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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday June 29th, 2024


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23 minutes ago, Haljo1935 said:

Grocery delivery is so frustrating of late. My local grocery store gives an option of having orders delivered by one of their trucks (so it's an actual company employee) or a shopping service such as instacart. I quit using 3rd parties because of too many mistakes (missing, wrong, damaged etc items). I just received the 4th consecutive order that was not correct in some way - I received a large box of microwave popcorn and some breakfast cakes I didn't order; wasn't charged for them, but I didn't order them and I'm sure someone else is disappointed w/their order. So, using only company delivered orders is clearly not the answer, either.


It didn't take long to get spoiled on having groceries arrive w/o battling heat or rain, but I think the honeymoon is over. Last week, the hot dogs buns were inedible having been loaded at the bottom of a bag with 2 6-packs of canned cokes on top.🤷‍♀️ Now I know "smashed" is an option on the drop down menu 🙄 That same order I was charged for 4-1 gallon jugs of distilled water and a jar of spaghetti sauce that I neither ordered nor received (double whammy).


I think surveys should be sent to people who report/request adjustments on orders so they can learn what's going wrong and maybe be able to prevent some of it. It's got to be costing them quite a bit refunding damages and incorrect orders.


It may be time to venture out again and do my own shopping - of course, the timing is perfect now that 100° days are the norm 🥴

Not surprised that this happens. I see the shoppers at my local Walmart working on 6,7,8 orders at the same time. I understand the necessity of not doing one at a time but this really leaves a large margin for error. Not surprised you are getting incorrect things. But really, the squashed hit dog buns should be a no brainer 

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4 hours ago, Nickelpenny said:

And that cruise will mean I have been on all of HAL's ships.  Stupid goal, I know, but a goal nonetheless.


37 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Not a stupid goal at all!  It’s actually one I’ve been trying to achieve myself. Finally in August I’ll be on the Zuiderdam, my last HAL ship.

By the end of 2019 I had achieved the goal of every HAL ship then in existence. I have added several trips on Rotterdam and Nieuw Statendam with one more coming up, so that is still the case. I think each class of ship has advantages and would gladly sail on any BHB at any time.


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2 hours ago, SusieKIslandGirl said:

Well, this morning started out badly. Looked out the door to the back porch and there was a da** deer munching away. Gone are the geraniums blooms, red clover, lobelia,  gazania flowers and even the buds on the new fuchsia that was ready to burst open. She was up on the porch, practically in the house if the door had been open. Guess I need to find a stronger repellent. And still no rain. Hope everyone has a better day.

This is why I have given up on flowers (and vegetables) except for the Iris which our local deer don't eat (yet) and so far they are ignoring my downstairs neighbor's lavender. I used to have a lovely rose garden and a very healthy and happy vegetable garden.... now only one poor sickly rose is hiding an overgrown bush and I suspect one day they will go for the Iris.



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12 minutes ago, richwmn said:


By the end of 2019 I had achieved the goal of every HAL ship then in existence. I have added several trips on Rotterdam and Nieuw Statendam with one more coming up, so that is still the case. I think each class of ship has advantages and would gladly sail on any BHB at any time.


I totally agree, Rich.  There are thing I like about each class of ship.  We spent 32 wonderful days on the Zaandam last summer followed by 18 great days on the Koningsdam in February.  Both were great experiences, so I don't let the class of ship deter me from booking.  


I still have Eurodam, Oosterdam, Noordam, and Volendam to go.  I will be on Oosterdam in January and again the following November.  

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2 hours ago, summer slope said:

Checking off a cagillion bucket list items. Booked the November 9-December 21 mediterranean cruise.


Dixie, that itinerary sounds wonderful, and we'd love to do the cruise, except for the timing.  We'd get back to Quarzsite too close to Christmas, and our "kids" like to spend Christmas playing in the desert.  It would be nice to cruise with you and your DH again.


29 minutes ago, superoma said:

Not surprised that this happens. I see the shoppers at my local Walmart working on 6,7,8 orders at the same time. I understand the necessity of not doing one at a time but this really leaves a large margin for error. Not surprised you are getting incorrect things. But really, the squashed hit dog buns should be a no brainer 


Eva, I've seen the same thing at W-M, and wondered how they can keep the orders straight.  I've not ordered groceries on line since I like to see what I'm buying .  However, I've noticed at our local grocery store, they do one order at a time.  Last week, there were three employees filling orders at the same time.


19 minutes ago, richwmn said:


By the end of 2019 I had achieved the goal of every HAL ship then in existence. I have added several trips on Rotterdam and Nieuw Statendam with one more coming up, so that is still the case. I think each class of ship has advantages and would gladly sail on any BHB at any time.



Rich, basically, we look at the itineraries, but generally we like the smaller ships.  We almost sailed on all the R and S class ships, but they sold the Maasdam before we could sail on her.  The only two bigger ships we've sailed on were Westerdam and Koningsdam.



