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The Fleet Report and Daily for Wednesday July 6th, 2022


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A few scenes from Geiranger.  And, I echo what @StLouisCruisers Sandi said.  If you can, go in person.  I had the best lunch at the grocery store in Geiranger.  



This is me and my boyfriend.   He followed me all over Norway.




Here I am dressed up and ready for my RIB adventure.




In the RIB you are right down at water level.  It gives you a far different perspective than what  you get from the ship.




Here is part of the Seven Sisters waterfall.  You can get up close enough to stick your hand out in the water.  



You can pick out six of the seven sisters.  




Across from the Seven Sisters is the Suitor.  The story has it that he asked each of the sisters to marry him and they all said no.  So, he drowned his sorrows in the bottle.  I think the bottle had a screw cap on it.  






Here's the Koningsdam from the RIB.  

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An early good morning from central Texas where it's sunny, breezy and heading into triple digits.


International Kissling Day sounds interesting.  I like fried chicken, but haven't had it in a long time.  The air fryer chicken has not turned out as well as I'd like, but I may change the way I fix it and give it another try.  I haven't used an umbrella in years, as I too prefer a hood or hat.


I like the Emerson quote.  Since my next door neighbor is an "old" friend of 70 or so years, we can be ourselves around each other.


The meal sounds good.  I like mojitos, but the peach one sounds a little too sweet.  The wine sounds interesting as it's a dry Riesling.


We have been to Geiranger once in 2005 on Marco Polo.  Since we left the ship in one port and reboarded her in Geiranger we did not have much time in town.  I hope to return someday and explore the town.


@dfish  Debbie, I hope the blood test finds the source of the extra calcium.

@Ichiban Nekko  Wow, you have been busy.  I hope when it's ready, you enjoy your new home.

@Crazy For Cats and @rafinmd  Sorry  your weather isn't better today.  Roy, there is always one or two that keep everyone waiting.

@StLouisCruisers Sandi, and @dfish Debbie, thanks for your great pictures.


It looks like I'll be heading to Waco today.  I need to exchange one thing I got last week, get a few things I forgot and try to return a couple of items.  I'm not sure if they will take them back.





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6 minutes ago, dfish said:

A few scenes from Geiranger.  And, I echo what @StLouisCruisers Sandi said.  If you can, go in person.  I had the best lunch at the grocery store in Geiranger.  



This is me and my boyfriend.   He followed me all over Norway.




Here I am dressed up and ready for my RIB adventure.




In the RIB you are right down at water level.  It gives you a far different perspective than what  you get from the ship.




Here is part of the Seven Sisters waterfall.  You can get up close enough to stick your hand out in the water.  



You can pick out six of the seven sisters.  




Across from the Seven Sisters is the Suitor.  The story has it that he asked each of the sisters to marry him and they all said no.  So, he drowned his sorrows in the bottle.  I think the bottle had a screw cap on it.  






Here's the Koningsdam from the RIB.  


Great photos!  I love the screw cap comment!  Crazy how the waterfall shows a perfect bottle on the rocks there.  I loved seeing the Suitor more than the Seven Sisters, though both are fantastic.

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13 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Thinking back to our times spent in Geiranger I wanted to show more photos of the little town itself.  It's located at the end of Geirangerfjord.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIgnQb-t0bvFYtmBXSw_Q0c?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1373851895


This zoomed in shot shows the campgrounds at the water's edge and the waterfall down the hillside.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKvhjwU7j9DqNM5nOoOTSis?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1373851926


Tenders running back and forth between the dock and the ships.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIhzu9bbIt5i-rjiIfSd4pp?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1373851996










We walked up the hillside road to the Norsk Fjorsenter, a museum about the area.















Enjoy Norway, Debbie and Jacqui, on your upcoming cruises there.

Excellent photos Sandi.

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These are the pictures I shared when Geirangerfjord was the port of the day.


Our tour the day we were in Geiranger started in another town and ended in Geiranger.  These pictures are from our stop in the icefield and at the overlook above the town and fjord.





The ship nearer town is the Saga Rose, and the Marco Polo is further out.



