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Has This Ever Happened to Anyone?? Advice???


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September 2015 my father booked directly with NCL two Haven staterooms for December 11 2016. We received all 4 perks being offered at the time AND if we paid with american express card we received a free night at Le Bistro and a $300 room credit. The four of us were very excited, we will also be platinum members after this cruise.


In March, 2016, my dear father passed away, expressing his wishes that we should go on and enjoy the cruise. My mom (married 52yrs to my dad) wanted to know what options we had with the cruise. Do we keep the 2 rooms and let it be (the perks are wonderful) or do we move her into our room and potentially lose what we have? We called NCL for advice. I do not remember her name, we will call her Alice, but she was wonderful. She encouraged us to give up moms room and move her in with us because third and fourth person in cabin sail free (just pay taxes). I was concerned mom would lose her perks as the third person in the room. Alice assured us that wouldn't happen. I wasn't so sure, knowing only the first two people in the room receive perks, but this was the Haven and Alice knows what shes talking about, right? Alice put us on hold and checked with her supervisor to make sure she was correct. She reassured us that my mom would not lose her perks. I inquired about our $300 room credit and night at Le Bistro. It took Alice a while to find it, on hold a couple of more times while she made sure with her superiors, but yes, we have it. To me, and the laws of NYS, we had a verbal contract with all discussed. We were on the phone with NCL well over an hour, with all of Alices' double checking her information with her supervisor. We felt good and were looking forward to our cruise.


Later that evening I checked my email and the NCL website to review my contract. My mother had none of the perks, there wasn't a room credit nor a night at Le Bistro.

Back on the phone with NCl and now, the tune changes. Again, I do not remember who I spoke with, we will call her Beth for the sake of this post.

Beth told me it wasn't possible that a third person in the room would get perks. Listen, I know these perks are for the first 2 people in the room, that is why I kept asking Alice if she was sure. But she WAS sure, and I thought maybe the Haven has different rules. Beth is saying not only does my mom not have the perks, but there isnt a room credit nor night in Le Bistro. After arguing a bit, I am completely dumbfounded. Does NCL think I am making all of this up? That I am lying? Remembering that "this call may be monitored for quality assurance" I asked to find the recording. To the supervisor I go, Chris Young, who has to listen to hundreds of recorded phone calls to find my conversation. I was already on the phone such a long time. I requested he find my recording and call me back. He agreed. He never called back. I called him. He apologized with a flimsy excuse and said he would review the recordings until he found my conversation and get back to me. I did ask him when it was that big companies have become so bold that the customer isn't always right? Did he think I was making all of this up? How can a company promise things in a verbal contract and not deliver on them? But I was confident the tape recording would reveal the truth. Chris called me back two days later and told me he spoke with his supervisors and they said nothing can be done for me. I told him I would take this further by contacting the attorney general. He did not seem to care. And that was that. No recording, no apologies, no resolutions.


I am so deflated. I want to cancel the cruise, but my dad, he was so excited about going he wanted us to go. I know that NCLs corporate office staff does not reflect the ships staff. The ships staff is great and they will make our cruise a great and special experience. Some of the staff will remember my dad and that gives myself and my family some comfort. But I feel so wronged by corporate, and they will get away with this. I am just a tiny voice in the ugly corporate world, and I mean nothing to NCL, as long as they keep filling their ships.


I thought by posting this, maybe I can get some advice on anything else I can do to help me resolve this. Really all I need is the elusive tape recording. I did send a letter to the attorney general. Its too soon for a response. I just can not wrap my head around the fact that NCL can say whatever they want to get you to cruise with them, and then just don't follow through.

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I hate to say it but it sounds like you have two options 1) swallow your disappointment and go on the cruise in your Dad's memory or 2) cancel the cruise and find another cruise for your family to go on. I doubt that the AG will be much help and unless you got the verbal terms in writing (which NCL did not give you) then you are out of luck in that regard. I really don't know what I would do if it were me in the situation and I do wish you the best. My condolences on your Dad. (Maybe ask yourself what would your Dad do if he were in your shoes.)

Edited by sparks1093
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Hindsight being 20/20. In a situation like the OP's, it would have been beneficial to get an email confirming what the representative is saying while you are on the phone with them. If they refuse to send an email...that is a big red flag. One hates to think that they need to get and email confirmation, but it protects both parties.

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Unfortunately, I agree with the above post. an email should have been sent while you were on the phone. Your "claims" of contracts, contacting attorney generals, aren't going to get you anywhere. YOU have the burden of proof which you do not have. You keep "mentioning" you don't "make this up", twice. Turned around (GENERAL comment) that what people that do, also, precisely say. :)

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First off condolences for your fathers passing. I wish we could say that NCL will correct the problem that occurred with the change in booking, but that is not going to happen.


