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Where is Ventura ?

Host Hattie

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We are currently on Queen Victoria docked in Amsterdam. When we left Southampton on Tuesday Ventura was in port with us and we were expecting to see her here today. We had a sea day yesterday and she was heading to Zeebrugge first.

The P&O website is saying she is docked here but the Web cam view looked as if she was at sea. There is no sign of her.

Does anyone know what happened or where she is ?


Hi Hattie , We had to turn back ,to be fair to the Captain he warned us as we left Zeebrugge that due to high winds we may not get through the canal and would update us on New years eve morning if we could make it .


The next morning he informed us that the wind had got worse and after a chat with the ports pilot ,it was decided to abort going through the canal.


He told us the reasons was .."he only had 5m either side of the lock and with the fact that Ventura is a higher larger ship than Queen Victoria with only thrusters and fixed propellers to aid him ,it was not worth the risk to ship or passengers ".


Queen Victoria he said " had a pod propulsion system which with 360 Deg turn which would help the ships thrusters making it much safer to navigate in the bad weather .


He even had to make an announcement telling people to stop harassing the reception staff as it was his decision and no one else's.


So we had a very steady slow chug back to Southampton and a New year at Sea .


Never mind we still had a good time and there is always a chance we will get through to Amsterdam this coming New Year 16-17 ;) .


Happy New year to you and all others on this Forum :)

Edited by kalos
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He even had to make an announcement telling people to stop harassing the reception staff as it was his decision and no one else's.


I guess Captains these days must be amazed at some of the dimbos who chose to cruise these days.

Why would these people think that shouting at reception staff would alter what the ship was doing.

To the XXX who thougjt his complaint about the monopoly game was worthy of the captains attention.

Now who knows best about what a ship can or can't do..someone who has done and trained on the jobs for years, or some Joe public who can see no reason whatsoever why this ship cannot do that simple thing.

I just hope I never come across any of these on our cruises.

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We were on the Aurora at Christmas and didn't make it in to Amsterdam due to the fairly severe weather at the time it was rearranged. Instead of Amsterdam, they got a berth at Rotterdam. We were lucky that we'd got a ship tour booked, which they honoured, as they extended all the coach tours for no extra charge, so our 4hr tour became 8hr, the people without P&O tours were not so lucky as they found themselves in Rotterdam rather than Amsterdam. I imagine there were a lot if disappointed people who lost tickets to museums, etc. But it's the captains decision and ships are not as manoeuvrable as road vehicles. Waves and tides can make it even more difficult.

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Absolutely the Captain's decision and no one else's. He or she is responsible for ship safety, and takes the final decision however experienced.

In any case, on most of the ships, but especially Aurora and Azura, I have seen officers doing the manouevres under the Captain's supervision. they learn to get in and out of different ports safely long before they become Captains!

The best captain for this is Julian Burgess; he seems to enjoy empowering his offices and training them to enter and exit docks.

I can't believe that passengers hassled the Reception staff!

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Despite the disappointment of not making Amsterdam, a great time was had by our party of ten. It was a shame that P & O had no apparent contingency plan as I understand Amsterdam can often be difficult to reach but we made the most of the situation. Came across one woman writing a 4 page letter of complaint!!!

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Despite the disappointment of not making Amsterdam, a great time was had by our party of ten. It was a shame that P & O had no apparent contingency plan as I understand Amsterdam can often be difficult to reach but we made the most of the situation. Came across one woman writing a 4 page letter of complaint!!!


I am glad that you made the best of the situation and still had a great time.


We had the same problem December 2014 on Adonia but fortunately we were able to get into Zeebrugge. I think that it is not possible to have a contingency plan because the berths are booked way in advance (probably before the brochures are printed). It is impractical and cost prohibitive to have a contingency berth booked so the only thing that they can do when a port is inaccessible is to investigate whether there is an available berth at a nearby port but the chance of finding one is hit and miss. We have missed ports on a number of a occasions and have had a day at sea more often than diverting to another port. This is not just a winter or Amsterdam problem we have missed Canaries ports in the middle of summer because of weather conditions, anyone taking a cruise has to expect that ports may be missed if the Captain considers it unsafe to try to get in.


