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Thread ? -How Old is too Old


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Some long time posters, resent the fact that newbies ask the same old question over & over.. I don't understand the "old timers" frustration with this & certainly don't understand why they are so adamant about it, especially with new posters! :(


I often wonder if the Newbies are regenerating these older threads because they are afraid of the "Thread Police" who sometimes in a nasty way point out to them, that they should use the search function instead of asking again..;)


In the past few weeks, we've seen several really old threads being resurrected, for want of a better word..Just today one from 2004 hit Pg. One.."Eagle Eyed JTL" (using name appreciatively John:)) pointed out to us that this thread was really old (It was last posted on over eight years ago)..I probably would never have noticed it..:o In this case the original OP has not posted on the HAL MSG. board, in over a year & I for one miss her.. :) There are others on the same thread, who are also missed & wonder if they are OK...


Things change very rapidly in the Travel & Cruise Business & IMO a searched thread which is more than a few years old should not be regenerated...Wonder if there was some way for the CC computers to close them after a few years...One old thread which concerned me was the one where a Posters Cruse was canceled & they were upset..I thought it happened recently until John pointed it out..When quoting someone else I'll normally mention that the post is old & give the URL if they wish to see it...This to me is not the newbies fault, but it could be a concern to other posters..


So my questions to you all are:


!) What is your opinion about posting on "Old Threads" & do you believe some of those which have been posted on again, are no longer viable?


2) If you believe they are outdated, what in your opinion, is a reasonable time frame to resurrect some old threads?


Happy Cruising & Happy Spring everyone.:)



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Good post Betty, actually some information can still be of good information like the one from 2004 today the original information was timeless to these boards and rather funny :D

But I would think that CC could leave these threads out there for reference even if they are 8 years old but maybe after a year have it where you could no longer post to the thread which would keep it from being resurrected. I know that I have caught myself on a few posts thinking I have seen this before only to find it was originally started a few years ago. It most definitely is not the new posters fault, they are just looking for answers.


Although some threads are occaisionally fun to see resurrected like the Blender thread and there is one thread that to me was by far the funniest I ever remember reading on CC. It was a review of the Volendam but as a spoof of Thurston Howel the III. It was hilarious especially when they spoke of their private tender for the Suite Passengers. Every noe and then DH brings that up and we always have a laugh.

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Oh Lisa, I've got to find that one. The NCL tray thread had me crying with laughter a few years ago, and Epic? People photoshopped different hats on to the top of it and called it the NCL Hat. Again- crying with laughter. The Dream, the Nightmare, or why I may give up cruising- when the Dream rear ends a Suzuke Grand Vitara- brilliant.


So there are a great many truly epic :D threads. I find when I do a search that I see so many people that I miss, and I see how friendly others used to be- people who are now never really around much and just aren't as happy-seeming as they were. But I sometimes will search and start reading, and not realize until after a few minutes that the thread is from 2006.... Not very relevant!

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I think some of the old threads have some great info, but others are outdated. It's hard for a new poster like myself to tell the difference. An example I have is in just the last few days. I had seen a few posts about the ship tours and mentioned it to my husband who really wants to do it. So I posted a few questions about booking it and was immediately told to do a search because there were lots of threads on it. One the first threads I pulled up said the tours were not available on the ship we will be on and hasn't been in years. However, I posted about it again and the first response was "oh, well that thread is a year old" and it turns out the tour is available on our ship as a few people have done it in the past couple of months. Searching old threads pulled up completely inaccurate info. If I'd just accepted that older thread, there's a good chance we would have missed out on the tour my husband is MOST interested in.


