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All Things EARTH... part 2


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Melody, so glad they could do both.  Prayers for swift healing.


Anita, I'm sorry about your weight gain frustration.  A clean sweep/fresh start might make you feel better.  I pared down a lot and think I might need to do so again.  We are blessed to live an a country that even if we get rid of stuff it's relatively easy to find a replacement later.  Perhaps your clothes will go on to bless someone else if you are able to donate them.


Laurie,  hoping you can find a stylist you can easily communicate with.  Texting does seem like a good option.  I really liked the first floral top, even the neck line.

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Good to hear that the surgery went well!!!   You know - when they give those cool meds, I feel obligated to take them 😉  I hope you don't need them for long and that the sutures heal well and quickly!  

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Anita , Last time I lost weight I gave away a bunch of clothes and then I gained some back and really wished I had hung onto those clothes . So be careful what you toss . Plus keeping ones you like may give you an incentive to lose a little .The stress has been hard and now with the added stress of the move it is natural to react . 

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Melody...so glad it went well and that you were able to have both done with the one surgery. Also hoping for a speedy and straightforward recovery.


Sally...I totally agree about needing to be in a good frame of mind when making decisions...even with things like what clothing to donate. I'm aware and will be mindful as we move forward.


The home buying process is moving forward like clockwork. At this point all the financing documentation has been taken care of.  We're just waiting on title right now to submit for final approval. Woot woot! Interesting to note that there is a concern that recent impacts of COVID are addressed, in that, you have to affirm that your pay hasn't been adversely affected by COVID and that the documentation you provide is still an accurate reflection of income. Our COE is scheduled for July 7.


We have until Aug 21 to vacate the apartment. Right now, the plans have updated to include getting DS and his friend over to the new house ASAP. We aren't doing anything to any secondary bedroom so we can get them over there and occupying right away. The sellers are vacating well before closing so the home will be empty for two weeks already. We'll tackle painting the master and then move enough over to be able to sleep at our new house ASAP and also be able to move Grace kitty over when we start sleeping there too. The key will be getting the office set up...so DH can be working at home. It's going to be a process but DH and I have done these in town moves before...and with all the reductions in our stuff, it shouldn't be horrible. 


I think the word came down that DH will continue working from home until end of July... No word yet on what DS's school is doing in the fall...technically DS is still in his first year until July 3.

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42 minutes ago, awhfy said:

Just got home from hospital, I’m on full liquids for next 2 weeks to make sure everything heals. I sure don’t want to do this again!  Melody

Glad you are home........rest well!

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We had our first Zoom wedding tonight... we dressed up, poured some wine, and watched a very lovely and moving ceremony. The bride's family was in China and it was so wonderful to see her family all dressed up and reading speeches in Chinese in honor of the couple. The sister/maid of honor translated. So much love. The bride and groom were in NYC under a chuppa with a female rabbi singing La Vie en Rose. Quite the multi-culti event. So charming and hopeful. Life is good.



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A Zoom wedding, how interesting and a sign of the times for sure! We recently celebrated my aunt’s 95th birthday with a Zoom party. 35 family and friends joined in and the guest of honor was so excited and happy to see everyone. 


I know that a Zoom event isn’t the same as being there but it does mean that those who couldn’t otherwise attend can join in and celebrate too. Maybe one good thing to come out of this pandemic?


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We also had our first zoom funeral on Monday for DH's second cousin. A sweet, generous man who died of natural causes at 93 after a life full of love and service.


This Thursday is the HS graduation of a friend's son, a boy we've known since the day he came home from the hospital. The families in their cars get a police escort through town from the school to the drive-in, where they'll have virtual speeches on screen and then access to the movies and concessions all night. The parade will pass near our house so we're going to make signs and go down the street to cheer as they go by.


Also my bird feeders finally came! I have my camera at the ready. With no foxes this year I look forward to having more birds.



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First, I want to say that you look beautiful, Margaret.  I love your earrings, and how they go with your outfit.


