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P&O Cruisers - What are things like where YOU are?

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34 minutes ago, Snow Hill said:

Gove has said that over his dead body would British standards be undermined. I don’t want it written in blood. I want it written in ink, that from talks with the NFU in 2019, will he stick to it or will we need to bury Gove? 


Gove has said a lot of things in the past and conveniently the results don’t always match up to the rhetoric. Burying him (not literally) should have been done a long time ago. 
Just a thought, but how is increasing trade with a country the other side of the world from us going to help our quest to be carbon neutral by whatever today’s projected year for carbon neutrality is? 

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Good Morning Everyone and Happy Friday.


Very windy here in N.London this morning - plenty of branches to traverse on the roads. 


We've had biblical rain all week ( but I expect a drought will still be announced soon). We had a flood in the surgery on Monday due to the street storm drains not being able to cope. We are on an incline so the water just ran in unhindered. Guess who was out in the street, in bare feet, soaked to skin, clearing the drains so they could run freely? Yes, me! Oh the joys of being a Practice Manager. 


That aside, a very busy week. We're calling the the 36 year olds for vaccines - but not had a great response so far. It's getting harder to persuade people to be vaccinated which is a huge disappointment. Our vaccine hub is closing in July and patients will be attending a much bigger centre at a local sports stadium. We've done our bit and are proud of it. Time for others to take over now.


I hope you are all well and safe and I wish you all a happy, wet, weekend. Best wishes to all. Jane.x



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4 minutes ago, pete14 said:

Just a thought, but how is increasing trade with a country the other side of the world from us going to help our quest to be carbon neutral by whatever today’s projected year for carbon neutrality is? 

Who knows, unless you do a mass balance. Having one ship load from Australia may be less carbon positive than several thousand trucks from Europe. I wonder about all the wood pulp and pellets they are currently importing from Canada and America to fire our local power stations so that people can plug in their electric cars so they can claim they are being environmentally friendly. 

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54 minutes ago, Peanut006 said:

Miserable here too, windy, cloudy & rain forecast. Looks like a morning inside doing the  usual household stuff.

We have a table booked at Miller & Carter tonight which is a well needed change of scene instead of the usual Friday night takeaway.

Have a nice day everyone & pray for better weather next week


Sometimes we stop over at Exeter and eat at Miller and Carter. Tonight a different place and are eating at a place called ' Bare grills ' interesting name, don't know about the food🤔

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26 minutes ago, yorkshirephil said:

Who knows, unless you do a mass balance. Having one ship load from Australia may be less carbon positive than several thousand trucks from Europe. I wonder about all the wood pulp and pellets they are currently importing from Canada and America to fire our local power stations so that people can plug in their electric cars so they can claim they are being environmentally friendly.

1 hour ago, Peanut006 said:

Miserable here too, windy, cloudy & rain forecast. Looks like a morning inside doing the  usual household stuff.

We have a table booked at Miller & Carter tonight which is a well needed change of scene instead of the usual Friday night takeaway.

Have a nice day everyone & pray for better weather next week



As this is turning into a Government bashing thread by one, or two and I would prefer the bad weather, I'll be off.🐑

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31 minutes ago, zap99 said:

Sometimes we stop over at Exeter and eat at Miller and Carter. Tonight a different place and are eating at a place called ' Bare grills ' interesting name, don't know about the food🤔

Hope you enjoy Bare Grills tonight, interesting name indeed!!

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33 minutes ago, zap99 said:

As this is turning into a Government bashing thread by one, or two and I would prefer the bad weather, I'll be off.🐑

This is far better than that morning drivel that I used to post each morning  Pork chops &

politics what could be better ?:classic_unsure: I'm off to check my low fat burgers meet all required regulations !You never can be too careful these days .

Have a safe journey anyone out travelling and the rest of take care and remember stay safe :classic_love:






Edited by kalos
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42 minutes ago, batholiver said:

I'd happily trust Gove and Johnson to deliver on their promises. 


Both are entirely honourable men,  renowned for never lying. 


Witness the promise on the bus that Brexit would deliver an extra £350m pw for the NHS, and the promise of 40 new hospitals,  and the promise 2 years ago that the plan to fix elderly social care was ready to go.


All delivered, as promised,  surely?

