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Excursion problem becomes a customer service problem... Thoughts?


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Just got off the Eurodam yesterday, and had a good cruise, but with one problem that I'm still annoyed with, so I thought I'd see what you guys thought. Is it worth pursuing, or am I just being too complainy?


Had a shore excursion to the Good Hope plantation in Montego Bay. It was listed as being four hours long, didn't mention any shopping stops, and the brochure for the excursion said it included lunch. Price 79.95.


Started out well and enjoyed the tour of the house and grounds. Then the problems began. They split our bus into two groups, and when ours finished they kept us in a spot near the entrance and told us we were leaving as soon as the other group arrived. Turns out there was no lunch to be provided, not good. The bigger problem though was that the other group was told to walk around all they want, that there was a bus going back every hour they could take. So my group ends up waiting forever, told we were leaving any minute and not to go anywhere, for over an hour. When everyone finally arrived the bus driver told us we had to stop for shopping. No one on the bus wanted to, but we stopped anyway. If we had stopped somewhere good, it might not have been so bad, but we stopped at some store full of crap on the side of the road where the driver was clearly getting a kickback for bringing us. When we finally left and got back to the port he brought us to the wrong entrance and so by the time we finally got off the bus, our four hour tour had turned into six and a half. I get "island time" and everything, but I thought that was ridiculous. It also didn't help that we actually got asked for tips three different times during the excursion. I normally consider myself a pretty good tipper, but I thought three times on one "four hour" trip was a bit much.


After finally getting some lunch I went to the shore excursion desk and spoke to the gentleman there. When I mentioned the lack of lunch he pulled out their shore excursion master list and pointed to my tour and told me it didn't have a fork and knife next to it so there was no lunch. I said I never saw that, but here is the brochure you guys referred me to that absolutely says there is lunch. He responded that those are the tour companies' brochures, so they were not HAL's problem. He listened to my other complaints, told me he was going to contact the tour company, that he "was gonna fight for me" and that he would get back to me with a resolution. I waited 48 hours. I heard nothing from him or anyone else. I went back to the shore excursions desk and there is the same guy standing there doing nothing. I went up to him and after he finally remembered who I was, he said, "Yeah, I was just getting ready to call you. I haven't had any time to do that yet." He told me the tour company did want to do anything for me so all he could do was give me a ten percent discount. Nothing else he could possibly do. Now I wasn't looking to get my whole excursion free, but after no lunch and the other problems, and not hearing from him for two days, eight bucks off didn't feel very satisfying. Oh by the way, the incorrect brochures are still out there.


A little bit later I went to the customer service desk, told them what happened, and explained I wasn't thrilled with the promised solution and very disappointed that two days went by and no one bothered to get back to me. She listened very politely, was very nice, and told me she would contact her supervisor and someone would be in touch. I said thank you. So... two more days go by and nobody contacts me. Had kind of decided to let the whole thing go, but then my final account statement arrived and no ten percent off! So now twice they said they'd get back to me and they didn't. They said they would give me a credit (small as it was) and they didn't. The brochure said they would give me lunch, and they didn't. For some reason I'm starting to feel lied to. I head down to the excursions desk and nobody was there. Went to customer service and after a half hour of talking and waiting they finally did give me an eight buck credit and told me there was nothing else anyone on the ship could do. They kept encouraging me to pursue it further when I got home. Over and over again. When I asked how it could possibly be that no one there on the ship could help me, they just apologized and encouraged me to pursue it further when I got home again. By the way, on my way off the ship those naughty, lying brochures were still on display.


To be honest, at this point I'm more upset about the way my complaint was handled then what happened on the tour. I don't have many problems on cruises, but when I did I've never been ignored (and I think liked to) like that. So am I being too whiny or is worth pursuing further? Let me know what you think.

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I understand you being upset that no one got back to you to tell you how they were going to deal with the problem. You never really did say what you expected, other than to follow through with what they told you they would do. Yes, they should have followed through, given you the 10% discount they said they would without you having to follow up yourself. Yes, the front desk should have communicated something to you like they said they would without you having to pursue it.


I would do exactly what they encouraged you to do; contact Seattle with this story. Again, I don't feel you are out of line but need to detail what you expect to happen like: remove the brochures that specify lunch, make it clear there will be a shopping stop (like it or not), complete the tour in the stated amount of time. I would give it a foul review on HALs website and here as well. Perhaps HAL and other lines will stop contracting with that company for tours or maybe, you had a bum guide and driver.


I'm sorry you had such a bad experience. Customer Service is given too much lip service; nothing is so irritating as to be told you will hear back from them only to have to follow up yourself. I hope you can find a constructive outlet for your dismay.