Zoom and some of the other changes we have been seeing lately have been very interesting.  I am seeing how we are reconnecting with those in our immediate circle, and how we are enjoying the little things again.


My husband and I have watched many movies together.  As most of you know, I love sports and really watch no TV shows or movies regularly.  We have made it a point to create an event out of it, complete with turning off all the lights and making a bowl of popcorn.  We don't play with our phones, get up and go to the kitchen, etc., unless needed.  I guess it is good we got the bigger TV, right?


We are also taking a lot of rides, which is something I love.


There are some downsides too, at least for me.  One thing my husband planned on this year was putting his Challenger back together.  Prior to COVID-19, he was working a lot of overtime, and then stopping by the shop where the body work was being done.  He has the car back, but the last two months of overtime evaporated, so some of the parts that he was going to replace, he is fixing up and using.  He spends a great deal of non-work hours out in the garage.  I am either at work, working from home after hours, or cooking and cleaning.  I am finding myself feeling very alone.  My husband is a great listener, and will drop what he is doing for me.  But I know that he too has things he needs and wants as well.  He has wanted to fix this car for 20 years now, and has worked so hard to get to this point.  His whole goal was to have the car completely back together by the Carlisle Mopar event in mid-July.  As of right now, they are still having this event (I'm surprised...I'm waiting for a cancellation any day now) HIs Challenger is the limited 1970 T/A version, so this is the 50th anniversary.


So getting to the point, I have been depressed at times because my hearing already creates some isolation for me, and I'm experiencing more now.  I am cognizant of the fact that the changes start with me, I'm just figuring out how to make all the needed adjustments.  Just going to the grocery store right now is quite an event, because we all wear masks and I can't communicate.  I don't mean to complain - I'm just sharing some of what I am going through because you are all my friends.  I am thinking more about how I spend my time, and reminding myself it's okay to go to that place in the village and take a hike by myself, or do a little reading.


I really love home décor, and my husband told me yesterday that when I am ready to retire, I should think about a side job involved with home decorating.  I was flattered, but I don't have that kind of expertise!  We do generally run errands on Saturday mornings and then grab lunch, and I mentioned a place that seemed to be like Bon Bon Vintage that we went to in Florida.  It seemed like it had more second hand stuff though but that maybe we can stop by sometime.


So he said he only had one errand to run, and asked where this place was.  So there we were!  It's called Rummage Heaven.  Lol.  I find the name so funny, for some reason.  I expected to go in and see a 70s couch with velour fabric with chuck wagons on it or something.  It was much different.  While not as nice as Bon Bon, I loved it.  I came home brimming with ideas.  The store has some as is items, but a lot of taking something like a dresser that is cast out to the curb, fixing it up, and adding some special paint finishes.  


If you have Facebook, here is their page.  https://www.facebook.com/rummageheaven/ 


I have a few things I would love to add.  I' am trying to be careful, because I like to change up décor a bit here and there.  We have been working hard to find things that are reflective of us, instead of just me or him.  And then there is that dreaded guilt of feeling like we need to keep something that has been in the family.  On the plus side, we seem to like vintage items sprinkled in with classic items, so we can often make things work.


Our estate sale finds have been fun too.  I got a Trav-L-Bar last week for $2.00, and found the missing piece on eBay for $8.00.  


But I have things to get rid of, and I need to just take a deep breath, and say it is okay to let them go.  Like my sister's fan club and concert pins.  I have a couple of posters as well.  I love the Fenton we have from Brian's mom, but I have a few pieces from a different era that belonged to my sister plus a piece I purchased, and I honestly don't want them. 


I'm so worried all the time that my home will turn into a cluttered mess of junk.  


Melody, I am happy you are home, and I am hoping for a speedy recovery for you.  I hope the weather is nice enough for you to be able to sit outside?  Our weather has been dry this week, but we went from record high temperatures a few days back to 45 degrees last night.  It's been strange so far this year.