For those who get annoyed by having the same questions asked over and over, I have to wonder why they hang out on these boards if answering the same questions annoy them. Or why not just skip the question if you don't want to answer it AGAIN. Not only is recent and accurate info sought by us newbies, but also, often times new tips or info are included in new threads that weren't in the older threads. I've only been on these boards since early Feb and have already seen some questions asked over and over.....however, I keep reading the new ones because I usually pick up some new tip or info that wasn't in the old one. The questions may appear to be the same over and over....and the same answers are given over and over....but each thread has a little bit different info and for us newbies, that is what makes this forum so great.


and BTW being told "do a search because it's already been asked" comes off as unwelcoming, condescending and a little rude

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I always wonder why people get so upset when a question is asked many times. Do they realize that pretty much every question has probably been asked at least once in some form or another on here. If people didnt ask them again what would be the point of keep the forum going? You could just lock it to all new posts and force people to search and use it as a reference only board instead of a message board :)


I think it totally depends on the subject whether or not a thread is too old to resurrect

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and BTW being told "do a search because it's already been asked" comes off as unwelcoming and a little rude

That it does.

Remember, for every poster who replies "do a search" there are any number of people who will make a valiant attempt to answer the question as if it's the first time it ever came up.

It's not a crime to start a new thread. Besides, if you don't post, how are we going to get to know you? :D This is not "Information & Referral", it's a community.

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Remember, for every poster who replies "do a search" there are any number of people who will make a valiant attempt to answer the question as if it's the first time it ever came up.


I do realize that :) which is why I love this site. I even posted a thank you a week or 2 ago specifically to those who answer the same questions over and over as if it were the first time it was answered. I truely appreciate the many who are so welcoming here :) I learned quickly to just ignore the grumps on the board unless they were offering something of value ;)

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I agree that being told to search is not friendly. If that had happened to me when I came here with no idea about cruising, I may not still be here.


New cruisers are going to ask the "age old" questions. It can't be helped. I always thought the reason most of us were here was to help others with cruising information. To get to know each other as persons who share a passion. And yes, sometimes to just let it all hang out with friends.


These boards have brought me life-long friends, tears, laughter, heart tugs and joy. May they do the same for all who come here searching.

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On Cruise Critic's sister site, TripAdvisor, threads are closed (automatically, I think) if there are no new posts to them after 6 months. The thread does not disappear -- you can still do a search and see the contents -- but it cannot be resurrected. I'd think CC could do the same if they wished. Perhaps since things don't seem to change quite as rapidly in the cruising world of travel, threads could stay open for a year.


As regards posting information vs using search, I guess it's a bit different on the Ports of Call boards where I usually post. Often the posters there will post quite detailed information (I'm talking several lengthy paragraphs) in response to particular questions, and I do think it is fair to ask posters to do a search sometimes, especially when the question is asked over and over -- and might appear, in slightly different form -- two or three times on the first page alone.


However, I guess that a lot of questions on the cruise line forums can be answered with a few brief sentences so perhaps folks don't mind answering queries again and again.


I've often mentioned to folks that using search is a good option, and I've been taken aback on occasion at the animosity this seems to provoke in some folks. I don't do it in a nasty way (at least, that's not my intent). Rather, I try to say something like "You might want to do a search for this topic, which comes up here frequently, until others get a chance to respond." ....or something similar. It's actually a good skill to be able to use search and certainly has been helpful to me.

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On Cruise Critic's sister site, TripAdvisor, threads are closed (automatically, I think) if there are no new posts to them after 6 months. The thread does not disappear -- you can still do a search and see the contents -- but it cannot be resurrected. I'd think CC could do the same if they wished. Perhaps since things don't seem to change quite as rapidly in the cruising world of travel, threads could stay open for a year.


As regards posting information vs using search, I guess it's a bit different on the Ports of Call boards where I usually post. Often the posters there will post quite detailed information (I'm talking several lengthy paragraphs) in response to particular questions, and I do think it is fair to ask posters to do a search sometimes, especially when the question is asked over and over -- and might appear, in slightly different form -- two or three times on the first page alone.


However, I guess that a lot of questions on the cruise line forums can be answered with a few brief sentences so perhaps folks don't mind answering queries again and again.


