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Tougher Enforcement on Use of Hand Sanitizer


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Another non sanitizer person here. Why? Because I have eczema on my hands and anything with alcohol aggravates it. You would be more upset if you saw me using the tongs in the buffet with my hands covered with a nasty rash which is what would happen if I used the hand sanitizer. Even though it isn't contagious, another passenger would not know that. I wash my hands before meals and use a hand lotion made to help eczema sufferers. That is the best I can do, but I am not going to aggrevate a skin condition just to satisfy the optics of entering the dining room.


I have been criticized by other passengers and heard the snide comments from the people behind me. I used to try to explain, but it was a waste of time and energy. I would be delighted to use the sanitizer for no other reason than this.


THANK YOU for posting this.


I also have eczema, and cannot use hand sanitizer. I wash my hands thoroughly with soap and water, and use a paper towel to open doors. I won't even touch handrails on stairs unless I have to. And in that case, I wash my hands again immediately afterwards. (I also carry around a small tube of hand lotion specifically for eczema.)


Just because we don't use hand sanitizer, it doesn't mean our hands are not as clean as yours. In fact, it is very likely that our hands are cleaner since we are more aware of what we touch and what we put on our hands.


As long as everyone practices good hygiene (and frequent hand-washing), we should all be able to get along.

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While all these allergies etc are all well and good let's not forget there ARE plenty of people simply with poor hygiene skills. Touching surfaces in a public restroom and then not washing your hands rates right up there at the top.


I'm not one to judge nor do I watch what others are doing on a cruise re: handwashing, using sanitizers etc. I worry about my behavior and I do the best I can to keep germs away from me. And that's all I can do, I can't control others.

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I'll use the watery stuff on the ship -- but, I find it messy. I always carry one of the travel-size hand sanitizers from Bath & Body works. They smell better, and don't seem to dry my hands out as badly, as the purell does. :cool:


And yes, I'm VERY big on proper hand-washing, and trying not to touch things that everyone else has touched. But, if I had to run and re-wash my hands every time I touched a door, a railing, an elevator button, or a menu -- I'd spend my entire cruise in the bathroom! :eek:

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Amazing how many reasons there are for not using hand sanitizers: I'm allergic to them; they do not kill all viruses; they dry my hands; how do I hold my card when re-boarding; it's better to develop immunity to bacteria, etc.;


Knowing how many people there are who do not wash after using a rest room (perhaps ever?), and exhibit gross habits in handling food serving implements, and knowing that some of those people must be carrying some undesirable life forms, it seems somewhat reckless to fail to take every precaution - even those which you are not certain are effective, and those which might take a little time.

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Amazing how many reasons there are for not using hand sanitizers: I'm allergic to them; they do not kill all viruses; they dry my hands; how do I hold my card when re-boarding; it's better to develop immunity to bacteria, etc.;


Knowing how many people there are who do not wash after using a rest room (perhaps ever?), and exhibit gross habits in handling food serving implements, and knowing that some of those people must be carrying some undesirable life forms, it seems somewhat reckless to fail to take every precaution - even those which you are not certain are effective, and those which might take a little time.


People who have VALID reasons for not using the hand sanitizer are in NO WAY, SHAPE or FORM being RECKLESS.


The reasons I personally stated for not using the hand sanitizer are VALID. Whether or not YOU personally agree with them is completely irrelevant.


You should also note that I have excellent personal hygiene habits and WASH my hands with soap and water likely more times in a day than most people do in a week!


I hate to break this to you, but the people who don't bother washing their hands when they leave the rest room are very likely not even doing a good enough job using the hand sanitizer anyway.


It is also more than likely that they are completely ignoring the posts like this about hand sanitizers.


I'm done here. :rolleyes:

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Amazing how many reasons there are for not using hand sanitizers: I'm allergic to them; they do not kill all viruses; they dry my hands; how do I hold my card when re-boarding; it's better to develop immunity to bacteria, etc.;


I also have a medical reason for not using hand sanitizer and I'll be damned if I'm going to suffer the side effects caused to me by sanitizer just to satisfy judgmental people like you. You'll just have to learn to live with it. :rolleyes:

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Perhaps we can emulate the Bubble Boy, (thank you, Seinfeld) 7 just stay in our room lest we catch a disease.

Sorry, but the day I think I have to walk around with sanitizers strapped to my side like pistols, so I can disinfect everything that I may come in contact with, I'll just stop going out of my house.

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Perhaps we can emulate the Bubble Boy, (thank you, Seinfeld) 7 just stay in our room lest we catch a disease.

