled) cruise this Saturday.  No cruise of course but I am DESPERATE for a hair appointment.  Soon I will need a full head covering...not just a mask 🙃...and don't even get me started on the state of my mani/pedi...yikes.

Edited by Georgia_Peaches
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11 minutes ago, Georgia_Peaches said:

Yep.  I was supposed to have my pre-cruise hair appointment on Monday for our up coming (now cancelled) cruise this Saturday.  No cruise of course but I am DESPERATE for a hair appointment.  Soon I will need a full head covering...not just a mask 🙃...and don't even get me started on the state of my mani/pedi...yikes.

I understand as I Am beginning to look like a wolf-man! LOL


bon voyage

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