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Depsicable Line Cutters

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here's a line cutter experience i had on NCL in the haven. if you are haven you get to wait in the restaurant to be escorted off the ship the last day. a great perk. I copied from my review:


There was one weenie in the haven lounge when it was time to leave. He himself cut the line then told one of the staff about another family that cut the line as well. he was adamant and a real jerk about it. To boot, when we were ready to get in the elevator, he wouldnt even go in as he said he has to wait for his family. Don't be a jerk on your cruise and be like this guy. Relax!

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Many cultures do not have the same unwritten rules of standing on line etiquette that Americans have.


In many cultures, it is perfectly acceptable and expected that you will to do whatever it takes to be the next person serviced. If you leave a gap, they will immediately fill it with their body. It is acceptable behavior in their culture. It is very offensive for others.




these people are the only people that ever visit the buffet lines. if you feel someone in back of you it helps to just scratch your back and ooops, did i hit you. sorry didnt see you so close. or just stretch and twist. people think the food at the buffet will run out and its just so crazy.


I am generally very tolerant of those who cut in front or jump unto the elevator before we have gotten off, but as I have gotten older, I am feeling less tolerant and liable to speak up by saying with a smile,, " excuse me I was next" I say to myself, this world will be here far longer then we will so what is the rush.


waiting for elevators on a ship is about the most dangerous thing you can do. the rush to get to them is life threatening. and the ones that get on before a soul has gotten off should be crushed by the rest or at least not permitted out for a few trips up and down

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I have a theory and I could be absolutely wrong about the line cutters as I am in no way travel wise. The farthest I've been from home is Hawaii.

Both line cutters spoke with a European accent. But again, I don't know anything about lines and how they work in countries I have not been to, but thought maybe this could have been a factor.

The lady at the Columbus show was 'Merican all the way. ha.



I've noticed this with Europeans at airports; everyone just gets in line when the doors open, regardless of any request/requirement that they wait for their boarding number to be called. Then again, I chuckled when Scandinavian Air requested that people not lie down on the floor, only to have the woman across the aisle do just that.

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One of the worst line cutting cruises I have been on was Serenade last week.

Wow...it was unreal in the WJ. People just shoving their way in front of me

all the time. One morning at breakfast we sat with a nice couple in the MDR

and they told us they refuse to use the WJ on our cruise since the lady was

so tired of being shoved around in there.


How were these people (and I am talking older generation demographics on

this cruise) raised? Surely not the way their parents taught them. BTW...I am

from that generation also


Not to defend anyone's boorish behavior, but I often struggle with line etiquette when it comes to buffets on the ship. It may be a function of how the buffet is laid out, but I'm often unsure whether everyone plans on getting some of everything, thus there should be an "assembly line" feel to it, or if people are just going to grab what they want. I certainly don't intend to cut in line (and I wont push people out of the way), but if there's a line outside Item A, and I want Item C, I will often grab Item C.

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I really like the square shaped stations in the windjammer on the Harmony. Don't know if all Royal ships are like this as it was my first, but I thought it was great. Easy to get food when I needed it. No lines at all on a 6000 passenger ship.

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I've noticed this with Europeans at airports; everyone just gets in line when the doors open, regardless of any request/requirement that they wait for their boarding number to be called. Then again, I chuckled when Scandinavian Air requested that people not lie down on the floor, only to have the woman across the aisle do just that.


You aren't wrong- I'm British, and apart from the fact we don't generally consider ourselves European there is a world of difference when it comes to queuing! One particularly bad example was queuing for the hotel bus at Disneyland Paris after the New Years Eve fireworks. You can imagine there was thousands of people trying to get on those buses! There was a very long, very patient line of Brits and Americans etc. And then a massive crush right at the bus stop of Europeans all fighting and crawling over each other to get on the bus. The long line never moved as more and more people kept arriving and just adding to the crush at the front rather than joining the queue. I think we walked in the end.


When I travel in Europe I have to take my patience hat with me or I get really wound up by it.

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First of all let me thank you and your wife for your service to the community.


I also like to use the following line my therapist used to use on me (and I use on my friends when they ask for advice): "Do you want to be right, or do you want to be happy?"



Mic drop right there. Excellent quote.

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The older (and more mature?) that I get, the more that I'm able to let actions like this go. I try to tell myself that they are in a hurry because of some sort of emergency, or maybe they have something really deep going on in their head that causes them to miss something obvious right in front of them (like me standing there). I know this isn't always true, but it helps me let it go (at least sometimes).


Talking about lines in cultures, I was blown away by the lines in train stations in Japan. The platforms had shapes painted on the edge of the platform. The shapes were spaced differently for different sized train cars. You looked at a sign to see which symbol would be used for your particular train (say a diamond) and then you would wait patiently in line behind a diamond symbol on the platform. The train would pull up, stop such that the doors were exactly at the diamonds, doors open and people walk off, THEN people boarding would walk on in order. No pushing and shoving. All very precise and civilized. Would never work here in the US.


