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International Travelers May Need to get Virus Vaccinations


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3 hours ago, mcrcruiser said:

That web cast on TheHighwire.com   did say that 1500 of those who received the shots had side effects . what also is somewhat of  concern is a  close relative in management at Walgreens told us that  all doctors who write perscriptions get  paid for each one they write 

 BTW it does modify  our DNA making us GMOs(genetically  modified organism )


1500 people out of 40,000 does not sound like a very high percentage to me??


Also, it is COMPLETELY WRONG that the vaccine will modify your DNA. From the CDC website:


FACT: Receiving an mRNA vaccine will not alter your DNA
mRNA stands for messenger ribonucleic acid and can most easily be described as instructions for how to make a protein or even just a piece of a protein. mRNA is not able to alter or modify a person’s genetic makeup (DNA). The mRNA from a COVID-19 vaccine never enter the nucleus of the cell, which is where our DNA are kept. This means the mRNA does not affect or interact with our DNA in any way. Instead, COVID-19 vaccines that use mRNA work with the body’s natural defenses to safely develop protection (immunity) to disease. 




I work for a company that manufactures vaccines, and I can assure you personally that this claim is absolute BUNK.


(I also stand with kazu regarding the statement on doctors getting paid to write prescriptions. That is illegal and it is not something that a physician would accept if s/he wants to keep practicing, nor is it something a pharma company would offer without fear of huge reprisals. Now is it possible that companies try to influence opinions of physicians to prescribe more of certain drugs -- yes. But they can only do it in ways that are legal, such as inviting them to a presentation of scientific information about the drug, etc.)


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2 hours ago, mcrcruiser said:

  There is a huge amounts  of money vin drugs  .  This is why many people here will buy drugs from Canadian pharmacies   . It is very well known that US patients pay the highest prices for drugs in the entire world   .So simply follow the money [which makes logical sense & every thing is a business when it comes to drugs 


 Does any one ,really any one truly believe that governments tell is the truth always ?

People always say that about drug prices and I am sure some designer drugs are expensive but my total cost to manage my chronic condition is $36 per year and I don’t have insurance nor receive any assistance.  Husband is on a very basic Medicare plan and he pays $0 per year for his medication 

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36 minutes ago, Mary229 said:

People always say that about drug prices and I am sure some designer drugs are expensive but my total cost to manage my chronic condition is $36 per year and I don’t have insurance nor receive any assistance.  Husband is on a very basic Medicare plan and he pays $0 per year for his medication 

Count yourself very fortunate.      We have full health insurance thru his employer where we pay approx. $400 a month for our portion of blue cross/blue shield insurance.    My DH is an organ transplant recipient and his out of pocket costs for all of his meds is about $500 a month (initial cost is something like $8000 to $9000 a month).    I don't consider that designer drugs -- they are anti-rejection meds, etc. 

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8 hours ago, mcrcruiser said:

That web cast on TheHighwire.com   did say that 1500 of those who received the shots had side effects . what also is somewhat of  concern is a  close relative in management at Walgreens told us that  all doctors who write perscriptions get  paid for each one they write 

 BTW it does modify  our DNA making us GMOs(genetically  modified organism )

Please explain what you meant by 


what also is somewhat of  concern is a  close relative in management at Walgreens told us that  all doctors who write perscriptions get  paid for each one they write 


which doctors?  Working for whom?  getting paid by whom?


I have been retired and out of the industry when I worked, but the last time I checked a company paying a physician for prescriptions, in most cases, is illegal in the US.  Kind of falls into the illegal kickback category.


For example


 it is illegal for a physician to receive remuneration for referring a patient for a service that will be paid in whole or in part by a federal health care program or for prescribing or recommending the purchase of a drug that will be paid in whole or in part by a federal health care program.


Many states have similar laws.

Edited by nocl
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1 hour ago, nocl said:

Please explain what you meant by 


what also is somewhat of  concern is a  close relative in management at Walgreens told us that  all doctors who write perscriptions get  paid for each one they write 


which doctors?  Working for whom?  getting paid by whom?


I have been retired and out of the industry when I worked, but the last time I checked a company paying a physician for prescriptions, in most cases, is illegal in the US.  Kind of falls into the illegal kickback category.


For example


 it is illegal for a physician to receive remuneration for referring a patient for a service that will be paid in whole or in part by a federal health care program or for prescribing or recommending the purchase of a drug that will be paid in whole or in part by a federal health care program.


Many states have similar laws.

This is the information as we know it

this is a mRNA vaccine; VERY different technology  (CRISPR - tech).

