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The Daily for Thursday October 07, 2021


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Today is Bald and Free Day, International Walk to School Day, and National Forgiveness and Happiness Day

Electricity is really just organized lightning. - George Carlin

Meal suggestion for today - Chicken Stew

Drink of the Day - Ancient Mariner

Wine of the day - Feudi di San Gregorio Greco di Tufo - Italy - White

Destination of the Day - Brest France

Ships with Passengers

Sea Adriatic
Eurodam Destination Piraeus

At Sea Pacific
Nieuw Amsterdam Destination Cabo San Lucas

Ships without Passengers

At Sea Pacific
Koningsdam Drifting
Zuiderdam Drifting

Corfu GR

Ensenada MX

Port Everglades
Nieuw Statendam

Puerto Vallarta MX

Rotterdam NL

Rotterdam Anchorage







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Good morning.  Thanks for the Daily Report.

Happy Thirstday.

A great collection of days.  My DH is going bald and he looks fabulous!  I had to walk to school for many years, I also had to take a bus for a few years, walking was better.  It's important to Forgive.  I wish everyone Happiness.

Love the quote, George was very funny.

Chicken stew sounds good, we may have that tonight.

Hope the drink of the day is good too, I'm sure the wine is.

I haven't been to Brest yet, but I think it's on our itinerary for next year.🤞

Wishing everyone a wonderful day. 

Stay safe.

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Thank you for the Thursday Daily, Rich.  I'll admit a bit of prejudice and am happy not to be bald.  I never walked to school but did ride a bicycle there quite a few times.  I think more of our kids are walking to school these days due to a shortage of bus drivers.  Forgiveness is often critical to restoring happiness.  For me the Carlin quote suggests organization is extremely vital.  I have not been to Brest.  Chicken stew sounds nice.  My alternative is a bit strange; it's a very light meal after a huge lunch in the Pinnacle Grill.  It's a fruit cup, blueberry soup, and ice cream, as served on MS Amsterdam October 7, 2017.




Today’s care list:

Welfare of furloughed crews
Western wildfires
cat shepard’s friend undergoing chemo for stage four cancer but responding VERY well
StLouisSal’s friend recovering from liver transplant
Lady Hudson’s BIL in rehab
Tbay DH with complications of polio
From the rotation:
Me awaiting PET test results
HAL Sailor DH health issues


Celebrations and Shoutouts

2 BHB with passengers
Front Line Health Care Workers
Cruising-along on Eurodam
Aliaschief in Pinnacle Suite
Sea Viewer in Cozumel
Vict0riann, VMaxx1700, sailingdutchy and NextOne at sea
3 days for Sharon, lazey1 and Koningsdam
Mr Boston on Cape Cod
Kakalina back home
Nieuw Statendam in Everglades
Vict0rian reporting from Frabkfort
and Staff Captain Sabine, HAL’s likely first female Captain(I know this is a repeat but she’s worth it)




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Good morning.  My DH is mostly bald and I love it.  We walked to school most of the time.  I think forgiveness and happiness go hand in hand.  Like the Carlin quote and the meal.

Have not been to France.

Hugs and Toasts to our lists.  Hope our travelers are having a great time.

Stay safe, social distance, and wear your mask.

Ancient Mariner:

crushed ice
1 ounces Demerara Rum (not the 151-proof kind)
1 ounce dark Jamaican rum, such as Coruba
3/4 ounce fresh lime juice
1/2 ounce fresh grapefruit juice
1/2 ounce simple syrup
1/4 ounce Allspice Dram
Garnish: lime wedge, mint sprig

Fill a double old fashioned glass with crushed ice, then add both rums, lime, grapefruit juice, simple syrup, and allspice dram. Stir gently, then garnish with a lime wedge and mint sprig.

Screen Shot 2021-10-07 at 7.16.30 AM.png

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Good morning everyone and thanks for the daily report.  Happy bald and free day to those participating.  I walked to school every day K-12.  Forgiveness is often hard to do when pride stands in the way.  True quote.  The meal suggestion sounds good.  Haven’t been to today’s port and look forward to seeing the photos.  Prayers for everyone on our prayer list and cheers to everyone celebrating a happy event and to those traveling.

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Good morning, Friends. Thank you for the Daily, the Lists and the Recipes.


