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Labadee: No tip, no chairs

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I remember this.


The current language is not quite as clear in my opinion -- the Labadee insert I got says this:

"Lounge Chairs: Just as on board, lounge chairs on Labadee are complimentary. They cannot be reserved and guests are asked to refrain from offering payment for the chairs."


I interpreted this to mean that the chairs don't require payment but that left room to give a gratuity for service rendered in carrying or setting them up, especially if they set up a tent as well (especially for those not able or willing to do it on their own).


I just remembered something else the guy told me -- "I work for tips". I don't know if that's true or not. Maybe I had "sucker" written on my forehead that day.

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The current language is not quite as clear in my opinion -- the Labadee insert I got says this:

"Lounge Chairs: Just as on board, lounge chairs on Labadee are complimentary. They cannot be reserved and guests are asked to refrain from offering payment for the chairs."


I interpreted this to mean that the chairs don't require payment but that left room to give a gratuity for service rendered in carrying or setting them up, especially if they set up a tent as well (especially for those not able or willing to do it on their own).


I just remembered something else the guy told me -- "I work for tips". I don't know if that's true or not. Maybe I had "sucker" written on my forehead that day.


Maybe they should have an RCCL officer down where the chairs are to ensure the practice is carried out because I know when I was there last December, the guy bringing chairs out was practically begging for tips. I walked past him and got my own 5 chairs so there would be no issue that I owed him nothing.

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When in the Labadee compound you are on RCI's turf. They make the rules.


I agree. Life has rules, play fair. While they are in a very impoverished country with such terrible recent devastation, they have accepted a job with a business in the hospitality and travel industry. As such, it is expected that employees of such a business should do what they can to be nice to the customers, especially given when the customers are being kind back or not disrespectful/entitled to the employees. I'm fine with tipping for a service I requested and that was provided as it was intended. I don't want to be forced to tip someone who pushed a service on me. If this job means the difference of providing for himself and/or his family, one would think he would work to preserve his position, of which the statement this employee made to the OP does not indicate he is working to preserve.

Edited by sasha96
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I refuse to tip any guy "assisting" in the bathroom! I'm not going to be an enabler. Same for the "bathroom guys" that are in all the Charlotte airport bathrooms. Seriously, does anybody really want to give some guy money for handing you a towel that's within arms reach of you? Furthermore, my freshly washed hands being dried by a towel that's had some dudes possibly dirty hands on it doesn't seem like a good idea to me.


Keep your "well he's just trying to feed hid family" retorts to yourself because I really don't care! Really, where does it end? What's next a guy in the stall with you to clean your bottom? I think RCCL should not allow the bathroom guy to be there as it's a nuisance , IMHO.


The chair guy? He's a rude jerk and a cloud on an otherwise sunny day! Why reward him. If I was offended enough I would take a picture with him in it and show a concierge his face and report the infraction. I'm sure there are people waiting in line to work on this beach that have better attitudes! I'd complain to help that person in waiting. Otherwise, expect the same rude service for yourself and the others that follow...


My tipping rule: Tips are reserved for kind helpful people who would do there job whether they would get tipped or not. That is the person who I happily go out of my way to tip generously! Jerks get nothing and should be replaced.

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I refuse to tip any guy "assisting" in the bathroom! I'm not going to be an enabler. Same for the "bathroom guys" that are in all the Charlotte airport bathrooms. Seriously, does anybody really want to give some guy money for handing you a towel that's within arms reach of you? Furthermore, my freshly washed hands being dried by a towel that's had some dudes possibly dirty hands on it doesn't seem like a good idea to me.


Keep your "well he's just trying to feed hid family" retorts to yourself because I really don't care! Really, where does it end? What's next a guy in the stall with you to clean your bottom? I think RCCL should not allow the bathroom guy to be there as it's a nuisance , IMHO.


The chair guy? He's a rude jerk and a cloud on an otherwise sunny day! Why reward him. If I was offended enough I would take a picture with him in it and show a concierge his face and report the infraction. I'm sure there are people waiting in line to work on this beach that have better attitudes! I'd complain to help that person in waiting. Otherwise, expect the same rude service for yourself and the others that follow...


My tipping rule: Tips are reserved for kind helpful people who would do there job whether they would get tipped or not. That is the person who I happily go out of my way to tip generously! Jerks get nothing and should be replaced.


I also refused to tip the person "assisting" in the bathroom. I didn't take the paper towel he tried to hand me either. I took my own. He didn't like it but too bad. I also considered him a nuisance.

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Last time I was there, asked if he could put the chair on the edge beach where there was a bit of shade - think I had asked him to do something really strange. But, I did give him 1$ - no thank you. I get it is their country and we are the "visitors" and have different thoughts, but expect they must have some training from RC or they would not be able to work there.

