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My Norovirus experience on Azura


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Before embarking on my recent Azura cruise I received an email from P&O informing me there was Norovirus onboard. And there were precautions being taken in the form of the buffet waiters serving food and drinks.


Then about two thirds of the way through the cruise they reverted to self service, then I got ill with diarrhea and vomiting.

I rang 999 and reported it and was promptly told to self isolate in my cabin, they asked me about my symptoms, phoned me up a few times to check my symptoms and that was it, on my own for 2 days. The only visit I had was from a nurse? Not to ask how I was or if I needed anything, only to deliver a questionnaire and a sample bottle and quickly disappear. I am in my seventies and a solo cruiser, sick and alone in my cabin for 2 days.


Throughout the cruise there were many passenger coughing and sneezing, mainly over me I seems. After I started to get through the Norovirus symptoms got these as well, a cough, sore throat and runny nose.


I don’t know if I had Norovirus and a heavy cold at the same time, but it’s certainly putting me off cruising.

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I'm sorry that you experienced this. Noro is bad enough at the best of times - and being alone, far from home must be particularly hard. I completely understand that this might have made you reluctant to cruise again, especially if this was your first time.


In all fairness, it's not only cruise ships that get Noro outbreaks. It happens anywhere people are in close proximity for extended periods, including schools, hospitals etc. Of course, the same goes for cough, colds, flu, Covid and such like. Even so, many posters here have clocked up dozens, if not hundreds, of cruises without getting ill, so it certainly isn't inevitable.

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Thanks for your reply

No it's not my first cruise, more like my 30th and my worst. Perhaps it's just because I am getting older and just can't hack it anymore.

Oh, and in addition to the illness I was stopped and questioned by the police in Valencia and my homeward flight was delayed by 45mins causing me to miss my bus at Gatwick. Sort of just adds up.   

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Here's hoping you had all the year's bad luck in one go, GOQ, and everything will be tickety-boo for the rest of the year.


Do you remember that expression, tickety-boo?  Just came into my mind from donkeys years ago.

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"Throughout the cruise there were many passenger coughing and sneezing, mainly over me I seems. After I started to get through the Norovirus symptoms got these as well, a cough, sore throat and runny nose."


In 26 cruises with P&O and 8 with Saga there have only been two cruises where I have returned home without a cough and/or a cold. These two cruises were of three nights and five nights duration, which suggests to me that there was insufficient time for such coughs and colds to circulate and take hold.


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Sorry to hear about your experience on your cruise. I do think that being a solo passenger, someone should have checked up on you more. Hope you have fully recovered.


Norovirus is doing the rounds down here in Cornwall.

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I’m so sorry about this and how you were treated onboard: a little concern for patients and looking out for them more can go a long way. I hope it doesn’t put you off cruising but I understand how you will be feeling at the moment,

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Given that we flew back to the UK from Malta yesterday, after an Azura cruise from Tenerife via Valencia, we appear to have been on the same cruise as the orginal poster. I am sorry to hear that you contracted the lurgy, and you were not given the treatment you appear to have expected from the onboard medical staff.

The e-mail I received from P&O 36 hours before leaving the UK says "... following a small number of reported cases of gastrointestinal illness, we have implemented enhanced approved protocols to maintain the wellbeing of all guests and prevent spread." A similar message was repeated by the Captain in an announcement that was made into cabins before we left Tenerife. The gastrointenstinal illness was never named.

On entering all eating areas (MDR, specialist eateries, buffet) as well as the Playhouse theatre, guests were required to satitise hands with an alcohol gel - the staff were pretty efficient at ensuring this. There were also gel dispensers widely distributed about the ship. Only the Venezia buffet was operating, and all buffet items were served onto your plate by the buffet staff. I assume that Verona buffet staff were being used to provide the necessary additional manpower. Passengers were advised, but not required, to use the toilet facilities in our own cabin, and to wash hands properly with soap for at least 20 seconds under running water. The staff were very efficient in sanitising a table after guests left, and I think most guests were equally good in waiting for this to be done.

On arrival in Cagliari, Tuesday 26th March, breakfast in the buffet was suddently self-service, and the Verona buffet was also open. By dinner same day we were back to served food in buffet, either because of an increase in cases (the original poster), or perhaps because Italian port health authorities disagreed with the decision to relax restrictions. No announcement was made about relaxation or return to restrictions.

After breakfast on the final morning (Thursday) at least one buffet was sealed, even as a walk-through, presumably to allow for a deep clean.

On only one occasion did I encounter a fellow passenger with a serious coughing fit attempt to fill the atmosphere in a food serving area with the fine particles from his lungs, throat and mouth. He was totally unware of his behaviour, and few passengers around him seemed to care. I left the area.