The two pictures I took in town, both while we waited for the tender.





Our sail down the fjord and the Suitor and Seven Sisters










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Good Morning Dailyites!  Yesterday I did something so out of my norm, that I am sure that I will regret it until I do it, but this is what I did.  A friend said she wanted to go to Greece.  She asked if DH and I had ever wanted to go, I remembered some of the first paintings I did, all Greek temples and buildings, and I asked DH if he wanted to go to Greece, now maybe it's his meds, but he said heck yes....Opa!  


I had cruises paid for, nice calm Bahamas cruises, Mexico, Belize, this is my norm, search of beach, or Mayan culture.  But lets face it, I am not getting any younger  DH's doc keeps telling him to vacation more.  I called my cruise line, and asked if it was possible to change the cruises in 23 and 24 to a massive cruise in October of 23, and while the woman was pondering this question, she said she couldn't do it, but would transfer me to someone who could.  Not only was it possible, but after an hour and a half, I ended up with a 10 cruise of Italy, a stop in Turkey and the Greek Islands, and a 15 day on the ship for the return back to the US.  25 days on a ship., stopping in Spain and the Portuguese islands.


Please tell me that I am not crazy, that it was time I stepped out of my comfort zone.  I was looking at shore excursions that DH can do, and I saw so many places that you all have posted pictures of.  


I then emailed my friend about what I had done, and have not heard back.  Told her husband yesterday what I was looking at, and he said he was too scared to go to these places.  So I may have just booked a cruise to go with friends, who wont go.  So I guess I'll just make new friends. 😸  Wish me luck, because when all was done, DH said, what happened to going to England?  Ummmm.....


maybe I should just kiss him more.



Edited by marshhawk
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Well, this is a sad news day.  Last week when I got home from our cruise my twin told me she and her DH had gotten Covid.  She had been trying to help her daughter Amy out at her house because of Buddy in the hospital having the spinal surgery and beginning treatments for his latest cancer (lung cancer in his scapula and spine).  Twin feels so guilty (which she shouldn't) that she can't be of more help until they test negative.


But the news the last couple of days on Buddy has gotten worse.   He now has cancer in his liver.  Today Amy announced Buddy is coming home today or tomorrow for hospice care.  He absolutely wants to be home at the end. 😢  Friends have begun a dinner chain and will provide them a hot meal every night through July.  Her church will help out with her electric bill and ambulance bills which run $900 per trip.  Today's trip is the fourth one.  


It's hard to fathom a just turned 50 year old going to meet his Maker so soon.  Prayers for Buddy, Amy and their kids are appreciated.🙏

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5 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

Good Morning Dailyites!  Yesterday I did something so out of my norm, that I am sure that I will regret it until I do it, but this is what I did.  A friend said she wanted to go to Greece.  She asked if DH and I had ever wanted to go, I remembered some of the first paintings I did, all Greek temples and buildings, and I asked DH if he wanted to go to Greece, now maybe it's his meds, but he said heck yes....Opa!  


I had cruises paid for, nice calm Bahamas cruises, Mexico, Belize, this is my norm, search of beach, or Mayan culture.  But lets face it, I am not getting any younger  DH's doc keeps telling him to vacation more.  I called my cruise line, and asked if it was possible to change the cruises in 23 and 24 to a massive cruise in October of 23, and while the woman was pondering this question, she said she couldn't do it, but would transfer me to someone who could.  Not only was it possible, but after an hour and a half, I ended up with a 10 cruise of Italy, a stop in Turkey and the Greek Islands, and a 15 day on the ship for the return back to the US.  25 days on a ship., stopping in Spain and the Portuguese islands.


Please tell me that I am not crazy, that it was time I stepped out of my comfort zone.  I was looking at shore excursions that DH can do, and I saw so many places that you all have posted pictures of.  


I then emailed my friend about what I had done, and have not heard back.  Told her husband yesterday what I was looking at, and he said he was too scared to go to these places.  So I may have just booked a cruise to go with friends, who wont go.  So I guess I'll just make new friends. 😸  Wish me luck, because when all was done, DH said, what happened to going to England?  Ummmm.....


maybe I should just kiss him more.