I walked around the craft area too, and had a problem, one man blocked my way and said what are you going to buy?? I told him "nothing" in a loud voice and to move now - he did, but I went back to the beach then and did not buy anything. RC needs to teach them to be polite if they want they want a tip or us to buy stuff, a smile goes a long way - in any language!

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Am I missing something? Am I the only one that remembers that RCI at one time posed a notice (I Cant remember where) that Labadee Staff were employees of RCI and no tipping was necessary.


Agreed. In fact, the RCI Labadee brochure says "Just as on board, lounge chairs on Labadee are complimentary. They cannot be reserved and guests are kindly requested not to offer payment."

Cruise Compass says to take ashore "cash for the straw market."

This has been the case all three times we've been there.

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I also refused to tip the person "assisting" in the bathroom. I didn't take the paper towel he tried to hand me either. I took my own. He didn't like it but too bad. I also considered him a nuisance.





I have always been bugged about an attendant in the bathroom, since I was a little girl.


Just bothers me..................


Some places like public bathrooms are not exactly a place where I go unless I gotta go.....:eek:


I do not carry money in my bathing suit:eek:


So I wash and run............besides its hot there and your hands drip dry:D


We usually buy something from someone in the market place, we donate to the economy.


Safe travels.

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I can appreciate the attempt by a washroom attendant to provide assistance as a way to provide a service and solicit tips, but personally I find it annoying.


For me, the most counter-intuitive part is having to handle money (which has been demonstrated to be filthy by microbial/bacterial analysis, unless it's been laundered ;)) AFTER washing and drying one's hands to tip the attendant. That makes no sense to me.


I'll get my own soap and paper towel, thanks.

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I refuse to tip any guy "assisting" in the bathroom! I'm not going to be an enabler. Same for the "bathroom guys" that are in all the Charlotte airport bathrooms. Seriously, does anybody really want to give some guy money for handing you a towel that's within arms reach of you? Furthermore, my freshly washed hands being dried by a towel that's had some dudes possibly dirty hands on it doesn't seem like a good idea to me.


Keep your "well he's just trying to feed hid family" retorts to yourself because I really don't care! Really, where does it end? What's next a guy in the stall with you to clean your bottom? I think RCCL should not allow the bathroom guy to be there as it's a nuisance , IMHO.


The chair guy? He's a rude jerk and a cloud on an otherwise sunny day! Why reward him. If I was offended enough I would take a picture with him in it and show a concierge his face and report the infraction. I'm sure there are people waiting in line to work on this beach that have better attitudes! I'd complain to help that person in waiting. Otherwise, expect the same rude service for yourself and the others that follow...


My tipping rule: Tips are reserved for kind helpful people who would do there job whether they would get tipped or not. That is the person who I happily go out of my way to tip generously! Jerks get nothing and should be replaced.


BINGO ! You win...my thoughts exactly. :D

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The chair guy? He's a rude jerk and a cloud on an otherwise sunny day! Why reward him. If I was offended enough I would take a picture with him in it and show a concierge his face and report the infraction. I'm sure there are people waiting in line to work on this beach that have better attitudes! I'd complain to help that person in waiting. Otherwise, expect the same rude service for yourself and the others that follow...



Do you really think a concierge would do anything about it?

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The current language is not quite as clear in my opinion -- the Labadee insert I got says this:

"Lounge Chairs: Just as on board, lounge chairs on Labadee are complimentary. They cannot be reserved and guests are asked to refrain from offering payment for the chairs."


I interpreted this to mean that the chairs don't require payment but that left room to give a gratuity for service rendered in carrying or setting them up, especially if they set up a tent as well (especially for those not able or willing to do it on their own).


I just remembered something else the guy told me -- "I work for tips". I don't know if that's true or not. Maybe I had "sucker" written on my forehead that day.



It sounds like they are saying that the chair situation on Labadee is the same as onboard i.e. No money exchange required.

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It sounds like they are saying that the chair situation on Labadee is the same as onboard i.e. No money exchange required.


That is what I thought at first but chairs onboard are usually set up already; you'd rarely have to unstack and move them yourself. I just found the choice of wording in the pamphlet to be unclear/open-ended.


They could have explicitly used the word "gratuity" (as they do in other contexts). Instead they said to "refrain from offering payment for the chairs", so OK, the chairs are free, but it says nothing about tips or gratuities for service provided in carrying and/or setting up chairs and tents.


I'll know better for next time, I guess!

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I walked around the craft area too, and had a problem, one man blocked my way and said what are you going to buy?? I told him "nothing" in a loud voice and to move now - he did, but I went back to the beach then and did not buy anything. RC needs to teach them to be polite if they want they want a tip or us to buy stuff, a smile goes a long way - in any language!


We were there last Saturday. There was a lot of security around the market and vendors. The bartender told me that they have been getting a lot of complaints and are cracking down. I saw one guard tell a vendor to back off.

