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This is crazy


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And yet the people of the Island are ready and do have a positive nature and spirit. Even though there is devastation to be cleaned up they are ready and welcoming of tourists. If any of you have driven through parts of Detroit lately it really isn’t much different than Sint Maarten. Abandoned properties in a state of disrepair right beside a house that is in nice condition. Life does continue and so does business.


It really all depends on what side of the discussion that you see/side with. I myself would go next week if I could. To help, to relax, to work, to party and drink beer. It is all in how you see it.





In fact some are ready for a party.











More ready to party and do business.



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As someone who is from Rockport Texas and has seen a great city destroyed, those who say cruise lines should not go are completely wrong and very short sited. We are begging for tourist as they are what is keep the restaurants, sea shell shops small businesses open. Having viable open businesses with jobs do 1000 times more than charity. Without tourist our completely devastated town will die. Already we have issues of people leaving because of no tourist/jobs. You see the same thing with the islands. Without jobs that the cruise ships provide, the only alternative is for people to leave. So while you may think your good hearted saying ships should not dock, you are actually forcing local residents to move away from their homes, a second tragedy after the hurricane. And those who keep saying "THINK" are being quite patronizing and don't understand how business and jobs do more than charity. Don't get me wrong charity is important, but jobs and staying in ones home town is more.

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And yet the people of the Island are ready and do have a positive nature and spirit. Even though there is devastation to be cleaned up they are ready and welcoming of tourists. If any of you have driven through parts of Detroit lately it really isn’t much different than Sint Maarten. Abandoned properties in a state of disrepair right beside a house that is in nice condition. Life does continue and so does business.


It really all depends on what side of the discussion that you see/side with. I myself would go next week if I could. To help, to relax, to work, to party and drink beer. It is all in how you see it.




Thanks for the great pictures. I can’t wait to visit St Maarten in February and have a beer.....or four.




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You are entitled to your opinion. Since this is a discussion board, it's likely others will have differing opinions.




But the highlighted statement above is just wrong. That's not a fact at all. If you read my reply on the previous page, you'll see I actually spoke about that very point. There were thousands upon thousands of visitors here in Florida immediately after Irma who were able to vacation here. The whole state didn't shut down, just as these islands shouldn't remain shut down once officials feel they are ready to receive the ships.





And my friend in Houston would like us to visit.


last post, I guess the only real thing you can discuss is saving deck chairs and what the dress code in the dinning room.



You can *discuss* anything. You're not discussing anything.


This is crazy the some of you are so mean. Im just trying to state point. Lets see what people say after visit the islands. Its a shame you don't understand other people point of view. The facts are you can't vacation when the place you visiting just had a natural disaster. Lets get together a mission to go and help the islands build. RCL is only cruise to go back so soon.




Many people can vacation after a hurricane. People who live there are vacationing.


And people have visited. There are a few pair trip threads right now. Read them!!

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Not sure how I missed so many posts. :)


Drill2dk - I don't believe anyone is just being mean to you for no reason. You have an opinion, have asked for others to comment (by posting on this board with 2 different posts about it) and yet you don't like any of our answers and you say we are crazy because we don't believe the same as you.




And if you would re-read your posts, or maybe have a friend or family member to read them, you might see why some people are commenting about your writing style. Wrong words, double negatives, and very sloppy grammar. Makes it very hard to read and/or understand exactly what you are saying.





No cooperation should have absolute power.




Who do you think they have absolute power over??

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What is more mean?




Disagreeing with someone's opinion about going back to islands?




Or keeping money from flowing to islands by preventing cruises to go there when the island wants them?




I would say the same thing to your face, BTW. I'm fine with people calling me mean when what they are suggesting to do is rather cruel and heartless. IMHO.




The number of dollars people spend in port is and ADDITION to the funds islands are getting for recovery. They need the money for recovery. Again, a reminder to spend money at local businesses, and not the international ones.





Cruise ships can't return until the locals welcome them back. Which means proper infrastructure for the ships as well as excursions and other activities. The locals worked hard to get the infrastructure back up and running so they can welcome tourists back and earn a living. And we are, strangely, supposed to "help them" by boycotting them? You couldn't make this up if you tried....



I agree.


I'm reading it the same way, and I still stand behind my belief that the island is NOT ready for the massive influx of passengers the cruise ships bring.