You are not crazy, and I hope you and DH get to not only go on that cruise, but enjoy the heck out of it.  Getting new friends is always a good thing!

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@marshhawk  Go...do it....it's a great cruise plan....!!   


I have a friend...just this morning....asking about taking an Alaskan cruise with her friend this September.  I told her....we prefer going on early May cruises to Alaska...but I wouldn't put it off....go do it now....


go do them.jpg

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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I'll definitely put more oomph into it when I kiss DH this morning, leaving him wondering.  LOL  I haven't made actual fried chicken in ages, it's just easier to buy it - even then, haven't bought any in quite a long time.  Umbrella cover day . . . that's just weird.  I do take umbrellas with us when we travel to hot climates because they help provide some relief from the hot sun.  Otherwise, we use rain jackets with hoods that leave our hands free.  Love the quote and would really like to try the drink. 


It looks like we're back into a somewhat normal routine here now that the family has departed.  Somewhat, but yet not.  Today we're having a new person come and stay with us for 6 weeks.  Our Chinese daughter (who lived with us for several years as a home stay while attending university) asked if her cousin could stay at our home while she moves from high school boarding school in Ontario to university in Alberta.  She can't get into student housing until mid-August and needs a place, and well, we've got a 5 bedroom house with just 2 people and a kitty, so . . .   Life is never dull around here.  LOL


@Ichiban NekkoI don't envy you the task of downsizing - something we'll be doing in the next few years, I'm pretty sure.  Talk about a flurry of activity for you; hopefully you'll find your essential items in the mountain of boxes and can settle into your rental comfortably.

@kazuyour flowers are always so beautiful; when we meet, I'm going to check to see if you really do have green thumbs.  I think the clematis wants to give  a display you can enjoy inside the pergola, not just outside.

@StLouisCruiserswhat sad news about Buddy.  My heart goes out to his family as they prepare for his departure; please know he and they will be in my prayers.

@marshhawkgood for you !!!   Well done, girl - whether or not your friends are going to join you is of no consequence.  I'm sure you'll make new friends on your 25 day cruise.  It'll do you and your DH a world of good to get away for a while.


Looking in the fridge this morning I realize there are lots of veggies in there that need to be used, so instead of today's menu suggestion, I think we'll be having chicken stir fry this evening accompanied by fried rice.  And wine.  


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Extra prayers for the people of Ukraine and all who continue to provide aid for them.  Also for the victims and families of senseless gun violence.  We'll salute all on the happy list by raising our glasses tonight.  Stay safe, wear masks when you need to, get your boosters, and be well.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂



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35 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Well, this is a sad news day.  Last week when I got home from our cruise my twin told me she and her DH had gotten Covid.  She had been trying to help her daughter Amy out at her house because of Buddy in the hospital having the spinal surgery and beginning treatments for his latest cancer (lung cancer in his scapula and spine).  Twin feels so guilty (which she shouldn't) that she can't be of more help until they test negative.


But the news the last couple of days on Buddy has gotten worse.   He now has cancer in his liver.  Today Amy announced Buddy is coming home today or tomorrow for hospice care.  He absolutely wants to be home at the end. 😢  Friends have begun a dinner chain and will provide them a hot meal every night through July.  Her church will help out with her electric bill and ambulance bills which run $900 per trip.  Today's trip is the fourth one.  


It's hard to fathom a just turned 50 year old going to meet his Maker so soon.  Prayers for Buddy, Amy and their kids are appreciated.🙏

Sandi, I am sad to read about Buddy.  😞  You and your family are in our thoughts.

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Good morning. it is very warm and humid today so far and I have adjusted the length of the first dog walk to minimal.

I have not eaten fried chicken in years but I will happily participate  in kissing day. The recipes look very enticing  but if we can make a decision about dinner it will be with chicken and not turkey.

We have been to the port and really enjoyed it.Norway is such a beautiful  country.I remember the falls from the small boat we took on a tour. Thanks everyone  for the pictures. 