I don't think that I could be bothered to waste my time to write a 4 page letter of complaint lol.

Edited by Josy1953
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Despite the disappointment of not making Amsterdam, a great time was had by our party of ten. It was a shame that P & O had no apparent contingency plan as I understand Amsterdam can often be difficult to reach but we made the most of the situation. Came across one woman writing a 4 page letter of complaint!!!


If you see her again, remind her what happened to the Costa Concordia when the Captain made the wrong decision!!



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I have been thinking again..always very very dangerous.

Should it be on every cruise line web page, in big letters ,and their brochures.

The captains word is final. If he thinks something is too dangerous, he knows a lot more than YOU do.

The cruise line may have an idea where they would like your cruise to go to...but if the weather, war,terrorists or anything else has different ideas you will not make it to every port. Shouting at anyone just makes you look a xxccccccc

If you go on a Christmas cruise and you do not like the pressie given..leave it behind in the cabin,or donate when you get home.

People will have paid different prices than you for your cruise,some more,some less.

Do not moan about it...

Can anyone think of anything else that needs to be in big letters.

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We visited Amsterdam on Azura and there was very little clearance either side when she was in the locks. It was quite a calm day when we visited too. I'm not surprised that Ventura didn't attempt it in the windy conditions on NY Eve.


It's not just about possible damage to the ship. What about the sea lock gates? If they had been damaged, it could have caused major flooding to the low lying land beyond.... it just doesn't bear thinking about!

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I have been thinking again..always very very dangerous.

Should it be on every cruise line web page, in big letters ,and their brochures.

The captains word is final. If he thinks something is too dangerous, he knows a lot more than YOU do.

The cruise line may have an idea where they would like your cruise to go to...but if the weather, war,terrorists or anything else has different ideas you will not make it to every port. Shouting at anyone just makes you look a xxccccccc

If you go on a Christmas cruise and you do not like the pressie given..leave it behind in the cabin,or donate when you get home.

People will have paid different prices than you for your cruise,some more,some less.

Do not moan about it...

Can anyone think of anything else that needs to be in big letters.



Agree 100% I would have been disappointed if I were on that cruise but at the end of the say safety is the main priority and no way would I have shouted at the staff. (or said anything - I trust the Captain!)


We couldn't get into Guernsey on a 7 day cruise in June 2012. We didn't mind because we had a land holiday there before. We asked another passenger if we would go someone else. It was highly unlikely she said. However we manage to get a berth booked at Cherbourg and although we just mooched about the town we were very impressed how many tours P&O had managed to get together from Cherbourg as such short notice.

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We visited Amsterdam on Azura and there was very little clearance either side when she was in the locks. It was quite a calm day when we visited too. I'm not surprised that Ventura didn't attempt it in the windy conditions on NY Eve.


It's not just about possible damage to the ship. What about the sea lock gates? If they had been damaged, it could have caused major flooding to the low lying land beyond.... it just doesn't bear thinking about!


Indeed! We are going to Amsterdam on Azura later in the year and I really want to go to Ann Franks's house. I know it can be easy (and cheaper) to book online but I'm going to book the ship's tour in case we don't get to dock. We are there overnight (hopefully!) so we'll have plenty of time to explore after as I'm sure the ship's trip will leave quite early.


Sounds like it will be an interesting transit down the canal :D

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Indeed! We are going to Amsterdam on Azura later in the year and I really want to go to Ann Franks's house. I know it can be easy (and cheaper) to book online but I'm going to book the ship's tour in case we don't get to dock. We are there overnight (hopefully!) so we'll have plenty of time to explore after as I'm sure the ship's trip will leave quite early.


Sounds like it will be an interesting transit down the canal :D


Yes indeed. We really enjoyed the cruise up and down the N Sea Canal, there's so much to see! At one point, we cruised under the flight path for Schiphol Airport and the planes were so low that we felt that they might leave tyre marks on Azura's upper decks! haha :D


Have a wonderful cruise! :)

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We were on this cruise. Yes, missing out on the New Year celebrations in Amsterdam was a shame but we had a great time that night anyway. We staggered of to our cabin about 3.30am and left at least a 100 people still partying away!