This thread has gotten to the point where I'm struggling to keep up with who is for ships going back to the island and who is against it. However, it would be nice if everyone would recognize that each of us is entitled to our personal beliefs. You may not agree with someone, but you don't have the right to tell them their belief is wrong.



Maybe we could listen to the people and govts of the islands then. The ones cleaning up the ports and opening the restaurants and needing their incomes back? The ones telling cruisers to come back. Maybe those people are the ones to listen to?


UGGG, I'm afraid to go someplace because a hurricane hit. But yet the business is open, and asking for customers, but I'm afraid because of a hurricane that hit in the past. After reading the posts, that is all I got out of it.




Hurricane hit


City repaired and cleaned up


City Government met with RCCL and said they were ready


RCCL schedules the return trip




This is repeated for each and every place that was hit.




I was on a cruise last week. Went to two places that were hit by a hurricane, left a port that was hit by a hurricane, and left my house and town that was hit by a hurricane. The entire trip, from start to end was in the "hurricane". Each and every one of the ports, as well as my town, and the port I left was open for business. The ports were cleaned up. Some damage was still visible. But why in the world would I feel unsafe?




I guess I just don't get this post.




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As someone who is from Rockport Texas and has seen a great city destroyed, those who say cruise lines should not go are completely wrong and very short sited. We are begging for tourist as they are what is keep the restaurants, sea shell shops small businesses open. Having viable open businesses with jobs do 1000 times more than charity. Without tourist our completely devastated town will die. Already we have issues of people leaving because of no tourist/jobs. You see the same thing with the islands. Without jobs that the cruise ships provide, the only alternative is for people to leave. So while you may think your good hearted saying ships should not dock, you are actually forcing local residents to move away from their homes, a second tragedy after the hurricane. And those who keep saying "THINK" are being quite patronizing and don't understand how business and jobs do more than charity. Don't get me wrong charity is important, but jobs and staying in ones home town is more.


Well said: jobs create not only liveliyhood, but also dignity. Charity provides immediate help while people regroup, but it doesn't deal with long-term living.

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I got attacked in my own thread, Told my family was " looking for a handout" and that Royal Carib doesn't "print money" -- all because we put our final deposit down on the day of the hurricane, bought trip insurance, were misled by the seller of the insurance (which has since been refunded.) I believe under the circumstances, they should be allowing customers to use these lost funds on a future cruise. My aft balcony cabin sold for $1800 more than we paid a year ago. So RC made a profit. They lost nothing.



It went on and on, nothing but nasty accusations and comments by people who weren't even traveling to San Juan in the near future! So I got nasty. And the thread was deleted. And then



I cancelled, lost money, booked Disney, and SO thankful I did before the 50% phase. I see now they're dragging customers to islands that are not ready, where the tourists don't know what they're up for, and will be walking in as donating money bags --


Favorite comment so far? Woman who said smugly, Just stay on the ship if you are afraid to go to the islands. Because everyone cruises the Caribbean to stay on the ship and stare at the buffet.



You didn't give a coherent narrative in your thread and you disliked questions that people needed to ask to understand. You got your insurance refunded. You got the policy you agreed to followed.


Cruisers are always walking money bags lol. Tourists are walking money bags. I'm about to go to Dublin, where I will spend money on touristy things, because when there I'm walking money bags. What do you think tourists DO?!


I love the people who aren't even set to travel to these islands in the next month or two are supporting "the cause" hahahaha

And the woman who is (supposedly) trying to book "an extra" cruise to just so she can "help" out. Load of crap. Donate the money lady, don't pretend you're making an ultimate "sacrifice" by booking an extra cruise just to help :rolleyes:



You can definitely tell the old geezers are posting away because, in retirement, you don't have a limited two weeks of vacation a year, or a business to run that you want to take a break from and enjoy yourself, not pretend to be saintly or FEMA workers.



I don't want to "help" purely. I want to go there.

And I know that going there and paying my port fee and visit local open restaurants and shops, and maybe a local to the port beach, will help. It'll help more than stopping people from going, that's for sure!


Nowhere near retirement. Dh gets 3+ weeks of vacation and gets "time in lieu" when he travels over weekends. Which he does often and is about to do again. This year we almost stopped accruing vacation time bc he hadn't used enough. There's a holidaytime cruise that would work out beautifully in our 13 year old's dance schedule on a ship we loved last year to places we enjoyed in our looney respectful way.


And I'm not sure why those of us without trips planned aren't allowed to have an opinion here.


