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The Daily for Friday 02/11/2022


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9 hours ago, MISTER 67 said:

Good morning from a still chilly SW Florida but getting up to 75 by 2PM.


Off to the Golf Course for a Mens Day Tournament.

then do not forget to watch the loud and noisy Waste Mgmt in Phoenix.  I am surprised no Phil M or Dustin Johnson or even Rory.  Then again they were in Dubai and might have to isolate.  

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8 hours ago, cat shepard said:

Thank you for today’s Daily Rich! A lovely sunny, but cool morning here

The animal series continues…



Too funny. I think if I was in the car behind I would run off the road or forget to hit the brake.

I mean that animal looks ANNOYED too.    thanks for sharing

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1 minute ago, Oceansaway17 said:

then do not forget to watch the loud and noisy Waste Mgmt in Phoenix.  I am surprised no Phil M or Dustin Johnson or even Rory.  Then again they were in Dubai and might have to isolate.  

Phil always plays the WM in Phoenix and he passed up Pebble Beach last week, not sure what's in his head these days. He received appearance money last week in Saudi Arabia but he sure doesn't need the cash, I guess you can never have enough.

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6 minutes ago, MISTER 67 said:

Phil always plays the WM in Phoenix and he passed up Pebble Beach last week, not sure what's in his head these days. He received appearance money last week in Saudi Arabia but he sure doesn't need the cash, I guess you can never have enough.

well I listen to the Golf channel on SiriusXM and they are saying the PGA might not be too happy with Phil, Bryson and Dustin playing over there.  Who knew golf had such drama too.

Still, I love the golf channel as I find the sport relaxing and love the commentary.  Yesterday a lot of geese were on the course nearby.

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4 minutes ago, Oceansaway17 said:

well I listen to the Golf channel on SiriusXM and they are saying the PGA might not be too happy with Phil, Bryson and Dustin playing over there.  Who knew golf had such drama too.

Still, I love the golf channel as I find the sport relaxing and love the commentary.  Yesterday a lot of geese were on the course nearby.

There were a few other Americans that made the trip over there, Harold Varner won the tournament, Patrick Reed also went for the money and of course Dustin and DeChambeau who is now out with an injury, as hard as he is swinging, he is going to have a lot of injuries. Jack Nicklaus said that his swing will not hold up in the coming years.

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2 minutes ago, MISTER 67 said:

There were a few other Americans that made the trip over there, Harold Varner won the tournament, Patrick Reed also went for the money and of course Dustin and DeChambeau who is now out with an injury, as hard as he is swinging, he is going to have a lot of injuries. Jack Nicklaus said that his swing will not hold up in the coming years.

yup I may not play the game, but it cannot just be about the long drive.  I think Bryson will have a rude awakening in a couple of years.   Glad to hear Harold won.  He should have more coverage than he does get since Tiger is not playing.  And Dustin is well just plain hard to understand.  

hope you had a good day on the course. Like I said I do not play but I watch

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As a retired rural mail carrier I often had people ask about holding their mail for more than 30 days. Not a problem! If you generally get more than 3 or 4 pieces per day (lots of catalogues?) then it was appreciated if you picked up the mail rather than ask to have it redelivered.   And crying over spilt milk-I think I'd be swearing!

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1 hour ago, rafinmd said:

To clarify here, is his March 16 or March 18.  I thought the ship was going out of service for 2 days for the azipod repairs beginning March 16.  Not sure if you want to start your trip off with 2 days in the hotel.




The azipod repairs are April 6-8. Which would have been the turnaround time for our original cruise. We basically switched our second leg for the Mar 16 sailing. So our original first leg is now our second leg. 


I am starting to get dizzy....


Now I have to redo all our HAL excursions since this is a new booking number and the old one is cancelled.

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Good afternoon.  We now have just about everything arranged for our cruise.  The covid tests will be in Parker the Friday before we sail.  After the mess last November, DH just doubled checked that testing was still being done at the hospital and confirmed the times.  The reservation is made at the parking lot, and we even booked a couple of shore excursions as that was the easiest option. 


Now, all we have to do is wait until three weeks from Sunday, and we'll be boarding the Koningsdam  We'll be celebrating our birthdays, with DH's actually the day before we board and mine a week later.  It's been awhile since we celebrated our birthdays on a BHB, unless you count the the birthday in January 2020 on the Rotterdam.  We never figured out who's birthday cake I got, but the MDR crew enjoyed singing to me anyway.


