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when did cruising become so sloppy


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When you have cabins priced at under $100pp per nite, you attract all kinds of people. We have had table mates that lived in a trailer park, so cruising is no longer an elegant experience. If that is what you want, go on a luxury line, don't complain that some passengers on a mass market cruise line don't act and dress like royalty. Have you ever seen the dress styles at Disney, and that is more upscale than cruising.


Before you are so judgemental.....I know someone who lives in a trailer park....they happen to own the trailer park. Their trailer is bigger than the homes of others I know....their trailer has probably more square footage than my single family detached home.


Remember the scene in the movie "Pretty Woman" before you count their money or assets.

Edited by Paulette3028
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When you have cabins priced at under $100pp per nite, you attract all kinds of people. We have had table mates that lived in a trailer park, so cruising is no longer an elegant experience. If that is what you want, go on a luxury line, don't complain that some passengers on a mass market cruise line don't act and dress like royalty. Have you ever seen the dress styles at Disney, and that is more upscale than cruising.


I have family members who live in a trailer that are very kind and good hearted people. They would give you the shirt off their backs. Your comment about 'table mates who lived in a trailer park' was not very nice.

Edited by Loves_Dogs
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Everyone relax :cool:. Cruising has not gotten sloppy at all. You might see or know only 100 out 4k or 6k (depending on the ship you are on) post on these forums. Not a great sampling in my opinion. If you go to other forums it is the same thing a good amount of negatives and whiners. Its the forum life! I do have to admit cruise critic has really helpful information you just have to weed thru some garbage. (This thread is not garbage but you did contribute to whiny posts :p)

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When you have cabins priced at under $100pp per nite, you attract all kinds of people. We have had table mates that lived in a trailer park, so cruising is no longer an elegant experience. If that is what you want, go on a luxury line, don't complain that some passengers on a mass market cruise line don't act and dress like royalty. Have you ever seen the dress styles at Disney, and that is more upscale than cruising.


I don't understand why people are getting bent out of shape about you mentioning "trailer park". Nothing negative was said about the folks. The sentiment is right on, at $100 a night a mass market cruise, unfortunately, isn't a luxury vacation these days.

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These threads crop up every now and again. Thankfully, their frequency are becoming less and less.


Never understood why anyone can possibly think their good times are so dependent on another vacationer's (pick one or more) dress, taste in food/music/cultural differences, etc?


I know my good times don't depend one iota on other's dress, dining preferences, taste in entertainment, etc. I find the less judgemental I am on a cruise, the less worried I am about others, the better time I have on a cruise.

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I am very much looking forward to going on my first cruise as an adult and hoping to have the rules enforced. I teach, and I am teaching a two week long summer camp before we leave. I want to lounge by a pool with no screaming children because I deal with it for most of the year. That being said, I really don't want to be expected to dress in a gown or cocktail dress to eat dinner. I dress in professional clothes to crawl around on my classroom floor and ruin them every school day. I want to wear cute sun dresses and sandals every night! However, I am sure I will find a sundress that boarders on formal and can work for formal nights!

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When you have cabins priced at under $100pp per nite, you attract all kinds of people. We have had table mates that lived in a trailer park, so cruising is no longer an elegant experience. If that is what you want, go on a luxury line, don't complain that some passengers on a mass market cruise line don't act and dress like royalty. Have you ever seen the dress styles at Disney, and that is more upscale than cruising.


How do you know that people who live in a "trailer park" have made your cruise less elegant. (Actually, they are marketed at "Manufactured Home Communities.) I resent the implication. DH and I chose to buy a "manufactured home" after our children grew up and left home. We are not slobs, and we are not low income. We do know how to dress on formal night, we do not grab food from the buffet with our hands. We do know how to behave in an elegant manner. When we originally booked our upcoming B2B cruise on the Allure, it was priced at about $250 per night (not your suggested $100.00. My DH is a former Captain in the Army, and an executive at a local hospital. So much for your stereotyping.

Edited by sleepless
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I agree and I abide by the rules. If we do not feel like dressing up we go to the buffet on formal nights.


I really think the issue is the cruise lines themselves have become slack and choose not to enforce a dress code (except for HAL).