The captain explained why he couldn't risk using the lock system and everyone we met, tho' disappointed, were very understanding and set out to party.


The evening before arriving back in Southampton was 'fun'. Ventura was leaning over quite a bit. The captain announced that there was concern for our arrival back in port due to predicted weather conditions. He had been informed that a better 'window of weather' was predicted for midnight which also meant a more comfortable night for passengers. The pilot came aboard at 9pm and we came in early.


Sindhu was interesting. Our wine glasses and cutlery kept sliding along the table.


We enjoyed our break. Read a lot, ate a lot and drank to much. No complaints from us. Until I got on the bathroom scales this morning!:eek:

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We were on this cruise. Yes, missing out on the New Year celebrations in Amsterdam was a shame but we had a great time that night anyway. We staggered of to our cabin about 3.30am and left at least a 100 people still partying away!


The captain explained why he couldn't risk using the lock system and everyone we met, tho' disappointed, were very understanding and set out to party.


The evening before arriving back in Southampton was 'fun'. Ventura was leaning over quite a bit. The captain announced that there was concern for our arrival back in port due to predicted weather conditions. He had been informed that a better 'window of weather' was predicted for midnight which also meant a more comfortable night for passengers. The pilot came aboard at 9pm and we came in early.


Sindhu was interesting. Our wine glasses and cutlery kept sliding along the table.


We enjoyed our break. Read a lot, ate a lot and drank to much. No complaints from us. Until I got on the bathroom scales this morning!:eek:


Yes indeed. We really enjoyed the cruise up and down the N Sea Canal, there's so much to see! At one point, we cruised under the flight path for Schiphol Airport and the planes were so low that we felt that they might leave tyre marks on Azura's upper decks! haha :D


Have a wonderful cruise! :)


Thank you :)


Glad that everyone on here enjoyed it - we also go with the intention of enjoying ourselves so we usually do! Can't stand the moaners!

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We were on this cruise. Yes, missing out on the New Year celebrations in Amsterdam was a shame but we had a great time that night anyway. We staggered of to our cabin about 3.30am and left at least a 100 people still partying away!


The captain explained why he couldn't risk using the lock system and everyone we met, tho' disappointed, were very understanding and set out to party.


The evening before arriving back in Southampton was 'fun'. Ventura was leaning over quite a bit. The captain announced that there was concern for our arrival back in port due to predicted weather conditions. He had been informed that a better 'window of weather' was predicted for midnight which also meant a more comfortable night for passengers. The pilot came aboard at 9pm and we came in early.


Sindhu was interesting. Our wine glasses and cutlery kept sliding along the table.


We enjoyed our break. Read a lot, ate a lot and drank to much. No complaints from us. Until I got on the bathroom scales this morning!:eek:


So Glad you had a good time despite missing Amsterdam.


I dont know if you are on Facebook ( or Faceache according to the English lady:D) but reading some of the posts on various groups there suggests that a lot of people didnt enjoy it at all and want compensation! Lots of moans, I got fed up reading them. I would have loved to have been on the ship on NYE, wherever it was , and listing or not!


Not quite sure how the passengers are feeling at the moment though....have a look at the sea through the BOB today & tomorrow on .....




Now that looks like "fun" !:eek:

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We once had 120 mph winds in the BOB, category 1 hurricane, we missed our first port of call and at one point I did wonder what the hell I was doing putting myself through it, but after 3 days the storm disappeared and was soon forgotten, didn't put me off too much we have done another two since then, although I would never do BOB in October again :)

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So Glad you had a good time despite missing Amsterdam.


I dont know if you are on Facebook ( or Faceache according to the English lady:D) but reading some of the posts on various groups there suggests that a lot of people didnt enjoy it at all and want compensation! Lots of moans, I got fed up reading them. I would have loved to have been on the ship on NYE, wherever it was , and listing or not!