4 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

Am I first with pictures of Lautoka?  We were there on Statendam.  Now I will try to post them really quickly! And come back later, after we get our batch of wine bottled

  We took a ship's tour and visited Raymond Burr's home and beautiful garden.  Also saw a lot of sugar cane growing and waiting to be picked up by train.



Ann, thank you for the pictures.  We've been to Fiji as a beach day, but it was on a different island.


4 hours ago, aliaschief said:

I just came across this. Nothing to do about cruising but I would have never imagined this was coming.




The coloring changing was pretty, but as a reality it is weird.  The DMV in Texas would go wild as they want the main color and the secondary color on the registration.  I don't know what they would do if you listed all the possible colors  -- that is if there was room on the form.  🤣


3 hours ago, ottahand7 said:

The quote is perfect for today.  "I have not failed".  We both did our Binax now tests this morning and we are both negative.  Mine went off without a hitch.  John's took almost an hour and a half.  He had the wrong Binax app (the green one needed the blue one) so he couldn't scan the bar code on the back to start the test.  Finally we got a live person on the phone and finished his.  


We drove south through Bowling Green KY and I forgot to share what we saw north of the town.  It was a beautiful sunny day and I noticed about 30' up in a standing tree a piece of shiny red and silver sheet metal.  It was 4' by about 30' wrapped around the tree trunk.  Next to it were blown over trees from the tornado that hit Mayville KY.   There was FEMA housing in an old Sears store.   It will take a long time to get things anywhere near back to normalcy.   


Prayers for everyone on Roy's care list.   🙏


Congratulations on failing the test.  Appreciate the information about tornado recovery as the news media covers the initial story and then moves on to the next disaster.


2 hours ago, kazu said:


No idea but something to try Brenda.  He gets it twice a day.  I usually give him the last dose around 5 pm.  Will try for earlier and see if that helps tomorrow. Or perhaps it would be better later in the evening.  I play by guess and by gosh.  



Jacqui, the timing could be the answer.  If you give Marley his pill about 5 pm and he gets you up about 3 am that is about a ten hour span.  You could adjust it to fit the time you want to get up in the morning.  At least, it's worth a try.  Good luck.


1 hour ago, durangoscots said:

Whew!!! CC has decided to let me in. I could read, but it would not let me post.... not that I have much to say today. Am house cleaning.... a job I hate.


I have not been to Fiji. Looking forward to it in 2024. The meal looks interesting but not really my style. Probably would be fine with it if someone else cooked it. Guess I am just feeling lazy.


I note that some of you are tackling your taxes. I filed mine a couple of weeks ago. Got my Fed refund  in 7 days. That has to be record. The State tells me it will be about 60 days. Neither refund is large but every bit helps.




Everything is ready to work our our taxes with the exception of a late arriving 1099.  It will get done sometime.


1 hour ago, Overhead Fred said:

Exciting Day Part Two -


Our PCC got back to us while I was drinking coffee and watching the tree cutting extravaganza.


She was able to move us to the March 16 - April 6 Nieuw Statendam sailing! The cost was actually less by $144 per person and she got the free gratuities (72 hour sale) applied! And when she redid the airfare through Flight Ease it came in at less than 1/2 the previous airfares. And she and her family will be sailing with us on the second leg. Win, win, win, win. I think @sailingdutchy may be on this cruise as well! 


Maybe I had better go and buy some lottery tickets before this luck wears off...


Glad you got the cruises straightened out and saved some money.  The lottery ticket is a good idea.


11 minutes ago, SusieKIslandGirl said:

As a retired rural mail carrier I often had people ask about holding their mail for more than 30 days. Not a problem! If you generally get more than 3 or 4 pieces per day (lots of catalogues?) then it was appreciated if you picked up the mail rather than ask to have it redelivered.   And crying over spilt milk-I think I'd be swearing!


When we've had our mail held, we always picked it up at the PO.  Having a mail service, helps with handling mail when we are on long trips.



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I've heard a lot of reports yesterday and today on Bob Saget's death due to a head injury which he thought nothing of, went to sleep and passed away overnight.  It has me thinking back to the fall I took at the bottom of the stairs helping carry that heavy piece of masonite last November.  Foot slipped on the second step and down I went hitting my head hard on the wall, making a dent in the drywall.  Since I didn't have any headaches, just a sore spot for several days above my ear, I didn't think much of it.  I guess I should have gone in for a scan or something.  Luckily it all worked out well for me, but you never know.  If it should happen again to me I would more likely check it out.  I remember several of you urged me to do that. 🤕  Brain bleeds are scary business!