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12 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

...Eva, I've seen the same thing at W-M, and wondered how they can keep the orders straight.  I've not ordered groceries on line since I like to see what I'm buying .  However, I've noticed at our local grocery store, they do one order at a time.  Last week, there were three employees filling orders at the same time.

I rarely (as in maybe <5 times) ordered from WM, so my experience is with our local grocer. I don't order fresh fruit or vegetables as I like to select my own, but I have ordered everything else. The couple times I got adventurous and did order a pineapple 🍍 and a watermelon 🍉 it didn't go in my favor - both went straight in the trash. So I get those when I pick up Rx.

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I have sailed all but 3 ships added starting with S-Class, plus Prinsendam and Rotterdam V at some time.  I missed Nieuw Amsterdam and Noordam due to health issues, and Zuiderdam due to Covid.



Edited by rafinmd
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Good afternoon all and Thank You for keeping the Daily going especially Rich , Vanessa the Food and Wine contributors , and all of the people trying to comfort others that need a warm embrace !
It is already quite late in the day have been busy watching F! Yes  Max won again , soccer , wow the Swiss beat the Italians so the former champions are going home and than we had a lovely visit and brunch with my cousin .Today I will post a few more that do not need a lot of commentary , I will just transfer you to a beautiful area in Chile not that far South of Santiago 
Have a great day everybody , please Take Care and Stay Safe !
Tony 😘
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@sailingdutchy Every time Max wins, I think, sailingdutchy will be happy.  

He is a fantastic driver, I just dont like him.  Let me rephrase that.  When Schumacher was winning all the time, the races got boring, when Hamilton was winning all the time, the races got boring, and now year 3 of Max. Last year was boring.  Now this year, there is some hope, that other drivers can and will win, so I am hoping that the previous 4 races might be a new beginning.  


To all other dailyites, I apologize for this brief moment of F1 discussion.


The kittens.  They bite. I have bites on my hands, my legs, my neck!  I am renaming Quiff, 'm thinking Vampiress.

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To continue the discussion a bit on "completing the fleet". I did a little research. I took my first cruise in September of 2000 on Zaandam. I had no idea that over 20 years later I would still be taking cruises and much longer than that first one. It appears that the HAL fleet when I started consisted of Nieuw Amsterdam III, Noordam III, Westerdam III, Statendam V, Maasdam, Ryndam, Veendam I, Rotterdam VI, Volendam II, Zaandam, Amsterdam. Of those ships, I missed the first four, and have sailed on all the rest in addition to all the ships that HAL acquired since.
Maybe @Copper10-8 can verify the ship list.

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I wanted to be sure that International Mud Day was about, basically, wet dirt, rather than, say, drywall installation. The Google finds, "International Mud Day is an exciting date not only to play and have fun with mud but to raise awareness about cleanliness and access to sanitation in different parts of the world! International Mud Day strives to bring children from all over the world together through the ground by allowing them to play in the mud. Children and early childhood professionals all over the world celebrate International Mud Day by getting really muddy and observing nature, the outdoors, and mess."


Last semester, for an assignment about a formative ecological experience, I wrote about playing in the dirt. I still prefer to use a camera, currently an Olympus OM-D, when traveling.


Chicken tortilla soup would be OK, but I would skip the drink. As far as I know, Thirsty Owl on Cayuga Lake (with a boat dock) is the only Finger Lakes producer of Malbec, so by default the nomination goes to their 2022, $34.95. "Estate grown fruit with hints of clove and nutmeg. Barrel aged for 16 months."


I was one of the officiants in the synagogue this morning for Pride Shabbat. I didn't really have to do much, because our principal soloist and the choir director, who is also a very good singer, planned it to include as much music by contemporary LGBT+ songwriters as possible and they did all the singing and one of them gave the sermon. I was on tap just for a few technical bits that most people don't know how to do, and serious parts that didn't go with the happy-clappy music. I hadn't slept much and if I had had to do any more, I wouldn't have managed to.

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1 hour ago, richwmn said:

To continue the discussion a bit on "completing the fleet". I did a little research. I took my first cruise in September of 2000 on Zaandam. I had no idea that over 20 years later I would still be taking cruises and much longer than that first one. It appears that the HAL fleet when I started consisted of Nieuw Amsterdam III, Noordam III, Westerdam III, Statendam V, Maasdam, Ryndam, Veendam I, Rotterdam VI, Volendam II, Zaandam, Amsterdam. Of those ships, I missed the first four, and have sailed on all the rest in addition to all the ships that HAL acquired since.
Maybe @Copper10-8 can verify the ship list.

