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Will P&O now delay announcements for future cruise pauses?


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Tomorrow’s Daily Mail revealing what they believe will be the beginning of the roadmap as it affects tourism and leisure;


Easter - Reopening limited to self catered holiday let’s and larger hotels

May - Restaurants and Pubs open with two household indoors and rule of 6 outdoors

June - Venues will be allowed to expand to rule of 6 outdoors 

July - Leisure and UK tourism will be ‘broadly’ back to normal 



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34 minutes ago, Dermotsgirl said:

Some mutations are more successful than others, like the Kent variant, because they are so infectious. We now have the vaccine which is good, but we also have more infectious variants which is bad. As travel drives infections, it is unlikely to be permitted this year, because, as you say, transmission needs to be kept low.


it’s a precarious situation. Maybe, an ultra cautious approach this year might pay dividends for next year onwards

The more transmissible Kent variant might just be our saving grace. Whilst we've got that, the SA variant will find it difficult to take off here. And we know our vaccines are effective against the Kent variant but not quite so good with the SA one. 

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19 minutes ago, Selbourne said:

Tomorrow’s Daily Mail revealing what they believe will be the beginning of the roadmap as it affects tourism and leisure;




Anyone got the salt 🙂



Seriously Boris did say at the last briefing that the decision had not been made and I doubt it has now.  There will be stages as we all know but not so sure I see the "broadly back to normal" by July.


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3 hours ago, terrierjohn said:

Not really, unless you are assuming the NHS will not be able to continue their present performance.


The NHS has been wonderful, but I wonder how long it could continue its present performance. Staff are already worn out and I read something last week about how the whole extraordinary effort is likely to take its toll in terms of fatigue, burnout etc. I don’t know whether or not staff have been postponing leave but it does make you wonder about the long term wellbeing consequences. 

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3 hours ago, Ardennais said:

The NHS has been wonderful, but I wonder how long it could continue its present performance. Staff are already worn out and I read something last week about how the whole extraordinary effort is likely to take its toll in terms of fatigue, burnout etc. I don’t know whether or not staff have been postponing leave but it does make you wonder about the long term wellbeing consequences. 

Thank you for highlighting that fact Ardennais. Fatigue and burnout are of real concern. The GP vaccine hub to which I am attached has worked tirelessly, for 7/7 since vaccinating started. It's a bloody hard slog! Staff are having to be persuaded to take a couple of days annual leave here and there but are reluctant to do so for fear of letting their colleagues down. Initially this drive started as a real " come on, we can do this,  we're all in this together" spirit but although that willingness is still there, the bodies are starting to encounter problems. You can see fatigue creeping in, the smiles are not so ready, we are in a state of high alert all the time wondering if we're getting our vaccine drop, which group of patients are we allowed to call, how do we make proper time to sit with colleagues who have lost loved ones, please God don't let anyone go sick today - hence I am up at 5am posting instead of sleeping! But all this is nothing compared to those friends and colleagues who have seen and encountered real trauma, day in, day out, on the hospital wards. They are the ones we really feel for - our tiredness is a drop in the ocean compared to their exhaustion.


So the news from my very small front line today is that we have no vaccine.


No vaccine drop this week and no vaccine clinics booked until - who knows - next week probably. So the good news is we all have a weekend off unless we get told otherwise; and the bad news is we all feel guilty for that fact! 


Now I'll probably make you all feel really depressed when you read this but I feel strangely better for writing it so bear with me and thanks for all your lovely messages of support and encouragement. Rest assured we will get to you all as soon as is humanly possible.


Have a good day everyone.


Best wishes.


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59 minutes ago, Beckett said:

Thank you for highlighting that fact Ardennais. Fatigue and burnout are of real concern. The GP vaccine hub to which I am attached has worked tirelessly, for 7/7 since vaccinating started. It's a bloody hard slog! Staff are having to be persuaded to take a couple of days annual leave here and there but are reluctant to do so for fear of letting their colleagues down. Initially this drive started as a real " come on, we can do this,  we're all in this together" spirit but although that willingness is still there, the bodies are starting to encounter problems. You can see fatigue creeping in, the smiles are not so ready, we are in a state of high alert all the time wondering if we're getting our vaccine drop, which group of patients are we allowed to call, how do we make proper time to sit with colleagues who have lost loved ones, please God don't let anyone go sick today - hence I am up at 5am posting instead of sleeping! But all this is nothing compared to those friends and colleagues who have seen and encountered real trauma, day in, day out, on the hospital wards. They are the ones we really feel for - our tiredness is a drop in the ocean compared to their exhaustion.


