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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday July 13th, 2024

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36 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

What cruise are you taking?  I don’t think the timing of yours matches the one I’m taking next month but I would love to see you again!  You do a mean line dance!

We’re on Volendam leaving Boston August 20, to Montreal. Which are you on?  (I have to laugh about the line dance comment/ that’s sooo out of my comfort zone. I had NEVER even considered joining in on something like that- ever. 60+ years never. My DH and I like to keep quietly in the sidelines. But I have to confess when we did Mexico Sea of Cortez I got to talking with the dancers and saw how much fun they were having and tried a few of the classes in Mexican dance and tried it. Ended up signing up for a Seniors class (generic line dance) about 6 months before the Panama trip, and forced myself to put on my “big girl pants”.)

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Posted (edited)

Haven't gotten any work done - I went down a rabbit hole searching for rodent-proof dog food bins. Ugh...🫣

We have very thick, heavy duty plastic stackable bins that we've used for the 17 years we've lived in this house (dog food lives in the garage). A couple years ago, we saw evidence of little nibbles on the corners of the bottom bin & set out traps. We caught a couple field mice (we have no back neighbors - we are adjacent to a greenbelt so field mice are common) and all has been good until this month.

I've been hearing something in the attic and there are big holes in the corners of the bottom bin, plus I clearly see the "gifts" they've left for us. So we put out industrial sticky pads; they have not worked yet, so the "squatters remain at large 😒

I'm seeing plenty of options for smaller metal bins, but nothing to accommodate a 50# bag. The big dog is 125# so we get his food 50# at a time; anything less would just be buying too frequently & expensive. I'm not looking to use an old school 33 gal metal trash can - way too big and just, no 🙄 I experimented w/a 13gal kitchen trashcan, but it's really too deep.

🙋‍♀️Any suggestions? For a source for the dog food bin, to clarify.


Edited by Haljo1935
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The chicken kebabs would be OK but I'm not making them. Today is also National Beans and Franks Day, but I'm not making that, either. Pass on the cocktail. I'll counter the wine with a Fulkerson 2018 Zweigelt, $25. "An early ripening Austrian red grape variety that is soft, fruit driven and medium bodied. A dry wine with medium tannins and pleasing cherry and currant fruit flavors. A very easy wine to drink."


I just saw that Dr. Ruth Westheimer has died. I didn't listen to her program regularly, but the hygienist in my dentist's office always had a radio playing and I always seemed to be there during Dr. Ruth's show. When the hygienist had to leave the room, she ordered me to listen carefully and catch her up.



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Good afternoon from a partly cloudy central Texas where the 8mph wind is not moving the neighbor's flag.  It is 90F and feels like 96F.  The yard was finished in just a little more than two hours.  One good thing about yardwork this time of year when we haven't had any rain for weeks, is the non-watered part of the yard does not need mowing, or at least, not as often.  I did discover that while some of the Bermuda had turned brown where the sprinklers did not reach it, it was not dormant, and still needed mowing.  I've cooled off and showered, and have now finished reading The Daily, and yesterday's Daily.  


4 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Love the "Gruntled Workers Day", made me smile first thing this morning.  While I'm not a fan of barbershop music, I do love rock and roll and will have the radio playing loudly in the house while preparing things.  


It looks like we're going to have a beautiful day - it's starting out at 15C(59) right now and we're expecting a high of 26(78) which is going to be very comfortable for a gathering of friends and family.  After clearing off yesterday's tasks from the "to do" list, today I have a fresh one to tackle.  Make the crock pot beans, put together the coleslaw, continue making ice, welcome the lovely Ukrainian family as they come over this morning to help set up the banquet tables in the back yard, make sangria, and then get everything set up for our guests who should start arriving around 5.


@1ANGELCATprayers for your friend Denise; so glad she wasn't injured, and also that her grandson wasn't with her!

@kazuyou are amazing, getting so much done, yet being in a lot of pain.  I hope the family sees your house and immediately falls in love with it.  BTW, delayed birthday greetings to Ivan; he's so lucky to have found you as his furever mom.

@marshhawksorry Chuck's hospital stay was such a fiasco, but glad he felt like he wanted to eat something - I hope he gets an early surgery date to help his issues.


That's about all the time I can spend at the computer this morning, as there are a bunch of things I have to get done.  I'd like to try the wine, I looked up the Tia Mia and think it would make a great drink on a day like today, and would love to try the menu suggestion, but will tuck it away for another time.  Tonight we're looking at having smokies along with an assortment of salads, fruits, vegetables, and desserts in the back yard.  And wine.  Lots of wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, in turmoil, and for the innocents in wars.  Cheers to all who have celebrations happening today.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



Gerry, I'm glad your weather will be about perfect for the party today.  It was nice of your Ukrainian friends are helping set up this morning.