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29 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good afternoon.  We now have just about everything arranged for our cruise.  The covid tests will be in Parker the Friday before we sail.  After the mess last November, DH just doubled checked that testing was still being done at the hospital and confirmed the times.  The reservation is made at the parking lot, and we even booked a couple of shore excursions as that was the easiest option. 


Now, all we have to do is wait until three weeks from Sunday, and we'll be boarding the Koningsdam  We'll be celebrating our birthdays, with DH's actually the day before we board and mine a week later.  It's been awhile since we celebrated our birthdays on a BHB, unless you count the the birthday in January 2020 on the Rotterdam.  We never figured out who's birthday cake I got, but the MDR crew enjoyed singing to me anyway.



Ann, thank you for the pictures.  We've been to Fiji as a beach day, but it was on a different island.



The coloring changing was pretty, but as a reality it is weird.  The DMV in Texas would go wild as they want the main color and the secondary color on the registration.  I don't know what they would do if you listed all the possible colors  -- that is if there was room on the form.  🤣



Congratulations on failing the test.  Appreciate the information about tornado recovery as the news media covers the initial story and then moves on to the next disaster.



Jacqui, the timing could be the answer.  If you give Marley his pill about 5 pm and he gets you up about 3 am that is about a ten hour span.  You could adjust it to fit the time you want to get up in the morning.  At least, it's worth a try.  Good luck.



Everything is ready to work our our taxes with the exception of a late arriving 1099.  It will get done sometime.



Glad you got the cruises straightened out and saved some money.  The lottery ticket is a good idea.



When we've had our mail held, we always picked it up at the PO.  Having a mail service, helps with handling mail when we are on long trips.



You put such an effort in your daily recap postings. Always informative, kind and caring. Thank you. Bruce👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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2 hours ago, Overhead Fred said:

Exciting Day Part Two -


Our PCC got back to us while I was drinking coffee and watching the tree cutting extravaganza.


She was able to move us to the March 16 - April 6 Nieuw Statendam sailing! The cost was actually less by $144 per person and she got the free gratuities (72 hour sale) applied! And when she redid the airfare through Flight Ease it came in at less than 1/2 the previous airfares. And she and her family will be sailing with us on the second leg. Win, win, win, win. I think @sailingdutchy may be on this cruise as well! 


Maybe I had better go and buy some lottery tickets before this luck wears off...


YIPPEE 🙂. Wonderful news.


41 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good afternoon.  We now have just about everything arranged for our cruise.  The covid tests will be in Parker the Friday before we sail.  After the mess last November, DH just doubled checked that testing was still being done at the hospital and confirmed the times.  The reservation is made at the parking lot, and we even booked a couple of shore excursions as that was the easiest option. 


Now, all we have to do is wait until three weeks from Sunday, and we'll be boarding the Koningsdam  We'll be celebrating our birthdays, with DH's actually the day before we board and mine a week later.  It's been awhile since we celebrated our birthdays on a BHB, unless you count the the birthday in January 2020 on the Rotterdam.  We never figured out who's birthday cake I got, but the MDR crew enjoyed singing to me anyway.


More YIPPEES !  Have fun on your BHB.  I hope you two have two fabulous birthday celebrations on board!



27 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

I've heard a lot of reports yesterday and today on Bob Saget's death due to a head injury which he thought nothing of, went to sleep and passed away overnight.  It has me thinking back to the fall I took at the bottom of the stairs helping carry that heavy piece of masonite last November.  Foot slipped on the second step and down I went hitting my head hard on the wall, making a dent in the drywall.  Since I didn't have any headaches, just a sore spot for several days above my ear, I didn't think much of it.  I guess I should have gone in for a scan or something.  Luckily it all worked out well for me, but you never know.  If it should happen again to me I would more likely check it out.  I remember several of you urged me to do that. 🤕  Brain bleeds are scary business!


I am so glad you are ok and you’re right.  Often we think a bang on the head is not serious and can lead to a tragic outcome.

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Just got back from a quick ride in the Polaris RZRs out in the desert.  It was a nice day for a ride, but boy is it dusty and dry.  some of the hard dirt along the trails has turned to powder.  


