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The Daily for Friday Jan 29, 2021


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Good morning all!

What a great collection of days.  

Funny about being Puzzle Day, DH and I finished our 500 piece puzzles (Yellowstone for me, US National Parks for him)  and they're decoupaged and ready to frame.  And today (puzzle day) I'm ordering some new ones for us -- The World (for me) and Cinque Terre (for him).  I guess we're trying to get our travel fix with destination puzzles lol.


Many days can be curmudgeon day at our house, and I've never owned a wig, big or otherwise. 😁

The Italian Beef Hoagies sound really good, but we just had steak last night.  Not sure what we'll have tonight.


@doobiebbest wishes for nothing more than the mild symptoms for your DGS and DD and that you remain healthy.


We need to get in the habit of double masking -- we certainly have enough masks to do so, just need to remember and change our habits.  



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Chilly here this morning and it looks like snow even though they have taken it out of the forecast. We will see. My neighbor was up bright and early this morning to do the shopping for us both.... she delivered my groceries to me at 8:15. She says she beats the crowds that way. I had just gotten back to the house from the dog walk. I will be so glad when I can go to the store and pick out my produce even though she does a good job for me. Far better than having the store staff pick it out.


I am scheduled for my covid shot on Wednesday morning.... and snow is predicted. Hope it gives us a miss or is light. I have my route plotted to avoid a couple of steep hills. Now all I can do is wait.....


Today's projects include working on the taxes some more (I am really slow about getting things together) and clearing out my spice shelf. And maybe I will celebrate puzzle day by getting out a jigsaw puzzle I have had for years but have never put together. And of course, I will be dog walking and dog walking and dog walking. Tonight's supper will be salmon.... I make it with a glaze of honey and sweet curry.


Have a great day all.





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5 hours ago, doobieb said:


DGS and DD  visited after 35 days and that same evening they tested positive, so we are quarantined. Caregivers for my 96 yr old DM can’t come as well as home health workers. 14 days seem like a loooong time! Lots of puzzle time.  Thankfully no symptoms here so far and the DD and DGS are having mild symptoms.

Thanks for the smile each morning. 

Double masks. Don’t stop being careful. (message to myself!)

Oh no! Thinking of you, and hoping at the end of quarantine the past 14 days will be nothing more serious than time well wasted!

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Today's sunrise is from one year ago, on what should have been a 2-ship (plus Amtrak) circumnavigation of the globe.  On January 29, Crystal Serenity was still on the way to her first port of call:





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Good morning, all! puzzle Day takes it here - DH has just unboxed a new one this morning. We’ve done quite a few, and will be hitting up the strata’s puzzle exchange soon. Dinner will be meatloaf tonight, so that’s set. I love a good Bellini. @cat shepard- that wine! What more can a girl ask than a wine that tastes like burnt meat in a gravel pit? How refreshing!😏

The sun is out today! Luckily the puzzle room is nice and bright with big windows. Our walk today should be enjoyable with no rain lots of sun.

Meanwhile, Happy Friday from the elevator mats of the Amsterdam. A year ago she was taking us down towards Antarctica.



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Good morning from a cloudy, dreary southwest Arizona.  Hope these clouds mean more rain as we can use all we can get to end this drought.  Our highs are supposed to be in the upper 50sF.


I like jigsaw puzzles, but haven’t done one in a couple of years  I do a crossword puzzle everyday, but not sudoku.


Dinner will be chicken fried steak (in the air fryer), mashed potatoes, gravy, salad and wine.  It’s a good comfort food for a cool,  dreary day.  Right now, I’m not suffering from “novinophobia”.  🍷😀


@doobieb  Hope your DGS and DD continue to have mild symptoms and recover quickly and that you remain virus free.



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32 minutes ago, Horizon chaser 1957 said:

Oh no! Thinking of you, and hoping at the end of quarantine the past 14 days will be nothing more serious than time well wasted!

Thanks. 14 days of quarantine seems like nothing compared to what others are dealing with. We have puzzles(!), fairly warm weather, and You Tube TV. Lucky indeed.


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Thanks for the Daily, Rich and our afternoon smile 🙂 


There’s too many Big Wigs out there so I won’t celebrate that 😉   I think some of us are Curmudgeons most days during the pandemic and lots of people feel this way at times:




Love the old proverb and the meal suggestion.  Too late for the slow cooker so we’ll have the rotisserie chicken I picked up today.   Would love a good Bellini preferably in a lovely outdoor spot in Europe 😉 


@doobieb our prayers and good wishes are with you.


