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Governor Just Opened Florida

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1 hour ago, Goodtime Cruizin said:


I disagree. 


That's fair enough, everyone should have his or their own beliefs but the actions taken should be the same as some famous slogan says "Just do it". Masks, personal hygiene measures, social distancing etc.

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1 hour ago, cured said:

This is the only place I disagree with you.  Our great country used to be "Do it for us" when hard times befell us.  We used to band together to protect the more vulnerable in society.  Now it is sadly an everyone for themselves attitude. That is not who we are. It is why so many countries have travel bans against us.  Nobody trusts this country to do the right thing and follow health protocols.


I am 100% in agreement on opening up...with masks.  Pretty much every single scientist out there has said that masks work. Fauci and a group of scientists said just this month that if everyone wore masks for 6-12 weeks, we would have this under control.


And I agree because I have seen it work. Our state has a mandatory mask order.  We have a 95% compliance rate.  I live in a major metropolitan area and our numbers are less than 2.5%.  And we  have/are starting to open. Our schools open next month. Bars and restaurants are open with some restrictions like time and table spacing. My neighbor's kids have been playing little league all summer (with their masks on.) Our local swim team held their meets all summer (masks worn up to the blocks and then put on again after the race.) High school and college sports start a shortened season in October.  Is it perfect? Absolutely not.  Service industries are still struggling.  But masks have brought the numbers way down, allowing us to resume normal activities without spikes.


I know you said you wear masks, but there are still too many people that feel a mask is not a health object to protect yourself and others, but some sort of political statement about their rights. They don't care about every other citizen, only themselves. 






Well said!


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1 hour ago, Pratique said:

What does "ease into" mean? They won't turn customers away because if they do people will be screaming "let me in." The question is how many customers show up.

I think they mean that they might not go from 50% to 100% overnight. I haven't been to a restaurant yet that had to turn people away. Went to Applebee's for lunch the other day and there were 10 people inside, a couple outside. I don't know what 50% capacity is for a restaurant this size but I guarantee you that it is more than 10. If people don't feel comfortable, they won't come no matter what the capacity is and the restaurants know this.  

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9 minutes ago, Goodtime Cruizin said:

Party @ noon @ the Sky Bar. See y'all there. Let's all get Ship Faced.


Cheers!  I'll be there, 6 feet from you (y'all in Texan) and upwind. 😉


Just don't mask shame me when I put it in when going to the bar to get a drink. 😇

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1 hour ago, Keksie said:

How many rules are you willing to live with?  Wear a mask, socially distance, close down your business, go on unemployment, take out your pool and hot tub, don't swim in a lake or a pool, get rid of your boat, take out all the trees around your home, take public transportation, only eat healthy foods in healthy portions, don't smoke anything, don't drink alcohol over a certain amount etc.  These are all safety measures which ones do you want a rule for?

When I lived in Florida we had a very strict homeowners association. They fined me for not properly edging the grass along the driveway. They forced me to get approval to repaint my house the exact same color. And on and on. The rules were there because if you give someone an inch they will take a mile. The rules don't bother me if I am going to follow them anyway. The rest of the rules are because of abuses by others, like parking broken cars on their front lawns, which I would never do.

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On 9/25/2020 at 1:35 PM, tvnewsengineer said:

Immediate it seems sending entire state into Phase 3 and lifting all restrictions during Press Conference in St. Petersburg



Not for cruising and only if the local governing bodies let it open. he removed fines for not wearing a mask. But the local cities govern.

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2 hours ago, John&LaLa said:


2022 is going to be cool when Blue Origin (Jeff Bezos) starts flying the massive New Glenn. 


And what's really special is we have direct line of site to the launch/landing pad. 

My life's dream to be by the ocean with the extra bonus of space flight!  We may have to accelerate our condo search.

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1 hour ago, Pratique said:

When I lived in Florida we had a very strict homeowners association. They fined me for not properly edging the grass along the driveway. They forced me to get approval to repaint my house the exact same color. And on and on. The rules were there because if you give someone an inch they will take a mile. The rules don't bother me if I am going to follow them anyway. The rest of the rules are because of abuses by others, like parking broken cars on their front lawns, which I would never do.