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I don't blame you at all. I would be ticked off. It seems that lately I've been hearing more and more complaints about the Shore Excursion Dept. Our problems have been minor and few, but it seems to be happening more frequently.


You said there was a "brochure" -- I have never seen anything like that. Is it just on the ship, or available before the cruise? I have only looked at the HAL site descriptions, and am always careful to make sure there is that "fork and knife" showing that there is a meal. Sometimes it says meal, sometimes it says snack. What time was this tour? (that turned into 6.5 hours) :eek: I remember in the past if a tour went say from 10-3, there would be a lunch, because of the length of tour and timing. If I know there won't be a meal, I plan to have a late breakfast, or bring along an energy bar.


I consider myself a good tipper too, but being asked 3 times for tips would definitely make me not want to tip anything at all. :(

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Definitely email HAL and I hope it brings you results.


When we were on a cruise a few years ago, I knew DH wanted to hear Fado in Lisbon, so I booked HAL's tour. At over $300 for the two of us, this was no cheapie. Worst tour I have ever done.


complaints to the shore excursion desk got us nowhere from being told 'we were the only ones" (until I found 5 others on the roll call who had been told the same thing) and then 'if you knew that much about Fado, you shouldn't have gone".


I didn't expect my money back but I would have at least liked them to address some of the safety issues on the tour (one woman was knocked over in the middle of the street and nearly run over when the 'guide' tried to rush everyone out of the venue and on the bus). Maybe a bit of empathy? a tad of it back would have been nice?


I got absolutely nowhere so I simply decided that I would only do HAL tours when I have to. I did one on our recent cruise much to my regret. The entertainment was ok, but we were jammed in like sardines and we would have been better of arranging our own.


I got nowhere with the ship or Seattle, but what I did do is review the tour on the HAL website so that at least if people want to look they are forewarned. I recommend you do the same.


I wish you luck and hope you get somewhere with your email. I've been on some ok HAL tours, a couple great ones many years ago, but now, I am at the point that if I can do it privately I will. Once bitten twice shy, Thrice Bitten, good bye.

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I think you should contact HAL for 2 reasons


1- to let them know the tour company is disorganized and not doing what the tour calls for - complaints from HAL to discontinue using them bear some weight - many of these companies are only in business for the cruise ships and their livelihood depends on good reports


2- to relate the lack of follow-up from 2 areas on the ship - shore desk and front desk - neither is acceptable


Although you do not ask for further compensation, I imagine they will give you some type of credit now, or a future OBC, when they receive your complaint. The $8 credit they gave you about covers the missing lunch only.


If we don't offer constructive criticism when there is a service failure, HAL, or any company for that matter, goes merrily along thinking everything is running smoothly. They usually welcome feedback.

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Had a similar situation in Auckland. Part of the tour said that there would be a snow cat ride to see the penguins - now how cool was that! Was so excited about that part of the excursions, told everyone, had people sign up because of my excitement. So we go on he tour - the penguins were in the exhibit space which was built in a converted waste disposal plant. When I asked our guide about the snow cat ride, she burst out laughing and pointed to a small car that looked like it came from an old roller coaster. She said that since they remodeled the penguin space they have not had the ride. She also mentioned that they had not had the ride in over 5 years.


We went to the excursion desk and the manager was there. Showed her the excursion book describing the snow cat ride, told her what we found out and suggested that they should monitor their tours a bit better and have the HAL attendee match the actual tour against the description. Also told her the only reason we went on the tour was the ride (ok, I so incorrectly imagined a big snow cat loaded with people gliding across the glacier to where the penguins lived). She said she would contact Seattle about a refund. Nothing showed up on our account after 5 days, stopped by again and she basically blew us off. Sent an email to HAL customer service, after we hot home and explained the situation, followed the email up with a call and received a 50% refund in the mail within 15 days.


So polite descriptions of situations and requests sometimes do make for a refund!


p.s. HAL has changed the tour description to better reflect what we actually did as they still offer the same tour.

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I wrote reviews of Shorex on a HAL cruise we did some years back. I gave all stars possible for all but one. That one was good, one a small boat that was advertised to be heated and have indoor facilities. The crew would not let us use the indoor facilities and we had to go outside through the cold pouring rain to a small marine bathroom at the side of the boat.


Well, my review never made it to the website. And I rewrote and submitted it a second time. Neither version made it up. The other reviews were posted by the next day.


I have no plans to submit further reviews in the future.

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Just got off the Eurodam yesterday, and had a good cruise, but with one problem that I'm still annoyed with, so I thought I'd see what you guys thought. Is it worth pursuing, or am I just being too complainy?.............<SNIP>...........