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And also that cruise lines have cheapened the product to the point that wearing a formal suit/tux/gown to the same dining room u sat at the night before in jeans and a tshirt eating the same quality food as the night before seems unnecessary.

Edited by F27TW
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When you have cabins priced at under $100pp per nite, you attract all kinds of people. We have had table mates that lived in a trailer park, so cruising is no longer an elegant experience. If that is what you want, go on a luxury line, don't complain that some passengers on a mass market cruise line don't act and dress like royalty. Have you ever seen the dress styles at Disney, and that is more upscale than cruising.


My mom lives in a trailer park and she will be going on her second cruise this summer. She has chosen to live there in her retirement because it is inexpensive, relatively small and she doesn't have neighbors sharing walls with her. She has much better manners than the crowd here that put their noses in the air and think they are better than others. And she is traveling in a cabin solo so she is paying much more than $100 per night.

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I keep hearing "In The Good Old Days" Although we dress for dinner on formal nights (No tux and gowns) I in a suit (Light or dark) and the wife in a dress or pants suit. In my last review of Freedom I mentioned that I saw people in all styles of dress on formal and non formal nights! We dress on formal nights because we just like to do it, but not because we want to feel "Accepted". I noticed what people wore on my last cruise so that I can make it a part of my review since I always read about it on here but I really don't care. This is 2014 and the Good old days is gone but you can still get the Good old days experience on some of the more luxury cruise lines. In the good old days Elvis was considered vulgar, in 2014 those kind of moves are tame. In the good old days, The Beatles hair was considered long, in 2014 men wear hair as long as women. In the good old days, you carried a cell phone in big phone case, in 2014 you carry one in the palm of your hand. In the Good old days married couples did not sleep together on TV, in 2014 everybody sleeps together, husband/wife, boyfriend/girlfriend, man/man, lady/lady, etc. In the good old days I couldn't afford a cruise and could only watch the ships and wished that I could go on one and had no idea how people dressed on any given night on those ships, in 2014 I can afford to cruise and now that I know how people dress on given nights, I have found what is good for some is not good for everyone and I'm glad I am cruising in 2014 (This era of cruising) because I have a choice (suggested) and not a set of have to do rules when it comes to dress! So what I am saying is, it's not 1954, 1964, 74, 94 but 2014 and so has people had to move on from Elvis's swaying hips or the Beatles long hair, so must people move on to an ever changing cruise experience! Just do you and let everybody else do them! This was just MHO! :cool:


Remember the old days of flying, people would get all dressed up to go on a flight also. Now it is shorts, jeans, track suits. But for some reason people want to hold on the the nostalgia of a cruise. Ignoring everything else that has changed, more kids, more families, flow rider, rock wall, shrek, pool side movies, belly flop contest, thongs, smaller and smaller bikinis even though some of the people shouldn't be in a bikini. Now many of the average person can afford a cruise and make it the family vacation. Instead of going to Disney, now the family will go on a cruise, and these are the target crowd for RCC, NCL, CCL. You notice some of the more upscale cruise lines don't have many of the things offers on RCC, the target crowd isn't the family crowd. These are the cruise lines where passengers can go and have a full blown mandatory formal night. They might be a little more pricey but it is the atmosphere that some people seek but yet they still stay on RCC.

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Wow! A lot of generalization in that statement. I bet you're a joy to sit with at the dining table.


I love it! I knew I would rattle some of you. So much fun!


BTW, we try and not sit at large tables because I don't care to make small talk. We have certainly met some very nice and interesting people in the past, but on the other hand we have had some bad experiences as well. I just don't care to roll the dice anymore.


If you think my original post was incorrect, then maybe you can't see the forest for the trees.


Go ahead and launch!

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I love it! I knew I would rattle some of you. So much fun!


BTW, we try and not sit at large tables because I don't care to make small talk. We have certainly met some very nice and interesting people in the past, but on the other hand we have had some bad experiences as well. I just don't care to roll the dice anymore.


If you think my original post was incorrect, then maybe you can't see the forest for the trees.


Go ahead and launch!


As this thread has proved repeatedly, there are those who are looking for something that they can even possibly be offended by.

Edited by kruzerci
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I love it! I knew I would rattle some of you. So much fun!


