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Service = Gratuities

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I would like to get my2 cents in this issue. I am Diamond + & on the 2nd day of any cruise I have been on I ALWAYS ask the waiter, asst. waiter & room steward " would you rather I tip you personally at the end of the cruise or just let it be automaticly deducted" the answer in %95 is PERSONALLY TIP ME with an envelope at the end of your cruise. So that is what I do, but I ALWAYS ask first. If they say its ok to have it added on fine with me.



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I would like to get my2 cents in this issue. I am Diamond + & on the 2nd day of any cruise I have been on I ALWAYS ask the waiter, asst. waiter & room steward " would you rather I tip you personally at the end of the cruise or just let it be automaticly deducted" the answer in %95 is PERSONALLY TIP ME with an envelope at the end of your cruise. So that is what I do, but I ALWAYS ask first. If they say its ok to have it added on fine with me.



Do you bring the cash w/ you?

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IF I have to stand in line at a bar (as they have cut down on wait staff) I shall also be reclaiming the 18% tip on that too.




Not sure you can do that even if you want to. And it wouldn't be fair. YOU would decide everytime a bar is too busy because of staffing decisions? :rolleyes: And screw the bartenders because of your expert observations? Ridiculous....... :rolleyes:

Edited by bouhunter
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What I would like to know, is what would you recommend per night for our waiter, asst waiter and cabin steward these days (we are returning to traditional dining from now on).


You could use these recommendations as a starting point-



The automatic gratuity is $13.50 USD, or $16.50 USD for suite guests, applied to each guest's SeaPass® account on a daily basis. Here's how it is shared between your onboard service team:

Dining & Culinary Services: $8.30 USD

Stateroom Attendant: $3.85 USD OR Suite Attendant: $6.85 USD

Other Housekeeping Services: $1.35 USD OR Housekeeping and Suite Services: $1.35 USD

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I used to be able to sit in a pool lounger and be asked if I'd like another drink even before mine was empty. Now I can easily finish a drink and not have a server come by for 10-15 minutes. It's also a common experience for me to have to wait 5 minutes in line at a bar at the pool bar or solarium bar.


I honestly don't have a problem getting up to get my own drink, but it's just not an arguable point to say that bar service/wait staff service hasn't declined.


I've noticed this too and believe there is one very obvious reason: Now that so many people are buying drink packages, RCCL is not going to pay lots of waiters to run around passing out drinks. Better to make people come get them at a crowded bar and use less booze (and pay less waiters).

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Thanks for the breadth of replies - not always agreed, but welcomed.


Can I just make clear - I was NOT suggesting that we stiff the staff at all - if you read the original post, I suggested that we used to pay the staff more than recommended.


However, why am I now paying for "behind the scenes" staff - we never used to. IF we all removed the auto-gratuity then Royal would need to pay these staff correctly like before.


I am more than happy to pay our waiter, assistant waiter and stateroom attendant based on SERVICE. If the service is good I shall pay the suggested amounts. If it is exceptional then I pay more. If the service is poor *** am I tipping them for and why are they still employed?


If the Restaurant Manager is able to arrange our preferred seating, we will tip him/her too - but not just for being there.


The USA is very much used to gratuities but I also believe you have lost sight of what a gratuity should be for - it isn't just for doing your job (fake smiles and all). I will await the flak from that one.


If I am forced to stand at a bar to buy a drink - due to a lack of waiters - WHY should I pay a gratuity? Perhaps a dollar here and there for the guy/girl standing behind the bar but 18% !!! No way.


If we are not careful, they will be charging an 18% tip for bar service but 25% if you want table service.


I appreciate that everyone has a different opinion, but please don't knock me for taking a stance in the hope of things getting better. I would like to think that if more did the same, it could make an impact.


After saying all of that - I do like the suggestion (George35) of ASKING the room attendant, waiter and assistant if they would rather be paid in cash. If asked at the start of the cruise, one might hope that staff would go all out to earn a greater gratuity (just like the old days lol)

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While I strongly believe military personnel should be paid better than they are, they are not earning the sort of wages people on cruise ships earn. I bet those on cruise ships would rather not have money taken out for a cake party if they had their choice about it.


base on some stories, I get the impression that these 'welfare' funds are to help them in severe crisis, like when they need to fly home for an emergency from half way across the planet or when they themselves are ill. not for a birthday cake and a few candles. of course I may be totally wrong, but I also know that any potential employee gets notified up front what does and does not happen to their income and how it is handled and they certainly have the right to refuse terms and conditions and seek employment elsewhere.

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I've noticed this too and believe there is one very obvious reason: Now that so many people are buying drink packages, RCCL is not going to pay lots of waiters to run around passing out drinks. Better to make people come get them at a crowded bar and use less booze (and pay less waiters).


I have also thought that could be the reason.

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I am European - Scandinavian - Finnish, so forgive me not undestanding properly the tipping etiquette in US.


I have understood that basically you're supposed to tip in US restaurants according to the level of service you've experienced. That is: to tip less if the service is poor and tip more if you feel it is great. Somewhere between 10 - 25% on top of the bill, right?

