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for fun: Do/Would you still put on all your makeup and decent clothes if you are quarantined


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1 hour ago, Lois R said:

Hi Kat, I have a Dentist appt on Tuesday.   As for yogurt, I LOVE it but have not eaten any in quite a long while.

That Tru Blend Berry sounds good.😀

I was shocked at how good it was.  It didn't tout itself as "low carb" as some of those nasty tasting ones are.  And, I could really taste the cherry - it wasn't too fake.  


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Today I went for a hair appt and then I did something I have been putting off for forever I called SS to see if my late husband's benefit would be higher than mine . After twenty minutes on hold the answer was yes so I have an phone appt . on tuesday to change my benefit .Slider girl I thought of you instead of claiming your benefit couldn't you claim half of your exes and leave yours grow ? 

We are having crab  mac and cheese for dinner with a salad . 

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Hello All, I guess I am also behind with all the posts. Let’s see if I can recall at least some of what I have read over the last few days!


Debbie, I laughed so hard reading your cat/Roomba story. We have had cats in the past so I’m very familiar with the hair ball thing. Cleaning one up is bad enough but I can’t imagine the mess you must have had. Sorry that I laughed but your description was pretty funny. 

Lois, so glad you are OK-you have had quite enough to deal with so far this year so you deserve a break. BTW, are you a Peanuts fan? DH is and has quite a collection of books etc. I always give him a Peanuts themed card for his birthday,  and other card occasions.


Kat, sounds like you are having some not so great weather and then the red alerts. Our over 100 degrees run has ended but only for a few days then we will be right back at it. Unfortunately with high temps comes bad air quality which limits our door activities and that is about all the activity that is left!


Anita, I can empathize with you when you talk about your son returning to Uni. Have also  been in that situation but mine was only 2000 miles away so not quite the same. Did he find a flat and is it all set up or will he need to shop for essentials?


Have been following along as you and DH make your new home really yours. Lots of work but so much satisfaction, I’m sure.


So glad that all the FL girls came thru the storm without any problems. My Goddaughter lives in NC and I have not yet heard from her so hoping all is well. She is on the coast.


So the shopping discussion-I love to shop but not for shoes. Really have a hard time finding comfy and cute. Purses-well I do have a hard time finding one that meets all my criteria. Will never be successful if I set out to look for one. It seems to work out best if I just happen to see one while not actually looking for one KWIM?


Camping-well, I have to say that I identify with Sally’s story. For me, it needs to be a nice cabin with a deck overlooking a lake and with all the amenities inside! Ok, ok, I know I’m a wimp:)


So not much going on here. Did make a TJ’s run and spent $$$. Hadn’t been in a few weeks so stocked up. Also went to Whole Foods for fresh veggies and fruit etc. Have a hair cut next week. Our salons can only operate outside so it will be interesting so see how this is going to work.  I will shampoo before going.

No makeup today but I did color my hair this morning.


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Hi Sharon, I don't collect anything "Peanuts" but I always loved them as a kid😀.  And whenever I see them

(especially nowadays) it makes me smile.  


Melody, hoping for all good news too!🙂

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6 hours ago, Sailor_Sally said:

Today I went for a hair appt and then I did something I have been putting off for forever I called SS to see if my late husband's benefit would be higher than mine . After twenty minutes on hold the answer was yes so I have an phone appt . on tuesday to change my benefit .Slider girl I thought of you instead of claiming your benefit couldn't you claim half of your exes and leave yours grow ? 

We are having crab  mac and cheese for dinner with a salad . 

thanks for thinking of me on this.  Fortunately (or unfortunately), my first career as a software engineer set me up well for SS.  I checked what my now-ex's benefit would be to see if I would do better under his.  He is only $200/month (and is at the max) more so I'm not eligible because I'm over the 50% threshold.  I actually will make more with mine than I would with 50% of his.  That was a change a few years ago, I believe.  He messes me up with SS, just like he messed with me with the money in the divorce...


Debbie - I feel for you with the fur ball!!!   I used to have a cat with my dogs - the last one was a Somali (a long-hair Abby).  I could NOT figure out how he had that much hair in there to barf out!!!  


What did I have for dinner???  This brain fog I've had for months is killing me!!!!  Wait!  I nuked the container of Trader Joe's Shrimp Tikka Masala for dinner.  It was in the freezer as part of what I kept when I worked and I needed something fast to eat.  


I'm feeling geographically penned in right now.  There's a fire down the canyon, so the Interstate down the mountain to Salt Lake is closed.  We'd usually then take the "long" way and go hwy 189 through Provo Canyon and then up.  Nope - there's a big accident that has both ways closed, too.  I could take the "really long" way and go East on I-80 to I-84 and take it through Weber Canyon to Ogden and then south on I-15 to Salt Lake.  Then, there's the "super long, all day" way up over the Uintas into Wyoming and out to I-80, but there is the fire up there that cancelled our camping trip!   And, there's nothing but vacant grassland to the East on I-80.  None of it is close to us here, but it just happens to mess up all our access right now.  And, it's making the air a tad thick.  