Sorry, but the day I think I have to walk around with sanitizers strapped to my side like pistols, so I can disinfect everything that I may come in contact with, I'll just stop going out of my house.


I completely agree!!!!!


It is threads like this that make me wonder why I booked a cruise.

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Perhaps we can emulate the Bubble Boy, (thank you, Seinfeld) 7 just stay in our room lest we catch a disease.

Sorry, but the day I think I have to walk around with sanitizers strapped to my side like pistols, so I can disinfect everything that I may come in contact with, I'll just stop going out of my house.


I completely agree!!!!!


It is threads like this that make me wonder why I booked a cruise.


I also have a medical reason for not using hand sanitizer and I'll be damned if I'm going to suffer the side effects caused to me by sanitizer just to satisfy judgmental people like you. You'll just have to learn to live with it. :rolleyes:


Thank you.....all of you! I agree 100%.

Edited by Aquahound
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I will sometimes walk by the sanitizer station because 1) I have literally just been to the restroom right outside the MDR before dinner and my hands are already clean and then 2) I will once again use my own hand sanitizer (which is, in fact, the same kind they use) at the table after I have finished with the menu. Some will see me and judge me, but they will be wrong.


I also would never, ever wear a mask because I have a simple cough or head cold. Good heavens, how paranoid do we need to be?!?! Sometimes stuff happens. I will wash my hands often, use hand sanitizer often, cover my mouth, and cough into my elbow rather than into my hand. But I will not wear a mask unless I happen to come down with some horrible disease and need to be around people.


I also think it is unrealistic to think because you have a cold/cough you need to stay in your cabin. On my last cruise, I caught a cold virus day one (probably got it from the airplane). The primary symptom was coughing due to sinus issues. I coughed the entire time. Can anyone honestly suggest I should have stayed in my cabin for the entire cruise? That's ridiculous. I took care to never cough in the direction of anyone, to cough into my elbow, to clean my hands twice as much as normal, etc.. But no way am I going to stay in my cabin for an entire cruise because I caught a head cold. I have sensitive sinuses so when I get a cold I have sinus issues for weeks, which cause me to cough. Probably not contagious that long, but I will cough for weeks.


I realize that there are always people for whom catching a simple cold may not be so simple. But realistically, they are at risk no matter where they go. They certainly were at more risk on the airplane they rode to get to the cruise ship, as well as at the hotel, as well as at the department store where they bought their cruise clothes, and the grocery store, etc., etc.. I will be as considerate as I can be, but there are so many cold viruses around you just cannot expect to never catch those from someone.

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I'll use the watery stuff on the ship -- but, I find it messy. I always carry one of the travel-size hand sanitizers from Bath & Body works. They smell better, and don't seem to dry my hands out as badly, as the purell does. :cool:


And yes, I'm VERY big on proper hand-washing, and trying not to touch things that everyone else has touched. But, if I had to run and re-wash my hands every time I touched a door, a railing, an elevator button, or a menu -- I'd spend my entire cruise in the bathroom! :eek:


I hate to break your bubble, but the reason they don't dry out your hands like Purell is because they do not contain the amount of alcohol they need to be really effective! But something is better than nothing and I am not criticizing, just pointing out the difference in products.

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Recently returned from a 14 day South Oh ,you might wonder how ill we were? After returning, I found out I had pneumonia and am just recovering now. My husband had it bad, but is much better without a visit to our GP.


Pneumonia is an airborne respiratory virus and all the hand sanitizer in the world will not stop that. Same with any respiratory illness.


Could the crew and or supervisors, especially in eating areas ask passengers to cover their mouths or even hand out masks? I think Celebrity has failed in this area.


Celebrity has absolutely NO authority to demand that passengers wear masks. The CDC or local health department can for one respiratory illness only: Tuberculosis. TB patients who refuse to wear a mask can be quarantined against their will.


As many have already said you can only control yourself. If you are worried that much about encountering people who might be ill and catching something then traveling during peak cold and flu season may not be the best for you.

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I also have a medical reason for not using hand sanitizer and I'll be damned if I'm going to suffer the side effects caused to me by sanitizer just to satisfy judgmental people like you. You'll just have to learn to live with it. :rolleyes:


Just a bit defensive? Simply mentioning all the reasons people give for not wanting to use sanitizers is hardly judgemental. What I do find silly is the notion of using ones own sanitizer after handling the menu. Whatever was on the menu will get on the side of the sanitizer container when removed from pocket or purse -- and then be able to transfer back to the hands when putting the sanitizer back after using it.