Hey, look now. I am posting from work instead of doing my job. Don't slander me!




The OP wants to get out of his cruise without penalty. Period. His motives are not pure, and neither are anyone else's. Which is fine. We're all like that. He's not going to be able to, probably, because his argument is full of holes. And that might provide some measure of pleasure for those of us who read the boards regularly.




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Hey, look now. I am posting from work instead of doing my job. Don't slander me!


The OP wants to get out of his cruise without penalty. Period. His motives are not pure, and neither are anyone else's. Which is fine. We're all like that. He's not going to be able to, probably, because his argument is full of holes. And that might provide some measure of pleasure for those of us who read the boards regularly.


That is exactly what this comes down to. People want free stuff because they did not prepare and do not want to face the consequences of their actions. Some even resort to personal attacks just because others don't agree.

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Reading all responses, I think people are taking this wrong. After one month, you think that only way to help the islands of Puerto Rico and St martin is by going and playing in there disaster. I think RC L should give passengers the choice. Just like you all the choice to book these cruises still. RCL should give more time for them to rebuild. . In reality RCL would like passengers not to go ashore unless your on one of there tours. Otherwise they want u to drink and spend money on the ship. Shame on RCL Its too soon. One month. Get real


Do you realize every ship that docks there pays over a 1/4 million dollars in port fees! Their Government needs that money desperately to rebuild the non tourist sections of the island..

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Im supposed to go on a cruise in the beginning of December. When I did final deposit they had substituted st Martin and Puerto Rico for other islands. Now RCL is saying they will be the first to go back to these ports. I think its horrible, that they would vavaction were so many people are suffering. RCL should be giving money and time for these people to heal. I feel its not cool to be vacationing while people are living without food, power and clean water.

Please call RCL cooperate and tell them this is wrong 305-539-6455.



I understand why you would think that, but as others have stated, the island needs the money tourists will bring. You may not be aware but RCCL did a lot of humanitarian assistance to the island soon after the hurricane passed. They took family of employees to Florida and provided food and water to the islands (St. Thomas as well). Adventure of the Seas has started its cruises out of San Juan (that is their home port). We are cruising on Adventure on Nov 25 and my family in Puerto Rico will be joining us. It was a struggle to convince my 92 year old mom to go, but after a month without power and a struggle to cook meals on a camping stove, her resistance weakened. I for one, am very happy RCCL is cruising again from PR.

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Ok I need some help fromthose of you "in the know" -please let me know which businesses in StMaarten and San Juan are up and running and ready for business. It seemsthat our Allure Nov 12 cruise may not alter the itinerary (hopefully we findout for certain today). I have two teenagers to take to these ports and Ihave no idea where to go or what to do. I don't want to buy a shipexcursion, I’d rather all my money go directly into the economy. I have lookedall through the news and I can't find much. It seems that part of Simpsonbay is ok for swimming. They are working on Great Bay beach right now (Ithink that’s what I saw). If it were just my husband and I, we could justshop and eat...but I want an activity for the kids and I don't know where tostart. So, if you know of a business that is ready for us please postit. Thank you very much.


The Internet pipes can deliver a wide range of current information. A couple of sites to get you going, http://www.vacationstmaarten.com/#/, https://www.st-maarten.com/.

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I have 8 close friends who live and work on various islands affected by hurricane destruction.


All 8 of them, including their family and neighbors, want cruises returning ASAP as many of them are out of work until the ships return.


I am glad RCCL is returning as early as possible. I want to go there, spend my money, and encourage growth and rebuilding. I don't want a corporation "donating" to effect change, I want real markets growing organically.



Makes me think of posts by Adventure Antigua. Their island wasn't hit so they were helping Barbuda as much as possible. But people thought they were hit and they cancelled trips. Adventure Antigua was telling people to come and have fun and spend money on Antigua so they could keep helping Barbudans.


Feels the same to help SJ so they can help the rest of PR. Or to at least lower the amount of money SJ *needs* from the govt to allow money and resources to go to the rest of the island. Might not work that way but it's just a thought process. :)


Do you realize every ship that docks there pays over a 1/4 million dollars in port fees! Their Government needs that money desperately to rebuild the non tourist sections of the island..




Wow! It's amazing how each person's port fees add up.

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I can appreciate the sentiment, but let's take two steps back for a minute. The #1 industry in these islands IS tourism. They need those dollars to keep moving forward. Spending money in those islands and enjoying what they have to offer is the best you can help them out. And YOU get to go do it PERSONALLY.