We have returned home with no apparent gastrointestinal issues, no coughs, colds or sore throats. This was "only" our fifth cruise and we have had sore throats and coughs before. I wonder if a balcony cabin is a good investment.

But, no-one with access to the facts ever actually said "norovirus", and they were encouraging use of alcohol gel (which does not kill noro) and soap (which does kill noro).

Would I cruise on Azura again next week? Yes.

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Hubby and I disembarked Azura in Malta yesterday.  As kermchem stated, only in the last couple of days did they allow self-service in the buffet before reverting back to staff serving. When asking a member of staff, they advised it was to minimise the risk of infection for guests joining the next cruise 🤔   Anyway, we didn't get ill other than I developed a runny nose on Tuesday 26th which has left me now feeling stuffy! 

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23 hours ago, lincslady said:

Here's hoping you had all the year's bad luck in one go, GOQ, and everything will be tickety-boo for the rest of the year.


Do you remember that expression, tickety-boo?  Just came into my mind from donkeys years ago.

We certainly do remember it and reading your post was spooky as we have just come off Azura and we taught our lovely waitress to say it when we asked how she was each day!! She added flapping arms (like an impression of a chicken) which made it all the more hilarious!

So if anyone is dining in Oriental over the next few weeks look out for Rachel around tables 111, 113 and ask her how she is! 

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I have done about 30 cruises and this was the first time I have had any gastrointestinal illness, that is 1 in 30, so I suppose that is not bad odds.


I frequently come away from a cruise with a few sniffles or a light cold, a few heavy colds and once I needed antibiotics for a chest infection.


This time I was a bit unlucky, at least 4 times people sat besides or directly behind me continuously coughing. Just bad luck. And luckily I did have a balcony so I could get some fresh air.


I was doing about 5 cruises a year, I have lost a bit of my confidence now I don’t think I will be booking any new cruses for a while.


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On 3/29/2024 at 7:37 AM, GOQ said:

Before embarking on my recent Azura cruise I received an email from P&O informing me there was Norovirus onboard. And there were precautions being taken in the form of the buffet waiters serving food and drinks.


Then about two thirds of the way through the cruise they reverted to self service, then I got ill with diarrhea and vomiting.

I rang 999 and reported it and was promptly told to self isolate in my cabin, they asked me about my symptoms, phoned me up a few times to check my symptoms and that was it, on my own for 2 days. The only visit I had was from a nurse? Not to ask how I was or if I needed anything, only to deliver a questionnaire and a sample bottle and quickly disappear. I am in my seventies and a solo cruiser, sick and alone in my cabin for 2 days.


Throughout the cruise there were many passenger coughing and sneezing, mainly over me I seems. After I started to get through the Norovirus symptoms got these as well, a cough, sore throat and runny nose.


I don’t know if I had Norovirus and a heavy cold at the same time, but it’s certainly putting me off cruising.

In all the years we have been holidaying I have had Noro once. Not pleasant and in a hotel.

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We were on Arcadia last year,there had been reports on these forums of Norovirus on the previous cruise,three days into our 19 night Med cruise it was announced that Gastric Enteritus had broken out,for the rest of the cruise the crew served on the buffet which was a pain,especially as some obviously didn't want to be doing it!

They tried to stop people from entering the buffet without washing & sanitizing their hands but some just pushed their way in & helped themselves,I guess they knew better?!?!😒😒

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Posted (edited)
15 hours ago, purplesea said:

We sailed on Azura in January and they were very hot on the sanitising of hands on entering the buffet and MDRs.


We were on the Azura as well and sat in the buffet having a cuppa watching the 

world go by in the buffet ,a few folk on seeing the sanitizer guy would suddenly 

start rubbing their hands making out they had just used one of the other dispensers.


It's not always down to the passengers , same cruise a waiter put his hands 

over his face to stifle a sneeze .

He then came to our table wanting our order ,which was go and wash your hands .


When the ships docked whilst we sat in the Blue Bar we were amazed how many 

folk would cough into their hands and then "spread the love" down the Atrium hand 

rails . 

The Captain says "when using the steps try to use the handrails " but whilst sat 

watching noted the officers/staff  seldom used these handrails , may be they did 

not want to share the love ? 🤔


Edited by kalos
cuppa not couple
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Posted (edited)
26 minutes ago, kalos said:


We were on the Azura as well and sat in the buffet having a cuppa watching the 

world go by in the buffet ,a few folk on seeing the sanitizer guy would suddenly 

start rubbing their hands making out they had just used one of the other dispensers.


It's not always down to the passengers , same cruise a waiter put his hands 

over his face to stifle a sneeze .

He then came to our table wanting our order ,which was go and wash your hands .