Edited by slidergirl
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2 hours ago, awhfy said:

I have read my test results (posted this morning). Dr gets back on Monday. Looks like this can be fixed with an aspiration (if I’m reading it correctly). Melody

Yay!  "aspiration" sounds like they make a cut and then squeeze the ooze out of it!!!  I'm a sicko.  I love all that stuff!  My orthos that I've had thought I was weird when I'd ask if I could have a local for my surgeries or if I could have a video of it.  I have a snapshot somewhere of when my one put the staples inside my shoulder to hold the bicep muscle in place and one of my colon from my colonoscopy.  I have a copy of the Xray of my shattered leg.  I like to watch medical shows.  Yep, I'm weird...😜🤪

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2 hours ago, purduemom1 said:

Hello All, I guess I am also behind with all the posts. Let’s see if I can recall at least some of what I have read over the last few days!


Debbie, I laughed so hard reading your cat/Roomba story. We have had cats in the past so I’m very familiar with the hair ball thing. Cleaning one up is bad enough but I can’t imagine the mess you must have had. Sorry that I laughed but your description was pretty funny. 

Lois, so glad you are OK-you have had quite enough to deal with so far this year so you deserve a break. BTW, are you a Peanuts fan? DH is and has quite a collection of books etc. I always give him a Peanuts themed card for his birthday,  and other card occasions.


Kat, sounds like you are having some not so great weather and then the red alerts. Our over 100 degrees run has ended but only for a few days then we will be right back at it. Unfortunately with high temps comes bad air quality which limits our door activities and that is about all the activity that is left!


Anita, I can empathize with you when you talk about your son returning to Uni. Have also  been in that situation but mine was only 2000 miles away so not quite the same. Did he find a flat and is it all set up or will he need to shop for essentials?


Have been following along as you and DH make your new home really yours. Lots of work but so much satisfaction, I’m sure.


So glad that all the FL girls came thru the storm without any problems. My Goddaughter lives in NC and I have not yet heard from her so hoping all is well. She is on the coast.


So the shopping discussion-I love to shop but not for shoes. Really have a hard time finding comfy and cute. Purses-well I do have a hard time finding one that meets all my criteria. Will never be successful if I set out to look for one. It seems to work out best if I just happen to see one while not actually looking for one KWIM?


Camping-well, I have to say that I identify with Sally’s story. For me, it needs to be a nice cabin with a deck overlooking a lake and with all the amenities inside! Ok, ok, I know I’m a wimp:)


So not much going on here. Did make a TJ’s run and spent $$$. Hadn’t been in a few weeks so stocked up. Also went to Whole Foods for fresh veggies and fruit etc. Have a hair cut next week. Our salons can only operate outside so it will be interesting so see how this is going to work.  I will shampoo before going.

No makeup today but I did color my hair this morning.


Sharon - I cannot go to TJ's and not spend $$$.  I call it my "holy crap" moments when I see the total!!  I really believe that comes out of my mouth involuntarily when I see that triple digit amount.  Christmas time is especially bad, with all the cookies, candies, etc.  I always buy a bunch to take into work at Christmas.  


Yes, you all are a bunch of wimps!!!  Some of my "young" co-workers that I have had can't wrap their heads around some 67-year old woman hauling out the tent and camping solo.   I get the creeps if I have to go to a "rustic" cabin - I'd rather have my little tent.  

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OK, Kat, that last paragraph just made me laugh and let’s face it we need all the laughs we can get right now!

Seriously, it sounds like you won’t be making a TJ’s run for awhile-at least not via the shortest route. Yep, Christmas time at TJ’s always lots of interesting things to try.  I also like the fall when the pumpkin items are in stock. Right now I‘m enjoying what is probably the end of the Saturn peaches-bought 2 packages. I may go in with a list but I leave with at least twice the number of items. 

Tonight friends dropped off a huge bag of grapes from their vineyard. Small size green grapes that  are soo good but with all they gave us we may need to try making wine or something.  Sad that we only visited at a distance. 

Getting late here and we will be up early for a walk while the temp is still cool. Week end almost here, not that anything exciting will be happening.......


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10 hours ago, slidergirl said:

Yay!  "aspiration" sounds like they make a cut and then squeeze the ooze out of it!!!  I'm a sicko.  I love all that stuff!  My orthos that I've had thought I was weird when I'd ask if I could have a local for my surgeries or if I could have a video of it.  I have a snapshot somewhere of when my one put the staples inside my shoulder to hold the bicep muscle in place and one of my colon from my colonoscopy.  I have a copy of the Xray of my shattered leg.  I like to watch medical shows.  Yep, I'm weird...😜🤪

Nah, it’ll likely be a needle aspiration. 