With My Time Dining I can be served by different waiter team each night - some are great and others are not - and all of them get the same tip. It just sounds unfair. I am paying automatically somebody something - dont know how much and to whom and for what service. Weird!


And with the "behind the scenes employees" and "those people are also working at Windjammer etc": how would I know if their service is good or bad? Before the auto tipping, we did not deliver tips to those people, right? So did RCI change their salaries somehow?


The easiest way for me is to keep the auto tips and just leave it like that, even though for our upcoming Freedom TA we will end up paying more tips than what we are paying for our daughter's cruise.


But it still does not keep me from conteplating the weird concept. I can tell based on all these discussins it confuses even natives in US let alone foreigners coming from non-tipping environment.

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How does pulling your tips show your displeasure of a service decline to TPTB? I would think not cruising (or going on other lines) and emailing RCI why you're choosing to not sail with them would send a larger statement.


Or do you really expect some bean counter to see you've removed automatic gratuities and realize it's because you feel the service has gone downhill?

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How does pulling your tips show your displeasure of a service decline to TPTB? I would think not cruising (or going on other lines) and emailing RCI why you're choosing to not sail with them would send a larger statement.


Or do you really expect some bean counter to see you've removed automatic gratuities and realize it's because you feel the service has gone downhill?


I think it definitely makes a statement. It's going to filter up from the employee who is unhappy, through ship management, and on to the bean counters...eventually.


Gratuities work now because most people pay them. If most people stop paying them, Royal has to reconfigure their plans. Either through better service, mandatory service charges, or whatever works better. And I am not advocating to stop paying them, but I don't think people should get mad at those who don't want to do the auto grats the way it is currently presented.

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How does pulling your tips show your displeasure of a service decline to TPTB? I would think not cruising (or going on other lines) and emailing RCI why you're choosing to not sail with them would send a larger statement.


Or do you really expect some bean counter to see you've removed automatic gratuities and realize it's because you feel the service has gone downhill?


I have written twice now to Customer Services at Royal and have not received ANY response from them.


We have been loyal for several years now - 4 more Royal cruises this year - but we HAVE booked 2 cruises on MSC for 2017 so it may very well be bye-bye Royal for us.


I think it definitely makes a statement. It's going to filter up from the employee who is unhappy, through ship management, and on to the bean counters...eventually.


Gratuities work now because most people pay them. If most people stop paying them, Royal has to reconfigure their plans. Either through better service, mandatory service charges, or whatever works better. And I am not advocating to stop paying them, but I don't think people should get mad at those who don't want to do the auto grats the way it is currently presented.


Thank You. Once again, I am NOT saying don't tip - but tip appropriately.






TBH I think it is the system of auto-tipping which screws the staff as the vast majority will simply assume they have "done their bit" and do no more.


Likewise, the staff will then take the same attitude.

Edited by CoupleUK
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IF I have to stand in line at a bar (as they have cut down on wait staff) I shall also be reclaiming the 18% tip on that too.



So if you need to stand in line at a bar, you're going to spend more time waiting in line at Guest Services to refund some change? You're already going into the trip expecting to be miserable and pre-complaining. Granted, I guess some people aren't happy unless they have something to gripe about, so if you want to spend a portion of your trip waiting in line to complain just to save a few dollars, then have at it. You're going to be a big hit with Guest Services, let alone the staff you're taking the tips away from.



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For quite a while now, service standards have been in decline at Royal Caribbean (since automatic gratuities were introduced??).


So, from now on, I shall be having any auto-gratuities refunded on my onboard account.


Instead, I will be returning to the old-fashioned method of tipping staff personally (which always used to be a higher amount for us anyway).


Have you considered doing the same - perhaps in the hope that service might improve?


What I would like to know, is what would you recommend per night for our waiter, asst waiter and cabin steward these days (we are returning to traditional dining from now on).


IF I have to stand in line at a bar (as they have cut down on wait staff) I shall also be reclaiming the 18% tip on that too.


I would rather it went to the servers in the Diamond Lounge.


I guess I'm just getting seriously fed-up with such poor service for what was once a quality experience.


I agree that service has declined since the imposition of auto-grats.

Not so much in the DR or cabin attendant who have to perform to get an advancement; but with bar and other staff.


I prefer to hand my waiter etc cash and more than recommended.

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So if you need to stand in line at a bar, you're going to spend more time waiting in line at Guest Services to refund some change? You're already going into the trip expecting to be miserable and pre-complaining. Granted, I guess some people aren't happy unless they have something to gripe about, so if you want to spend a portion of your trip waiting in line to complain just to save a few dollars, then have at it. You're going to be a big hit with Guest Services, let alone the staff you're taking the tips away from.



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I'm too late to edit my post above, so I just wanted to apologize for presuming a negative attitude. I think I was just carrying over the exasperation from the other gratuities thread. How I meant to frame it is that it seems like you're going to spend your vacation focusing on the service--looking for and penalizing what you perceive as negative service but then also needing to take account for all of the people who provide good service so then you can follow up with specific tips. To me, it seems like this is going to take away from just enjoying your vacation. Also the "bad" service is going to seem worse because you'll be hyper-focused on whether this specific person deserves a tip and you'll be looking for reasons not to give it. Maybe that's not the case, but I think if you go in expecting to be slighted you'll feel slighted.