@aliaschief  Bruce, thank you for the kind words.


@kazu  Celebrating birthdays on BHBs is always fun and mine is on a Gala night, so we'll be a little more dressed up than normal.



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Puppy's Mom came home early.  Phew.  Because when I said I was going to go over there and walk the dog, I realized I was in a time warp, and had to be at the friends house to pick them up.  So we rushed over to get them, drove to the University, found a seat near a door (i'm still coughing a lot) and spent a wonderful hour listening to a Liszt's Piano Concerto, and several new piano pieces from South American composers.  The pianist was Michael Gurt. 


It took a while to get out of the parking lot, and then we went to lunch.  They enjoyed the meal, but said it was not one of their favorite places, but you really cant please everyone,  They love Zaxby's which I cant stand. (these are friends who hate to cruise, so that explains a lot right there) And then when we got home, I did something I have wanted to do all week.  I took a nap.  It was wonderful.


@smitty34877 Miss Camilla is growing quickly and is more beautiful each time you post her.

@JAM37 You got out of Dodge at the right time.  Cold front this weekend, high's in daytime in Atlanta around 47F and nighttime down into the low 20's. 

@StLouisCruisers Bundle up!!!

@kazu I get up each night around the same time as Marley, wish I lived closer, I'd take him out for you.  Must be the drugs. 

@aliaschief I think most everyone shared the same thing, neat car, but don't think they would ever be legalized in the US.


My next real day off will be this Sunday, finish cleaning up the house before bookclub on Monday, and then there is next Friday, when they start to run the tests to see about the tumor.  My heart doc asked me if I was scared of the upcoming surgery.. so that's two docs that have told me that the surgery will happen.  To what extent?  they wont know until they actually cut on me.  I just want to be physically able to be up and driving to Florida by April 30th.  That's my plan.  But I don't know what God's plan is for me.   I know He gave me angels.

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28 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

Puppy's Mom came home early.  Phew.  Because when I said I was going to go over there and walk the dog, I realized I was in a time warp, and had to be at the friends house to pick them up.  So we rushed over to get them, drove to the University, found a seat near a door (i'm still coughing a lot) and spent a wonderful hour listening to a Liszt's Piano Concerto, and several new piano pieces from South American composers.  The pianist was Michael Gurt. 


It took a while to get out of the parking lot, and then we went to lunch.  They enjoyed the meal, but said it was not one of their favorite places, but you really cant please everyone,  They love Zaxby's which I cant stand. (these are friends who hate to cruise, so that explains a lot right there) And then when we got home, I did something I have wanted to do all week.  I took a nap.  It was wonderful.


@smitty34877 Miss Camilla is growing quickly and is more beautiful each time you post her.

@JAM37 You got out of Dodge at the right time.  Cold front this weekend, high's in daytime in Atlanta around 47F and nighttime down into the low 20's. 

@StLouisCruisers Bundle up!!!

@kazu I get up each night around the same time as Marley, wish I lived closer, I'd take him out for you.  Must be the drugs. 

@aliaschief I think most everyone shared the same thing, neat car, but don't think they would ever be legalized in the US.


My next real day off will be this Sunday, finish cleaning up the house before bookclub on Monday, and then there is next Friday, when they start to run the tests to see about the tumor.  My heart doc asked me if I was scared of the upcoming surgery.. so that's two docs that have told me that the surgery will happen.  To what extent?  they wont know until they actually cut on me.  I just want to be physically able to be up and driving to Florida by April 30th.  That's my plan.  But I don't know what God's plan is for me.   I know He gave me angels.


When is your surgery?  Please keep us updated.  We need you on our prayer list.

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7 hours ago, kazu said:


OMG - colour me stupid!  Now, I get it.  I didn’t realize there was anything below the copy button and to scroll.  OMG.  Just tested and it worked fine!  

Weird.  Fortunately I finally found print thanks to @summer slope’s instructions.




OMG, I said to scroll down!!  😂 Not to worry.  Obviously Summer said it in a way which clicked.  I am happy it’s working for you now.



7 hours ago, superoma said:

@kazu colour ME stupid-I never once thought of a Bluetooth keyboard attached to an iPad for the command shortcut since I don’t use them! So glad it worked out for you. I may have to consider a keyboard, seems they can be useful.