3 hours ago, Nickelpenny said:


Thanks for the daily and fleet report.  I was a gruntled worker until I wasn't!  I think my longest tenure at a job was 6 years (I get bored easily and I believe change is good).  Is there any other kind of music except R&R?? 🙂  Barbershop singing reminds me of my parents.  I think I will keep Gandhi's quote in my head for the foreseeable future.  I like the meal, don't think I would like the drink, maybe the wine, never been to the Azores.  Wow, I love Krispy Kreme and didn't realize they were so old.  I do remember watching Live Aid. 




We finally have no excessive heat warning but it still will be a tad warm - predicted high today is ~106F and no rain forecasted.  My Zoom onboarding was ........ let's say, repetitive and boring.  But it is done.  I had to go sign 2 pieces of paper at the district office - took maybe 3 minutes - where they asked me about being a long term sub.  No way!!  Too much responsibility and I don't want to work on "their" schedule.  




A YT vlogger I follow promoted a company that prints the path of a specific cruise.  So I bought one.  I do like it.  It has the ports and the actual path the ship did on the specific cruise.  



I polled my friends on the design for the tiles.  I had them laid out on the hutch top and rearranged them into 3 designs.  The top is ~4.5' x 1.5'.  The last design was sort of an afterthought but I think that is the one I am going with.  Once I start, I will be committed; no going back.  I will need to go and get more penny rounds but that is okay.  Just a little preview.



@marshhawk I am so sorry about yesterday's procedure failure.  It has to be so hard and I hope you take care of yourself!

@kazu Good luck on the showing this weekend.  Now take a rest. (oh, and Happy Belated Birthday to Ivan!)

@Mr. Boston I hope your cold is better.

Thoughts for all on the care list and cheers to those celebrating.  Have a great day everyone!!



Pennie, I like the design for the hutch top.  The picture of the cruise route is nice, too.


2 hours ago, superoma said:

Good morning all from a hot but sunny Essex county. The car is packed and safely in the garage for our road trip to meet friends and visit the gaspe. Got word this morning that my friend Susan came down with COVID on the last day of her sorority conference but is taking paxlovid. The worry now is that her dh will come down with it as they travel up to Montreal. And I came down with a head cold and cough. Took some Advil and am feeling marginally better but I think our travel plans may change. Crossing my fingers as we move forward. We will be camping in a tent so that makes feeling crappy even harder. Wish us luck! Early start tomorrow to try and avoid Toronto traffic. 


Eva, I'm sorry you now have a cold and cough, and I hope you feel better soon.  I'm also sorry your friend contracted Covid, and I hope her husband does not catch it.  I hope things improve and you don't have to change your plans, but traveling while not feeling well is not fun.


2 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

Another sunny day here, 65 now and going up to 83.  

Three good days, but I'll take rock & roll over barbershop.  I may be the only person in the country who has never had a Krispy Kreme donut -- the ads all show glazed/iced donuts and I just don't care for that type.  They probably have other kinds (?) but the ads just don't make me want to go try one.


Will pass on the red wine but the drink and meal sound very good.  I printed off the first recipe and that's what we will have tonight.  I even have the fresh mint in the garden.  Have not been to this port, thanks for any and all photos.


Feeling old this morning 😉  I just found out that our son's best friend who went to the Naval Academy with him when they were 18, is retiring soon after over 28 years.  He's a pilot and has been Captain for a few years.  The good news is that he and his DW will be moving back to WA and retiring here.


Speaking of our son, he and DDIL are now with DD and her family at Arches National Park.  Loving all their photos!


Annie @marshhawk I hope today will be a much better day.  I'm so sorry yesterday was a bust and that surgery is necessary.

@1ANGELCAT Very sorry about your friend's accident but glad she wasn't injured.  

Jacqui @kazu Belated birthday greetings to Ivan!  Fingers crossed the family make an offer this weekend.

@superoma I hope you feel better soon!


We haven't heard from @HAL4NOW in quite awhile, I hope all is well and he's just been busy.


Carolyn, it is a shock when you realize how old your children and their friends are.  My stepmother said there were only two things about getting old she did not like.  One was she was out living all her friends.  The other was realizing her children were middle aged.  Our oldest daughter was not amused when I told her that, and she was in her early 40s then.


1 hour ago, rafinmd said:

Yikes!  He hasn't posted anywhere since December and that was to  the FCL cancelling to a cruise, and hasn't even reacted to a post since May.


I do hope he is ok but that's very ominous.




Roy, that is concerning about @HAL4NOW Tony.  I hope he and his wife are well and just very busy.