If you really want to make your voice heard on service, then fill out the evaluation forms. That's how you get your voice heard and make a difference much more so than hoping someone somewhere will make an inference on what the unspoken problem is because you removed your auto-gratuities.




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I'm too late to edit my post above, so I just wanted to apologize for presuming a negative attitude. I think I was just carrying over the exasperation from the other gratuities thread. How I meant to frame it is that it seems like you're going to spend your vacation focusing on the service--looking for and penalizing what you perceive as negative service but then also needing to take account for all of the people who provide good service so then you can follow up with specific tips. To me, it seems like this is going to take away from just enjoying your vacation. Also the "bad" service is going to seem worse because you'll be hyper-focused on whether this specific person deserves a tip and you'll be looking for reasons not to give it. Maybe that's not the case, but I think if you go in expecting to be slighted you'll feel slighted.


If you really want to make your voice heard on service, then fill out the evaluation forms. That's how you get your voice heard and make a difference much more so than hoping someone somewhere will make an inference on what the unspoken problem is because you removed your auto-gratuities.


You're overthinking it. People just want to tip how they want.


I also think they will notice people refusing auto grats before they listen to evaluation form comments. People can complain about auto grats on the surveys all they want, but if they keep paying, why should Royal change?

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TBH I think it is the system of auto-tipping which screws the staff as the vast majority will simply assume they have "done their bit" and do no more.


Likewise, the staff will then take the same attitude.


And yet while the crew does in fact know who has removed their auto-grats, unless they have employed the most accurate psychic ever, they have no way of knowing who will tip in cash OR add extra. So if they go by the "oh we automatically get it" mentality towards those who have not removed them, they are shooting themselves in the foot.


I have pre-paid my grats, but will happily give more IF someone goes above and beyond my expectations. Granted, I have been completely spoiled on Disney and the bar is therefore set extremely high (one example, only Concierge is supposed to get the after-sun gel, though anyone can buy it in the store...but on my last cruise I encountered my stateroom host as I was going to buy some for my obvious sunburn. We chatted for a moment and I said I was going to get some gel and would be back in a moment just so that she knew I was not going out long-term. She asked me to wait and came back a few minutes later having gotten some from a friend working Concierge - I in no way asked for it.) - so far no one on HAL or RCCL has exceeded expectations, but I am always prepared just in case!

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So if they go by the "oh we automatically get it" mentality towards those who have not removed them, they are shooting themselves in the foot.


I'm guessing the crew talk amongst themselves.


Just maybe - it wouldn't take too long for them to realise they get very little extra in tips by going above and beyond and find they can provide less and still earn the same auto-grats.


Of course, the automatic system allows you to forget about tips and/or the awkward last night envelopes.


I will take the advice given previously, ask the staff if the prefer cash and remove the auto-grats if they do. TBH if it doesn't result in great service, I haven't lost out on the deal have I.

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I'm guessing the crew talk amongst themselves.


Just maybe - it wouldn't take too long for them to realise they get very little extra in tips by going above and beyond and find they can provide less and still earn the same auto-grats.


Of course, the automatic system allows you to forget about tips and/or the awkward last night envelopes.


I will take the advice given previously, ask the staff if the prefer cash and remove the auto-grats if they do. TBH if it doesn't result in great service, I haven't lost out on the deal have I.


You missed my point. More than one person on here has stated that they will tip additional money if a crew member goes above and beyond - and more than one person has also stated that they did NOT in fact have to tip anything over the suggested.


So yes, there are crew members who have a "do the minimum" mentality, but the crew (as a whole - theoretically there may be some crew who get it, though I have yet to meet them) is clearly NOT getting it that there are people who will tip more - putting more in that crew member's pockets - for above and beyond service and therefore they simply do the minimum.


The biggest problem with removing the auto grats is that those also tip people beyond the ones you personally interact with but who are integral to the food service aspect of the cruise - such as those in the Windjammer and other food outlets as well as some of the behind the scenes food service crew you NEVER see. So when you remove those, you punish people beyond just "your" servers - people who in fact may have provided you with excellent service.

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The biggest problem with removing the auto grats is that those also tip people beyond the ones you personally interact with but who are integral to the food service aspect of the cruise - such as those in the Windjammer and other food outlets as well as some of the behind the scenes food service crew you NEVER see. So when you remove those, you punish people beyond just "your" servers - people who in fact may have provided you with excellent service.


Then it's not really a tip, it's wages, and it should be paid by the cruiseline. OR, it should be a service charge that everyone pays. RC makes it optional. People who choose to tip as they wish, or even those who don't tip at all, should not feel bad about their choice. If the system isn't working, RC needs to change it.


The fact that RC has not changed the system in years, but has increased the 'suggested amount' and added more 'other' workers to the 'tip pool', means that they like how it's working. In other words, 'enough' people are 'tipping', ie subsidizing, that it makes it worthwhile for them. So no one should lose sleep over how they choose to tip.


I really don't like the word 'punish', as you have used it here.

Edited by marci22
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