To be honest, at this point I'm more upset about the way my complaint was handled then what happened on the tour. I don't have many problems on cruises, but when I did I've never been ignored (and I think liked to) like that. So am I being too whiny or is worth pursuing further? Let me know what you think.


Let me first start with the following statement: "I am a Proud HAL Cheerleader."


HOWEVER, that being said, I need to ask 1 question before I give you my thoughts. That question is: How did you book the excursion in Montego Bay? Was it on line or at the Shore Excursion Desk on the ship? Not that either way should matter, but for my own curiosity.


Now my thoughts on what you received vs what the brochure stated.


I looked on our Itinerary for Ocho Rios (we were originally scheduled to go to Montego Bay, but was changed 2 weeks ago) and there is an itinerary that looks like what you described but not a plantation, instead listed as:


Tea at Good Hope Great House


Experience the joy of high tea, complete with scones, and sandwiches, on the beautiful grounds of the Good Hope Great House. This marvelous estate is nestled against a backdrop of the Hummingbird Garden and your tea is served here in a manner that was once only for Jamaica’s wealthy. Tour the Great House and enjoy the traditions of a bygone era. Roam the grounds of the estate where you will see ruins and visit the resident potter's gallery. You can purchase souvenirs from the Trading House—the only store of its kind in the Caribbean.


Driving time to the Good Hope Estate is approximately 1½ hours each way.



Now, on my itinerary it shows an Apple (for snack) but the above from HAL's site shows a high tea style, which is a bit more than a snack (to my eyes)

With the above being said, I think you got screwed and have a case for a refund of some sort, and I mean more than 10% or $8.00 USD.



I normally do not get into the should I or should I not demand (or ask for) some sort of acknowledgement of whatever for compensation or..... Hope that makes sense....



Basically what I am trying to say is YOU ARE 100% right in thinking you should pursue this further!!!








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This is one of the reasons I try to set up private excursions - yes, I know the pros and cons and possible pitfalls, not looking to turn this into a thread on that subject. After so many ship's shorex's that failed to even come close to the description and the run-around (I'm being polite here) from the shorex reps, the front desk people and GRM's, I try to avoid the cruise lines' excursions. It is that disingenuous, deceitful run-around that irritates me the most.


P.S. The shorex people are there to sell the tours. That's their job. I have seen them say anything and everything to sell the product. Proceed at your own risk.

Edited by bcd2010
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On our last HAL cruise I also had an issue with a ship excursion (scuba diving) and when I brought it to the attention of the excursion desk they told me they would look into it and get back to me. (The issue was no wet suites were available) The man in charge overheard that and proceeded to tell me that he scuba dives all the time and never wears a wet suit in the Caribbean... I told him that did not apply to me so it was irrelevant. I did not hear back from the excursion desk (I may have checked back while onboard but I can't recall, it as towards the end of the cruise).


When I got home I emailed HAL Guest Relations and got a very quick response; they definitely read my complaint, took it seriously and apologized for the excursion staff member's attitude. As compensation that offered me two complimentary meals in the Pinnacle Grill anytime in the 3 years following the email.


I found their response to my email appropriate and handled to my satisfaction.

Edited by Boytjie
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We believe that HAL no longer has much to do with shore excursions. Like many services on cruise ships, shore excursions are handled by a private contractor. While complaining to Guest Relations might get some satisfaction, the complaints will normally be forwarded to the Shore Excursion Manager ( not a HAL employee) who may or may not deal with the issue. Shore Excursions are all about profit. The land-based tour provider makes a profit, the Shore Excursion contractor makes a nice profit, and the cruise line gets a nice cut. We recently took a private tour in New Zealand that was amazingly good. We suggested to the family owned business boss that they could do well by selling their tour to cruise lines. He quickly replied that the cruise lines had approached him, wanted a large discount, and were then going to mark-up the tour by a huge factor. He turned down several cruise lines because he did not think they were being fair to the cruisers. One particular cruise line (it was not HAL) decided to compromise with the family and will soon offer this small group tour....which involves a family that does much to save rare Penguins and further protect the local environmen.


There are other issues. It is also common for the cruise line shore excursion contractors to demand that the shore-based refuse to sell similar tours directly to cruisers (at the lower normal price). This can create interesting situations. In Puerto Vallarta ( where we live part of the year) we have to prove to a major local tour company that we are residents ( not cruisers) to get their normal prices. It is also possible for non-cruisers to get better deals from various jewelers in certain ports. While many cruisers think that they get "special deals" by identifying themselves as cruisers....the reality can be just the opposite.







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Thanks for everybody's input and suggestions! As suggested I have emailed customer service and will update when I receive a response.