So the news from my very small front line today is that we have no vaccine.


No vaccine drop this week and no vaccine clinics booked until - who knows - next week probably. So the good news is we all have a weekend off unless we get told otherwise; and the bad news is we all feel guilty for that fact! 


Now I'll probably make you all feel really depressed when you read this but I feel strangely better for writing it so bear with me and thanks for all your lovely messages of support and encouragement. Rest assured we will get to you all as soon as is humanly possible.


Have a good day everyone.


Best wishes.


Hi Jane. Writing things down is extremely therapeutic and as the saying goes “a problem halved is a problem halved” so with all the lovely CC members reading your post you will hopefully soon feel less stressed.

It is sad to hear no vaccines for your hub this week, but if it gives you all a much needed break for a few days then it may be worth it. The government said supply would be “lumpy” at times so hopefully this is all that it is.

Thank you for everything you are doing and I always enjoy reading your enlightening posts.

Take care of yourself.

Gill x


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1 hour ago, Beckett said:

Thank you for highlighting that fact Ardennais. Fatigue and burnout are of real concern. The GP vaccine hub to which I am attached has worked tirelessly, for 7/7 since vaccinating started. It's a bloody hard slog! Staff are having to be persuaded to take a couple of days annual leave here and there but are reluctant to do so for fear of letting their colleagues down. Initially this drive started as a real " come on, we can do this,  we're all in this together" spirit but although that willingness is still there, the bodies are starting to encounter problems. You can see fatigue creeping in, the smiles are not so ready, we are in a state of high alert all the time wondering if we're getting our vaccine drop, which group of patients are we allowed to call, how do we make proper time to sit with colleagues who have lost loved ones, please God don't let anyone go sick today - hence I am up at 5am posting instead of sleeping! But all this is nothing compared to those friends and colleagues who have seen and encountered real trauma, day in, day out, on the hospital wards. They are the ones we really feel for - our tiredness is a drop in the ocean compared to their exhaustion.


So the news from my very small front line today is that we have no vaccine.


No vaccine drop this week and no vaccine clinics booked until - who knows - next week probably. So the good news is we all have a weekend off unless we get told otherwise; and the bad news is we all feel guilty for that fact! 


Now I'll probably make you all feel really depressed when you read this but I feel strangely better for writing it so bear with me and thanks for all your lovely messages of support and encouragement. Rest assured we will get to you all as soon as is humanly possible.


Have a good day everyone.


Best wishes.


Jane, I am sure that I speak for everyone else when I say that we owe a great debt to you and your colleagues.  I can't imagine how you are all managing to carry on for so long under so much pressure.  I can only pray that things will start to get better now that the vaccine is being distributed.  I hope that you get a vaccine drop very soon.

Take care and remember so many of us are in awe of you and your amazing colleagues 💖💖

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36 minutes ago, Josy1953 said:

Jane, I am sure that I speak for everyone else when I say that we owe a great debt to you and your colleagues.  I can't imagine how you are all managing to carry on for so long under so much pressure.  I can only pray that things will start to get better now that the vaccine is being distributed.  I hope that you get a vaccine drop very soon.

Take care and remember so many of us are in awe of you and your amazing colleagues 💖💖

I agree with every word of this. Thank you to all the key workers, you are fantastic 



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2 hours ago, Beckett said:



Now I'll probably make you all feel really depressed when you read this but I feel strangely better for writing it so bear with me and thanks for all your lovely messages of support and encouragement. Rest assured we will get to you all as soon as is humanly possible.


Have a good day everyone.


Best wishes.



Morning Jane , keep your chin up lass ,your doing us all proud in what is 

very stressful circumstances, on the jab line/front line /supply line  or any 

other NHS line, we would be at a loss without you all . Am I just saying this

to make you guys all feel better ? No ! Look at our Jab figures world wide 

and you are amongst the best, top elite jabbers . You and your mates did

that, be proud ,very proud as we all are of you all.:classic_smile:

Never ,ever feel you are letting us down , you are not and if you do get a

weekend off then please try and relax and enjoy your time off ,you deserve it.