Not quite sure how the passengers are feeling at the moment though....have a look at the sea through the BOB today & tomorrow on .....




Now that looks like "fun" !:eek:



I might have a look at the posts on facebook. I just don't get some people! I didn't hear any moaning. If someone had said anything negative to me about the captain's decision, they would have found me VERY unsympathetic.

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Shouldn't think so. By the time they have reached Captain and worked their way up through the chain of command, if they were going to be scared of taking control, it would have been picked up along the way, and they would not have passed their masters exams.

Bit like a Captain on a plane..They would all have had a first time..but they have to know what to do in every situation, or they would not be allowed to fly.


One of the best Captains we have ever had--Neil Turnbull, once took Aurora at great speed into a different port than the one we were due into ,ahead of a storm. He felt that it would be safer to do that. That was on on a ship built for cruising the oceans, not a block of flats on a ships hull-as Ventura is.

Wind would pay a major factor with that ship, purely because of its shape.

Sorry to burst your bubble EL but Aurora is only a common or garden cruise ship, but with a few adornments that look like an old fashioned cruise ship, and it would roll as readily as Ventura if it were not for stabilisers.

However I agree that Ventura is more susceptible to cross winds than Aurora due to its height, but Celebrity Eclipse is a similar size to Ventura but due to its Azipod propulsion system it is is far more manoeverable as we found out this summer when we made it safely into Stavanger in a force 9 whilst MSC Orchestra did not.

The only true Ocean liner built in the last 30 years is QM2, in fact there are very few true Ocean liners left now, most failed the recent Solas legislation and were deemed too expensive to modify, but you could try CMV's Marco Polo or Azores which were built as Ocean liners.

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I might have a look at the posts on facebook. I just don't get some people! I didn't hear any moaning. If someone had said anything negative to me about the captain's decision, they would have found me VERY unsympathetic.


Don't forget though you are only 1 out of 3092 passengers when full cabin occupancy !

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Sorry to burst your bubble EL but Aurora is only a common or garden cruise ship, but with a few adornments that look like an old fashioned cruise ship, and it would roll as readily as Ventura if it were not for stabilisers.

However I agree that Ventura is more susceptible to cross winds than Aurora due to its height, but Celebrity Eclipse is a similar size to Ventura but due to its Azipod propulsion system it is is far more manoeverable as we found out this summer when we made it safely into Stavanger in a force 9 whilst MSC Orchestra did not.

The only true Ocean liner built in the last 30 years is QM2, in fact there are very few true Ocean liners left now, most failed the recent Solas legislation and were deemed too expensive to modify, but you could try CMV's Marco Polo or Azores which were built as Ocean liners.


Oh bubble burst.....

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Don't forget though you are only 1 out of 3092 passengers when full cabin occupancy !


No 2 out of 3092. The person on fb whop posted the captain lied when he said there was 5m clearance when there 7 is beyond belief.

I would assume its must be like trying to steer a high sided HGV through a very narrow space in very strong winds.

Why people think they know how to steer a ship better than a captain..well what can you say.

Hopefully all the moaners will decide cruising is not for them..so I will never ever have to meet any of them.

Next year they can go on the train or fly...

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I've been reading reviews of this cruise on another well known site and there are those that appreciate that the Captain took the decision taking into account all the factors that it was unsafe to try to access Amsterdam. These people seem to have still had an enjoyable cruise and made the most of the celebrations of New Year. Then there are some other reviews where they blame the Captain for not even trying to enter the port and that it completely ruined their New Year and are after compensation.


We were on Arcadia once and were due to dock at Piraeus for Athens. It was very windy and bumpy and eventually the Captain took the decision to abandon the call. Ruby Princess was there as well and they took the same decision. One of the Officers told us of being on a ship - he didn't say which one - when weather conditions were bad and the Captain decided to try to enter the port and ended up with the side of the ship being scraped on a wall and things being knocked over on board. Perhaps those moaners on Ventura would have been happier then - oh no then they would have been crying out for compensation.

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