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Arizona Wildcat

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Everything posted by Arizona Wildcat

  1. If you use Rapidtestandtrace.com download Microsoft Teams. Similar to Zoom. The other reason for a smartphone is most recent devices will let you print directly from your phone to a printer. If you are lost on this ask a grandchild.
  2. First - there was an update to ArriveCAN last week or so. Be sure to update. You can fill in everything except your travel dates immediately. Go to "travellers" at the bottom and do your personal info, a selfie, covid card picture and passport details -NOW. Completing on a smartphone is easier because your phone will automatically format the pictures. If you have more than 2 covid cards, don't bother with boosters. That data is saved. That way you do not need to worry about ArriveCAN You cannot add trip/port details until 3 days before you embarkation on your cruise. You submit at the same time.
  3. Domestic fine. International cutting it close if the current chaos with flight changes and delays does not improve. The more time you have the more likely you can handle changes and that your baggage will arrive with you.
  4. We have spent a week in St Petersburg. Wasn't enough. The Hermitage is the .ost magnificent museum in the World with 8 locations all over St Petersburg. The canals, churches and palaces of the Tsars could not all be seen in a month. And, friendly people too. Will miss it. On the flip side, lots to see in Moscow but a different feeling of unease. Was never so glad to leave a place.
  5. You did not say how you booked. If directly with Celebrity use it or lose it. If with a TA OBC from them is often shown as OBCR on your statement and refundable. On about day 2 - most OBC from TAs does not get credited until after you board - go to customer relations as ask for a printout. If you are unsure ask them to explain.
  6. There was a notice that cruise only fares would be available in categories up to concierge. I looked at a couple cruises in late 2023 and found both options on verandas. Who knows what Celebritg will do?
  7. My TA said they released some 20 cabins on Summit for each of the next few cruises. Interesting that none of them ever showed on the Celebrity or any other TA website. Thus I presume - aside from adding Bermuda as a port stop on the way to and from Iceland - that Celebrity was indeed fully booked before final payment and has X number of cabins that have cancelled with more to come. Please report on the passenger counts especially on the cruise to Bermuda. Guessing about 1600 will actually sail on 8/7 and a few less on the return voyage.
  8. I would almost guarantee no since there is little differencebetween an electric kettle and a sterilizer. You really need to email special needs to see how they handle baby bottles. Babies must be at least 6 months old at the time of sailing and on cruises to various locations and with 3 sea days 12 months of age.
  9. Don't stress. Almost every Test has been extended 3-6 months. OnPoint and Rapidtestandtrace.com both know the expiration dates have been extended. If you want go to the website for iHealth and printout a copy of the extension notice. It might ease your stress.
  10. A couple of comments. Celebrity does not have approved Covid tests. Tests are approved by the health authorities in each country. Celebrity will accept any proctored test using ANY GOVERNMENT APPROVED TEST. A UK company or in the US. OnPoint and Rapidtestandtrace.com are often mentioned. Results in 15 minutes from either of the US companys. About $20US or less. Simply connect using WiFi
  11. Bring a couple covid tests from the UK. ONPOINT or Rapidtestandtrace.com can proctor a test using any government approved test. Takes 15 minutes. They do not care where you are are where you live. Send one of thean email.
  12. That would mean you would need to test on Thursday for a Saturday cruise. If the results are a tiny bit late you are toast. Not a good idea. A service that does an antigen test with quick results much much better.
  13. Jim - you signing up for the Heathrow transfer from Southampton on your TA next year? Guess someone missed the cruise goes on to Amsterdam.
  14. In Leharve there are always several excursions. Most will show sold out because the previous operator is out of business and Celebrity is attempting to book with a new operator With a 4 hour port call an excursion could not be much even if docked.
  15. Yes. You do it over the internet so in reality they have no idea where you are doing the test or where you are cruising. Many have used both in Canada. Friends used Rapidtestandtrace.com in Netherlands son in the UK.
  16. Report smoking to guest relations or the house manager. Celebrity takes smoking seriously and will disembark repeat violators. Use of marijuana can result in assest.
  17. I was not able to select times until after final payment for select dining. Have never waited more than a few minutes to get a table except for the early rush. Very different compared to Royal.
  18. There was an update to ArriveCAN last week so make sure you update the app. It added a lot of marine terminals. Seeing lots of posts asking about completing the app. #1 Canada stated they will reexamine the need for ArriveCAN in the late fall. It is not going away. #2 If your cruise has a port call in Canada you must complete the app or will be denied boarding. #3 As said you fill in passenger details once and can do this at any time.
  19. That is not true. You can literally finish it at the cruise terminal while you are standing in line. There is both a phone signal and wifi
  20. Our physician stated with any type of kidney disease he would not prescribe Paxlovid. I was simply wondering about the pharmacy program guidelines. They make it very difficult to obtain under the pharmacy program. We did not get to the requirement you test positive. At least here Paxlovid is clearly not available like several other drugs we get for travel "just in case".
  21. Since we were about local pharmacy we asked about Paxlovid without a prescription. Over 60 - check. Recent blood tests within 90 days! - check. Liver function normal - check. Underlying conditions - check. Proof of the conditions - check using meds taken. Kidney function normal - Nope. Stage 2 kidney which is pretty normal for those over 60. Was told to get a prescription. There are a long list of qualifiers that are almost impossible to meet. And yes, am sure there are online services that will provide a virtual visit and a script. Just don't expect to walk in and get it. PS - it was supposedly arriving in 3 days.
  22. Actually easy to book a transfer from Southampton to Paris - ferries leave often. You are also asking way too early. Have never been approved almost a year ahead - plus of course covid. My guess is because of different CBP rules probably no.
  23. Solarium on a Med cruise will be mostly empty as often to me quite warm. The music is background music. No lyrics and certainly not Margaritaville. I actually cannot remember hearing it much.
  24. They absolutely positively need the old passport back to cancel it. There are security measures that need to be destroyed to render it useless. Looks the sme except a couple holes - isn't the same.
  25. OnPoint and Rapidtestandtrace.com are just two proctoring companies that do a good job. QR code is not supplied at our local county testing facility and is not required.
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