I do not usually get involved in anything political but do you recall something called Covid that has devastated the World recently? Something in everyone’s lifetime that has affected everyone in one way or another and you go on about promises that were made two years ago. Sometimes things take over and other things have to be prioritised.


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1 hour ago, Beckett said:

Good Morning Everyone and Happy Friday.


Very windy here in N.London this morning - plenty of branches to traverse on the roads. 


We've had biblical rain all week ( but I expect a drought will still be announced soon). We had a flood in the surgery on Monday due to the street storm drains not being able to cope. We are on an incline so the water just ran in unhindered. Guess who was out in the street, in bare feet, soaked to skin, clearing the drains so they could run freely? Yes, me! Oh the joys of being a Practice Manager. 


That aside, a very busy week. We're calling the the 36 year olds for vaccines - but not had a great response so far. It's getting harder to persuade people to be vaccinated which is a huge disappointment. Our vaccine hub is closing in July and patients will be attending a much bigger centre at a local sports stadium. We've done our bit and are proud of it. Time for others to take over now.


I hope you are all well and safe and I wish you all a happy, wet, weekend. Best wishes to all. Jane.x



Thank you Jane for all you are doing.When your vaccine hub closes in July you will have more time to focus on your up coming cruises! It sounds as though you are an exceptional practice manager.I don't even know who ours is though I'm sure he or she does a great job. 🙂 🙂 

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33 minutes ago, kalos said:

This is far better than that morning drivel that I used to post each morning  Pork chops &

politics what could be better ?:classic_unsure: I'm off to check my low fat burgers meet all required regulations !You never can be too careful these days .

Have a safe journey anyone out travelling and the rest of take care and remember stay safe :classic_love:






I much prefer your morning drivel kalos, no substitute for a snigger or a giggle, even a full on belly laugh if you aren't drinking at the time. I took your advice and have started watching Friday night dinner, I have to say we are enjoying it, I don't find a lot of modern comedy that funny but this one is, even in its simplicity and repetitiveness. Not sure what the political theme is as I have a couple of trolls blocked. 

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28 minutes ago, ann141 said:

Thank you Jane for all you are doing.When your vaccine hub closes in July you will have more time to focus on your up coming cruises! It sounds as though you are an exceptional practice manager.I don't even know who ours is though I'm sure he or she does a great job. 🙂 🙂 

Thanks so much Ann.  I have to say I'm looking forward to the closure of the hub now.  It's been exciting, ground-breaking, and very very tiring.  The public have gone from very grateful and cheerful to "about time too".  You're right about time to think about my upcoming cruises though.  I'm counting the sleeps with the girls because I'm no less excited than they are.  I'm sure your practice manager is great too.  It's a very stressful job and you are the mopper-upper of everything no-one else can or will do.  Every day is different though and I wouldn't want any other job in the world.  I can safely say that now as I'm getting near to retirement!  I hope you and hubby are both well and looking after yourselves.  Best wishes. Jane.x 

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2 hours ago, Beckett said:

That aside, a very busy week. We're calling the the 36 year olds for vaccines - but not had a great response so far.

Our 36 year old grandson had his 1st jab on Tuesday and couldn't wait to get it done. Some of them have a sense of responsability thank goodness. He's trying to lead by example, as one or two of his friends and work colleagues are a little reluctant. 


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Good morning.


For any Veterans amongst us who are members of the Defense Discount Scheme, P&O, Cunard and Princess are offering up to 45% discount on Staycations. For example, 7 nights on 27th August, Britannia, balcony cabin, £336 pp. Very tempted !

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2 hours ago, zap99 said:

As someone was involved in writing standards, both British and European I will say this and start off to Cornwall. Standards Committee's are made up of industry/users/consumer representatives, usually representing an industry,or consumer organisation. Government representatives there are not.

Have a good holiday zap and I hope the weather improves for you. Not that it matters though, at least you're on holidaaay !!!!! 😎🥳




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1 hour ago, Peanut006 said:

I do not usually get involved in anything political but do you recall something called Covid that has devastated the World recently? Something in everyone’s lifetime that has affected everyone in one way or another and you go on about promises that were made two years ago. Sometimes things take over and other things have to be prioritised.


I agree with what you say but let us not forget that whilst Covid has happened and is still happening and quite rightly has been prioritised, other things are happening alongside, just as they would have done without Covid. 

