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The Daily for Monday 01/03/2022


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A late day today!  Two long walks in the snow yesterday.  Even though CC won’t allow me to like anything Please know I am really enjoying everyone’s photos of Ushuaia!  A place I’m not sure I’ll get to as a fairweather  sailor.   Thanks for sharing the unusual birds @Vict0riann

7 hours ago, AncientWanderer said:

Good morning.  We were in Ushuaia in 2016 on the Zaandam.   We just walked around town and had a wonderful day.  I still regret not buying some shoes there — the most amazing dress shoes for snow.  Never seen anything like them.  
Here’s some slightly grainy photos of photos of beautiful Ushuaia.










ok, I was looking for a photo of those shoes!  LOL,  I have cold weather boots, dress boots, low boots, high boots, ice boots…..



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35 minutes ago, bennybear said:

A late day today!  Two long walks in the snow yesterday.  Even though CC won’t allow me to like anything Please know I am really enjoying everyone’s photos of Ushuaia!  A place I’m not sure I’ll get to as a fairweather  sailor.   Thanks for sharing the unusual birds @Vict0riann

ok, I was looking for a photo of those shoes!  LOL,  I have cold weather boots, dress boots, low boots, high boots, ice boots…..




Oh how I wish I'd taken a picture of those shoes!  They weren't boots.  They were shoes that you could wear with a dress -- only with these crazy thick soles and treads.  Think if your chunky heeled shoes decided to put on snow tires.  lol

I've done a lot of shopping in mountain places and never seen anything like these.  Rockin' Patagonia style. 😊

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9 hours ago, Zeta3 said:

Thank you so much for these dailies, how fun! It feels

lime forever since I have been on a dam ship I think the last time was in 2018. We are finally booked on NA in March and can’t wait to get back on board. It makes me happy to see so many names I remember still here.


prayers for those who need them and cheers for those celebrating. Aliaschief babysitting? That’s awesome 🙂


for those suffering with chronic cough with no ENT answers, maybe see if you can be checked for GERD. Chronic cough and post-nasal drip were my only reflux symptoms and apparently my GERD was quite severe. 🤷🏻‍♀️

have a great day all!

I forgot to add the best remedy I have found is a dose of mylanta liquid before bed.

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On our drive into town today, we noticed more and more snowbirds are arriving and the boondocking areas in the desert are getting more and more rvs. 


DH checked the website for the big tent (aka the big rv show) and found that all the spaces have been taken.  It's been years since there were no empty vendor places.  With the omicron variant around, I think we'll wait another year to wander through the tent to see what we are not going to buy.  🤣


We noticed that the people who brought the camels down this year are charging $10pp to come see the camels.  We don't think they will get many takers, but you never know.   


The Rubber Tramp Rendezvous (RTR) which was featured in "Nomadland" will be back in Quartzsite this year, but the events will be held in the town park with the nomads scattered around the various BLM (Bureau of Land Management) camping areas.  It will be the week beginning January 16, but many of the nomads are already in town.


It's also that time of year when you need your patience at the gas station, especially the truck stop on the Interstate.  We made the mistake in pulling in behind a car where the people were not there.  Finally, after we had finished filling the car, they came back, filled their car, then the woman went back in the store.  He just sat there on his phone not paying attention and not realizing he had us blocked in as the next customer was behind us and had no room to back up.  After longer than we should have waited, I knocked on his window and asked him to move his car as he was blocking two cars.  BTW, i didn't say what I really wanted to say, but I did not say please either.  😁


For the next four weeks, we'll have to time our drives into town and our gas stops.  At least, our neighborhood out of town is quiet, and not crowded except during the yard sales during the winter.  There will be one this coming Friday and Saturday.  Again, with omicron still causing problems, I'll wait until next year to set my stuff up.


It seems lately, I'm saying I hope the tests are negative too many times a day on the Daily and hoping people recover quickly.  We're going to do our best to avoid being exposed, and there will be too many in town who will do their thing without considering others.  Now, I'll get off my soapbox.


I have been enjoying everyone's pictures of their experiences in Ushuaia and all the pictures of the birds and animals.  Thank you all who have posted pictures today.


7 hours ago, Crazy For Cats said:

Good Morning Everyone, thanks for the daily report.  A somewhat gloomy day today with some snow in the forecast.  I’ll pass on the meal suggestion.  DH came down with something over the weekend and is waiting his test result.  Since he works in a hospital you’d think the results would come quickly, but no.  

I hope that everyone has a good day today.

I think this applies to coughing as well.



I'm sorry your DH is sick, and hope the test is negative.  Hope he is better soon.


5 hours ago, tjcox9 said:

I've enjoyed the many photos of Ushuaia and they bring back many memories.


Since no one has posted any photos of going on a small boat out into the Beagle channel, I thought I'd add a few  of those. We got really close the time we were in a really small boat, the oldest one doing the Beagle Channel tours - independent. Some of these up close and personal encounters were quite aromatic especially the ones with what appear to be white rocks!