I had a job where it was stressful and not easy to switch off so I know how

you will be feeling if you do get the weekend off, just try to relax .

Sending you Guys some never ending Hugs just to let you know that we do 

care and appreciate what you do for us all . Take Care and stay safe :classic_love:



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Jane, your posts have been invaluable,  both to give us an insight into the process and to share the story of the people making it happen.


You and your colleagues have been working under enormous pressure for a long time, and that level of pressure is not sustainable.


Hopefully the vaccine will improve the situation and it’s up to all of us to play our part and keep to the rules. If this means no foreign holidays for a year, it really isn’t that much of a sacrifice 




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8 hours ago, tring said:


Anyone got the salt 🙂



Seriously Boris did say at the last briefing that the decision had not been made and I doubt it has now.  There will be stages as we all know but not so sure I see the "broadly back to normal" by July.


The information to make the decisions is not forthcoming yet and it was said at the last press briefing that it will be 'a few weeks' yet. I interpret 'a few weeks' as more than 2 and less than 10, was end of March mentioned as when sufficient data will be available? Then we have the problem of variants of concern popping up all over the country and their possible effect on the vaccine efficacy etc.


Is the press by publishing the road map actually trying to pressurise the government into making decisions that the press or their readers/backers want rather than the right decisions. The primeval instinct to vomit all over the Costas is strong. Take the CRG for instance, somewhat similar to the ERG apparently, basically a group considerably to the right of Genghis Kahn!

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10 minutes ago, davecttr said:

The information to make the decisions is not forthcoming yet and it was said at the last press briefing that it will be 'a few weeks' yet. I interpret 'a few weeks' as more than 2 and less than 10, was end of March mentioned as when sufficient data will be available? Then we have the problem of variants of concern popping up all over the country and their possible effect on the vaccine efficacy etc.


Is the press by publishing the road map actually trying to pressurise the government into making decisions that the press or their readers/backers want rather than the right decisions. The primeval instinct to vomit all over the Costas is strong. Take the CRG for instance, somewhat similar to the ERG apparently, basically a group considerably to the right of Genghis Kahn!

Whilst I can understand the reluctance by the government to allow foreign holidays, it is entirely right that a schedule regarding opening up of hospitality venues, hotels etc, is released as soon as possible.

Millions of people (many of them low paid or in zero hour contracts) are struggling to make ends meet at present, as their places of employment are currently shut. As an economic necessity, these people need to be re-employed as soon as possible. The economy cannot continue to stagger on for another 6 months.   


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Many thanks Jane and the many thousands who are getting these vaccinations to us to save lives.


There is obviously a supply problem. Our surgery and others in surrounding towns are reporting no vaccine so far this week. Will Boris and Co. come clean if it is a real problem or is it just a bump in the road ? Let's hope that it is the latter.


To everyone waiting their turn, I hope it comes very soon.

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9 minutes ago, wowzz said:

Whilst I can understand the reluctance by the government to allow foreign holidays, it is entirely right that a schedule regarding opening up of hospitality venues, hotels etc, is released as soon as possible.

Millions of people (many of them low paid or in zero hour contracts) are struggling to make ends meet at present, as their places of employment are currently shut. As an economic necessity, these people need to be re-employed as soon as possible. The economy cannot continue to stagger on for another 6 months.   


That outcome is in the hands of the virus despite it not having a brain. It could easily throw us a curve ball so we have to dig in. I agree about the desire to get people back to work but doing that too soon is dangerous.


as reported elsewhere the 6 tests are


Infections rates - below 1000 per day - reported in the Telegraph

Number in hospital - 2,801 last 4 July at end of last lockdown

Deaths - average of 43 per day last July

R-Rate - 0.7 to 0.9 from May to July last year, started increasing at end of July

Impact of Vaccinations - too early to tell, reductions are mixture of lockdown and vaccine

Effect of new variants - too early to tell

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10 hours ago, Selbourne said:

Tomorrow’s Daily Mail revealing what they believe will be the beginning of the roadmap as it affects tourism and leisure;


Easter - Reopening limited to self catered holiday let’s and larger hotels

May - Restaurants and Pubs open with two household indoors and rule of 6 outdoors

June - Venues will be allowed to expand to rule of 6 outdoors 

July - Leisure and UK tourism will be ‘broadly’ back to normal 



It’s the Daily Mail, enough said.