I should have said in my earlier post that I was only counting the current HAL ships. We started cruising in 1987 but had a long break after that due to having young children and started back up in 1999. Since 1999 I’ve not been on the Ryndam, Amsterdam, Prinsendam, and Zuiderdam.  So in August I’ll accomplish having been on all the ships in the current fleet. 

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Good evening!  It’s not as humid but still feels muggy. The pool temp is down 4 degrees. Craig still got in but I’m making bread right now. Summer has a friend spending the night so thought that they would enjoy grilled cheese sandwiches. Summer will only eat them on my bread. Also she took her drivers training test online today and passed. The whole process has really changed since our kids started driving. I’m not entirely sure but I think you have to be 18 to get your license and have had at least 6 months of a permit. It’s confusing. 

Annie @marshhawk, I loved the kitten pictures!


Dixie @summer slope, congratulations on the cruise booking!


Debbie @dfish, I made the ground beef with broccoli yesterday and not only was it quick and easy but also delicious. Thank you for the recipe. Next time I’ll add an extra bell pepper. 

The girls are getting in the pool and I need to check the bread. Have a good evening!

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Hello to all

I started out this morning reading some posts but didn’t get too far.

i still have quite a bit of pain in my right upper arm and don’t see where the injection did any good.  Doc is on vacation until July 10 so I really can’t get in touch.

Trying to make the best of it.

I finally got a good night’s sleep last night and am heading to bed now.

More tomorrow

God Bless and Good night.



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1 hour ago, summer slope said:

@Quartzsite Cruiser, Lenda it would be nice. 


Dixie, it would be nice, but the timing is not good for us.


17 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Hello to all

I started out this morning reading some posts but didn’t get too far.

i still have quite a bit of pain in my right upper arm and don’t see where the injection did any good.  Doc is on vacation until July 10 so I really can’t get in touch.

Trying to make the best of it.

I finally got a good night’s sleep last night and am heading to bed now.

More tomorrow

God Bless and Good night.




Terri, I'm sorry you're still having so much pain in your arm, and that the injection did not help.  I hope you have a good night's sleep tonight.



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32 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:



Debbie @dfish, I made the ground beef with broccoli yesterday and not only was it quick and easy but also delicious. Thank you for the recipe. Next time I’ll add an extra bell pepper. 


Glad you enjoyed it.  I know we did and River didn't even balk at eating it!


29 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Hello to all

I started out this morning reading some posts but didn’t get too far.

i still have quite a bit of pain in my right upper arm and don’t see where the injection did any good.  Doc is on vacation until July 10 so I really can’t get in touch.

Trying to make the best of it.

I finally got a good night’s sleep last night and am heading to bed now.

More tomorrow

God Bless and Good night.




Terri, I hope the pain subsides.  Would something like Icy Hot help with that?  Sometimes those creams really do help.

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4 hours ago, marshhawk said:

@sailingdutchy Every time Max wins, I think, sailingdutchy will be happy.  

He is a fantastic driver, I just dont like him.  Let me rephrase that.  When Schumacher was winning all the time, the races got boring, when Hamilton was winning all the time, the races got boring, and now year 3 of Max. Last year was boring.  Now this year, there is some hope, that other drivers can and will win, so I am hoping that the previous 4 races might be a new beginning.  


To all other dailyites, I apologize for this brief moment of F1 discussion.


The kittens.  They bite. I have bites on my hands, my legs, my neck!  I am renaming Quiff, 'm thinking Vampiress.


Thank you @marshhawk . Hope you can understand my enthusiasm for Max as an excellent Dutch driver and three time World Champion who lets us forget the " boring years " like you also mentioned of Hamilton and Schumacher , Prost , Senna  I can certainly understand your point and I enjoy exciting races with strong competitors like the last couple of races.

I am glad some of the teams are starting to catch up technology wise but wonder if there are stronger drivers this year . ( I also like Norris )

Who are you rooting for ? 


Enjoy tomorrows race ! 


Tony , racingdutchyfan🏆

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8 hours ago, sailingdutchy said:
Good afternoon all and Thank You for keeping the Daily going especially Rich , Vanessa the Food and Wine contributors , and all of the people trying to comfort others that need a warm embrace !
It is already quite late in the day have been busy watching F! Yes  Max won again , soccer , wow the Swiss beat the Italians so the former champions are going home and than we had a lovely visit and brunch with my cousin .Today I will post a few more that do not need a lot of commentary , I will just transfer you to a beautiful area in Chile not that far South of Santiago 
Have a great day everybody , please Take Care and Stay Safe !
Tony 😘

Great photos Tony.

Germany beat Denmark last night.

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7 hours ago, dfish said:


Glad you enjoyed it.  I know we did and River didn't even balk at eating it!



Terri, I hope the pain subsides.  Would something like Icy Hot help with that?  Sometimes those creams really do help.


Debbie, that's a good idea.  Wish I'd thought of it.  Besides Icy Hot, we've found Apercreme to work very well.



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