Does anyone missing cruises find themselves feeling like this?




Oh well, in the meantime we can focus on our culinary ideas and skills:




I hope I am not jinx myself by saying this but we got some good news.  DH’s nephew has improved.  His niece is sure that the medication he suggested played a role.  If he continues at this rate, he’ll be released from the hospital in a few days.  I hope that is the case 🤞 


Prayers for everyone on Roy’s Care list & for those that need them and a toast to everyone on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.


Have a great TGIF everyone!!!  Stay safe and please don’t forget your masks 😷 



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Good afternoon Dailyites.

I like puzzles, mainly crosswords and jigsaws. Curmudgeons can be ok, but not fond of big wigs.

I think chicken soup for dinner. Maybe I'll make some corn muffins to go with it.

It's freezing here! Snow Sunday night, 3"-7".

My hair is getting out of hand - it's hard with short hair. I used to get haircuts every 5 weeks. It's been almost 4 months. But I'm not going, especially with the variants out there.


@doobieb Sorry to hear that. Ugh on the quarantine, but it's necessary. I hope you stay ok and your family's symptoms stay mild.

@cat shepard Take it easy.

@kazu Good news indeed!


Prayers to the Care List and cheers to the Celebration list.

Stay safe, social distance and wear your double mask!

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Back from the grocery store, the checker and I laughed about how grocery shopping is now considered the excitement for the week, or  even for the month.  So sorry, @doobieb, about your Covid exposure and that family members have it, and I hope you have an uneventful quarantine!  


We have a delivery of two recliners for TV watching today, and also someone coming to see the sofa that the two chairs will be replacing.  Pat has been having back problems, and wanted something with more support, so who am I to say him nay - but I will miss my sofa, I doubt I will be able to have the occasional nap in a chair.  I also sort stamps all over the sofa when he's not looking,  I imagine I will have to use the sofa in the living room for that from now on.  I am very sad about the whole thing, but his back comes first....

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Good Morning All!

Interesting set of days. Did my first jigsaw puzzle in 20 some years a few weeks ago. I really enjoyed how it made my head unwind. Today’s puzzle for me is what to do with the remainder of the garage.🧐 Have spent the last several days sorting, re-homing and disposing. We actually have some empty shelves now. I’d really like to build one more set of hefty 2x4 shelves and ditch the wonky metal shelves. DH voted against it, but I already have the majority of the materials ( I planned out the cuts when I bought the plywood from Home Depot 🤫).


@kazu Love the cartoons. 

@JazzyV I’m in the same hair boat as I put off my cut scheduled before Christmas. Just ordered wire curlers from Amazon, thinking I’ll figure it out. Now am second guessing that one, as I have never been able to wind hair on rollers. Never.


We’re loving our warming drawer. It has a slow cooker function, so will not be needing some of our crockpots. 



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Thanks for The Daily! Puzzles = 😍.  At the beginning of all of this, I carefully printed the newspaper's Sudoku for DH and the crossword puzzle for me.  By May we were less anxious for our puzzle fix and by Autumn, I had placed a fall-themed jigsaw puzzle on our "puzzle" table.  After moving the unopened box around on the table,  I replaced it with a Winter-themed puzzle which we have yet to explore.   I'd like to say that I'm too busy for puzzle working?!

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6 hours ago, doobieb said:

National Puzzle Day! That is perfect. Our home is overflowing with jigsaw puzzles dropped off by friends who want them out of their homes. We must have finished 20 or more these past months after not doing one for many years.

I would love a Bellini as I work on a puzzle. 

DGS and DD  visited after 35 days and that same evening they tested positive, so we are quarantined. Caregivers for my 96 yr old DM can’t come as well as home health workers. 14 days seem like a loooong time! Lots of puzzle time.  Thankfully no symptoms here so far and the DD and DGS are having mild symptoms.

Thanks for the smile each morning. 

Double masks. Don’t stop being careful. (message to myself!)

Take care.  Doing puzzles will keep you busy.🤣  Praying everyone  affected.


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2 hours ago, durangoscots said:

I am scheduled for my covid shot on Wednesday morning.... and snow is predicted. Hope it gives us a miss or is light. I have my route plotted to avoid a couple of steep hills. Now all I can do is wait....

I'm scheduled for Monday.  It's about 3 years since we've had a significant snow but it's due Sunday night.  Wishing for the best for both of us.



