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The Daily for Thursday September 16, 2021


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Good afternoon Everyone!

        Would love to visit Australia one day, will keep it on the bucket list!

Busy morning today, got my mammogram done...............ladies just do it!  It just takes a few minutes and is not that uncomfortable.  I lost a friend and colleague last week due to breast cancer.

        Then went off to the hardware store and got some shelving for my barn,  moving some barn stuff to the shelf so we can put up a dog kennel.  Holly dog is pretty well behaved, but during "school" hours we have her brother Biscuit here.  They are fine and play well together until like kids they start "fighting" over a toy or stick, then somebody has to go to time out for a bit.  They are 10 months old so still puppies, and busy!

       I collect rocks occasionally, I have some pieces of petrified wood out with my flower pots.  I do have a small rock on my desk that appears to have some "fossilized" figures in it, found it out on our place, it is interesting and the Grands like looking at it.

       Hope everyone is doing well, we are still trying to think of when we can cruise again, have several ideas but hesitant to book anything at the moment.

Take Care


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1 hour ago, kazu said:


Thanks Sharon - much appreciated.  It doesn’t sound terribly appealing.  I preferred the old ones they had where you could basically get what suited.  

I’m sure if I had just asked for champagne they would have done that but I thought what the heck. We had the drink package as part of the HIA so it didn’t really matter if I had a coupon or not.  😉

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Good Afternoon!


Busy day today, but finally able to settle down and catch up.  Thanks to everyone for all the contributions.  Healing hugs for those on the care list and cheers to those celebrating.


We were in Cairns February 22-24, 2010.  This was the starting point for our 10th anniversary land tour of Australia and New Zealand.


We also did the Kuranda Railway so won't show any pics of that; however, we did see Barron Falls in all it's glory.





We took the sky tram (?) to Tjapukai Aboriginal Cultural Park where we saw a demonstration of how it was back in the day.







Part of the demonstration was how to start fire with sticks









Of course, there was lots of singing, music and dancing as well.


The next day we took a catamaran out to the Great Barrier Reef for snorkeling.  (Next post)

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February 24, 2010 - Great Barrier snorkeling (from Cairns).




Our "ship" 🙃



The underwater viewing "sub"



This was before I had an underwater camera, so all the following pictures of the reef were taken from the "sub"











Heading back to Cairns



Next post will be our dinner that evening at the "night market"

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2 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily.

I salute the American Legion. I've collected a few rocks in my travels. Step families are great; lots of blended families these days. 

Love the quote.

I'll pass on the meal (fish), drink and wine today. I'll take Roy's meal instead.

I have been to Australia, but not Cairns. Thanks for the pictures.


After rain most of yesterday, it's nice here today. Sadly our Covid numbers keep going up; 574 new cases in the county in the last 24 hours. There may be a mask mandate coming soon.


@rafinmd Safe travels. Enjoy the reunion.

@mamaofami Hoping Sam is released today. Good luck with the podiatry issue.

@cat shepard It sounds like the knee is coming along. One of my issues from steroids for the eye is muscle tone loss; it's hard to get up without using my arms. PT starting next week should help. Cool pictures!

@kazu Good news about your BF's DH. And I hope Jose is feeling better today.

@St. Louis Sal Sorry to hear of DH's fall; thankfully nothing broken.

@lcand1923 Safe travels and enjoy the cruise!

@VMax1700 Praying your DW's side effects from the medication are gone soon. And you have your upcoming cruise to look forward to.

@atexsix Prayers for a swift recovery.


Prayers for the care list and cheers for the celebration list.

Stay safe and wear your mask.



Pauline and I are sending you our prayers 🙏 and best wishes.


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42 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

@kb4683 I'm awed by the Barron Falls in its glory!  Maybe you went during the rainy season.  So glad to see it


Since you know how to make fire with sticks, have you thought about going on Survivor??😛


24 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

@kb4683the snorkeling and sub ride looks like a fun time.  Beautiful shots of all the sea life!


And now I'm hungry. The food looked so good!  Thanks for posting.


Thanks for your comments.


Definitely the rainy season -- when we left Alice Springs the bus driver had to raise the bus to get us thru the water.  They said it was a 100 year rain 😮.  I will pass on Survivor -- waaaaay too old and out of shape 🤣


It was really fun to snorkel there and the views from the sub were great.  That food was really good...it was one of those nights on a land tour when "dinner is on your own tonight".  Our guide highly recommended the group to try it, think we were the only ones who went.  Saw two couples heading to McDonalds 😱

Edited by kb4683
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@kb4683 Thanks for more Cairns memories! We also went snorkeling on the Great Barrier Reef. That was in 2005 and not too long after the movie 'Open Water' debuted about the couple inadvertently left on the reef when their boat crew didn't do an accurate count.


That led me to ask another couple if we could agree to double-check that all four of us were back aboard before the boat left the reef. DH declared me a 'worrywart' (yes -- and proudly so) but they agreed and another couple overhearing our conversation asked if they could join in. We decided we couldn't account for everyone aboard but we could definitely count to six! 