RCI has been doing a lot for the humanitarian efforts there. Look, I get if you don't want to go there, and you want to change. But, if the ports of call are open, then you're stuck with the terms of the contract every single cruiser signed.


My company has an office in Puerto Rico. The focus of the island - right call or not - has been to get the tourism industry up and running again. Hotels, airport, cruise ports, excursions....all to bring tourists back to keep the island economy going. It might not actually be as bad as you think.

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Some of the people on this discussion board just amaze me. When itineraries were changed after the storm, they bitched about it. Now that some itineraries are going back to the original plan, they bitch about it.


Unless you've been to the islands, you don't know what their true condition is. I think many are speculating what the situation is because of Puerto Rico.


These islands are used to dealing with the aftermath of storms like they experienced this year. Several years ago, a hurricane demolished St. Thomas. We were on a cruise there about 1 month after the storm and had a great time. Was everything perfect and restored? No. Were things in a state of repair to receive tourists again? You bet and the locals appreciated the fact that our cruise, an RCI ship by the way, stopped there. They were desperate to get their tourist industry started again.

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Wasn't this supposed to be a poll, but got merged? Op never officially did it or asked for help to set it up.


Seems to me it's about 20 to 1


I also thought that it may have been a poll. Maybe it is more like 40 to 1 for cruise ships returning to the ports.

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I did not go back and count. Maybe I was being nice and generous.


I just did. 101 different posters so far to this thread. Maybe the ratio should be much higher.

Edited by Dennis#1
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Wasn't this supposed to be a poll, but got merged? Op never officially did it or asked for help to set it up.


Seems to me it's about 20 to 1


I also thought that it may have been a poll. Maybe it is more like 40 to 1 for cruise ships returning to the ports.


I was guessing 60 to 1. I think it is more accurately 101 to 4.

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My opinion although a poll wasn't set up. We were scheduled for port stops in St. Thomas and St, Martin for next week on the Grandeur, along with 3 other islands. Our itinerary was changed as late as 2 weeks ago to Martinique and Barbados instead. There was a discrepancy in a St, Martin news article that we were stopping Nov. 5 but RCL had already changed our itinerary.


We would have kept our cruise, even if they did not switch these islands, and still going although they did swap them out. No problem for us but would have preferred St. Thomas and St. Martin.


Haven't been on a cruise we didn't love.... Leaving in a few days for our 26th cruise, and expect to love it too.

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I see the conversation is still going. Most of the people who say they would go back, are not. Most of people who giving there opinion, are not going back to islands soon. But I do have a cruise booked, and don't think we should go back in month. I think that RCL originally changed the itinairy and then changed it back after payment was due. The only cruise ship going back this early. They should still give the ports fees that are being expected and the should change there itinary like all other cruise line. I still say, you vacation while other are living and suffering through the destruction of the storm. I say they give the ilsands couple of months and help them get back on there feet so they can accept tourist. PS I know people on both islands and hear what they are saying.

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My opinion although a poll wasn't set up. We were scheduled for port stops in St. Thomas and St, Martin for next week on the Grandeur, along with 3 other islands. Our itinerary was changed as late as 2 weeks ago to Martinique and Barbados instead. There was a discrepancy in a St, Martin news article that we were stopping Nov. 5 but RCL had already changed our itinerary.


We would have kept our cruise, even if they did not switch these islands, and still going although they did swap them out. No problem for us but would have preferred St. Thomas and St. Martin.


Haven't been on a cruise we didn't love.... Leaving in a few days for our 26th cruise, and expect to love it too.


We will also be on the Grandeur on Oct 28th. Hopefully we will see you at the M&M. I agree with you in that we sure would have preferred to go to both St. Thomas and St. Maarten.

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I see the conversation is still going. Most of the people who say they would go back, are not. Most of people who giving there opinion, are not going back to islands soon. But I do have a cruise booked, and don't think we should go back in month. I think that RCL originally changed the itinairy and then changed it back after payment was due. The only cruise ship going back this early. They should still give the ports fees that are being expected and the should change there itinary like all other cruise line. I still say, you vacation while other are living and suffering through the destruction of the storm. I say they give the ilsands couple of months and help them get back on there feet so they can accept tourist. PS I know people on both islands and hear what they are saying.

except for about 1 or 2 posters, you've long lost your misaligned argument. You said you were done yesterday. Why are you still here?

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