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1 hour ago, marshhawk said:

Good Morning Dailyites!  Yesterday I did something so out of my norm, that I am sure that I will regret it until I do it, but this is what I did.  A friend said she wanted to go to Greece.  She asked if DH and I had ever wanted to go, I remembered some of the first paintings I did, all Greek temples and buildings, and I asked DH if he wanted to go to Greece, now maybe it's his meds, but he said heck yes....Opa!  


I had cruises paid for, nice calm Bahamas cruises, Mexico, Belize, this is my norm, search of beach, or Mayan culture.  But lets face it, I am not getting any younger  DH's doc keeps telling him to vacation more.  I called my cruise line, and asked if it was possible to change the cruises in 23 and 24 to a massive cruise in October of 23, and while the woman was pondering this question, she said she couldn't do it, but would transfer me to someone who could.  Not only was it possible, but after an hour and a half, I ended up with a 10 cruise of Italy, a stop in Turkey and the Greek Islands, and a 15 day on the ship for the return back to the US.  25 days on a ship., stopping in Spain and the Portuguese islands.


Please tell me that I am not crazy, that it was time I stepped out of my comfort zone.  I was looking at shore excursions that DH can do, and I saw so many places that you all have posted pictures of.  


I then emailed my friend about what I had done, and have not heard back.  Told her husband yesterday what I was looking at, and he said he was too scared to go to these places.  So I may have just booked a cruise to go with friends, who wont go.  So I guess I'll just make new friends. 😸  Wish me luck, because when all was done, DH said, what happened to going to England?  Ummmm.....


maybe I should just kiss him more.



Go for it!!!!



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59 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Well, this is a sad news day.  Last week when I got home from our cruise my twin told me she and her DH had gotten Covid.  She had been trying to help her daughter Amy out at her house because of Buddy in the hospital having the spinal surgery and beginning treatments for his latest cancer (lung cancer in his scapula and spine).  Twin feels so guilty (which she shouldn't) that she can't be of more help until they test negative.


But the news the last couple of days on Buddy has gotten worse.   He now has cancer in his liver.  Today Amy announced Buddy is coming home today or tomorrow for hospice care.  He absolutely wants to be home at the end. 😢  Friends have begun a dinner chain and will provide them a hot meal every night through July.  Her church will help out with her electric bill and ambulance bills which run $900 per trip.  Today's trip is the fourth one.  


It's hard to fathom a just turned 50 year old going to meet his Maker so soon.  Prayers for Buddy, Amy and their kids are appreciated.🙏

That certainly is sad news. Prayers for Buddy and family. I know that my brother-in-law opted for home hospice when he knew the end was approaching. The familiar was what he craved.



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55 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

Good Morning Dailyites!  Yesterday I did something so out of my norm, that I am sure that I will regret it until I do it, but this is what I did.  A friend said she wanted to go to Greece.  She asked if DH and I had ever wanted to go, I remembered some of the first paintings I did, all Greek temples and buildings, and I asked DH if he wanted to go to Greece, now maybe it's his meds, but he said heck yes....Opa!  


I had cruises paid for, nice calm Bahamas cruises, Mexico, Belize, this is my norm, search of beach, or Mayan culture.  But lets face it, I am not getting any younger  DH's doc keeps telling him to vacation more.  I called my cruise line, and asked if it was possible to change the cruises in 23 and 24 to a massive cruise in October of 23, and while the woman was pondering this question, she said she couldn't do it, but would transfer me to someone who could.  Not only was it possible, but after an hour and a half, I ended up with a 10 cruise of Italy, a stop in Turkey and the Greek Islands, and a 15 day on the ship for the return back to the US.  25 days on a ship., stopping in Spain and the Portuguese islands.


Please tell me that I am not crazy, that it was time I stepped out of my comfort zone.  I was looking at shore excursions that DH can do, and I saw so many places that you all have posted pictures of.  


I then emailed my friend about what I had done, and have not heard back.  Told her husband yesterday what I was looking at, and he said he was too scared to go to these places.  So I may have just booked a cruise to go with friends, who wont go.  So I guess I'll just make new friends. 😸  Wish me luck, because when all was done, DH said, what happened to going to England?  Ummmm.....


maybe I should just kiss him more.