I've often mentioned to folks that using search is a good option, and I've been taken aback on occasion at the animosity this seems to provoke in some folks. I don't do it in a nasty way (at least, that's not my intent). Rather, I try to say something like "You might want to do a search for this topic, which comes up here frequently, until others get a chance to respond." ....or something similar. It's actually a good skill to be able to use search and certainly has been helpful to me.


I think it's how it's said. A response of "Try doing a search because there's a lot of great info on here in several different threads and each thread has a little bit different perspective" comes off totally different then "Do a search before asking a question. This has been answered repeatedly."


I've seen both types and it's the second that sounds so condescending.

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Hi there - new to cruising (first cruise coming up in June) and therefore this board, but not at all new to message boards in general! I definitely like to at least have old threads accessible, sometimes they contain relevant information. I have a current obsession with upgrades and upsells and have been looking through every thread I can find on them. I note the date and realize that older posts will be less relevant, but I still appreciate the information.


As far as being able to post on an old thread, I'm a little more indifferent about that. I personally think it's ok, but I can see the points why it can become a problem, especially if the person who is posting on it doesn't realize the information is extremely outdated / no longer relevant.

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I think some of the old threads have some great info, but others are outdated. It's hard for a new poster like myself to tell the difference. An example I have is in just the last few days. I had seen a few posts about the ship tours and mentioned it to my husband who really wants to do it. So I posted a few questions about booking it and was immediately told to do a search because there were lots of threads on it. One the first threads I pulled up said the tours were not available on the ship we will be on and hasn't been in years. However, I posted about it again and the first response was "oh, well that thread is a year old" and it turns out the tour is available on our ship as a few people have done it in the past couple of months. Searching old threads pulled up completely inaccurate info. If I'd just accepted that older thread, there's a good chance we would have missed out on the tour my husband is MOST interested in.


For those who get annoyed by having the same questions asked over and over, I have to wonder why they hang out on these boards if answering the same questions annoy them. Or why not just skip the question if you don't want to answer it AGAIN. Not only is recent and accurate info sought by us newbies, but also, often times new tips or info are included in new threads that weren't in the older threads. I've only been on these boards since early Feb and have already seen some questions asked over and over.....however, I keep reading the new ones because I usually pick up some new tip or info that wasn't in the old one. The questions may appear to be the same over and over....and the same answers are given over and over....but each thread has a little bit different info and for us newbies, that is what makes this forum so great.


and BTW being told "do a search because it's already been asked" comes off as unwelcoming, condescending and a little rude


Agree 100 % What some forget, is that we all were newbies at one time...;)


That it does.


Remember, for every poster who replies "do a search" there are any number of people who will make a valiant attempt to answer the question as if it's the first time it ever came up.


It's not a crime to start a new thread. Besides, if you don't post, how are we going to get to know you? :D This is not "Information & Referral", it's a community.


You've hit the nail on the head Ruth..Agree there are many like you who will answer the same questions over & over, thank goodness...:):)It still makes me cringe to see the posts which say "do a search" especially to a newbie..



I think it's how it's said. A response of "Try doing a search because there's a lot of great info on here in several different threads and each thread has a little bit different perspective" comes off totally different then "Do a search before asking a question. This has been answered repeatedly."


I've seen both types and it's the second that sounds so condescending.


Yes, agree it does sound condescending...

So instead of telling the person to do a search & leaving it at that, why not either ignore the thread or include in the suggestion to do a search the URL of the old thread so the newbie would understand how the Search engine works..

Just my opinion..

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Good post Betty, actually some information can still be of good information like the one from 2004 today the original information was timeless to these boards and rather funny :D

But I would think that CC could leave these threads out there for reference even if they are 8 years old but maybe after a year have it where you could no longer post to the thread which would keep it from being resurrected. I know that I have caught myself on a few posts thinking I have seen this before only to find it was originally started a few years ago. It most definitely is not the new posters fault, they are just looking for answers.