The stuff may not be terribly effective , but the simple fact that the ship encourages its use makes people aware of the necessity to take whatever precautions they feel appropriate.

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Celebrity's gel is definitely specially formulated to combat Noro, they advertise this fact on the Info channel on tv, going so far as to recommend guests refrain from using their own, as most regular readily available versions don't combat Noro, thus there is no reason to use them, and avoid the ships.


I'm surprised other cruise lines wouldn't out of normal course of business offer the version that combats noro. Any idea which lines don't, need to avoid them


I always take advantage of the stuff when boarding the ship, it;s awkward with all the stuff in hand, I always have to stick my seeps in my teeth and hold as I rub it into my hands as I embark, but I do it.


so, you are saying the purell on the ship is different from normal purell? i know the stuff on the ship causes my hands to bleed within about 3 uses - not pretty, or comfortable. so, i bring one that seems to work pretty well and doesn't cause me pain. i also am BIG on washing hands. nothing like hot running water and soap for getting rid of bugs!

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What I do find silly is the notion of using ones own sanitizer after handling the menu. Whatever was on the menu will get on the side of the sanitizer container when removed from pocket or purse -- and then be able to transfer back to the hands when putting the sanitizer back after using it.


Hmmm...that one really made me think! :eek:


However, upon consideration, I think my technique works: As soon as the waiter picks up the menu, I take out my little bottle of B&BW hand sanitizer, pop open the cap, and squirt some in my hand. With the other hand, I flip the cap back into the "closed" position, and drop the bottle back into my purse. THEN, I use squirt of hand sanitizer -- being careful NOT to reach into my purse again ('cause, goodness knows what's growing in there! ;))


And, I'm certainly not judging anyone for using, or choosing not to use, hand sanitizer. Personally, it makes me feel that I can do something in addition to thorough hand washing, so I use it. :cool:

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so, you are saying the purell on the ship is different from normal purell? i know the stuff on the ship causes my hands to bleed within about 3 uses - not pretty, or comfortable. so, i bring one that seems to work pretty well and doesn't cause me pain. i also am BIG on washing hands. nothing like hot running water and soap for getting rid of bugs!


Yes it absolutely is not the same purely one buys on the shelf at the local pharmacy.


Cruise ships get a special formula that has higher amounts of whatever ingredient is needed to kill Noro that regular Puerile does not. This is why the ships remind us to not use our own but instead use that provided by the ship.


Its why its useless, literally, for anyone to bypass the ship puerile station and say "Oh it's ok I used my own thanks". They may as well have cleaned their hands with olive oil, as it wont be killing the norm either.

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Hmmm...that one really made me think! :eek:


However, upon consideration, I think my technique works: As soon as the waiter picks up the menu, I take out my little bottle of B&BW ... THEN, I use squirt of hand sanitizer -- ... Personally, it makes me feel that I can do something in addition to thorough hand washing, so I use it. :cool:


I don't see how your approach protects your fellow passengers from your germs. You clean your hands after? you read the menu rather than before? So it is ok for you to wipe your grimy hands all over the menu and only worry about how the germs might affect you personally? For myself, I think the whole process is beyond silly. I will use the ship's hand sanitizer process to avoid being treated like Typhoid Mary, but really people, get a grip! Most of us get sick occasionally, we get over it or we die. A few squirts of sanitizer, or not, won't change the odds very much.

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Hand sanitizer or not, I would prefer to see an end to the self serve free for all on Celebrity. On our last cruise, we were impressed with the wonderful selection in the buffet, but after one visit I couldn't bring myself to eat there. The finger licking and cross contamination of serving spoons going back into the wrong bowls was disgusting. One lady scooped up some bread pudding and put it on her turkey on her plate and then rubbed the scoop on the turkey to get more off of it. I guess she though it was stuffing/dressing.

Edited by sunviking90
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Hand sanitizer or not, I would prefer to see an end to the self serve free for all on Celebrity. On our last cruise, we were impressed with the wonderful selection in the buffet, but after one visit I couldn't bring myself to eat there. The finger licking and cross contamination of serving spoons going back into the wrong bowls was disgusting. One lady scooped up some bread pudding and put it on her turkey on her plate and then rubbed the scoop on the turkey to get more off of it. I guess she though it was stuffing/dressing.


This is one reason I really like Oceania. In their buffet all food is served by the workers all the time. Very few things are actually touched by the cruisers.

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