Way to go girl!  I'm very happy you decided to get out of your comfort zone and booked a great cruise which includes an trans-Atlantic.  We like longer cruises since you can get in a routine and really enjoy the ship instead of unpacking, running around for 6 or 7 days and repacking.  We have been to some places that were out of our comfort zone, and with very, very few exceptions were glad we did.  You will have a great cruise and meet new friends even if your friends decide not to join you.  Just think of the fun you and DH will have planning for and anticipating your cruise.  And you have a family here to answer questions and give advice.


52 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Well, this is a sad news day.  Last week when I got home from our cruise my twin told me she and her DH had gotten Covid.  She had been trying to help her daughter Amy out at her house because of Buddy in the hospital having the spinal surgery and beginning treatments for his latest cancer (lung cancer in his scapula and spine).  Twin feels so guilty (which she shouldn't) that she can't be of more help until they test negative.


But the news the last couple of days on Buddy has gotten worse.   He now has cancer in his liver.  Today Amy announced Buddy is coming home today or tomorrow for hospice care.  He absolutely wants to be home at the end. 😢  Friends have begun a dinner chain and will provide them a hot meal every night through July.  Her church will help out with her electric bill and ambulance bills which run $900 per trip.  Today's trip is the fourth one.  


It's hard to fathom a just turned 50 year old going to meet his Maker so soon.  Prayers for Buddy, Amy and their kids are appreciated.🙏


Sandi, I am sorry about the sad news about Buddy.  I hope hospice can give him the comfort he deserves.  It sounds like Amy, the family, friends and members of the church can help make his final days peaceful too.  Familiar surroundings with friends and family should also bring him comfort.  My father also wanted his last days to be at home.  All the outpouring of help renews our faith in our fellow man, especially in the wake of all the tragedy lately.  Amy, Buddy, and the rest of the family will be in our thoughts.


22 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I'll definitely put more oomph into it when I kiss DH this morning, leaving him wondering.  LOL  I haven't made actual fried chicken in ages, it's just easier to buy it - even then, haven't bought any in quite a long time.  Umbrella cover day . . . that's just weird.  I do take umbrellas with us when we travel to hot climates because they help provide some relief from the hot sun.  Otherwise, we use rain jackets with hoods that leave our hands free.  Love the quote and would really like to try the drink. 


It looks like we're back into a somewhat normal routine here now that the family has departed.  Somewhat, but yet not.  Today we're having a new person come and stay with us for 6 weeks.  Our Chinese daughter (who lived with us for several years as a home stay while attending university) asked if her cousin could stay at our home while she moves from high school boarding school in Ontario to university in Alberta.  She can't get into student housing until mid-August and needs a place, and well, we've got a 5 bedroom house with just 2 people and a kitty, so . . .   Life is never dull around here.  LOL


@Ichiban NekkoI don't envy you the task of downsizing - something we'll be doing in the next few years, I'm pretty sure.  Talk about a flurry of activity for you; hopefully you'll find your essential items in the mountain of boxes and can settle into your rental comfortably.

@kazuyour flowers are always so beautiful; when we meet, I'm going to check to see if you really do have green thumbs.  I think the clematis wants to give  a display you can enjoy inside the pergola, not just outside.

@StLouisCruiserswhat sad news about Buddy.  My heart goes out to his family as they prepare for his departure; please know he and they will be in my prayers.

@marshhawkgood for you !!!   Well done, girl - whether or not your friends are going to join you is of no consequence.  I'm sure you'll make new friends on your 25 day cruise.  It'll do you and your DH a world of good to get away for a while.


Looking in the fridge this morning I realize there are lots of veggies in there that need to be used, so instead of today's menu suggestion, I think we'll be having chicken stir fry this evening accompanied by fried rice.  And wine.  


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Extra prayers for the people of Ukraine and all who continue to provide aid for them.  Also for the victims and families of senseless gun violence.  We'll salute all on the happy list by raising our glasses tonight.  Stay safe, wear masks when you need to, get your boosters, and be well.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂




Gerry, what a nice thing you are doing to let your "daughter's" cousin stay with you for the summer.  It's another example of the good in people that we should never forget.