So today's goal are to keep rearranging my clutter, lol.  And to think about the items that I want to add and where to put them.  And deciding what to get rid of.  In some ways, this trip was very enlightening for me when it comes to the den, where I am now.  I have some plans for the room, that both my husband and I agree on, which is wonderful because we chose it together.  You may recall - it's a very dark blue on top, with batten board below.  You know, that kind of timeless look is a great backdrop for vintage items, in my opinion.


And that is where I think I have the ability to make some choices that are more for me, seeing that this is my room.  I don't mean that the way it sounds.  I'm not being possessive....I use this room every day, and no one else does.  I want it be something that belongs to us, but that feels like it has a personal connection to me when I am in it.


I sure hope that makes sense!

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Laurie , Maybe you could look into food stores that shop your items and hold them for you so shopping would be easier . I think we all have down days .This is going on so long . Sometimes I just have to take a stress day . I have been getting rid of a lot of stuff but there is still more that has to go .I toss things easily but Gary not so much so it is a struggle .

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Melody, so nice to see you out and about and looking good. That gazpacho is one thing... I want to know about the sandwich! It looks amazing.


Laurie, we are all feeling an unusual degree of isolation, but your situation magnifies it, so it's not surprising that you feel depressed. I can't imagine how hard it is for you, but I feel for you and am glad you can come here for support and connection. It is good to talk and share. I'm glad that we are all friends.


Do you watch HGTV at all? Do you see how some people's homes look, especially on the house hunters type shows? Some of the houses for sale are such a jumble. Most of them could use your expertise, so I agree with your husband! You have such good taste and every detail matters to you. Not everyone has those talents.


Wednesdays I have been driving in to our apartment to get the mail, chat with the neighbors, and pick up the few things we need here. It was so nice to be there for a bit all by myself! I am used to having time at home alone, which I always enjoyed, and now I never do. That is a big adjustment. One thing that is challenging for me is that my tasks and concentration are always being interrupted. I like to play some music and immerse myself in projects. DH likes to stop every ten minutes and chat (or so it seems). Definitely different work styles.


DH sometimes expresses the desire to live at the lake full time. This is a good experiment in what we have to have as full time residents that we don't need as weekenders. This week I bought a clothes drying rack and some storage drawers for under the bathroom sinks since we have a larger inventory of toiletries than we normally need, and we don't have medicine chests in either bathroom, just mirrors on the walls. I am also using our local FB swap page to get rid of things since I can't currently donate to our usual charity. We set up our guest bedroom as a workable home office for him, and I need to make some adjustments to the furniture in there for it to function better. It turns out I have managed to fill up our pantry space and make use of the "beer fridge" downstairs. So nice to have an extra freezer! I only go to the grocery once a week so that is very helpful.


I will say that I refuse to spend the winter up here. I don't want to buy a generator, or shovel snow, or wear Uggs.  🤣




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Melody...so glad to hear that recovery seems to be rockin' right along. I can't imagine eating/drinking some of your shakes! Chicken shake? Seriously. OMG...I gag thinking about it, but good for you for taking care of yourself and just doing it and dealing with it. I'm sorry you have to deal with so much but you really do seem to suck it up and just deal with it with a great attitude. I admire that so much.


Laurie...I have often thought of you and wondered how all the mask wearing is going. I had seen that someone had made a clear mask to help with lip reading and that immediately shed light on challenges you might be encountering. Even if we don't have "real" connections with people, just being around other people can fill a need. If you have a routine, like going to the gym, and others have a similar routine, you may never actually do anything with anyone that you see at the gym...but somehow, you have a connection with the people you end up seeing and maybe talking to a bit on a regular basis. It's like, there's that guy that does that thing on that one machine again. It's not any big deal really, but when you start losing those little "meets" with various people along your path, even if you don't really meet and have a relationship, there's something mental there that is satisfying. It's like a gentle reminder that someone else is working it out to go to the gym or do whatever...and the familiarity of the routine, down to the people you see, is comforting and uplifting. All those types of encounters are gone now really...which is very isolating.