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Just got back from my  second  Covid  shot. It took a little  longer this time as it seemed  many people  went early  and there was a bit  of  a  backup . We were in our car though  and  the temperature  was a very pleasant  70F, the park location  was excellent . Once again  the whole  process  was extremely  well organized .

I'm  now going  to  make some homemade  chicken  soup to have  on hand  over the weekend  just  in case we get a reaction  to  this shot. Neither  of us had any reaction  to  the  first  shot.

Good luck  to  everyone  with upcoming  appointments. 

Looking  forward  to  be able  to  cruise  again.



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Happy Friday to everyone.  I love most kinds of puzzles, and since I am a numbers gal, I have to make myself do some word puzzles just to keep things balanced out.  I have a jigsaw puzzle app on my i-pad because I don't have a good table with a bright enough light to put out a real puzzle.  I like the ones on the i-pad, but they can be very addicting, because they make a little sound when the piece fits.  My favorites are of old cities with great skylines and interesting storefronts, flowers and rivers.


Have a great weekend, and keep the reports coming in of vaccinations.  Sending prayers to all you dear people.




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1 hour ago, rafinmd said:

I'm scheduled for Monday.  It's about 3 years since we've had a significant snow but it's due Sunday night.  Wishing for the best for both of us.




Good luck to both you and @durangoscots

It sounds like there is a serious one coming.  Hope you both miss out 🤞 & have no problem getting your shots.

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I have enjoyed so many of the contributions from the various Dailyites since I discovered this conversation a few weeks ago.  I am not a "birder" but I do enjoy nature, and the various pictures and stories posted in these conversations have encourage me to make a contribution.


There is a fair amount of bird life in our patch.  No bald eagles, but, occasionally, we will see a roadrunner.  I saw a nature program on TV a few months ago that had some interesting information on roadrunners.  They prey on snakes--including rattlers.  I had no idea.


But I really wanted to talk about the local hummingbirds.  Hummingbirds are fairly common throughout Southern California.  For as long as we have lived here, Mrs. XBGuy has had a hummingbird feeder in the back yard.  It seemed that hummingbirds were VERY territorial.  They don't like to share.  If one was feeding, and another approached, the feeding halted and an aerial scrum ensued.  In a few minutes the dominant one would return and take some sips until the next challenger appeared.


Last summer, there was a very noticeable change in behavior.  It is unclear what caused this change.  Mrs. XBGuy had not changed her recipe for the juice.  A backlash against the social distancing protocol?


I took this pic of the feeder, which is just outside our slider, late yesterday afternoon.





Notice they are, also, not wearing masks.  I suspect this is another group of pandemic deniers.  At least their group dining is outdoors.

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@doobieb, hope your quarantine goes by quickly and totally asymptomatic!  Also, wishing the best for your family.


Had to laugh, as we call my oldest step-son a "curmudgeon". In his early 60's and totally gripes about everything and has a contrary opinion about all in life.  Wish he would get a better outlook on life.


Bright sunny day with no outlook for any more moisture.  Tried something new today--went to the grocery store hungry and all I could think of was getting out of there.  So, for me it works.  My step-daughter feels that she spends more if she goes when she is hungry.


Two more weeks till my second shot.  Then I will be most anxious to start "planning" some sort of travel.  However, feel it will be dependent on others being vaccinated.  I am now even wondering if any cruising will be able to re-start during 2021.  Enough of my downer thoughts!


Have a great day everyone.

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41 minutes ago, TheKingD said:

I like the ones on the i-pad, but they can be very addicting, because they make a little sound when the piece fits.  My favorites are of old cities with great skylines and interesting storefronts, flowers and rivers.

Do you do the Jigzone ones?  I love them (and the sound when the piece fits) 😉  My favorites are the mosaics. 

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@Cruising-along, I don't know the Jigzone ones - I'll have to look that up.  I am at my office now so I'm not sure what mine is, and I also like the mosaics.  My least favorites are plates of salad or cheese or other food.


@XBGuy, I am so envious of the hummingbirds all at the feeder together.  Our birds have gone away for the winter, but before they left, they were definitely territorial.  Maybe when they come back in the spring, they will be pandemic deniers like yours!

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22 minutes ago, XBGuy said:





I took this pic of the feeder, which is just outside our slider, late yesterday afternoon.





Notice they are, also, not wearing masks.  I suspect this is another group of pandemic deniers.  At least their group dining is outdoors.

Love this photo of your hummingbirds. There is only one time I have seen numerous hummers at one feeder and that was in Sedona, Az. while they were having a National Hummingbird Convention.  (for real people)

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