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12 hours ago, wowzz said:

Yes, but the FSA standards can easily be altered.

You could say that about anything so what should we do be against any free trade deals or imports. Who is to say our standards are not up to other countries standards unless you read what you want to read and not others.

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6 minutes ago, pete14 said:

I agree with what you say but let us not forget that whilst Covid has happened and is still happening and quite rightly has been prioritised, other things are happening alongside, just as they would have done without Covid. 

Totally agree with you, many many people awaiting treatment, appts etc, hope things get back to some sort of normality soon and everyone can move forward 

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How many of us have been on holiday to foreign countries or even cruise ships and before they have eaten any meal they have thought about the food standards and welfare of that country before eating the meat in their meal. Very few I should imagine. You try to get a definitive answer from P&O about whether all their meat served on ships is halhal, they have dodged answering that for ages and many do not agree with how animals are slaughtered never mind welfare when alive.

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5 minutes ago, majortom10 said:

How many of us have been on holiday to foreign countries or even cruise ships and before they have eaten any meal they have thought about the food standards and welfare of that country before eating the meat in their meal. Very few I should imagine. You try to get a definitive answer from P&O about whether all their meat served on ships is halhal, they have dodged answering that for ages and many do not agree with how animals are slaughtered never mind welfare when alive.

How many of us have also tried to do the "right thing" only to later find out that a supermarket had been fined for selling lasagne with horse meat in, or the organic vegetables were not really organic but charged at organic price. Or the zillions of tons of chicken from China had been repacked and labelled as British farm chicken. You can only do your best and sometimes you have to believe what it says on the tin until proved differently. I find burying my head in the sand works for me😁

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21 minutes ago, majortom10 said:

How many of us have been on holiday to foreign countries or even cruise ships and before they have eaten any meal they have thought about the food standards and welfare of that country before eating the meat in their meal. Very few I should imagine. You try to get a definitive answer from P&O about whether all their meat served on ships is halhal, they have dodged answering that for ages and many do not agree with how animals are slaughtered never mind welfare when alive.

I don’t suppose the pork and shellfish served on a P&O ship is halal (nor kosher).

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Just a silly thought, but have you noticed that jokey, funny,  lighthearted  and chatty posts  get many more 'likes; and 'loves'....


That must say something about the majority of us and what we want, what we really really want on here 🙃😃   xxx

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6 minutes ago, pete14 said:

I don’t suppose the pork and shellfish served on a P&O ship is halal (nor kosher).

 I thought everyone knew that pork was "cushty" and your prawns were "pukka" :classic_unsure:

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3 hours ago, Beckett said:

Good Morning Everyone and Happy Friday.


Very windy here in N.London this morning - plenty of branches to traverse on the roads. 


We've had biblical rain all week ( but I expect a drought will still be announced soon). We had a flood in the surgery on Monday due to the street storm drains not being able to cope. We are on an incline so the water just ran in unhindered. Guess who was out in the street, in bare feet, soaked to skin, clearing the drains so they could run freely? Yes, me! Oh the joys of being a Practice Manager. 


That aside, a very busy week. We're calling the the 36 year olds for vaccines - but not had a great response so far. It's getting harder to persuade people to be vaccinated which is a huge disappointment. Our vaccine hub is closing in July and patients will be attending a much bigger centre at a local sports stadium. We've done our bit and are proud of it. Time for others to take over now.


I hope you are all well and safe and I wish you all a happy, wet, weekend. Best wishes to all. Jane.x



You should rightly be proud Jane.

It is the under 35s who will be in the pubs in massive numbers but they think they are immune and it is disappointing that they don't seem keen to get vaccinated which ultimately will affect us all.

10°C and it has been raining all morning.

I hope everyone has a nice day.


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3 hours ago, batholiver said:

I'd happily trust Gove and Johnson to deliver on their promises. 


Both are entirely honourable men,  renowned for never lying. 


Witness the promise on the bus that Brexit would deliver an extra £350m pw for the NHS, and the promise of 40 new hospitals,  and the promise 2 years ago that the plan to fix elderly social care was ready to go.


All delivered, as promised,  surely?

Covid19, Furlough and self employed grants have probably used up most of the budget.

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