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Cruise 'Snobs'


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"Another time, my wife was told to "Shut up, girl!" by a woman reading, when she was talking to someone else by the pool. "


I found this interesting because on my recent Equinox cruise, I was talking to a gentleman sitting across from me in the Solarium. A young woman came in and laid down on the lounger next to the man. A few minutes later, she "shushed" us. I guess we didn't "shush" enough for her because she grabbed her stuff, gave us a dirty look and stomped away. Is there some etiquette about talking by the pool? I can see not talking alot in the spa or Persian Garden, but the pool?


Regarding the OP, I think that rudeness knows no age, gender or ethnicity. We've all probably been treated rudely on land, sea and air. The only way to avoid it is to never leave your house!

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We have encountered rudeness onboard but then again, DH and I work in industries where we literally encounter those types of people EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!


It sucks when we come across it while on vacation but them's the breaks and I guess we've built up a tolerance to it or maybe we are both such a couple of smartasses that we've built up an arsenal of witty comebacks for those situations...


But I have to say that the rudest encounter we have had onboard was while sitting in the solarium and a Blue Hair started dragging a lounger across the deck... the lounger got caught on my DH's foot (he's tall so his feet tend to hang over the edge a bit)... she literally kept pulling on her lounger (and subsequently, DH's foot) until he yelled quite loudly, "OUCH, DAMMIT B**** my foot's not coming with you"...


She actually had the nerve to be offended, offered NO apology... rolled her eyes, huffed and puffed and acted all irritated by the incident...


The least she could have done was offered to buy him a drink after trying to take off his foot with her stupid lounger... :rolleyes:


I would say that you should put more practice into your arsenal of witty comebacks. Karma is the real B****.

Edited by CruiseKeeper
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Just remember you make your cruise what you want and others refuse to enjoy a change of pace. They are what they are. Enjoy yourselves and turn your back on the rude hoity-toits. You'll find them every where you go.:cool:

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I've read this entire thread, and what strikes me the most is the lack of empathy and patience expressed. I'm in my 40s, so have no horse in the race (re: young vs old), but it seems to me that a lot of the stories told could have a completely different slant, depending on your point of view -- if, that is, anyone could be bothered to look at something from a point of view other than their own.


Someone not talking to you at breakfast when you sit down and join their table? Perhaps they just aren't morning people (I know I'm not.....I literally can't form coherent sentences for a couple of hours after rising and/or copious amounts of caffeine). Or perhaps they were having an argument amongst themselves when you plopped yourself down. Or maybe they just found out that her mother has cancer and they simply don't feel like chatting, or they are hard of hearing....


Someone huffs and puffs while standing in line, and then you don't hold the elevator for them? I suppose you have never complained about something? Or given a thought to the fact that while it may be unpleasant to stand in a long, hot line, it can be a good deal more unpleasant if you are old, have had a knee replacement, and really, really, need to use the bathroom....?


Someone who is obviously inebriated is rude to you while in a bar? Inebriated people do have a tendency of being rude. Seems the wiser course would be to simply ignore them rather than resorting to the pretty juvenile tactics of making fun of them.


And the story about the lounger --- well, wow. Not even sure what to say about that one. But if I did have something to say, it certainly wouldn't involve using words that can't be spelled out on a message board.


I have traveled and cruised a lot in my life. I have run into a few rude people, but only a very few. Some were older than me, a few were younger, and probably the most rude was just about my age. Perhaps I seem to have encountered fewer because I give people the benefit of a doubt before I jump to the conclusion that they are being rude....


Once I posted a story about a rude older woman on a cruise who made my son's dinner experience miserable for an evening. People couldn't understand why I didn't "retaliate in kind". But what message would that send to my son? That one only has to be polite if others are polite? That rudeness and retaliation are okay?



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Regarding the poster who referenced hover rounds, I ride a

scooter. I need to get into the elevators, OK. But I only

enter an elevator if it is not crowded. There is no way I

can get my scooter into a crowded elevator. Many times

the people in the elevator will move closer together and

invite me in. In that circumstance I do venture in.


Why has no one mentioned the extreme rudeness on the

last day of the cruise where everybody is toting luggage

and all trying to get into elevators at the same time.

That is not limited to us old people.