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Good afternoon and happy Saturday!  It's a warm one today with possible storms later.  We're taking the grands to a Magic Show this evening.  I've heard he puts on a very good, family friendly show.  Our Brewers lost last night, but so did the Cardinals.    We had good seats with our church group!  Haven't been to the port, the meal looks good, I had to look up what gruntled meant...only heard Disgruntled!  

Hoping everyone is having a good day, thanks for the photos today.  See you tomorrow, have a good day!  Karen

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When my sister turned 40, DM told her she was no longer her daughter. HUH? She said she was now her friend! She wasn't admitting to a child over 40. Then when DS's 4th child turned 65 and on Medicare, she had to laugh. How did that happen?

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Well, my stepson is positive for covid. Feels like a bad cold. A few neighbors are positive as well. Maybe it's making a return.


I'm hoping we can squeeze in the new variant before we leave, including RSV and Flu.

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10 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Well, my stepson is positive for covid. Feels like a bad cold. A few neighbors are positive as well. Maybe it's making a return.


I'm hoping we can squeeze in the new variant before we leave, including RSV and Flu.

🤞 it's a quick mild case.

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42 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Well, my stepson is positive for covid. Feels like a bad cold. A few neighbors are positive as well. Maybe it's making a return.


I'm hoping we can squeeze in the new variant before we leave, including RSV and Flu.


Joy, I hope your stepson's case is mild and that he and the neighbors are well soon.  We're probably overdue for a booster, but we're trying to wait until the new one comes out.  In the meantime, we're trying to be careful.  



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53 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Well, my stepson is positive for covid. Feels like a bad cold. A few neighbors are positive as well. Maybe it's making a return.


I'm hoping we can squeeze in the new variant before we leave, including RSV and Flu.

Hopefully your stepson has a mild case Joy.

Take care.

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Joy @Seasick Sailor I hope your stepson has a very mild case of Covid. 🙏🏻Yes, it’s still out there. 

We had bad news a couple hours ago. DS texted that Ren was injured in today’s game in Mexico City. He was on the way to the hospital. The head coach of the FC Dallas professional team called Ren on the way to the hospital which is very nice of him to be so concerned with the 17 year old youth academy players. DS says this was caused by a bad tackle. Intentional probably. The soccer bloggers have been commenting on his speed and I’m sure that frustrates the opposing teams. Last word is he has to take time off for 4 weeks which will be easier right now since they are getting a month off as this tournament was the end of the season. Then PT for a month. He will not need surgery. The FC Dallas team doctors got the X-rays immediately and declared it a clean break so just a sling. Thank goodness!!  I hope he can enjoy some time at home with his friends in Michigan while he heals. Please say a little prayer he heals well. 🙏🏻

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1 hour ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Well, my stepson is positive for covid. Feels like a bad cold. A few neighbors are positive as well. Maybe it's making a return.


I'm hoping we can squeeze in the new variant before we leave, including RSV and Flu.

Sorry to hear this. Please be careful. It is here in abundance.

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25 minutes ago, RMLincoln said:

Oh no… my post is lost, oh well, have to head out now, maybe again later!  🤦🏼‍♀️


Your last post before this one (that is still here) is


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@StLouisCruisers sending healing thoughts to Ren. 
We are enjoying the cruise and glad to be in some warmer weather.  

@marshhawkso sorry to hear about the debacle with your DH.  I really don’t understand what is going on with medical care or should I say not care today.  

Thank you for the daily. 

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5 hours ago, TiogaCruiser said:

We’re on Volendam leaving Boston August 20, to Montreal. Which are you on?  (I have to laugh about the line dance comment/ that’s sooo out of my comfort zone. I had NEVER even considered joining in on something like that- ever. 60+ years never. My DH and I like to keep quietly in the sidelines. But I have to confess when we did Mexico Sea of Cortez I got to talking with the dancers and saw how much fun they were having and tried a few of the classes in Mexican dance and tried it. Ended up signing up for a Seniors class (generic line dance) about 6 months before the Panama trip, and forced myself to put on my “big girl pants”.)

The Zuiderdam August 24th and B2B with the next one so round trip Boston. So sorry we will miss each other!

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Good sunny and warm evening. Tomorrow is supposed to be around 93 and humid.

DB had a phone call from Shirl this morning and she’s back to being upset with her son. She said that he’s been taking money again and won’t tell her what it is for, also no food in the apartment and she has been getting calls from people that her house is up for sale. She’s afraid he’s going to have her committed. DB tried to reassure her that it wasn’t true  My DB spoke to her son and he said he is going to stay with her.

Have a good night 


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5 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

OMG!!! Did we just witness Donald Trump shot!!! Prayers, prayers,  prayers!!!

Rhanks for the heads-up.

So far, reports don't really have much info. NBC is only saying blood was seen on the side of his head and ear. 🙏


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