When the ships docked whilst we sat in the Blue Bar we were amazed how many 

folk would cough into their hands and then "spread the love" down the Atrium hand 

rails . 

The Captain says "when using the steps try to use the handrails " but whilst sat 

watching noted the officers/staff  seldom used these handrails , may be they did 

not want to share the love ? 🤔


We take our own handsaniter called Serenity that was recommended to us by fellow CC members. It is a foam and hospital strength.. if that makes sense .. against most nasty bugs and germs. Think it covers Noro too. It also outs a cover on your hands for about 4 hours... Brilliant stuff and we used it lots during Covid. It's very ethical in terms of animal testing etc too.


We carry a small bottle with us when we use the buffet so that we redo our hands before we eat.


Thought I'd pass this on again as CC folk we good enough to pass this info on to us many moons ago.





Edited by Presto2
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Posted (edited)

Thanks for posting that link Presto2.


Looking at the webpage I notice it is an Antiviral, which is just what we need. I believe these alcohol based hand cleaners are  only effective against bacteria.


Will definitely be buying some of this stuff..



Found on the internet:


"Why is Norovirus resistant to alcohol-based hand sanitiser?

Norovirus is a non-enveloped virus with a protein membrane protecting it, as opposed to the lipid membrane of an enveloped virus. The protein membrane around a norovirus cell is not broken down by hand sanitiser and so it is not effective in protecting against infection. The best way to avoid catching Norovirus is to wash your hands for 20 seconds minimum and scrub underneath your fingernails."


Edited by GOQ
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Nothing kills norovirus except strong bleach (for sanitizing surfaces - not recommended for your skin!) Only hand washing (properly) with soap and warm water will remove the virus from your hands. Wish the ships would explain this to pax (although some will not take any notice anyway!) Just best to look after yourself. 

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6 minutes ago, Fionboard said:

Nothing kills norovirus except strong bleach


We wash our hands and then rub in some Boots antiviral foam and then at the MDR/

buffet  use the antibacterial sanitizer as well .

We try to keep off hand rails and if using buffet will use a tissue to use serving 

utensils that many folk handle .

As you say look after yourselves .

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I'm also a fan of the Boots anti-viral foam, although putting my NHS hat on, fully agree that soap and water applied properly is really the only way forward with norovirus exposure.


I also use my elbows to steady myself on escalators and stairs, not just on cruise ships, although I appreciate others may require much more grip.   Why elbows .. well, I've yet to meet anyone who can then touch their faces with them.

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I think some people are more susceptible than others, my wife and I have been on 60 cruises and never had NV we have had a cough and runny noise a couple of times. On the other hand friends of ours on their first P&O cruise got NV, bad.

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When I started work it was drilled into us by safety officer use handrail. Falling down stairs is serious especially as we get older , even more dangerous on moving ship. I wonder how many accidents caused by people not using handrails for fear of covid , noro.


Officers showing off by not using handrails, not a good example. 


Use hand rails , keep hands away from face, and wash them often.


As someone whose been windsurfing in UK waters for 30 years, the odd dirty handrail seems a minor risk. Perhaps this has strengthened my immune system never had problem on cruise ship , or hotel.  So answer is get in the sea 

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1 hour ago, kalos said:


We wash our hands and then rub in some Boots antiviral foam and then at the MDR/

buffet  use the antibacterial sanitizer as well .

We try to keep off hand rails and if using buffet will use a tissue to use serving 

utensils that many folk handle .

As you say look after yourselves .

We always wipe down the high touch areas in our cabin with the wipes from Serenity and use our knuckles in the loft rather than finger tips. When we first read these tips on CC we thought people were mad, but so far it's kept us OK in terms of norovirus.


Having said that we have picked up colds and you know what, but as they are air born there is less you can do about that unless you wear a space suit and you can say that about anywhere where there are other people. 


Incidentally we also wipe down the tray and arm rests etc in the aeroplane. Something else we never thought we would do ...

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44 minutes ago, Presto2 said:

Incidentally we also wipe down the tray and arm rests etc in the aeroplane. Something else we never thought we would do ...


Mrs K done that for years BC , a woman sat next to us jumped at the chance when she offered

the woman a Dettol wipe . 

She thanked Mrs K  and said these were going onto her travel pack list in future .

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There used to be a hand sanitiser that worked against Norovirus, or rather it worked against a related non enveloped virus in cats. They had to change the formula because the low volume percentage active ingredient could cause skin cancer if you bathed your hands daily in it for about 20 years.


Apparently all the handrails etc should be brass because copper has anti bacterial properties. It kills them, apparently something to do with the molecular structure of the metal. Did you know RNA can form spontaneously on volcanic glass given the conditions on the early earth, amazing.

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