BTW, we try and not sit at large tables because I don't care to make small talk. We have certainly met some very nice and interesting people in the past, but on the other hand we have had some bad experiences as well. I just don't care to roll the dice anymore.


If you think my original post was incorrect, then maybe you can't see the forest for the trees.


Go ahead and launch!


I have to believe that you may have been someone who 'made it a bad experience' for another cruiser.....so it probably best that you sit alone.

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My husband and I have always "dressed up" for formal nights but, frankly, we are getting tired of hauling formal attire around the world, and renting a tux seems hardly worth the effort. Before we retired we had to go to black tie events and so "dressing up" is not really a novelty for us. On the other hand, there are folk who absolutely love the formal nights and that is fine. I think most people conform with what I think is smart attire on those nights. The fact of the matter is, though, that cultural norms have changed and that even the best restaurants on land do not seem to have a dress code anymore. The "casual" trend happens to be across all classes and I, for one, think that is not a bad thing. In fact, it is interesting to me that the most expensive cruises tend not to have formal nights. So, I think we have to ask the question: Is it classy or pretentious to expect everyone to dress formally?

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Sometimes when I read these posts where these people spout off about "Trailer Park" people. and fat lazy Americans , and "a different type of cruiser that cheapens the experience. The ones that get so righteous about how well they were raised ,and how they know how to dress appropriately. They would never smuggle booze, wear jeans in the dining room , smuggle booze, etc, etc ,etc.



I would love to have a chat with their neighbors, co workers, family members , etc, and see what they are really like.


I bet out of all these high and mighty , holier than thou types, there are a few that are the scourge of their neighborhood, the one nobody gets along with at the office , and the relative no one bothers with. *LOL*

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As I like to tell others. You must have a cruising mentality in order to enjoy it.


For those people who think they can cheat the system may one day find out they can no longer cruise because they were not following the Cruise Conduct Codes. You may think they can but in reality there are people who look out for these people.


If you do not want to dress up then you should head on over to the Windjammer or other venue where dressing up is not a requirement. I'm sorry but for those people who have taken the time to bring the proper attire for formal night and actually dress up according to the code it would not be fair for those who decide to dress down to be allowed to eat in the dining room.


As for entitlement well then I don't really think your an educated person. You can name drop all you want but do you think I believe every word that comes out of your mouth? As the saying goes"I'll believe it when I see it".


There is this term on FlyerTalK "Do you know who I am". I don't give a rats patoot who you are whether you live in a trailer park or some luxury condo in South Beach Florida. What I care about is how you comport yourself with fellow cruisers.


Which leads me to talking about politics. I have been at a dining room table in the Main Dining room for lunch and a few people start up this heated conversation about politics. I don't care if you voted for Obama or Romney. I don't want to hear your views. I have come here to enjoy lunch and talk about subjects such as the ports you visited, stories about your past cruising experiences. I don't need this I'm a Diamond Plus or Pinnacle Member so get out of your seat and find somewhere else to sit mentality.


I did not come on a cruise for self entitlement or whining about the service. Your steak was undercooked don't make a scene but rather in a polite manner tell your server and they will gladly replace it for you. If you don't speak up and then wait until the end of the service or leave a smaller tip at the end of the cruise then be prepared for something you would have never expected to happen had you decided to bring it up right away.


I was on the Navigator last year from New Orleans-Rome and was at the 70s party. This elderly man told me if I knock him again he will break my arm. I did not even touch him. There was this large crowd in the Promenade all dancing. So he told me he is going to break my arm. So of course I reported this to Security. Its people like this that really ruin the experience. Come on people don't you know your drinking limit?


Heck this man was older than I am and acted like a 3 year old. I barely even touched him. I was there before him and he was looking for trouble. Do you know who would be on the Royal Caribbean No Cruise List? A 75 year old man not me who is 29 and more mature than you are.


Its amazing that older people can be ruder than a younger person in my age group(29). If someone bumped into me I would say excuse me or just smile and say "Oh its crowded no worries". I would not threaten to push them to the ground.


This is my 2 cents. I love cruising and I love meeting new people but please lets just be cordial towards one another thats all I ask for.

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