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I was debating posting this for fear of potential flames, but here goes.


When we got to Labadee with our 3 kids, nature called for the little guy, so my husband took him in search of a washroom. I continued walking to the beach with the other 2 kids, all the towels, the sand toys, the beach bag with sunscreen and other beach items etc. When we got to the beach, one of the staff asked if we wanted chairs. As my husband had the cash, I was upfront and told the man I had no money for a tip. He replied "No tip, no chair, you can get your own" and walked away. So we did. I had no problem unstacking and carrying the chairs to a location on the beach, but I wonder whether this is something Royal Caribbean is aware of and endorses (ie - only assist guests who tip, others are left to fend for themselves) or whether this guy went rogue?


I think you should of said something to someone.. It was uncalled for..

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We were there last Saturday. There was a lot of security around the market and vendors. The bartender told me that they have been getting a lot of complaints and are cracking down. I saw one guard tell a vendor to back off.


This confirms what I said in post 113. Thanks!:D

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Ah, the old "No tipping required" notices. I'm immediately reminded of Port Liberty New York where the thugs who move your bags 3 feet onto the carts leave you in no uncertainty as to the requirement for a tip. And they don't want a dollar. $5 just about sees you ok, $10 ensures your luggage will make it to the ship and you won't suffer physical harm to your person :)


Of course the reality is had the guy smiled, sorted you out and made a bit of a fuss of you he would have been slipped a drink when your husband came back. Everyone rewards the happy guy who sings a little tune, places your chair on the sand like it was $5000 Persian rug and pops back every now and again to make sure you are ok. If he's bright he even wipes down and re-stacks the chairs as you are leaving with a cheery, "please, let me get these for you".


There will be the odd cheapskate who takes advantage but there will also be the occasional heavy hitter who floats you $20 for sorting out his extended family.


Of course it might be that the beach Mafia who run native staff on Labadee don't allow the guys to keep all their tips, who knows?


Henry :)

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We were there last Saturday. There was a lot of security around the market and vendors. The bartender told me that they have been getting a lot of


Glad to hear it, as soon as the "bad apple" cornered me, I ran! But before that, I had been enjoying the market and the vendors! sometimes you walk to the end, then go back for something you saw, so his complaint that I had should buy from him because I had not bought just made me leave and buy nothing. But then, I am 4'10 and he was 6' loomed over me and made me panic.

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B) Tipping for getting a chair is entirely reasonable, especially in a country swathed in crushing poverty that's established a well protected safe zone for tourists. Considering the major powers of the world have spent most of the last century screwing up Haiti for their own benefit, the least you can do is give a resident $2 for putting an umbrella in the sand.


With all due respect, that's not my problem.


I tip 20% everywhere I go that provides good service. The places that don't provide good service get zero. I don't expect, or want, to be treated like I'm something special but I certainly don't expect to be treated rudely.


RCI says to NOT tip them. If I choose to do so anyway, that's my business.



Meanwhile, do your job and put the chairs out.



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

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In response to the OP, I've experienced a similar attitude from the chair carriers at Labadee. My family trudged down to one of the far beaches. When we got there I remembered that I had forgotten to bring any cash with me from the ship to tip the pushy people. So I walked over to one of the stacks of chairs and started grabbing some for my family to setup myself. One of the chair carriers came running over and started yelling "That's my job!". I explained I didn't have any cash to tip him and he literally started screaming at me about "How am I supposed to feed my family?" and "You must have a lot of money if you are on this big ship, you must give me some!". My two little girls (maybe 6 and 5 at the time) who were right next to me were starting to get really scared. I decided it would be best to get out of the situation as quickly as possible so we walked to a different section of beach.

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In response to the OP, I've experienced a similar attitude from the chair carriers at Labadee. My family trudged down to one of the far beaches. When we got there I remembered that I had forgotten to bring any cash with me from the ship to tip the pushy people. So I walked over to one of the stacks of chairs and started grabbing some for my family to setup myself. One of the chair carriers came running over and started yelling "That's my job!". I explained I didn't have any cash to tip him and he literally started screaming at me about "How am I supposed to feed my family?" and "You must have a lot of money if you are on this big ship, you must give me some!". My two little girls (maybe 6 and 5 at the time) who were right next to me were starting to get really scared. I decided it would be best to get out of the situation as quickly as possible so we walked to a different section of beach.


Something similar happened to me about 20 years ago, I grabbed a chair to move and was confronted by someone saying he should be doing this, I just ignored him.

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Something similar happened to me about 20 years ago, I grabbed a chair to move and was confronted by someone saying he should be doing this, I just ignored him.


If I didn't have my 2 little girls with me I would have handled it differently, but I just wanted to get them out of the situation as quickly as possible.

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