Using bacteria to produce bits of genetic code that will enter cells and modify your DNA

After taking the vaccine - you will technically be a GMO (genetically modified organism)

so, I could understand people having some trepidation with this


 About doctors getting paid for writing  perscriptions     .I am the messenger not the originator  .If any  thing  has illegality to it  then of course any one would be taking risk .Since I am not a attorney &  each states laws can also vary as well . plus ,I personally do not nor can any one else with out being   a attorney that practices in that area have final knowledge  So lets be fair about your questions & unless you are  an attorney that specializes in  this area of law & in a specific state ?  Yes there are many variables  . does any one think that every thing is  always following the letter of our laws when even elected officials break them  .The point I am making here there is smoke & perhaps fire but ,no one yet sees the fire 

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I really dislike anyone dissing a vaccine during a pandemic.  If you need advice  go to your primary care physician, not the internet.  It would be a true tragedy if internet scuttle, talking heads and crazed politicians created more havoc by discouraging people from being vaccinated.  

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mRNA is messenger RNA.  It transmits messages from DNA to protein producing organelles called ribosomes.  The ribosomes then bind specific amino acids together to form proteins.  The  vaccines that contain mRNA will NOT alter DNA within cells.  They will instruct the ribosomes to make a protein that will fight the invader Covid virus, much like what happens within our bodies on a regular basis as part of our immune response.  Claiming that the virus will modify our DNA is simply NOT true.   

Edited by snyderc635
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8 hours ago, nocl said:

I have been retired and out of the industry when I worked, but the last time I checked a company paying a physician for prescriptions, in most cases, is illegal in the US.  Kind of falls into the illegal kickback category.


For example


 it is illegal for a physician to receive remuneration for referring a patient for a service that will be paid in whole or in part by a federal health care program or for prescribing or recommending the purchase of a drug that will be paid in whole or in part by a federal health care program.


Many states have similar laws.

I suspect most fallacies have a grain of truth.  While reputable physicians will not get paid for writing prescriptions, neither do they give them out like candy.  I find it hard to imagine a physician writing a prescription without first evaluating the patient, and THAT is likely to have a fee.  I can see how someone with an axe  to grind could construe that with "getting paid to write the prescription" but that is at best a massive distortion of the truth.



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I worked as an RN for over 30 years and have watched the "vaccine" debate with interest. You will always have people who do not want to vaccinate for many reasons. Yes some will think of paybacks and so on. I will not tell you that that has never happened in the past (not that I have personally seen it) but in this case I truly do not think so. That said, before everyone jumps on the bandwagon for the vaccine, there are actual people who can not (or should not) receive it. I may be one of them due to underlying health issues and reactions with live or not live vaccines. I have been lucky to have never come down with most childhood diseases even though I could not be vaccinated against them. I have never had a flu vaccination (nor have I ever had the "flu" except several decades ago) so we rely on most everyone else who can safely get the vaccination to do so thereby protecting those of us who can not. We are in the early stages of this process. There will have to be schedules made up regarding who goes first and who should not receive it. There will be trial and error (yes that means "adverse reactions" for some) and in my opinion, everyone has to make up their own mind along with their health professional if the vaccine is right for them or not. I have been told that I am putting others lives at risk but not taking the vaccine. No actually I am putting mine at risk by taking it. But I am counting on most everyone else being able to safely get the vaccine. 

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There was a discussion (and links to news articles) previously in this thread about the IATA Travel pass. Here is the link to the actual IATA Web site for that information: https://www.iata.org/en/programs/passenger/travel-pass/


You might want to take a few minutes to look at this page. It is a top level overview of the program. It might impact you, if not in your cruise, then more likely in your flight arrangements.


There is actually only a small acknowledgement of vaccination certifications. Most of the discussion deals with testing lab registry, Lab results and data transfer.

In thinking about it, the complexity of dealing with the variety of destination & transportation requirements and consistency of quality of originating laboratories are phenomenal.


IMHO: Seems reasonable that the cruise industry might utilize this same (or similar) tool set.

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12 hours ago, mcrcruiser said:

This is the information as we know it

this is a mRNA vaccine; VERY different technology  (CRISPR - tech).

Using bacteria to produce bits of genetic code that will enter cells and modify your DNA

After taking the vaccine - you will technically be a GMO (genetically modified organism)

so, I could understand people having some trepidation with this


Did you simply decide to ignore my previous post?  


Do a Google search and you will find that virtually EVERY fact-checker site has debunked this (to put it politely) "myth".  Not to mention the CDC, the WHO, and various other reputable medical organizations.


You need to stop believing everything you read on Facebook.

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14 minutes ago, cruisemom42 said:


Did you simply decide to ignore my previous post?  


Do a Google search and you will find that virtually EVERY fact-checker site has debunked this (to put it politely) "myth".  Not to mention the CDC, the WHO, and various other reputable medical organizations.


You need to stop believing everything you read on Facebook.

I am not sure the individual in question is open to opposing ideas.