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41 minutes ago, awhfy said:

Nah, it’ll likely be a needle aspiration. 

Oh wow......I had to have one of those for a bone marrow biopsy back in 2016.

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11 hours ago, purduemom1 said:

OK, Kat, that last paragraph just made me laugh and let’s face it we need all the laughs we can get right now!

Seriously, it sounds like you won’t be making a TJ’s run for awhile-at least not via the shortest route. Yep, Christmas time at TJ’s always lots of interesting things to try.  I also like the fall when the pumpkin items are in stock. Right now I‘m enjoying what is probably the end of the Saturn peaches-bought 2 packages. I may go in with a list but I leave with at least twice the number of items. 

Tonight friends dropped off a huge bag of grapes from their vineyard. Small size green grapes that  are soo good but with all they gave us we may need to try making wine or something.  Sad that we only visited at a distance. 

Getting late here and we will be up early for a walk while the temp is still cool. Week end almost here, not that anything exciting will be happening.......


The Interstate down the Canyon is closed again today so fire crews can work the fire.  

I've tried to go in with a list, but I also always go WAY over that list!!  I mean, we never know what we're going to find there!!  Pumpkin November is fun.  The pumpkin kringle is yummy (well, used to be - type 2 put that one on the "no eat" list).  Pumpkin cream cheese.  They used to have a Mango month with some really cool items.  The only thing that bugs me about TJ's is the short shelf life of the mixed salad, greens, and the refrigerated side salads, etc.  I want to get a whole bunch of them, but they will expire before I can eat them all.  And, unfortunately, they aren't the things you can freeze.   I did get some pluots at my Whole Foods last weekend - they were very good.  No Saturn peaches around.  Even the Rainier cherries were gone.  The local peaches will be coming out anytime.  I do miss our farmers market - good fruit, berries, tomatoes, and a great organic greens grower and a family with an organic goat yogurt and cheese.   


Absolutely nothing on the schedule today.  I may have to go get something for dinner and then for breakfast as I used up the last of the milk and cereal and yogurt.  It's still too hot to cook!  I saw a recipe yesterday for what looked like a good "keto" chicken - cheesy bacon chicken.  chicken breasts panfried in the bacon grease, then topped with shredded mozzarella, a little of a ranch dressing packet, and the crumbled bacon...   I found a bunch of good keto (which is also good for type 2 folks) recipes on the Delish website.  

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Hi girls, I went out for lunch today to a Mexican place and it was sooooo good. They have a grilled chicken breast

with pineapple salsa and cheese.  Side dish of black beans.  There was so much food I have good leftovers.😀

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Lois, glad you had good news! Melody, warm wishes for continued healing and relief.  Apologies to those I missed.  It's been a crazy week and hard to keep up.


I enjoy both rustic camping (but prefer at least a port-a-potty) and cabin "glamping" but we stopped most camping once we started cruising.


Did some bra shopping today with DD, among other clothes.  Good thing DS and DH don't need anything and we have birthday money to add to the clothing budget 😮 I love the boutique store we go to though and found 3 totally different bras that all fit: pretty underwire, sleeping/lounging, and exercise.  The exercise is a  size smaller than I used to wear and the underwire went down a band (but up a cup of course) - now US 32L/UK 32HH - can you see why I used to hate bra shopping?

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52 minutes ago, pacruise804 said:

Lois, glad you had good news! Melody, warm wishes for continued healing and relief.  Apologies to those I missed.  It's been a crazy week and hard to keep up.


I enjoy both rustic camping (but prefer at least a port-a-potty) and cabin "glamping" but we stopped most camping once we started cruising.


Did some bra shopping today with DD, among other clothes.  Good thing DS and DH don't need anything and we have birthday money to add to the clothing budget 😮 I love the boutique store we go to though and found 3 totally different bras that all fit: pretty underwire, sleeping/lounging, and exercise.  The exercise is a  size smaller than I used to wear and the underwire went down a band (but up a cup of course) - now US 32L/UK 32HH - can you see why I used to hate bra shopping?

I do enjoy a port-a-potty when I camp.  Because I usually go solo, I don't do "primitive" camping but try to find a campground with at least toilets of some type.   I got to glamp when I did my Kenyan safari.  Dang!  We stayed at mid-range camps, but who can argue with a tent with en-suite facilities and, at one camp, a hot tub on the porch!   But, glamping in the US seems to be just as much as staying in a really nice hotel.  One down in Moab is $330/night, one that one of my managers worked for up in Montana is $2400/night.  There is a new thing going on with "campgrounds" of those tiny houses!  That could be fun. 