I would call one more time to see if you get a different answer. Sad to say, but sometimes customer service is wrong and you get conflicting information. Worth a shot.


If it doesn't work go on your cruise that was your fathers wishes. Enjoy your holiday.

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It is no different in the Haven with regards to the 'Perks'. We have four people in a Haven 2 bedroom suite & only the first two passengers get the UDP & the UBP.

Personally I would have been surprised if they had honoured what you were told. Only because it would be easy for someone to book two suites, get the perks for both & then cancel one; retaining the perks for all the passengers.

I think you should take your Mom and just go and enjoy. I'm sure your Dad will be there in spirit & he would want all of you to have a lovely, stress free time.



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I'll agree and disagree with everyone else.


First, condolences on the loss of your father. That loss makes all of this so much more difficult in one way, but also puts it into perspective a bit too.


I do agree that a verbal contract means absolutely nothing when there's a written contract in force. In fact, the written contract always says just that. NCL absolutely isn't bound by a verbal promise you relied on, even if coming from a supervisor, etc. So if a company wants to be hard nosed to a family who has just lost a loved one, they can legally do so. That doesn't make it right in a moral sense.


You are more than 120 days from your cruise. You can still cancel for a full refund. I know your father asked that you continue on the cruise he booked as one of his dying wishes. That isn't to be taken lightly, and I fully understand your wish to honor him and your mother.


Only you can answer this: How would your father have reacted to NCL's shenanigans in this case?


Would he put up with it, or would he have cancelled and chosen another vacation for your family? Do you think he would want you to go on the cruise after being treated this way? I believe you can honor him and his memory best by doing what he would do in the same situation.

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Only you can answer this: How would your father have reacted to NCL's shenanigans in this case?


Would he put up with it, or would he have cancelled and chosen another vacation for your family? Do you think he would want you to go on the cruise after being treated this way? I believe you can honor him and his memory best by doing what he would do in the same situation.


I agree 100% with this.


You can bet if you called NCL and told them you were promised the Deluxe Owner's Suite (if that's even a thing) and all kinds of other things that you weren't, they would find that recording in a heart beat.

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Dear OP,


First let me give you my condolences on the loss of your father; it seems like he was a fun and generous man.

You are very lucky to have a father like that. :)


Secondly, IMHO this is a new low for NCL. Taking advantage of a death of someone is really, really bad. How sad that corporate thinks that the OP's treatment is 'OK' and there is nothing they can do. You asked for help and got screwed out of perks your father bought as part of the original cruise.


I guess a real question is why NCL corporate does not honor and is not responsible for what their employees tell customers? Isn't that fraud?


OP, I hope you and your family have a great cruise that your father wished for you all in spite of the poor treatment by NCL in your time of grieving.


I agree with fshagan; would your father have liked that you are being treated so poorly by NCL? This is not the vacation he booked for you all.


Safe cruising! :)

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I'm so sorry about the loss of your dad.


I would personally stay on the crusie and perhaps only re-think the actual suite that is booked. Maybe move to a 2 BR or the lovely aft penthouse? Erase the Alice misinformation, take the same cruise but change your suite and forget about Alice!


If not an option, just go. All you have given up in efforts to honor your dad are some meals and a drink package. I don't know if your mom is a big drinker or needs the free internet- those perks would be lost on my mom! The Am Ex OBC would be per cabin, so there is not a way that NCL would have honored a commitment from American Express. If the OBC was from NCL, it STILL is per suite, not per person so I would not expect them to provide this bonus.


you are still reeling from losing your dad, and your mom from losing her mate of so many decades. Try not to let the inconsiderate misinformation of an NCL lackey upset you too much. Writing the AG, etc is very upsetting and keeps bad feelings front and center. Either let the cruise go or let the angst go.


Another poster said to see it through Dad's eyes- I think that's great advice

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Being on Cruise Critic for several years, and looking at the postings of members on different lines, I think I can honestly say that NCL Corp. is probably the coldest of all the cruise lines that I monitor.The ships may be beautiful, and normal customer service OK, but when something happens out of the ordinary, like a death, they go to the owners manual and really don't give a damn.

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Hindsight being 20/20. In a situation like the OP's, it would have been beneficial to get an email confirming what the representative is saying while you are on the phone with them. If they refuse to send an email...that is a big red flag. One hates to think that they need to get and email confirmation, but it protects both parties.


This is what I do. When making any changes/corrections, I let them send the email then before I hang up, I make sure I have the email and that it reflects the changes.


I'm sorry that they pulled a switcheroo on you. It's not right but at this point I would honor your father's request and just go on the cruise and enjoy each other.


I'm so sorry you lost your dad. Truly.


Makes me think do they actually record those conversations like they claim? Obviously they didn't want to bother either looking up the "recorded" conversation or they just plain didn't care. Either way, it's not right. But hopefully, you can move forward at this time...