Everything is looking good on the home buying front. We are still on track for our July 7 closing. Whereas before, DH and I had been thinking about all the time we would have to do some things before moving in, now we are thinking about how to get into the house as quickly as possible, even without moving EVERYTHING. Just enough. 


And glory be, DS's good friend and future flatmate is in DS's hall room right now, as I type, finishing packing up his stuff and moving it over to a storage unit. I'm so grateful. The things you learn that you can do. So DS is like the ONLY person in his acquaintance and among his uni friends that has a driver's license. One friend has something that resembles a learner's permit but doesn't really drive. It's uncommon for people to have a license actually, at least in London, apparently. So, yes, there are services you can hire that will help you move your stuff in vans of various sizes. Kind of like Two Men and a Truck, except that they are vans that are way more street friendly...think Sprinter vans. Uber doesn't operate in London, but there are numerous other for hire car services with drivers. So I've hired a van to help move the stuff to storage...the friend was willing to make trips back and forth and back and forth to move it all. And also a car service to help him get the few items that he is keeping at his house back to his house. Storage over there is rarely climate controlled.


So as of today, hopefully, if all continues to go as planned, DS will finally be officially moved out of his hall room. OMG. YAY!!


Meanwhile...We had a good drive up to GA and back. We drove with DS up there so he could see friends. We rented a car and saw one couple friend ourselves and drove the rental back home. DS will drive home with a friend in a couple weeks and then that friend will fly home. It was very different to be in GA...in many places it was like nothing at all has happened. You don't see masks. People aren't social distancing. It was a bit of a shock to the system, I have to say, because down here in FL, while participation isn't 100%, there is way more participation that not. We've even encountered signs that basically say, No mask, No service, down here...but there is nothing like that in GA that we encountered.


We ended up staying in two different hotels and we felt fine in both. I've never actually seen the rooms as clean as they were. But I do find that in general, I'm trying to change my habits and be more aware of things like touching my face, even when I am in a "safe" environment like being home. And the car rental was fine. We did drive thru, grocery store take out, and ate at one restaurant...an On the Border with an outside patio. I'm still more comfortable outside than in for dining.


Picked up a $15 tank dress at Target! Rust is a fab earth color:




I'm wearing it right now. *thumbs up*

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Nice dresses Margaret.


I've been enjoying dresses. I admit that I keep my nightie on for a large part of the day because it is basically a dress...LOL. I don't have too many dresses, partly because of the whole inner thigh rubbing situation which is irritating, especially in warmer weather. But for activity that doesn't involve too much active walking, right now, dresses are my fave. They are so easy to wear and seriously, the construction of a dress isn't complicated. I'm definitely thinking about making myself some dresses. Easy dresses.


I find the sizing to be more forgiving as well. I think I've packed on a bunch of stress weight with this whole situation...I know that finally dealing with DS's room and belongings has had me all spun up. This whole thing though...I think that I've been operating with a base level of tense hum for so long that I don't even recognize this constant tension, KWIM? Point being, anything with a waistband that isn't super stretchy is problematic! Especially if the rise is short...OMG. NOT GOOD.


I haven't quite grasped the ability to ride these events in life without getting a bit stressed...something I'm working on. I hate to understand how subject my emotions and stress levels are to life situations...I wish I was one of those wells of peace and supernatural knowing that all is well and will be okay. And there are times I am, but I do think that until something is DONE and taken care of...I dwell on it...even if it's on time and according to schedule...I have a hard time resting until it's DONE. All this worry based on the import of the event of course. I can say that I'm not quite off my stress for dealing with the DS situation because all did not go according to plan and so I have a few phone calls to make still. But basically...it's done. I have just a bit of clean up.


So I almost hate to admit how much I'm hoping that my emotions and stress can settle a bit with moving to the house and feeling a bit settled...but there it is.


Meanwhile, I'm liking the dresses a lot but I also don't want to buy too many as I really am hoping that the increased activity of having a bunch to do around the house and the yard and some easing of stress will help my waistline let go of some excess sooner rather than later.