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Yay, another week in the books!  We are getting food from our favorite taqueria tonight -- just sounds right on a hot August Friday....


Speaking of things we hate shopping for -- I hate shopping for bed linens, in particular for sheets. I like a nice, fine high-thread count sheet with a sheen to it, soft, not crisp and one that can go without ironing. Every time I go looking in stores, even the ones that have a sample or swatch you can feel, I end up slightly disappointed. I've been on a mission, since we are all stuck at home anyway, of trying to "upgrade" some things like my bathroom towels and bed linens -- does anyone have a specific sheet (maker, thread count?) to recommend?



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Hi Cynthia,🙂 I don't iron sheets.......ever.  I know some people do but I am not one of them.


I use a "jersey knit" sheet.   I found them at Bed, Bath & Beyond and I LOVE THEM.😀  If you like a high thread count cotton,

you might not like these but they are my favorites now.  I used to use the high cotton count too. The ones I use now 

feel like the softest old t shirt......but even better.  (if you want to try something different). 

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1 hour ago, cruisemom42 said:

Yay, another week in the books!  We are getting food from our favorite taqueria tonight -- just sounds right on a hot August Friday....


Speaking of things we hate shopping for -- I hate shopping for bed linens, in particular for sheets. I like a nice, fine high-thread count sheet with a sheen to it, soft, not crisp and one that can go without ironing. Every time I go looking in stores, even the ones that have a sample or swatch you can feel, I end up slightly disappointed. I've been on a mission, since we are all stuck at home anyway, of trying to "upgrade" some things like my bathroom towels and bed linens -- does anyone have a specific sheet (maker, thread count?) to recommend?



I don't know the thread count off the top of my head, but Macy's Charter Club sheets are pretty nice. I get the damask stripe set. I think the thread count is 500 or so. The pair currently on my bed is about five years old, and I wash and put it right back on. I don't like our other set.

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16 hours ago, Lois R said:

Hi girls, I went out for lunch today to a Mexican place and it was sooooo good. They have a grilled chicken breast

with pineapple salsa and cheese.  Side dish of black beans.  There was so much food I have good leftovers.😀

I get the mango salsa at Costco. DH doesn’t like spicy, but he eats this by the spoonful. So good on chicken or fish

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13 hours ago, cruisemom42 said:

Yay, another week in the books!  We are getting food from our favorite taqueria tonight -- just sounds right on a hot August Friday....


Speaking of things we hate shopping for -- I hate shopping for bed linens, in particular for sheets. I like a nice, fine high-thread count sheet with a sheen to it, soft, not crisp and one that can go without ironing. Every time I go looking in stores, even the ones that have a sample or swatch you can feel, I end up slightly disappointed. I've been on a mission, since we are all stuck at home anyway, of trying to "upgrade" some things like my bathroom towels and bed linens -- does anyone have a specific sheet (maker, thread count?) to recommend?



Cariloa resort brand. Smooth, soft, don’t get hot. They are pricey, but so nice. Make sure you get the resort brand. DH had to get them in Grand Cayman, but I liked them so well I bought another set. They’re out of Utah with material made in Turkey

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Thanks for the sheet suggestions. I'll check them out, keep 'em coming!


Lois -- my son liked the knit sheets when he was young, but I find the woven ones are what I like best.


Purplehays -- I have also heard other people recommend those sheets; I may order some and see what I think. 


Melody -- I never heard of Cariloa, I will have to check them out. 


AND, just another plug for Trader Joe's -- I LOVE their pineapple salsa, both as an old-school salsa (great with sweet potato tortilla chips) and as a condiment with something like a turkey burger, or grilled fish.




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I don't know what brand we had...but way back we bought bamboo sheets. It was the saddest thing when I unknowingly left them in the dryer at the Houston rental when we moved out. 😞 I would highly recommend looking into bamboo sheets. As I recall, we just bought them at BB&B...nothing too special because I'm sure we could use the coupon. They held up very well though. The color stayed true and with each wash, they were like new. They were our favorites. Once we actually move into our new bedroom...I'm going to be seeking out another set of bamboo.

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Hi, I have seen Bamboo linens before........I might give them a try.


I was bad today.   We have a local donut store called THE MINI BAR.......they make THE MOST DELICIOUS donuts.

They are VERY small in size with some wonderful flavors.   They have several choices......one is a (3) pack.....you pick.

OMG.....I can't believe I did it but it was the first "true dessert" I have eaten in at least 4 months.  

One was lemon poppy seed, One was coffee cake and the last one was Mint chocolate.  The size of the 3 would =

about 1 regular sized donut.  Everything is made from scratch.....soooooooo good.  I hope my sugar doesn't go 

totally crazy..

Here is a link to the donut menu:



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