Edited by mickeysgal
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You saved a lot of money by cancelling one room. Your mother will receive all the Haven perks as the third guest in your room, and if she wants the 4 Free at Sea perks that she lost, you can purchase them for her and still be way ahead compared to paying two full Haven cruise fares.


I know it's not just about the money, and I'm sure you would gladly pay ten thousand fares if it meant your father could take this cruise with you. But at the same time the substance of your complaint is the perks etc. that disappeared, and this is actually a very common issue when people modify their bookings. You should always try to get assurances in writing before making the changes, or at least stay on the line and go over the details of the new booking with the agent who made the changes and don't hang up until you receive a new confirmation in writing and everything looks OK.


I don't know why "Alice" misled you, maybe she thought you were talking about the Haven perks and not the Free at Sea booking perks. (I don't know anything about the AmEx promotion.) You say "she was wonderful" but it sounds to me like she was the one who messed up and just told you what you wanted to hear and left everyone else at NCL to clean up after her.

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I agree with the post suggesting that you go on the cruise as it is now, but I would not let it go as far as the conversation you had with "Alice". I work in a support center and have to assist in situations similar to yours, as far as "she/he told me this". It should not be difficult for them to find the recording or the agent that changed your reservation. They should have audits in their system showing the booking agent. As far as the recording goes, in our system, it is as simple as giving the date, the approximate time of the call and the number that you called from. Contact their guest relations department and speak with a manager. Insist that they review your call so they can avoid "Alice" from incorrectly advising customers in the future. Right now, I would hope that they are actively working to satisfy customers when the issue doesn't involve the water/soda situation :) Condolences to you and your family regarding your father's passing. You should go on this cruise regardless of whether this is resolved prior or not. But, don't let it go.

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It is no different in the Haven with regards to the 'Perks'. We have four people in a Haven 2 bedroom suite & only the first two passengers get the UDP & the UBP.

Personally I would have been surprised if they had honoured what you were told. Only because it would be easy for someone to book two suites, get the perks for both & then cancel one; retaining the perks for all the passengers.

I think you should take your Mom and just go and enjoy. I'm sure your Dad will be there in spirit & he would want all of you to have a lovely, stress free time.




I am booked on a cruise for December 4 2016 3 people in a cabin. First two get the UBP and UDP. 3rd person and more get UDP and Soda Package.

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I know this may be unpopular, but I can't believe you thought the OBC would transfer. You'd be smart to drop that particular point in your efforts with NCL.


It is unpopular. And so is this. I can't believe OP knew that the promotions wouldn't apply to the third person, but is now upset because Alice told her they would.


hawkeyetlse has excellent advice above.

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I'm sorry about your dad.


Cancel the cruise with NCL and book on another line. If you take this cruise you will just have hard feelings the whole time. Start fresh a and have fun, that's what your dad intended.



Sent from my iPhone using Forums mobile app

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When something seems too good to be true it usually is. Getting to keep the onboard credit and the drink package on a room you're getting refunded for does sound too good to be true. Indeed it sounded too good to be true even to you which is why you questioned it so stringently with the first representative. Unfortunately the first representative did not know what they were talking about. It has been my experience after 34 cruises that the cruise lines honor their written policies not the mistakes of their employees. For this reason when I had a question concerning a promo package which seemed too good to be true for my cruise in March, I insisted that they send me the information in writing before I was willing to accept its accuracy. At first they said ,"I assure you I'm telling you the truth", but I was not willing to accept that until I saw it in print.

Edited by Jana60
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The way I see it, you can do two things for sure.


1. NEVER believe a word an NCL customer service rep tells you. In addition to being clueless they are dishonest.


2. Cancel your cruise with NCL and book a cruise on another line that actually treats their customers with respect.


The NCL reps answering the phone will tell you just about anything to make you happy, truthful or not. They just pass the buck around until they wear you out.

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My condolences to you and your family in the loss of your dear father. I f I were you, I'd go on the cruise because that's what your Dad wanted for all of you. But, as others have stated, keep pressing these issues with the phone calls until this is settled to your satisfaction. Don't "Fade away," Just saying.

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I know it is a matter of principle, and I would certainly keep pressing if I were you, including a letter to top management, but at base, isnt it far less expensive for you to purchase the perks for your mom and add the dinner package than it would have been for you to keep the two suites and retain all the perks?



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Sorry about the loss of your dad. I would work this up the chain until one of the two things happen


#1 they honor the verbal contract that was agreed with over the phone


#2 If the verbal contract was not plausible, then they should honor the original setup.


#3 if all else fails, I would still go to honor him and have a blast despite the crappy customer service.



I am an easy going person, but I would try to hold my guns in this situation.



I hope everything goes well for you.

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