Also, the centolla (crab) served the traditional way is wonderful. And the flowers are amazing as has been  previously stated. I think we have been there five times now. Last time in 20192010 we went to the park that so many have already posted photos. We should be back there in 2023 - fingers crossed.


Randomly from Star Princess 2008, 2010 - Veendam 2015 - Zaandam 2015. Also there on  Seabourn Quest 2019/2020 but that's when we went to the park and there are already lots of photos.

In and around Ushuaia (168).JPG

Picture 063.jpg

Picture 116.jpg

Picture 130.jpg

Picture 135.jpg

Picture 132.jpg

Picture 087.jpg

In and around Ushuaia (93).JPG

Picture 174.jpg

Picture 193.jpg

Picture 202.jpg


We have considered a Beagle Channel boat tour both times we were there.  Maybe next time.  Thank you for your pictures.


4 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

The DGS with Covid says he's feeling fine.  He felt a little unwell one day last week and that's it.  Vaccinated and 2nd time having Covid.


Sandi, I'm glad he is feeling fine.  


3 hours ago, Mtn2Sea said:

We’ve been to Ushuaia once while aboard the Zaandam in January 2018, but didn’t spend any time in town.  Instead, we took a tour that included a bus trip as well as some time on a boat.  As the photos shared by others show, we saw lots and lots of birds and beautiful countryside.


On a different note, I had my appointment this morning with a specialist regarding the squamous cell carcinoma on the bridge of my nose.  He indicated that based on the location and size of the area, I should have minimal scarring and the procedure should be quick and easy.  I now have an appointment on the 19th.


That is good news that the specialist did not think there would be a big scar and that the procedure is scheduled for the 19th.


2 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

I just read an update email on the fundraiser our development is collecting for the family of the poor man who lost his life at our guardshack on Dec. 27 when it was run into by a drunk driver.  From 282 donors they have collected $19,500.  That will help to pay for funeral expenses for the family and help out with other bills.  Nice to know there are so many generous folks here. 🙏


That is good news and so glad there are still so many generous people.


2 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Update on DH's jury duty summons.  Apparently there isn't a cut-off age here.  All they could do is postpone his jury duty for 6 months, and told him to get a note from his doctor that would excuse him permanently. We can understand that they can't just take someone's word for it over the phone, but it would be nice if we had age limits here like some of you do where you live--so much easier. 


Hope he does get excused permantly.  So far our jury summons have been when we are in Arizona.  We call and they postpone it until we get back to Texas and then they don't send us another notice.  Now, we are old enough to be excused on age unless we want to serve.


49 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Tamarind.. Ing Ing photo bombed us.






Joy, that is so cute.  



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10 hours ago, marshhawk said:

OMG!  The cough, that I have had since I fell on my face two years ago. (May 2020) Nose, not broken, elbow was, but then once out of surgery, I started THE COUGH!  DH says it's because I smoke, not sure that was the sudden cause. I tried to make an appointment with my doc, but their offices kept saying if you have a cough, you cannot come in. (the world with covid)  


I lied last January and finally got in to see the doc.  He was mad that I lied, but really by then I had been coughing for 8 months, I didn't think it was covid, and I had been tested. (before surgery) He asked me what I had done to handle it, um....since I have high blood pressure, and he advised me years ago not to take any OTC drugs without his approval, and it took 8 months to get in, I had taken nothing.  And he said, he wasn't going to do anything for me, since I hadn't done anything for myself.  They took a chest X-ray, and my lungs were fine.  Sinuses still running like crazy, which creates THE COUGH, and lying down feels like drowning. And now I am in year two of THE COUGH!  I seem to breath better when I am outside, but right now??? it finally is winter.  Maybe I can live in a tent.  I thought about that last year...


I really thought it was just me, so thank you for bringing THE COUGH up in conversation. Besides the quitting smoking, which is this years goal (quit drinking 30 years ago) and using cough drops, any one had any luck trying anything else?  Besides sleeping sitting up?  Oh well.....






10 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Good morning friends!  What a cold and blustery morning in north central Georgia.  The wind wants to keep tipping over the trash bins, or blow open their lids.  I'm wishing better weather blows in soon!  Yesterday morning's temp when we woke up was 70F and this morning it was 35F!  Crazy!


Thanks for our Daily report this morning Rich @richwmn.  And to Roy @rafinmdgood on ya for sleeping in today.  Thank you for keeping the lists.  Prayers for our friends and family on the Care list and cheers for those celebrating.  An interesting and no doubt true quote from Marilyn Monroe.  No thanks to the menu suggestion.  Unfortunately I never sleep straight through the night so I don't think I can celebrate Festival of Sleep properly.  I wouldn't know what to do if I slept 8 hours straight!  I have no fruitcake to toss.  Humiliation day sounds intriguing.  I should look that up.


I've been coughing a lot lately too Roy.  I've had that chronic cough for several years now and even the ENT didn't come up with anything, so not sure what it's all about.  But this week it's been ramped up a bit.  It is quite a disruption, isn't it?  Hope yours goes away and doesn't stick around like mine does.