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Good morning and thanks for the update. It’s a sunny and humid day here but it’s supposed to be cooler this weekend. 
It was a peaceful weekend, went to a greenhouse Saturday for their half price sale along with a free hot dog with homemade relish, what a deal. On Sunday, went to a special church service for  Independence Day and went out for dinner later. On Monday afternoon we went to the farm market and had their special ice cream sundae made with fresh red raspberries and blueberries.

Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.

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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Well, this is a sad news day.  Last week when I got home from our cruise my twin told me she and her DH had gotten Covid.  She had been trying to help her daughter Amy out at her house because of Buddy in the hospital having the spinal surgery and beginning treatments for his latest cancer (lung cancer in his scapula and spine).  Twin feels so guilty (which she shouldn't) that she can't be of more help until they test negative.


But the news the last couple of days on Buddy has gotten worse.   He now has cancer in his liver.  Today Amy announced Buddy is coming home today or tomorrow for hospice care.  He absolutely wants to be home at the end. 😢  Friends have begun a dinner chain and will provide them a hot meal every night through July.  Her church will help out with her electric bill and ambulance bills which run $900 per trip.  Today's trip is the fourth one.  


It's hard to fathom a just turned 50 year old going to meet his Maker so soon.  Prayers for Buddy, Amy and their kids are appreciated.🙏


Oh Sandi, I am so very sorry to hear this 😢 How wonderful that the community and church are stepping up to help Buddy and his family 👍 


Prayers for Buddy, Amy and their family as well as your family 🙏🏻 


1 hour ago, marshhawk said:


I had cruises paid for, nice calm Bahamas cruises, Mexico, Belize, this is my norm, search of beach, or Mayan culture.  But lets face it, I am not getting any younger  DH's doc keeps telling him to vacation more.  I called my cruise line, and asked if it was possible to change the cruises in 23 and 24 to a massive cruise in October of 23, and while the woman was pondering this question, she said she couldn't do it, but would transfer me to someone who could.  Not only was it possible, but after an hour and a half, I ended up with a 10 cruise of Italy, a stop in Turkey and the Greek Islands, and a 15 day on the ship for the return back to the US.  25 days on a ship., stopping in Spain and the Portuguese islands.


Please tell me that I am not crazy, that it was time I stepped out of my comfort zone



You are not crazy at all - Good for you 👍 Go, and have fun with your DH.  You have to do these things while you can!  Don’t worry about your friends - you’ll make new ones on board.  I have made several life long friends thanks to CC roll calls.


1 hour ago, ger_77 said:


Today we're having a new person come and stay with us for 6 weeks.  Our Chinese daughter (who lived with us for several years as a home stay while attending university) asked if her cousin could stay at our home while she moves from high school boarding school in Ontario to university in Alberta.  She can't get into student housing until mid-August and needs a place, and well, we've got a 5 bedroom house with just 2 people and a kitty, so . . .   Life is never dull around here.  LOL


How kind of you to take your Chinese daughter in ♥️. Bless you 🙂 

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3 hours ago, Cat in my lap said:

We are still in Boston- plan to do virtual antigen test tomorrow.


yesterday we did Freedom trail and harbor cruise.  Today we are going to Paul revere’s house and to Red Sox/rays game tonight.


best wishes to all!

I hope you are rooting for the Rays!

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2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

These are the pictures I shared when Geirangerfjord was the port of the day.


Our tour the day we were in Geiranger started in another town and ended in Geiranger.  These pictures are from our stop in the icefield and at the overlook above the town and fjord.





The ship nearer town is the Saga Rose, and the Marco Polo is further out.



The two pictures I took in town, both while we waited for the tender.





Our sail down the fjord and the Suitor and Seven Sisters










Excellent pics!  Especially the classic view of the Saga Rose and Marco Polo in the harbor.  Norway at it's finest.  I was there on the Ryndam in 2013 with Captain Timmers who is now in command of the Rotterdam VII, one of my best cruises ever.



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