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Good afternoon/evening/middle of the night.


We’re in Ketchikan today.  We took a boat tour out to Misty Fjords.  It is such a beautiful place, but I can see why there are float plane accidents.  The fog rolls in very quickly.  











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3 hours ago, TiogaCruiser said:

our Golden Retriever (Rock Hound) periodically also collects stones: in our yard, on walks, etc. He’s been known to find one and carry it hidden in his mouth all the way home ( a mile or more). Then he drops it when he gets in the house, and moves it from room to room for several days if we don’t take it away. ( He has also taken confiscated stones back.)

I have had 3 golden retreivers. in my life. They are amazinzing wonderful beings. I  have loved them all and miss them.

Edited by jimgev
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8 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

This is the interior of a rail car on the Kuranda railway.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLiPipigKlJQ9kUNTkzk5Gi?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1513563290


And here is the outside of the train...00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLBMYCMqcXa_OyYON6zMwIJ?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1513605549


Our first stop was at Barron Falls...00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJghe8oz64dMK3-DW8pgLps?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1513563313


But due to little rainfall beforehand the falls were pretty sparse...00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJxjIkncD1tsLRQTQQekAEj?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1513605542


But we all enjoyed the stop anyway...00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJhwLfnQhlJof7ybHNQTurM?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1513605548




Unfortunately, this was my view from my appointed seat in the railcar...00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJ9pNM68bB0qK2pZD39xOW6?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1513563341








At this point I'd had enough of being inside so I stepped between the two rail cars to take photos out the left and right side.  You had to be very careful though.  This is the view at my feet.  The metal plates can rotate a little so you had to keep your feet out of the way.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVI-uBcFYEY5XCSIJtWdmj3q?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1513563581


The view out the right side...00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKVDuuOz-hjeluLYkQvEioM?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1513563446


Sometimes all I had to see were trees, but other times I saw things like this...00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKjl7PGLHhnUJBwJKRB4DmH?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1513563496


Or this on my right...00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLfJ8HJN8KVujOIPAaWsRwS?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1513563498






Eventually on the flat land...00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLDcC1GWzCFvzjiJ02aKY3_?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1513563611


At the end we stopped at Freshwater Station, where we got off.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIGFa-48eSLg8GxotR1IxLP?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1513563683


Back on the bus for our ride back to the ship.  It was a fun day and I'm glad I went.  These days DH doesn't go on every tour with me as he prefers to relax on the ship.  It works for us to split up for a few hours so I can see what's around our ports of call.



Stunning pictures thanks for posting.


Edited by grapau27
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11 hours ago, tompeter said:

If it is any consolation, I recently had this done and they now have a topical anestetic(sp) they spray on first, so when that needle goes in you don't feel a thing!

Welcome to the Daily.



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6 hours ago, JazzyV said:

After rain most of yesterday, it's nice here today. Sadly our Covid numbers keep going up; 574 new cases in the county in the last 24 hours. There may be a mask mandate coming soon.


What's your county's population?  Our worst county has a population of 900K and about 175 cases per day.  Maryland is 6 million with 1330 new cases today.



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6 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

What's your county's population?  Our worst county has a population of 900K and about 175 cases per day.  Maryland is 6 million with 1330 new cases today.




We had 25 cases today - horrific for New Brunswick.  To put this in perspective we have a population of about 778,000 IIRC and currently around 325 active cases (most are not hospitalized).  The vaccine passport has been implemented to prevent those that are delaying their final shot from having the benefits of non essential serves.  There are just around 85% with the first vaccine but only 77+ % fully vaccinated..


On the bright side, we still remain a relatively safe place to be but I for one was happy to see the vaccine requirement come out.  If a carrot didn’t work then maybe the “if you want play ball, you have to follow the rules” will work 🤞 


Still safe in our health zone thankfully but we are cautious which is getting tiresome.

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It was an interesting day.  I've completed 10 weeks (30 sessions) of rehab with just 2 weeks to go.  Not having gotten a lot of direction I've been planning my sessions and creating a little postit note with my schedule each day.  Today one of the Nurses (the staff is divided between nurses and exercise physiologists) asked to make a copy of my sticky.  I've been been warming up for 5 minutes, gradually working to a plateau at 8 minutes and continuing to build to a maximum at about 15 minutes and then starting to back off, with a 2 minute cool down at the end. 


While I was on the Stationary bike one of the Exercise Physiologists came up and wanted me to change things, working to a plateau (not as high as my current max)  at 3-5 minutes and staying at that plateau with just a minor variation for the rest of the session.  While I'm happy to have some direction, I wish it had come sooner.


The trip was mostly uneventful although I've found my need for bathroom stops has increased beyond what I can find at rest stops.  Even with an absorbent pad today I had some problems.  My ride tomorrow is shorter but going all the way home Sunday will be a challenge.



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