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its an old term ,which I would never use,from the days when female seniors used a rinse that left a blue tint on their hair


I can only assume that amybear912 didn't mean it as a compliment since in the next sentence her husband called the lady a b****. :rolleyes:
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Regarding the poster who referenced hover rounds, I ride a

scooter. I need to get into the elevators, OK. But I only

enter an elevator if it is not crowded. There is no way I

can get my scooter into a crowded elevator. Many times

the people in the elevator will move closer together and

invite me in. In that circumstance I do venture in.


Why has no one mentioned the extreme rudeness on the

last day of the cruise where everybody is toting luggage

and all trying to get into elevators at the same time.

That is not limited to us old people.


You're 100% correct. Rudeness has not age limit. It comes in all colors and ages and unfortunately it is becoming more of an issue in todays society.

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When the wife and I were on our 1st cruise last month, we found that generally, most passengers were very friendly toward us, but, there were a few occassions when we were felt to feel 'lower class', for example, eating in the windjammer on Indy one night, we both decided to have something a burger.


On a table nearby, there were a group of people, tutting, and muttering under their breath about "these young people always eating junk food!" (we're both in our 30's, and this was the only time, apart from JR's we ate burgers!)


Another time, my wife was told to "Shut up, girl!" by a woman reading, when she was talking to someone else by the pool. Others were complaining about the amount of 'young people and families'. It seemed to me that some of these people felt that cruising was the reserve of the upper classes, and the more 'senior' folk. I even said to one that if they felt that way, don't book a cruise on a ship like Indy, which is a family-ship.


do others experience this? Or is it a rare thing?



Just be thankful it was from a stranger (not to be seen again). During a phone conversation, the future mother-in-law of my daughter told me to "shut your mouth" 3 times. I told her no joint rehersal dinner (for obvious reasons). She said that she could be civil in the same room...I told her she couldn't even be civil over the phone! Needless to say this rude, controlling woman didn't even show up for the wedding. Thank goodness.

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Someone not talking to you at breakfast when you sit down and join their table? Perhaps they just aren't morning people (I know I'm not.....I literally can't form coherent sentences for a couple of hours after rising and/or copious amounts of caffeine). Or perhaps they were having an argument amongst themselves when you plopped yourself down. Or maybe they just found out that her mother has cancer and they simply don't feel like chatting, or they are hard of hearing....


You know something, you are right.


This thread was kind of going in a different direction when I wrote my post. I do not think that someone that doesn't talk at breakfast at a large table is being a "cruise snob". I fully respect everyone's right to the vacation that they see for themselves, in fact I hope everyone does exactly what they want.


The only thing I don't understand is, why put yourself in a situation that you are uncomfortable in? Feel free to sit at a table for 2, or find yourself a quiet corner, or order room service. There are lots of options on a cruise ship. You can create exactly the vacation you want, this is the beauty of cruising. Instead, this couple sat at a table where the other six people felt that they needed to try to include them since the other six didn't want to be rude. It creates an odd situation for the other people at the table.


So while not talking at breakfast does not make you a "cruise snob" or necessarily rude, it does create an unnecessarily uncomfortable situation. Sorry for overstating things to begin with.

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Just cause its their job does not mean its not rude.Rude comics suck.If I witness their alleged vile behavior I would have filed a complaint.BTW some of my best friends are from PA and some are actually from Philly home of the most obnoxious fans in all sports(and they are proud of it,but heck they are still my friends)





Please describe the "vile behavior" to which are you referring! The four of us having a private conversation in the Disco??? Have you ever been to the Disco and experienced the volume of the music??? Little Miss Sunshine had since left the bar. It was not as though the four of us were discussing her/laughing at her in her presence!!! Nor could any other patrons hear our conversation over the music! I'm quite non-confrontational, however, when "pushed" without cause, I will indeed "push back"!


Glad to hear you have friends from Philly, and indeed, we have our fair share of obnoxious fans! I was minding my own business at that bar...The only reason I posted on this Thread was that it was such a bizarre incident, that it "stands out" as a Cruise Memory that my DH and I shall never forget!!!






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After reading this thread, I felt compelled to share this story...My apologies in advance, as it is long! This Post involves cruising, life in general, and my own personal experiences. The names of the innocent have been changed to remain "anonymous"!