When we moved to Florida the number one item on our list was "no HOA"  

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1 hour ago, Pratique said:

When I lived in Florida we had a very strict homeowners association. They fined me for not properly edging the grass along the driveway. They forced me to get approval to repaint my house the exact same color. And on and on. The rules were there because if you give someone an inch they will take a mile. The rules don't bother me if I am going to follow them anyway. The rest of the rules are because of abuses by others, like parking broken cars on their front lawns, which I would never do.

Why are you condemning where you lived? You picked the place to live and received HOA rules before you did your final purchase. if not. You should have asked for the rules before buying in there. There is no reason at all to live in a community that has a home owners association if you choose not to. Other than it being YOUR choice to do so. I moved to Florida from Buffalo in 1972 and NEVER have ever paid any home owners association fees for my residence. I did however have a few condos that I rented that did have it and it was excellent. Low cost, kept the place in great shape and we had a party every year. I read the rules before I purchased and they sounded very fair and they were.

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Just now, ALWAYS CRUZIN said:

Why are you condemning where you lived? You picked the place to live and received HOA rules before you did your final purchase. if not. You should have asked for the rules before buying in there. There is no reason at all to live in a community that has a home owners association if you choose not to. Other than it being YOUR choice to do so. I moved to Florida from Buffalo in 1972 and NEVER have ever paid any home owners association fees for my residence. I did however have a few condos that I rented that did have it and it was excellent. Low cost, kept the place in great shape and we had a party every year. I read the rules before I purchased and they sounded very fair and they were.

My mistake. I thought you had a problem with them. I read you post wrong.

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1 hour ago, Goodtime Cruizin said:


No mask shaming from me. See you'ins there. Better? 😋




My daughter moved to Houston a few years ago. Her accent is a bit of a hybrid now and she can effortlessly put '"y'all" and "youse guys" in the same sentence. 😁

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4 hours ago, Goodtime Cruizin said:


It's called Leadership.  They effectively stopped the fear mongering. 

I'm tired of the Swedish nonsense!


Sweden has a COVID death rate of 57.74 per 100,000 population.


That's almost the same as the US, and both among the worst in the world!

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You cannot compare the USA to Sweden. US has much higher rates of: Obesity, Drug addiction, & Pre-Exisiting Conditions. USA has had to battle the politics of this pandemic such as anti-maskers, anti-science media, and the "Don't Tread On Me" group that swears masks take away their personal liberty/rights. The President called it a Hoax and said it was nothing more than the common cold and prides himself on "playing it down". He thinks US citizens are not adult enough or mature enough to handle real honest facts. Sweden dealt with none of this. The government took the pandemic seriously from the start. Testing was deployed rapidly and successfully. Swedes wore masks and followed their governments health recommendations. Sweden had a national response and nationwide compliance. Swedes took personal responsibility, unlike the USA. Instead the USA blames others for it's failures. We failed and are still failing at testing and contact tracing. We failed at mask compliance. We failed at basic compassion for one another. We failed at following guidelines put out by the WH. Crowded bars stayed open. House parties continued. US specific Holidays led to outbreaks. We've had massive protests and political rallies both of which contribute to the spread. And an estimated 60% of our economy never shutdown. Lock downs worked, unfortunately not enough shut down. A 40% shutdown is a band-aid at best. 50% mask compliance didn't make a dent.


Sweden & the USA both have the highest death & infection rates per capita in the world. Nothing to be proud of.


"And so my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country."
-John F. Kennedy, Inaugural Address, January 20, 1961
I wish we could have this level of leadership back.
Edited by flyguyjake
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3 hours ago, Pratique said:


This and this are why we need rules. Americans are headstrong by nature.


I have seen people getting upset when some Covid-related restriction is interfering with what they consider "normal." When the government required the restriction, the customers could go pound sand. But without the restrictions, the restaurant employees have to explain that it is their "policy," and some people don't like that.