And by the way dwayneb236, you spelled despicable wrong. ;p


Wow...That is a whole lot different than those same country men act when you go to

Honolulu!! :eek: Shoving and pushing all the time there. Awful. :(

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On a Princess cruise I was waiting to order a coffee, a woman pushed past me and started to order, I reminded her I was there first. She threw her cruise card on the counter and said I'm Platinum. Couldn't help myself, put my card on the counter, and said I'm Elite, I win. She stood back and I ordered. Attendant was killing himself laughing. Only time I've ever flaunted the black card..

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I am generally very tolerant of those who cut in front or jump unto the elevator before we have gotten off, but as I have gotten older, I am feeling less tolerant and liable to speak up by saying with a smile,, " excuse me I was next" I say to myself, this world will be here far longer then we will so what is the rush.



I will give you one. I was on Serenade a week ago. The elevators were always busy,

but having that I had two cups of coffee with me, I thought I might hop a ride up to make it

easier. Nope, way too many people, and naturally they about ran over me to jump

on board, as I stood aside to see if anyone was getting off first. And I always ask

"Anyone getting off?" as I stand to the side. Don't even get me started on pax that

don't wait until the the people come off the elevator first before boarding. :(


I gave up, upon seeing it become so full, and decided to take the stairs. Well wouldn't you know it, the power in the Centrum area went out a minute later. We had a mid ship cabin, and lost all lights, A/C, and....the elevators stopped. Guess who was NOT on the elevator stuck between floors? Glad I took the stairs! :D

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So, I was sitting here contemplating the meaning of life, 42 by the way, and my last cruise on the Harmony. 99% of the cruise was fantastic. I only had 2 instances where I got a bit perturbed. Both were line cutters.


One day I was standing in line at the counter of Sorrentos. When I mean standing in line I was the only person behind a kid picking up his pizza. As the kid walks away and the pizza guy looks up to me, a random dude just walks up and tells pizza guy he wants two of the pepperoni. I just look at him and say you know I was next right? He just gets this sheepish look, says sorry, takes his pizza and slinks away. He had to go around me to get to where he was going so he saw me there.


The other time was at MiniBites. Was a fairly significant line and I was just at the counter with my wife. 2 "ladies", I use this term loosely, barge up in between the people at the nachos/fries area and say they just want one thing. Of course while there they take one of everything. I looked at one and told her that you know there is a line right? We all waited in it.. My wife just told me to let it go and I did but not internally.


As Woodrow Call of Lonesome Dove says, "I hate rude behavior in a man, I won't tolerate it." Well my wife made me tolerate it and she's the one with the level head.


Just blows my mind people are that thoughtless, and I'm a cop, I see people at their worst all the time. Would be a great world without all the people.


Most of the people on this cruise were awesome, just those two instances stick out. I had forgotten about it till now. That's what I get for contemplating.


And yes I misspelled Despicable dang it.




A pointless comment, but great Lonesome Dove quote lol....one of my all time favorite books and characters!

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On a Princess cruise I was waiting to order a coffee, a woman pushed past me and started to order, I reminded her I was there first. She threw her cruise card on the counter and said I'm Platinum. Couldn't help myself, put my card on the counter, and said I'm Elite, I win. She stood back and I ordered. Attendant was killing himself laughing. Only time I've ever flaunted the black card..


You win the internet today. Awesome..

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On a Princess cruise I was waiting to order a coffee, a woman pushed past me and started to order, I reminded her I was there first. She threw her cruise card on the counter and said I'm Platinum. Couldn't help myself, put my card on the counter, and said I'm Elite, I win. She stood back and I ordered. Attendant was killing himself laughing. Only time I've ever flaunted the black card..



you need to print this on the back of a tshirt

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On a Princess cruise I was waiting to order a coffee, a woman pushed past me and started to order, I reminded her I was there first. She threw her cruise card on the counter and said I'm Platinum. Couldn't help myself, put my card on the counter, and said I'm Elite, I win. She stood back and I ordered. Attendant was killing himself laughing. Only time I've ever flaunted the black card..



Now THAT is a story I like! Good for you!!!!!!!

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On a Princess cruise I was waiting to order a coffee, a woman pushed past me and started to order, I reminded her I was there first. She threw her cruise card on the counter and said I'm Platinum. Couldn't help myself, put my card on the counter, and said I'm Elite, I win. She stood back and I ordered. Attendant was killing himself laughing. Only time I've ever flaunted the black card..



Add another "You go, Girl" to those others who said your retort was expertly (and appropriately) played. You get top honors!

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Maybe a quick hand to mouth, gag, and a I think I'm going to be sick would clear out the line cutters in no time...LOL But make sure you are facing them when you say it.