(Perhaps I should have created a new thread entitled "Rude People"!)


My DH and I are frequent cruisers with RCCL. Many years earlier, on a different RCCL ship "far, far away", we met and befriended a Bartender, whom to this day, remains our true friend. Via e-mail, over the years, our respective families have shared both the triumphs and tragedies of "Life".


On a "recent" RCCL sailing, the aforementioned friend was the Bartender at the Disco. Every night, DH and I would go "early" to get a seat for me at the bar, so I could talk to our friend, listen to the trendy music, watch the dancers, and meet new people. After seeing me safely "settled in" at the Disco bar, DH would then proceed to the Casino for his daily donation!


On Night 4, DH returned from the Casino to the Disco with two Comedians who were performing on the ship. The four of us started a lively conversation. At about 11:30 PM, a very "large" female, REEKING of perfume and simply REELING from alcohol, squeezed into the bar stool next to me. (Bear in mind that the bar stools are fixed to the floor!)


My DH and the two Comedians were standing around me...I was seated upon my bar stool. Consequently, I had my back to the "newcomer".


The bar at the Disco on the ship was a designated "Smoking" section. I lit a cigarette! :eek:


I immediately felt a current of air from behind me! To my surprise, this woman had grabbed a "Drink Menu" and started vigorously fanning me: My hair and my back!


She then started alternately "sucking her tongue like "tsk, tsk", dramatically shrugging her shoulders, and loudly "sighing". After ignoring her for a few minutes, I could not help but turn around and ask, "I'm sorry, but is there a problem?"


She replied, with a distinctive Southern "drunken" drawl, "Y'all neeth to puth that out...Right now!"


Ever cordial, I replied, "Oh, I'm sorry, girlfriend, but the Bar is the "Smoking" section. Nearly all of the tables in this club are Non-Smoking. You won't have to deal with the smoke over there." (And I gestured to the non-smoking area.)


She then said, "But I want to sit at thaaaaah Baaaaaaaaar." (As she nearly toppeled over my lap!)


At that point, sensing a "No Win" situation, I swiveled my seat back around to rejoin the conversation with DH and the two Comedians.


She then proceeded to yell at our friend, the Bartender, "BOY! BOY!"


<Perk>...That got my attention!


She then had the audacity to say, "MAKE this B*#ch put out that f&*$ing cigarette!" (She used the "real" words and actually pointed at me with really scary long fingernails!!)


Now...our friend the Bartender, is from St. Vincent. He is not "pigmentally-challenged" and also smokes cigarettes. Anyone calling him "Boy" is simply "wrong"!


True to his character, he maintained his "cool". He looked the drunken, obese, stupid, overly-scented, and bitchy "Prima Dona wannabe", in the eye, and flashed her his "most dazzling" smile...


Cool as a cucumber, he said "This LADY (with emphasis on the word, and a nod of his head in my direction!) may smoke here. I recommend you move to the "Non-smoking" area of the club, or return to your stateroom. This bar area will probably become much smokier as people start coming from the Casino".


At this point, my DH and the Comedians (all NON-smokers) had finally "caught wind" (pun intended!) of what was happening. One of the Comedians picked up my pack of cigs, and said, "F - it. I quit five years ago, but getting this obnoxious, drunk, fat, stinky cow "out of my eyesight" is absolutely worth three minutes of my life!" Both the other comedian, and shock of all shocks, my DH, lit up! (I'm sure they did not "inhale"!)


Needless to say, the rest of that evening was hilarious, as the two Comedians (and even my witty DH!), tried to "out-Joke" each other with Fat Jokes, Southern Jokes, Hillbilly Jokes, etc!


I should qualify this by saying that I consider myself to be an "extremely conscientious" smoker. I always abide by RCCL's rules, and, even though I'm allowed to, I never smoke on my balcony if I hear any neighbors on adjoining balconies. (Never!!!)


A female "invaded my space" with her odiferous girth. When she "honored the bar" with her presence, not only did she immediately demand I instantly alter my habits, she insulted my friend, who happens to be a Crew member, and further, demanded an instant change in RCCL policy!


The Moral of the Story (in a nutshell): Mean People Suck!