In answer to a couple of questions I saw above:


Yes, by the shore excursion desk they had a rack of color brochures for many of the excursion available on that trip. When I originally asked if they had any more information on the trip I was considering they directed me there.


I booked the excursion in person at the shore excursion desk.


Thanks all!

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After a terrible excursion in the Caribbean, and the shore excursion desk on the ship refusing to do anything, I wrote to Stein Kruse's office. HAL Seattle refunded the entire cost of the excursion. I think in these circumstances a letter might work better than an email.

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I find the onboard shorex people unhelpful and misleading. I once booked a short tour which included a little walking, and the description in the brochure was easy walk. While onboard I attended one of the port lectures during which the presenter said those having any difficulty at all in walking should not do the tour as it was nearly all walking. So I went to the shorex desk and cancelled 48 hours before and rebooked something else for another port - yet had to fight to get back the cancellation fee. Later heard back from those who did the tour that it was fine, just the usual on and off the bus and a few short walks. I seldom book HAL excursions these days.

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I contacted HAL by email to express our dissatisfaction with how our tour to Tattoo was handled in Ediburgh. Basically, HAL said it was the fault of the tour company. We had to walk through Edinburgh both ways. We had HAL escorts who really didn't do anything to keep the group together. We lost someone on the way there!! The woman from the tour company was no where to be found after the performance. We saw a woman trip and fall on one of those concrete posts used to block streets.


I think I would just forget about the 10%---it couldn't be that much. The important thing is that HAL is aware so they can drop the company so other people won't have the same bad experience in the future. You win some and you lose some..

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Two weeks ago we did one private and two ship's excursions - Panama Canal partial cruise.


The private tour was fine, but we had some problem finding the bus on the pier (this is one thing you never have to worry about with HAL tours). The driver/tour guide was great.


On the two HAL tours, one was very good, the other fair at best. I had read the tour reviews on HAL website and this is exactly how they were rated by the way.


Costwise, HAL tours generally are a bit more expensive, but worth it IMO since you have the comfort of knowing you will not miss the ship (or they will take care of you if you do). Plus, you earn credit towards the Mariner days program.


My advice - READ the reviews on the HAL site before you book. They have been spot on for my tours. Secondly, only take private tours if you have plenty of time to get back to the ship after your tour.

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I think you should contact HAL for 2 reasons


1- to let them know the tour company is disorganized and not doing what the tour calls for - complaints from HAL to discontinue using them bear some weight - many of these companies are only in business for the cruise ships and their livelihood depends on good reports


2- to relate the lack of follow-up from 2 areas on the ship - shore desk and front desk - neither is acceptable


... They usually welcome feedback.


I agree. It would be even better if you mentioned the exact time of the excursion and the names of the guide who made you wait an hour unnecessarily and the bus driver who stopped for unscheduled shopping.

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After a terrible excursion in the Caribbean, and the shore excursion desk on the ship refusing to do anything, I wrote to Stein Kruse's office. HAL Seattle refunded the entire cost of the excursion. I think in these circumstances a letter might work better than an email.


I agree a snail mail letter is sometimes more noticed. It takes a bit more effort and perhaps that translates to the recipient the issue really is important to you seeing you went to the extra trouble.


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I agree a snail mail letter is sometimes more noticed. It takes a bit more effort and perhaps that translates to the recipient the issue really is important to you seeing you went to the extra trouble.



I had a fast response and resolution to my excursion issue and it was sent via email.

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Thanks for everybody's input and suggestions! As suggested I have emailed customer service and will update when I receive a response.


In answer to a couple of questions I saw above:


Yes, by the shore excursion desk they had a rack of color brochures for many of the excursion available on that trip. When I originally asked if they had any more information on the trip I was considering they directed me there.


I booked the excursion in person at the shore excursion desk.


Thanks all!


Thanks for answering my question. After thinking about it I did realize this must be what you meant....since we always book our excursions before the cruise, I really don't have much experience with seeing the brochures. :)

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After a terrible excursion in the Caribbean, and the shore excursion desk on the ship refusing to do anything, I wrote to Stein Kruse's office. HAL Seattle refunded the entire cost of the excursion. I think in these circumstances a letter might work better than an email.


btw - his email is stein dot kruse at hollandamerica dot com. His assistant does check his email but you should get a reply.

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We had similar awful customer service from the Shorex desk on one cruise, after a similarly unpleasant shorex experience. A number of us complained as soon as we were back on the ship and pretty much got told "gee too bad". As others have suggested, writing Seattle (I just used the webform to contact them) got us more reparation that I actually thought was reasonable :eek:

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