My husband does not want to go bald, bit I think he will look great. Most men wear it well IMO. I never had to walk to school as they were too far from home. Forgiveness is so important for our own happiness.


Love the quote. The meal sounds nice, can't wait to see the recipes from Debbie.


@TbayI am sorry your DH is suffering with back and leg issues.


The sun tried to come out here yesterday afternoon. It isn't raining this morning so maybe we will see it today.


More door and trim painting/installing as well as shower work today.


Looking forward to reading how everyone is doing later.

🙏 and 🎉 for those on our lists.

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Good morning to all.

I am sorry to report that DS tested positive for COVID. He assures me he if fine but I will worry anyway.My DGD fell on her outstretched hands on Tuesday and broke both wrists.She will get casts put on today when she sees the orthopedist. I really wish we lived closer.



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Good afternoon from a wet and windy England.

Thank you for today's daily Rich and Roy for the care, celebrations and care list's.

Fortunately I still have a reasonable amount of hair on my head but I am a bit thin around the crown.

I used to walk to school until I went to grammar school at aged  almost 12 and it was great exercise.

Forgiveness is a blessing and creates happiness.

Interesting quote.

We have been to Brest and several other Normandy ports which are picturesque and full of naval history.

Chicken stew sounds nice.

Prayers 🙏 for everyone on the care list.

Happy sailing for everyone currently on board or getting onboard a ship in the next few days.

Take care and above all else stay safe.


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4 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning to all.

I am sorry to report that DS tested positive for COVID. He assures me he if fine but I will worry anyway.My DGD fell on her outstretched hands on Tuesday and broke both wrists.She will get casts put on today when she sees the orthopedist. I really wish we lived closer.




So sorry to hear both of your pieces of bad news 😔 


Prayers for your DS that he has little symptoms and recovers quickly 🙏🏻 


and for your poor DGD 🙏🏻 Two broken wrists is very difficult and painful.  Poor thing 😔 

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Good Morning everyone! Thank you Rich for the Daily Report, and thank you Roy for the Cares and Celebrations Report. And thank you everyone for caring and sharing!


I unfortunately will be participating in the Bald and Free Day festivities!

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6 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning to all.

I am sorry to report that DS tested positive for COVID. He assures me he if fine but I will worry anyway.My DGD fell on her outstretched hands on Tuesday and broke both wrists.She will get casts put on today when she sees the orthopedist. I really wish we lived closer.



I am sorry to hear your DS tested positive for covid19 and also for your DGD who has broke her wrists.

I hope they both get well soon and your granddaughters breaks heal well.


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Thanks for the Daily, Rich and our Thursday smile 🙂 


Great collection of days.  DH is fighting and doing his best to hide his bald spots from losing his hair.  At least he’s not losing his mind 😉 




 Walked to school all though grade 13.  Back then very few of the city children were bussed, just the rural students.  Forgiveness is so important and yes, it does bring happiness.


Love the Carlin quote.  I think I will pass on the chicken suggestion again though. 


We were in Brest on the Prinsendam and took a private transfer for our roll call group to Quimper - an absolutely lovely, picturesque spot. We enjoyed our visit there and exploring Brest.  It’s a really different area of France with different influences.


Enjoying the posts by Ann, Colin and others on Vict0riann’s live thread.  Since they are currently in Italy and will most likely see some art history, this is in honour of them 😉 :




Prayers for those on the Care list & for those that need them and 🥂 to those on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.


Have a great Thursday everyone !!!!!!




Stay safe & please don’t forget your 😷 

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Thank you for today’s Daily, Rich! A wild combination of days! Roy, thank you for keeping our lists! Morning Dailyite family!


@smitty34877 Geesh Terry, your family (extended included) deserves a break from all of this.  This has got to stop! Adding them both to my prayer list.


It was lovely here this morning before the sun came up. Hoping there’s a breeze later - it makes the humidity so much more bearable. Heading to the gym. Two classes today. The one I did last week and am going to try Pilates today. Lots of floor work, so this will be interesting. Tonight I am having my Summer wheat berry salad with roast Turkey. 

Prayers to all who need our support. Cheers to all who are celebrating! Stay well everyone!