Best regards,



P.S.U. My "Role Model" is a Senior Citizen...His name is Joe Paterno, and, as a Penn State Alum, I will always attempt to follow his example: Success with Integrity! One cannot go wrong with THAT mantra!!!!

She was wrong. You were just as bad. The ship employees insubordinate.

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Speaking of elevators (and I have run into variations of this several times), there is always a crowd waiting for them when you come in from shore. This one time we get on the elevator and people keep squeezing in even after you tell them there is no more room. That means "one more person" to some. You hit the "shut door" button to keep anymore squeezing in and the elevator beeps, too much weight. So someone says, nicely "You were the last one on, sir, so you need to get off and wait for the next one" No movement. Repeat, offender just stares ahead. Someone in the back said "the elevator is not moving until you get off." He finally turns and says, "I can't get off, my wife is on here." Another person finally blinked and got off.


And then I like the ones that butt ahead of those in wheel chairs and scooters who have been patiently waiting. More than once, I have had to block the way so that a mobility handicapped person can get on before someone else who just strolled up.


Tucker in Texas

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A comic doing HIS or HER job in a setting where would expect this type of comment is one thing but to do it in the setting that you described is another. Like I said, pot meet kettle. You and and your little group lowered yourself to the other persons standards


Wow CruisinGator...I can only assume you are enjoying that glorious view from your Soapbox!!!


You make some interesting "assumptions" about me, my DH, and the situation in which we found ourselves. I caution you with the old adage: Be careful when you ASSUME, as it makes an ... out of you, but in this instance, not so much "me".


As I told CaptainJ in my previous post, the guys did not "make fun" of that woman in her presence...When the Comedians and my DH lit up cigarettes in support of me, she stayed for about five minutes, then left. I readily admit that the guys did indeed joke about her, but she wasn't there! Nobody in the immediate proximity was listening to us, and if so, probably couldn't have even heard our conversation over the loud music.


If a tree falls in the woods, and no one is there to hear it, (and the Disco music is thumping), does it make a sound??? The way I see it, despite the fact that I was "wronged" by a fellow passenger, my "little group", as you twice so sweetly called it, committed no harm, no foul.


CruisinGator...Nonetheless, without knowing the full details of my experience, you felt compelled to morally lecture (and publicly admonish) me on this Thread.


Thanks for that! Allow me to return the favor!


I'm not sure, but I have a feeling most people would consider your reaction to "Rude Cruisers" to be a bit more "extreme" than mine!


Your own post in your own words:


My issue are with the ones that try to enter the elevator before anyone has a chance to step out. Last week on the Oasis, my patience was tried mulitple times. I finally got tired of it and by the end of the week, I started to put my shoulder into the person that tried to enter before I could exit. Age here is not the factor. It was all ages. Even saying "excuse me" on the way out did not work.


Really, CGator??? Resorting to Physical violence??? <sigh>


Not knowing ALL of the facts, you've twice lectured me with your self-righteous cliche: "Pot meet kettle".


I respond to you with my own: "Cruise Critic meet Hypocritical, Extremely Confrontational, and self-admitted physically violent, BULLY"!


According to your post, "shoulder-ramming" other cruisers is socially acceptable to you. As you readily admitted, "age" did not matter to you? That would encompass children and Seniors. You evidently felt it was your "Right" to shoulder-ram them all, because they were anxious to enter the elevator? Perhaps the children were trying to "make curfew". Perhaps the Seniors were anxious for the privacy of his/her own bathroom. Tsk, tsk, and shame on you for your insensivity to those fellow cruisers!


Take a deep breath, try to be objective, and ask yourself if, just perhaps, your frustration with and self-admitted reaction to the elevator "situation", is a "tad" more "confrontational" than that of mine with the "Little Miss Sunshine" in the Disco.


To be honest, I also get frustrated with those who "rush in" to elevators, without allowing the occupants to depart. That said, never would I resort to physical violence (as you self-admittedly did) as a way to "educate" or "express my displeasure" with them! In the future, you might employ the phrase I use..."Please let me get out first...There will be more room for you!"