The solution might be to require restaurants to install barriers between tables. That is now required here in New Hampshire if restaurants want to run at 100% and don't have 6-foot separation. But whether the restaurants would be willing to install the barriers without a government mandate is an open question. Maybe yes, maybe no.

You’re full of restrictions and rules. Let the business police themselves. You don’t like it, don’t go. Simple. Be responsible for yourself. We do. SMH. 

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24 minutes ago, ALWAYS CRUZIN said:

My mistake. I thought you had a problem with them. I read you post wrong.

No worries.


5 minutes ago, Milwaukee Eight said:

You’re full of restrictions and rules. Let the business police themselves. You don’t like it, don’t go. Simple. Be responsible for yourself. We do. SMH. 

Chill out, you are taking my posts out of context.


By the way, I'm responsible for everyone: my family, my co-workers, my students, and everyone I come in contact with.

Edited by Pratique
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4 hours ago, cured said:

I am 100% in agreement on opening up...with masks.... They don't care about every other citizen, only themselves. 


+2. Not many Canadians posting on this topic (I think?), however if I may add my personal experience the past 6 months to this discussion.... Opening up with masks is exactly what we have had in the Vancouver area for months. I feel we are a success story.


Most of our economy is booming here locally. People are out all the time, and rarely do I see people not social distancing. Everyone waits for the store door to open and stands politely back until it's clear to proceed themselves. Walking on the sidewalk or down isles, everyone looks at each other, nods/says "hello" or "thank you", and avoids close proximity. I would guess minimum 95% of everyone in stores is mask compliant, and many venues will refuse entry if you do not wear one. On my recent drive/land trips hotels/tours/boats all required 100% usage of masks.. . I barely saw anyone not comply. Then again, we're Canadian, polite and obedient for the most part to most directives when they make sense. Our C19 contracted and death numbers are mega low.... and almost non-existent especially if you consider those numbers within age groups and senior homes. Moral of this story? Hate to say it this way, however those Americans that are not compliant should put their "constitutional rights" and political beliefs away for the time being, wear a mask everywhere to protect each other, and see how good your numbers could be after winter.


The population in BC is approx 5 million  ....  In the Vancouver area it's about 2.8 million

Total cases reported in the Vancouver area this entire 6month+ pandemic = 3,127 = 0.11% of Vancouver population

Total deaths in all of British Columbia this entire pandemic = 230 = 0.046% death rate




25 minutes ago, flyguyjake said:


Agreed. I posted S. Korea info even way back in March. They had it right from the get go.

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Just now, Milwaukee Eight said:

Give it a break. EVERYONE is going to die. How many deaths in SD below 70?

That's an interesting perspective.  It's true, everyone is going to die.  Is it therefore your argument that there should be no measures to save people's lives?  No treatments for cancers, no paramedics to road accidents, no intensive care units?  Or is it just people over a certain age?  eg 70 is the cut off - after that point, you've had enough life and you're of no value to society anymore, just a burden.  Do you also disapprove of other rules meant to save lives - like road rules, or food and drug safety standards?  Or is it simply a case of following the rules that keep you and your family safe but ignoring the rules that keep others safe ie every woman for herself?



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2 minutes ago, Hoopster95 said:

Not many Canadians posting on this topic (I think?), however if I may add my personal experience the past 6 months to this discussion.... Opening up with masks is exactly what we have had in the Vancouver area for months. I feel we are a success story.

I don't know what you guys are doing but it seems like it's working.


3 minutes ago, Hoopster95 said:

Then again, we're Canadian, polite and obedient for the most part to most directives when they make sense.

In these stressful times we need more kindness, courtesy and compassion, and less resistance and division. IMHO. I'm sure in Canada there are dissenters too. But we're all in this together, and it's a team effort from my perspective. Not everyone will agree on what to do. I don't know about you but this is my first pandemic and I realize that there is still a lot to learn and it will be collective learning not let-everyone-decide-for-themselves learning. We will not get it right every time but we can't stop trying. Cruising will not happen successfully unless everyone including the guests are willing to make a few sacrifices. There will be some new rules for better or for worse. I don't like it but if it gets me back on a ship then we'll find a way to make it work.

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