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16 minutes ago, cruisemom42 said:


Did you simply decide to ignore my previous post?  


Do a Google search and you will find that virtually EVERY fact-checker site has debunked this (to put it politely) "myth".  Not to mention the CDC, the WHO, and various other reputable medical organizations.


You need to stop believing everything you read on Facebook.

 No I did not ignore your  post  . so why flame the messenger ?  

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 Here is the truest statement on this thread :  One persons pleasure can be another persons  poison  .


  There is a whole lot we do not yet know about this covid virus . Even doctor Fauci waffles  from time to time 7 he is a expert in the field .


  The person above who is a nurse put it properly ,if you have doubts don;t take the vaccine  . 


 I am sure most people on this thread are younger than I am at 82   with underlying medical conditions  .My wife is 6 months younger with underlying medical conditions  .Most certainly ,we will not go to a CVS or a Walgreens to get the vaccine shots  before addressing the issue with our geriatric internist primary care doctor .


 What really concerns us is that   the  covid virus & the vaccines have been so politicized    via the  news channels  .Thus ,if every one  went through their medical professionals , we would all feel more safer .Just MVHO







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57 minutes ago, mcrcruiser said:

 imo the best way to learn is to listen to both sides & then draw a conclusion 

Agreed but it seems today everyone is so busy shouting they can’t listen.

Edited by KirkNC
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4 hours ago, iancal said:

I believe that DW and I will simply follow the advice of our physician and the pandemic health experts in our community.

Today ,Dec 9 ,2020 We just spoke with our doctors office .  Thre person answering the phone claims they know nothing about the vaccine  & it's effects . We will make a appointment with the doctor to sit down & with our charts ask him about any  health complications if we take the vaccine shots .Our understanding is that the vaccines will be free & will be distributed to the public by pharmacists  at both CVS & Walgreens drug stores through out  the USA   .Imo this is a big mistake  Any type of medication should be administered by a licensed physician  & not a pharmacy  tech .Reason is who takes the liability if some thing goes wrong  ?  

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13 minutes ago, mcrcruiser said:

Today ,Dec 9 ,2020 We just spoke with our doctors office .  Thre person answering the phone claims they know nothing about the vaccine  & it's effects . We will make a appointment with the doctor to sit down & with our charts ask him about any  health complications if we take the vaccine shots .Our understanding is that the vaccines will be free & will be distributed to the public by pharmacists  at both CVS & Walgreens drug stores through out  the USA   .Imo this is a big mistake  Any type of medication should be administered by a licensed physician  & not a pharmacy  tech .Reason is who takes the liability if some thing goes wrong  ?  

I respectfully disagree.  Several years ago a careful decision was made to allow trained pharmacists to administer vaccines.  One previous problem was that many key vaccines have limited shelf life and our generally distributed in multi-dose containers.  Once activated these vaccines must be used in a relatively short period of time which does not work for many physician's offices.   Our own family physician is part of a major medical system (including hospitals) but we still get most of our "shots" at the local CVS.  Rather then having to make an appointment with our physician, usually pay for a visit, etc.  we simply go to our local CVS and get the shot in a few minutes.  Nearly all of our shots are covered by insurance so there is no charge.    Having vaccines available through pharmacies makes it easier for most folks and has improved distribution and participation.  The Modern and Pfizer vaccines both require special freezers which are not practical at most physicians officers unless they would be a huge group practice that could give out dozens of vaccines per day.  Once brought to room temperature both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines have very short shelf lives.


As to liability, that is such an American thing.  You can simply not get a vaccine. perhaps die or become very sick because of your decision, and then I guess you can sue yourself for a bad decision.  If your physician gives you a vaccine he/she is not going to lose a liable suit since they are simply following the Standard of Medical Practice (SMP).   Many folks do not have a normal physician and making it easy to get vaccinations is a good thing because otherwise, these folks would not even consider getting a vaccine.  For them it means going to some kind of community clinic and probably waiting for hours just to see a physician (for which the taxpayer pays money) and get a shot...assuming that clinic has the ability to even store that vaccine.


By the way, nothing is stopping you from making an appointment with your own physician (however long that takes) going to his/her office, and discussing the COVID vaccines.  This might cost you at least $100 (or your insurance company will pay something less) and then your physician can give you a prescription to go get that shot at a distribution center (probably a pharmacy).  This is no different then when you bet a script for any drug and pick it up at a pharmacy.  



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I believe that before long we will have lots of ACCURATE AND RELIABLE information available and easily accessed on the web.  I also have no doubt that as we move along the spectrum over the next few months more will be known to the public.


Not surprised that family physicians do not have the data at this moment.   I certainly would not expect our physician to have it.    One could hardly expect them to given that the vaccine is only now being approved at the country level.

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