P.S.U. It is a darn shame that MOST people who frequent CC, don't post. Perhaps it is because they see frequent cruisers (who are not frequent posters on CC), insulted, called liars, and morally lectured by others. I believe it is called being "FLAMED". Every once in a while on Cruise Critic, I post MY experience on a particular topic. I have no need to lie. That said, I don't seek to debate ANYONE on this Thread, nor on these Boards. In my opinion, this site has devolved to becoming akin to a "Pissing Contest with a Skunk": Win or lose, both participants come out stinking!


P.S.U. 1. True to this thread and to the OP, I feel I have proven that "Cruise Snobs" exist. I'd go a step further and reiterate my premise that:"Mean People Suck"! I'll still occasionally post (and defend myself and my integrity) on Cruise Critic, despite the negativity and pessimism of the Cruise Snobs!!! At least they have identified themselves!!!


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P.S.U. 1. True to this thread and to the OP, I feel I have proven that "Cruise Snobs" exist. I'd go a step further and reiterate my premise that:"Mean People Suck"! I'll still occasionally post (and defend myself and my integrity) on Cruise Critic, despite the negativity and pessimism of the Cruise Snobs!!! At least they have identified themselves!!!



You have without a doubt proven it to me by your posts.You get my vote for number one snob.

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She was wrong. You were just as bad. The ship employees insubordinate.


Fat Jokes,Southern Jokes ,Hillbilly Jokes ,labeling a woman a Cow.Pathetic behavior,Yeah the other lady was wrong if this happened but there is no excuse for their behavior.The saddest part is that she is so high on her horse she does not understand it


Edited by Captain Jake
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Speaking of elevators (and I have run into variations of this several times), there is always a crowd waiting for them when you come in from shore. This one time we get on the elevator and people keep squeezing in even after you tell them there is no more room. That means "one more person" to some. You hit the "shut door" button to keep anymore squeezing in and the elevator beeps, too much weight. So someone says, nicely "You were the last one on, sir, so you need to get off and wait for the next one" No movement. Repeat, offender just stares ahead. Someone in the back said "the elevator is not moving until you get off." He finally turns and says, "I can't get off, my wife is on here." Another person finally blinked and got off.


And then I like the ones that butt ahead of those in wheel chairs and scooters who have been patiently waiting. More than once, I have had to block the way so that a mobility handicapped person can get on before someone else who just strolled up.


Tucker in Texas


That's what I call Texas manners.


They need elevators like we had in our office building - too many people and a lovely female voice says, "This elevator is full - please wait for the next elevator". And if it's REALLY full it won't move until someone actually gets off.

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I've read this entire thread, and what strikes me the most is the lack of empathy and patience expressed. I'm in my 40s, so have no horse in the race (re: young vs old), but it seems to me that a lot of the stories told could have a completely different slant, depending on your point of view -- if, that is, anyone could be bothered to look at something from a point of view other than their own.


I couldn't agree more. No one takes the time to ever consider that maybe something is going on at that moment for the other person. Give others the benefit of the doubt, as I am sure you would wish they would do for you.

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Tucker in Texas, thank you for your consideration. I am an

old bat who rides a scooter, and you are right people rush

right in front of me even though I have been waiting there.

My scooter doesnt stop on a dime, so there is a lag time

after I stop. Low and behold if I run into someone they

will sue me.

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Regarding the poster who referenced hover rounds, I ride a

scooter. I need to get into the elevators, OK. But I only

enter an elevator if it is not crowded. There is no way I

can get my scooter into a crowded elevator. Many times

the people in the elevator will move closer together and

invite me in. In that circumstance I do venture in.


Why has no one mentioned the extreme rudeness on the

last day of the cruise where everybody is toting luggage

and all trying to get into elevators at the same time.

That is not limited to us old people.


Don't worry, SRAFROG, the "BooCruisers" will hold the elevator for you, on Mariner! :p

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Rudeness comes in all ages:


We were on one cruise were we went and put jeans on after dinner on a formal night. A lady who was quite a bit older than I (I am 43) came up to me and asked if I knew it was formal night. I replied that I did and that I already had dinner and decided to change. She proceeded to tell me that I was be rude by not staying in my formal clothes. In response I asked her if she had paid for my cruise, which of course she said no, so I told her she had no right to tell me how to dress.


Some parents tend to let their kids rule them and do what ever and speak however they want and teenagers tend to show off.


So sometimes you have to take the bad with the good.

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