Hoping for better news this week for Jacqui and Jose (and Marley!).  A new year, a new start! 


Time to go cut DH's hair for him, and then groom mine too.  I have plenty of photos of Ushuaia from our 4 visits but they will have to wait until afterwards.  📷

Just in case you might be taking Lisinopril for high blood pressure, the side effect is coughing.  When I changed to a different med, my cough went away. 

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6 hours ago, Heartgrove said:

Our PCC called us back this morning quite promptly after emailing him to inquire if HAL had any change in cancellations. There is and simply put, you can substitute for cruises equal or greater than pricewise. So we are deciding on one of the last cruises for the season from FLL, or an early Alaska cruise to replace our 01/16 cruise. Just don't quote me on cancellation details.

Thanks for this information.  We are on a 21 day B2B on 2/13.   That gives us more comfort if we decide to pull the plug on it. If it seems like the omicron wildfire doesn't seem to abate by early February when we start our drive down to FL we can make an informed decision.  I have looked at a 28 day RT FL Amazon trip in November.  That may help us make a less anguished decision.   We are triple vaxxed and avoid going out.  


I have enjoyed all of the beautiful photos of Ushuaia.   A place I look forward to going to sometime.   


The COUGH.   This has been the winter of cough at our house.  I came down with a scratchy throat before Thanksgiving and it only got worse so I went to Urgent Care for a Strep test.  It wasn't strep so I also got a COVID test but not that.    I was put on a pulse and taper of high dose prednisone and it quieted it for a few days and then it has come back.   I have asthma and I have been using my rescue inhaler and mucus buster pills ever since.  It is not going away and my fiancee is in the same condition.    I hope that our days in warm weather on the cruise would help it.    Stay well and wear your masks!     




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11 hours ago, Zeta3 said:

Thank you so much for these dailies, how fun! It feels

lime forever since I have been on a dam ship I think the last time was in 2018. We are finally booked on NA in March and can’t wait to get back on board. It makes me happy to see so many names I remember still here.


prayers for those who need them and cheers for those celebrating. Aliaschief babysitting? That’s awesome 🙂


for those suffering with chronic cough with no ENT answers, maybe see if you can be checked for GERD. Chronic cough and post-nasal drip were my only reflux symptoms and apparently my GERD was quite severe. 🤷🏻‍♀️

have a great day all!

That’s a very good suggestion @Zeta3  I had the same thing going on about 8 years ago, especially in the morning. We we’re watching Good Morning America when a health segment came on about Barrett Esophagus. I had my doctor refer me to a gastroenterologist who did an endoscopy and discovered that I have it. It’s been treated with Omeprazole and the cough is gone. 

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Thanks for all the Daily reports,  enjoyed all the photos, another port we  have not visited. 


During our winter there was a lot of RSV  going around the country  (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) usually in children, but many adults affected, with a constant cough, our family doctor assured me that I didn't have covid but the RSV, prescribed the good old fashioned Gees' Linctus, and an inhaler.   He also prescribed an antibiotic but to take only if the cough had not gone after a few days.  The cough eased but still there, reluctantly took the antibiotic, and the cough vanished before I finished the course of antibiotic. This was back in August,  DH and I called it the coughing Olympics!.


It's a grey day, temperature 22 C, rain expected.

Stay safe, take care everyone.





Edited by erewhon
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7 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Update on DH's jury duty summons.  Apparently there isn't a cut-off age here.  All they could do is postpone his jury duty for 6 months, and told him to get a note from his doctor that would excuse him permanently. We can understand that they can't just take someone's word for it over the phone, but it would be nice if we had age limits here like some of you do where you live--so much easier. 

Colorado has the same situation, but all the doctor has to do is write that you need to be excused from jury duty due to health reasons. No reason has to be given. I got excused after I had sat through a 2 day jury selection process and was so exhausted that I nearly collapsed when I go home on both days. I kept trying to get excused but the judge was having none of it and I was with the last group not selected. And that after I had told them I knew one police officer involved in the case (I did)and also had served as a deputy coroner for many years. Don't know what that judge had against me.



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14 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

I just read an update email on the fundraiser our development is collecting for the family of the poor man who lost his life at our guardshack on Dec. 27 when it was run into by a drunk driver.  From 282 donors they have collected $19,500.  That will help to pay for funeral expenses for the family and help out with other bills.  Nice to know there are so many generous folks here. 🙏

That is amazing and so kind of everyone.


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12 hours ago, Mr. Boston said:

That’s a very good suggestion @Zeta3  I had the same thing going on about 8 years ago, especially in the morning. We we’re watching Good Morning America when a health segment came on about Barrett Esophagus. I had my doctor refer me to a gastroenterologist who did an endoscopy and discovered that I have it. It’s been treated with Omeprazole and the cough is gone. 


Bingo!  That's the medication that made me too ill to eat anything.  I had pain in the stomach whenever I drank or ate anything.  Must have been too strong for me.  Glad it helped you to stop the coughing curse.

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