Feudi di San Gregorio Greco di Tufo 

The 2018 & 2019 vintages share similar excellent ratings and prices, so buy whichever one you find. Several online distributors with prices starting at $24.99.

Winemaker Notes

Intense straw yellow color with a golden shimmer. Light scents of ripe pears, apricots, apples, fern and mint. Lively acidity and spicy minerality typical of a vine cultivated in Tufo, with an incredibly long finish showing soft notes of balsamic. 

RP91 Robert Parker's Wine Advocate: The 2018 Greco di Tufo (with 900,000 bottles made) is a sharp and linear expression with a distinct mineral note that cuts straight through and gives this wine its backbone. The fresh acidity also serves beautifully to that end. Drink this fresh white wine with insalata di mare or mussels steamed in white wine and garlic. Those savory seafood dishes would make a great contrast to the white flower and peachy aromas delivered by this pretty wine. Rating: 91+

WE91 Wine Enthusiast: Honeysuckle and exotic fruit aromas are front and center on this dazzling white. On the linear, vibrant palate, you'll find honeydew, Meyer lemon and tart apple alongside crisp acidity. A mineral note reminiscent of oyster shell closes the dry, tangy finish.

JS91 James Suckling: A bright, steely Greco di Tufo showing green apples, citrus and fresh herbs. Light to medium body, zippy acidity and a tidy, fruity finish.

Edited by cat shepard
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Good morning friends!  It was another damp morning here so we walked our treadmill.  We may make a dash for the gym later if the rain stops and the sun comes out for an hour.  Goodness!


First @smitty34877I am so sorry for the bad news about your DS testing positive and your poor DGD breaking both wrists!!  How do you function with both wrists broken?  I know you would love to be closer to them and I understand that since I have always lived quite a distance from the grandkids.  It meant a lot of driving for me in the past.  Prayers for your entire family as they deal with their health issues.


Bald and Free Day?  I had no idea.  DH is thin in the front but still has plenty of hair for me to clip for him.  DS shaves his hair as close as possible without being considered bald.  Still both very handsome men. I walked to school until middle school which was called junior high in those days.  Forgiveness is important to remain happy.  The chicken stew sounds good but will wait to see the recipe.  It's probably being posted as I type!  


Prayers for those on our list including Terry's family which I'm sure will be tomorrow.  Cheers for those on the Celebration list.  Most of them are traveling, and many of those are on a ship.  


I haven't been to Brest yet and had we had more years with the Prinsendam I'm sure I would have.  We only sailed on her about 3 to 4 years before she left the family.  This is the third day in a row I haven't been to the port.  


I guess that's a good thing because DH just told me the sun is peeking out and we have enough time to get our gym work in so I have to run.  Have a great day!

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Good morning, everyone!


My neighbor came over last night and hooked up my ice maker.   We'd been crossing paths for a week now.  So, now I have ice.   The ice maker woke me up last night.  It sounded like someone was breaking in the house!   Of course, I had to go investigate.  


I'm not bald, so that day is out.   I did walk to school.  I only took a bus in kindergarten.  After I retired and was subbing a bit I started walking to school because I didn't have to carry 2 tons of books and papers.   The kids thought I was nuts to do it, but I enjoyed the time walking and the solitude.  


@smitty34877 Here's prayers that your DS has a mild case of COVID.  Your poor DGD!   It is bad enough to break one wrist, but both of them?   My heart goes out to her.  


Chicken stew isn't calling my name today, but it might on a cold winter night.  So, it is a good recipe to have at hand.  I do keep them bookmarked in a file called Meal of the Day.   


Chicken stew comes in several varieties.  Basically, it is chicken that is stewed along with vegetables of your choosing.  You can have a creamy broth or a tomato broth or a more savory broth.  There are many variations that can me made to make this your own.


Creamy broth:  https://www.spendwithpennies.com/chicken-stew/




Here is one with a more savory broth that is done in the oven for crispy chicken skin:   https://www.recipetineats.com/chicken-stew/




Giada offers a recipe with a tomato broth:   https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/giada-de-laurentiis/chicken-stew-recipe-1914720




Happy cooking today!

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18 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

Last night DS sent me a picture if DGD in her bilateral splints. She is being quite a trooper  about this.I hope there is less pain once she has casts.





We’re rooting for you Terry’s DGD!

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