Although some threads are occaisionally fun to see resurrected like the Blender thread and there is one thread that to me was by far the funniest I ever remember reading on CC. It was a review of the Volendam but as a spoof of Thurston Howel the III. It was hilarious especially when they spoke of their private tender for the Suite Passengers. Every noe and then DH brings that up and we always have a laugh.


Those are my thoughts too Lisa, some threads never expire but others are so outdated that it would be nice if they could figure a way to close them & still leave them for future reference..

Got to go now as have an early date tomorrow & also must e-mail our TA tonight to get a price for next year as DH is still bugging me about the Prinsendam..

Goodnight everyone & Happy cruising


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Some of the old threads are ok but old reviews that are no longer relevant are very misleading. Especially if some of us less eagle eyed don't spot the old date:o I think closing them off after xx months isn't a bad idea.


Searching is fine - I do it a lot - but if you have a specific question relating to NOW I don't anyone should hesitate to ask.


Good suggestions:)

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Krazy Kruizers,


You are to be commended for being one of the most patient, helpful and polite people on this site.

You always post the information requested, no matter how many times that you have previously given that same information.


Thank you for all your help.

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erewhon....Right On! KK is a great asset to this board and I'm glad she's here.


I think Trip Advisor has it right. Leave the old threads for reference, but after a certain period of time, don't allow them to become active again.


Also, let's give the new posters all the help we can. Sending them away or turning them off is not a good idea.



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I am one of the old timers here.

And I do not tell people to do a search.

Patience is needed with the new people -- and some people don't have it and they don't like to take the time to help answer the questions.

I have to agree -- not very friendly.


KK you have the patience of a Saint. Thank you for helping me whenever I have had a question. Thank you also for not jumping down my throat if I post something not OTTG (over the top glowing ;)) about HAL, or cruising, or a certain ship, or anything. Truly, you are a voice of reason.

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I agree with the poster who said that we were all new once and we all asked the age old questions. Experienced cruisers answered us patiently so we should extend the same courtesy to new members even if we have heard the question over and over. Remember---the poster is hearing the answer for the first time.


I have found Cruise Critic to be a wealth of information which has enabled us to save money, smoothed our travels and provided me with some wonderful friendships which would not have happened otherwise.


New members should be encouraged and not scared off. It is easy enough to sort out the genuine new poster from the troll or recycled troublemaker.

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I don't think this is a "one rule fits all" kind of situation.


Here is an example of the kind of detailed information I might post on the Ports of Call boards:




I don't think anyone would suggest I should type that information over and over in response to queries on how to do Pompeii on your own (which are very frequent on the Italy board). I'm also not the type to ceaselessly promote my own posts by linking to them over and over (as I just did here, lol!! :o)


If someone doesn't learn how to use the search function, they are missing out on a lot of detailed information like this which might only be posted once or twice on a forum but is very valuable (even if it is a year old, most of it doesn't change). That's one big reason why I always encourage people to do a search.

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I will recommend a search if I know a topic has been discussed in the last week or so--it's amazing how quickly a thread moves down the boards. If I can find a recent thread (2 oor 3 pages down), I'll post a link to it--not because I don't want to answer, but because it's the quickest way to get a new poster to the info he/she wants.


In my experience, repeat questions come up more in the port of call threads.

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I can remember when I first joined CC in 2007. I asked some rather ignorant questions and was always told there is no such thing as a dumb question here on CC.


The one thing that I would like to see here on the boards is this. When someone takes the time to research, refer and answer the OP's question it would be nice if the OP would take the time out to acknowledge and thank the person who took the time out to address/answer their questions.


Common courtesy can go a long way.

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The one thing that I would like to see here on the boards is this. When someone takes the time to research, refer and answer the OP's question it would be nice if the OP would take the time out to acknowledge and thank the person who took the time out to address/answer their questions.

Ha! Don't hold your breath waiting.

The best you can do is notice who does, and who does not, acknowledge answers, then stop answering those who don't.

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