Fart in the elevator works well also. OK...I'm bad...I will go stand in the

corner now. ;p

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Finally, with regard to the crew, someone else should probably verify this, but my understanding is that they are always under constant threat of losing their job. One or two complaints to management and they are gone. For them, they are damned if they do and damned if they don't, and if someone is rude enough to barge in front of a waiting guest, chances are that person will also be the type that will throw a big fit if called on their rudeness by the crew member. While they probably would want to say something, it is safer for them to say nothing, serve the rude person quickly to get rid of them with the least amount of fuss, and continue on as if nothing happened. Yes, it is frustrating for those of us who follow the rules because we see it as rewarding bad behavior, which it is. However, the crew sees it as the easiest and safest solution.


Now to go find something to remove tea stains... :D


I, too, picked up on the references and thought it was funny.



I suspect you are right about the crew. In fact, most people are always one or two mistakes away from being fired. The crew cannot afford any complaints, no matter how wrong the complainer's behavior is. We keep lowering the bar on acceptable behavior and public interactions just get more unpleasant. Also, top down management keeps the crew members powerless, so they have nothing to gain and everything to lose. It sucks, it is unfair and there is really very little to do about it.

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Not to defend anyone's boorish behavior, but I often struggle with line etiquette when it comes to buffets on the ship. It may be a function of how the buffet is laid out, but I'm often unsure whether everyone plans on getting some of everything, thus there should be an "assembly line" feel to it, or if people are just going to grab what they want. I certainly don't intend to cut in line (and I wont push people out of the way), but if there's a line outside Item A, and I want Item C, I will often grab Item C.




Amen! People go in to the windjammer looking to be offended. The Oasis class has several round stations and if the first guy starts and goes clockwise everyone the rest of the cruise is bound by that? I seen to guys at start at opposite ends meet in the middle and tell each other to wait in line. I've seen on lady pick up every hot dog in the big at the first station holding up everyone behind her as nobody will pass her. I needed one thing at the other end, so I started a new line at the other end. There were two entrances to the WJ, who says where the line starts?

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Amen! People go in to the windjammer looking to be offended. The Oasis class has several round stations and if the first guy starts and goes clockwise everyone the rest of the cruise is bound by that? I seen to guys at start at opposite ends meet in the middle and tell each other to wait in line. I've seen on lady pick up every hot dog in the big at the first station holding up everyone behind her as nobody will pass her. I needed one thing at the other end, so I started a new line at the other end. There were two entrances to the WJ, who says where the line starts?



Funny! :') Head on collision!


But my complaint is when I am patiently waiting directly behind a single person

for one item, not at the regular line of of food (grits/oatmeal/soup) and when they

finish and I go to step up...then someone pushes their way right in front of me...or worse

yet...reaches right across my face with their hairy arm!! Yuck!! ;p


What is a hot dog in the big? ;)

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Talking about lines in cultures, I was blown away by the lines in train stations in Japan. The platforms had shapes painted on the edge of the platform. The shapes were spaced differently for different sized train cars. You looked at a sign to see which symbol would be used for your particular train (say a diamond) and then you would wait patiently in line behind a diamond symbol on the platform. The train would pull up, stop such that the doors were exactly at the diamonds, doors open and people walk off, THEN people boarding would walk on in order. No pushing and shoving. All very precise and civilized. Would never work here in the US.



Intresting. Last time DH was in Tokyo the trains were utter madness. To the point where there were employees whose job it was to shove the last people in through the doors so the doors would shut.


He's actually nervous about traveling to meet his Korean family (and to visit Japan as we would do if we were that close) with me because of the elevator insanity he has dealt with in both countries. People streaming in and out at the same time. A total squash, and that just is how it is.



in other words, his experience has been a total 180 of the train station you experienced. Where were those stations? How recently was it?

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I don't support line cutters but sometimes I do


Freedom class has a huge long station of food and people line up like cows, I understand if you want salad and the extra but if you just want a tomatoes and you find an empty space and you are quick enough to grab it ( go for it )


I respect everybody's pace but sometimes some people will take forever to grab something from the buffet.



Sent from my iPhone using Forums

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On a Princess cruise I was waiting to order a coffee, a woman pushed past me and started to order, I reminded her I was there first. She threw her cruise card on the counter and said I'm Platinum. Couldn't help myself, put my card on the counter, and said I'm Elite, I win. She stood back and I ordered. Attendant was killing himself laughing. Only time I've ever flaunted the black card..




Thank you so much, that story made my day! While I think that some times it's not worth it to stand up to rude people, I feel that some jerks only get more emboldened if not confronted. Your story was awesome and made me laugh out loud. Thank you!



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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My fave line cutter moment was years back on the Rhapsody. I was in the buffet line with a steady line in front of me. There was literally nowhere for me to go. Yet the very large "lady" behind me kept reaching over me to get to the food. When she LITERALLY knocked me off my feet and I staggered against the wall behind me, I looked at her and said, "Why don't you go ahead of me?" Naturally, the sarcasm was lost on her. And she still had nowhere to go since we were only halfway through the line. I hope that extra 3 seconds she got enabled her to get her fill. She didn't exactly miss a lot of meals - her forte seemed to be to knock people out of her way.

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