Don’t feel stupid.  I never once thought that she *wouldn’t* have a keyboard.  😂



7 hours ago, Vict0riann said:


  We took a ship's tour and visited Raymond Burr's home and beautiful garden.  Also saw a lot of sugar cane growing and waiting to be picked up by train.





We laid my second Mom (my Aunt) to rest overlooking Raymond Burr’s resting place.  ❤️



6 hours ago, ottahand7 said:


We are celebrating a clean COVID test at The Boatyard tonight for an early dinner.  🍾 We did Happy Hour there yesterday, DF had lots of oysters I can't have them except from Canada or Washington so I had calamari.  Kelly's Landing for dinner tomorrow.  



Just a heads up to others if you have sensitivities or allergies to chemicals, I had a really strong reaction to something I ate at The Boatyard.  Just want others to be aware that they use chemicals in their soup of the day.


And, finally, if I sound grumpy it’s because I am.  I was out looking for a Valentine’s card and was pretty oblivious to my surroundings.  A woman standing beside me turned and coughed in my direction without covering her mouth.  She was not wearing a mask.  😡 A valuable lesson learned there for sure.

Edited by *Miss G*
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58 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

@kazu I get up each night around the same time as Marley, wish I lived closer, I'd take him out for you.  Must be the drugs. 


LOL I”m pretty sure if you were here I would be awake.  I’m a light sleeper expecially with a sick dog 😉 


58 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

then there is next Friday, when they start to run the tests to see about the tumor.  My heart doc asked me if I was scared of the upcoming surgery.. so that's two docs that have told me that the surgery will happen.  To what extent?  they wont know until they actually cut on me.  I just want to be physically able to be up and driving to Florida by April 30th.  That's my plan.  But I don't know what God's plan is for me.   I know He gave me angels.


OMG - that is scary.  My prayers are with you 🙏🏻 


26 minutes ago, *Miss G* said:


OMG, I said to scroll down!!  😂 Not to worry.  Obviously Summer said it in a way which clicked.  I am happy it’s working for you now.


Not you - just me - I’m just slow at times. I’m no techie . Scary to think that all this time with Ipads I didn’t have enough brains to move my screen to see what could be underneath.  Sheesh.  Well it just gos to prove you CAN teach an old dog new tricks 😂 


26 minutes ago, *Miss G* said:

And, finally, if I sound grumpy it’s because I am.  I was out looking for a Valentine’s card and was pretty oblivious to my surroundings.  A woman standing beside me turned and coughed in my direction without covering her mouth.  She was not wearing a mask.  😡 A valuable lesson learned there for sure.


YIKES 😱I’d be a lot more than grumpy.  Hoping you will be ok and she wasn’ a typhoid Mary 🤞 🙏🏻 

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@StLouisCruisers  First come the tests.  Blood tests are this Friday, and then I have to do some kind of urine test (sorry)  apparently it takes 24 hours to do, and when i meet up with the doc this Friday she is going to lay out my options. Or so she said when she called with the bad news.  Have no idea when the surgery will be.  I am hoping they can schedule it at Emory, as DH only sees with one eye(lost his vision in a fall) and driving in Midtown is not easy for him.

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Good evening everyone!  Sorry that I haven’t posted today. I have had a super busy day taking DM to two different appointments and then lunch. Good news from her radiation oncologist is that her 3 month CT looks really good and now can go to a six month follow up. 

Fred @Overhead Fred — I just read your post on yesterday’s Daily about your cruise situation and wanted to tell you that we stayed at that hotel and while it was fine I wasn’t really impressed with the room and cleanliness of the room, we even commented about it to the management. It was so so for one night but I’d never want to stay there for longer. Also we didn’t care for location. However we loved the bar area and enjoyed cocktails there. 

Since I’m behind I will now go back and read the entire Daily.  Have a great evening everyone!

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10 hours ago, marshhawk said:

My next real day off will be this Sunday, finish cleaning up the house before bookclub on Monday, and then there is next Friday, when they start to run the tests to see about the tumor.  My heart doc asked me if I was scared of the upcoming surgery.. so that's two docs that have told me that the surgery will happen.  To what extent?  they wont know until they actually cut on me.  I just want to be physically able to be up and driving to Florida by April 30th.  That's my plan.  But I don't know what God's plan is for me.   I know He gave me angels.

You are in my prayers.  I hope all goes well.


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