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please take the time to rest and recover. It's really important that you and your colleagues take any time off you can to protect your physical and mental health so you can all comeback strong and continue to look after us all. Take care


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18 minutes ago, bobstheboy said:

Many thanks Jane and the many thousands who are getting these vaccinations to us to save lives.


There is obviously a supply problem. Our surgery and others in surrounding towns are reporting no vaccine so far this week. Will Boris and Co. come clean if it is a real problem or is it just a bump in the road ? Let's hope that it is the latter.


To everyone waiting their turn, I hope it comes very soon.

I think it was reported some time ago that there would be restrictions on vaccine supply in late February as delivery is a batch process, not a smooth delivery. They may be reserving vaccine for the 2nd doses as well, maybe made more complicated by the take up of the first dose so far has been higher than the 70% they estimated. does 250,000 to 300,000 daily first doses get us to all the over 50's by May as promised?

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Just now, davecttr said:

That outcome is in the hands of the virus despite it not having a brain. It could easily throw us a curve ball so we have to dig in. I agree about the desire to get people back to work but doing that too soon is dangerous.


as reported elsewhere the 6 tests are


Infections rates - below 1000 per day - reported in the Telegraph

Number in hospital - 2,801 last 4 July at end of last lockdown

Deaths - average of 43 per day last July

R-Rate - 0.7 to 0.9 from May to July last year, started increasing at end of July

Impact of Vaccinations - too early to tell, reductions are mixture of lockdown and vaccine

Effect of new variants - too early to tell

All of which are unlikely to be achieved this summer. 

So what do we do? Just stay locked down for ever?

With a mixture of vaccinations and social distancing,  masks etc, a certain risk level is acceptable,  especially as the most vulnerable should be protected within the next few months.

A further 9 months of lockdown will lead to a greater economic catastrophe than the Great Depression.

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Just now, davecttr said:

I think it was reported some time ago that there would be restrictions on vaccine supply in late February as delivery is a batch process, not a smooth delivery. They may be reserving vaccine for the 2nd doses as well, maybe made more complicated by the take up of the first dose so far has been higher than the 70% they estimated. does 250,000 to 300,000 daily first doses get us to all the over 50's by May as promised?

I think it was Prof Whitby, certainly one of the podium gang, who said last week that they have reserved 2nd doses for all who have had 1st

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1 minute ago, Eddie99 said:

Newspapers!  Behave as though they own us and have the right to control us.

This situation needs careful thought and expert knowledge - not flipping hacks

Although it is a well known political practice for future possible plans to be leaked to journalists for publication, so as to see what the public response will be.

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Just now, Eddie99 said:

Newspapers!  Behave as though they own us and have the right to control us.

This situation needs careful thought and expert knowledge - not flipping hacks

It is said that people read the newspaper that reinforces their own world view. Amusingly if you want a comprehensive overview on British politics read The Spectator and The New Statesman, also Private Eye to find out what is really going on 😉

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1 minute ago, Eddie99 said:

I think it was Prof Whitby, certainly one of the podium gang, who said last week that they have reserved 2nd doses for all who have had 1st

Well, as 15 million of us have now had the first dose, that means that he needs to find another 13 million doses over the next couple of months! 

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1 minute ago, Snow Hill said:

It’s the Daily Mail, enough said.

I don’t read the Daily Mail, but my take on it is that the information could be one of three things;


1) Pure speculation

2) What the Mail thinks should happen, published to pressure the government into adopting it.

3) The result of a selective government leak, to assess public reaction prior to making it official next week.


My money is on option 3! Governments of all colours adopt this approach, especially with things being considered for Budgets. Release their thoughts to a ‘supportive’ newspaper to gauge public opinion. Scrap or modify the plan if it goes down badly. Adopt if it goes down well. 

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2 minutes ago, Eddie99 said:

I think it was Prof Whitby, certainly one of the podium gang, who said last week that they have reserved 2nd doses for all who have had 1st

But is that reserved on paper or in a cold store?

I tend to think reserved on paper otherwise why do we now wait 12 weeks for the second jab and not the original 4?

Yes I know it also concerns capacity in the centers as well as supply.

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