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8 hours ago, MJC said:

Melody, so nice to see you out and about and looking good. That gazpacho is one thing... I want to know about the sandwich! It looks amazing.


Laurie, we are all feeling an unusual degree of isolation, but your situation magnifies it, so it's not surprising that you feel depressed. I can't imagine how hard it is for you, but I feel for you and am glad you can come here for support and connection. It is good to talk and share. I'm glad that we are all friends.


Do you watch HGTV at all? Do you see how some people's homes look, especially on the house hunters type shows? Some of the houses for sale are such a jumble. Most of them could use your expertise, so I agree with your husband! You have such good taste and every detail matters to you. Not everyone has those talents.


Wednesdays I have been driving in to our apartment to get the mail, chat with the neighbors, and pick up the few things we need here. It was so nice to be there for a bit all by myself! I am used to having time at home alone, which I always enjoyed, and now I never do. That is a big adjustment. One thing that is challenging for me is that my tasks and concentration are always being interrupted. I like to play some music and immerse myself in projects. DH likes to stop every ten minutes and chat (or so it seems). Definitely different work styles.


DH sometimes expresses the desire to live at the lake full time. This is a good experiment in what we have to have as full time residents that we don't need as weekenders. This week I bought a clothes drying rack and some storage drawers for under the bathroom sinks since we have a larger inventory of toiletries than we normally need, and we don't have medicine chests in either bathroom, just mirrors on the walls. I am also using our local FB swap page to get rid of things since I can't currently donate to our usual charity. We set up our guest bedroom as a workable home office for him, and I need to make some adjustments to the furniture in there for it to function better. It turns out I have managed to fill up our pantry space and make use of the "beer fridge" downstairs. So nice to have an extra freezer! I only go to the grocery once a week so that is very helpful.


I will say that I refuse to spend the winter up here. I don't want to buy a generator, or shovel snow, or wear Uggs.  🤣




Margaret, the sandwich is a freshly baked croissant with scrambled egg, ham & Swiss cheese. Les’s favorite. 

I don’t blame you for not Staying at the lake in the winter!  

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Love all the dresses . I bought so many dresses last year and during the isolation that I am set to go . I like dresses because it is one and done . We are venturing out once or twice  week . Florida is having a spike . Mainly because so many people are acting like  Covid is over .

Margaret , I agree Laurie has a lot of decorating talent and should consider it after she retires . Heck , I started an ebay business after I retired and became a super seller .

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29 minutes ago, Sailor_Sally said:

Love all the dresses . I bought so many dresses last year and during the isolation that I am set to go . I like dresses because it is one and done . We are venturing out once or twice  week . Florida is having a spike . Mainly because so many people are acting like  Covid is over .

Margaret , I agree Laurie has a lot of decorating talent and should consider it after she retires . Heck , I started an ebay business after I retired and became a super seller .

What's your seller name?  I'm an eBay freak!


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Margaret, all the dresses are cute and I especially like the first one. Happy shopping.


Sally, my DH also is one that hangs on to stuff. Really can make it difficult to clear things out. Sometimes I wonder if he’d miss some of this stuff if I just got rid of it.


Anita, I am hearing so many people talk about the stress thing. I think I have a melt down about every other day. Situations that normally would not bother me have now become magnified. For you, hoping that the move and all that goes with it will help you out. Good that DS has his belongings collected and stored. That alone must have been very stressful given the distance and the virus. 


Laurie, having to wear a mask is stressful for sure but to add the inability to communicate must be so frustrating. Here in CA, our governor has now ordered masks state wide. Our numbers are going up and many are not wearing masks unless they are told that they have to. However, there are exceptions to this new mandate and one of them is that people who are hearing impaired do not have to wear a mask if they would then be unable to communicate. Maybe NY might consider a similar exemption?


Melody, glad you are recovering and able to enjoy an outing. 


Hang in there, girls-this can’t last forever......can it?


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