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Thursday afternoon ramblings - this post will not include any useless pictures of things not connected 

with Princess cruises … 


Actually , I just wanted to post to see how everyone is getting along and what you may have started doing again that 

you haven't done in the last 30-60-90 days ...


back to work at your old location ?

haircuts? nail salons? gyms?

eating out at a restaurant ?

still hoarding tp , hand sanitizer, Lysol , in anticipation of , well...


I went to the Post Office, Bank, and Publix today, wore my mask, used hand sanitizer … worked on clients in my home office ..

wife will cut my hair tomorrow morning … throw some roadkill on the grill tomorrow night ...


hardly have the tv on , except for some occasional sports , law and order reruns … can't stand watching the news about covid-19

and the riots … looting ...




stay safe

peace out






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Ditto on the so called NEWS!  Doctors are now prepared to see all of we regular folks again.  So playing catch-up in that department.  Dermatology today,  Hair cut  and color on Monday report time 07:45 that is A.M. !  Lots of hairy people, we are being nick named Troll Dolls!  Too cute, thought maybe Cave Dwellers was more fitting.  Now am the proud owner of a wardrobe of face masks.  Found out the hard way, that those white things we call masks from the Doctor offices carry with them chemicals that can and will cause skin irritations.  Hence the trip to the Dermatologists, I had a brain storm two nights ago when I thought what was the last thing I added to my routine MASK. Researched that and YEP.   New masks are pure cotton. Seems the Cruise Lines are really chomping at the bit, me too.  I'll also say being isolated really, in part was therapeutic.  I think I'll slide back into this re-emerging slowly , while wearing my lovely new masks.  Never did give up the trips out to the stores and to gas up the car.  With everything closed what to do?  Now the Malls are beginning to open.  Amazon may not like that.  Weather wise in the Great Pacific North West, we are having a hard time holding on to Spring.  Rained a lot with slight bits of hail maybe Thunder today.  Showers will continue.  But the Sun is trying to win the Sky, eventually will.  Aloha

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Idaho completely opens up with protocols Saturday.

Not changing what I do since the original declaration in March.  Now been nine days since I have been to the store and probably will be a few more.  Thank goodness for Sam's Club and a nice large property to walk around on.


I will have to step outside of the isolation comfort zone on Saturday, June 27th.  A double memorial up in the mountains for my father-in-law who passed December 1st and my brother-in-law who passed one week ago today (neither one virus related).  Their wishes were to have their ashes spread on the south fork of the Salmon River.

The pot luck afterwards will be no tables, mats for your lap as you sit in your camp chair; disposable plates, bowls, cups, silverware, so forth; having your food dished up for you from masked and gloved servers; outdoors; and distanced seating.  I am bringing my own food and drink anyway, so not a problem for me (cannot eat just anything and everything).

I am a bit nervous since many of our relatives come from areas of the Pacific Northwest where people are not free to travel yet and may not be able to make it.  If they have non-refundable airplane tickets, not sure how we are going to handle that (may have to chip in and pay them back).  I used to live in Multnomah County, Oregon.  I feel for those guys as they are not even in their first phase of relaxing restrictions yet.

Edited by Lindaru
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On 6/10/2020 at 7:37 AM, 1980dory said:



Are you going to have a fish 'fry' and invite all your friends?

Let me start by letting you all know it was terrible in Boston today it rained off and on all day.☹️
Now about that monster of a fish I caught the  other day. The Taxidermist charged me $50.00 to mount him. He looks great over the galley door on the Rowboat. 😁



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4 hours ago, Lucky TGO said:

Let me start by letting you all know it was terrible in Boston today it rained off and on all day.☹️
Now about that monster of a fish I caught the  other day. The Taxidermist charged me $50.00 to mount him. He looks great over the galley door on the Rowboat. 😁




Oh no!  You didn't?!  You could have given thanks, blessed it and fed thousands!  And then had fish left over!  Did you have any bread too?

Oh, ye of little faith!

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Slowly but surely things are starting to get back to normal some what in Kenosha. We went out for the first time to eat dinner in a local restaurant on Wednesday. It felt good not eating at home for a change. We found out our local Perkins restaurant went out of business during the coronavirus pandemic. Always liked going there for breakfast, so that's a bummer. I'm sure other business's may not make it either. This summer won't be the same though, the 4th of July parade and fire works have been canceled. All church festivals have also been canceled. Many of the city events where crowds gather are history for this summer. Kenosha is still struggling with the virus, over 1300 virus cases and 39 deaths. So we still try to play it safe the best we can.


The good news we are still dreaming of our next cruise on the Sky Princess for Feb. 28th to the Southern Caribbean. We at least have an active roll call to follow along and post. Everyone seems ready to cruise and the roll call does give us hope for that to happen in the future! :classic_smile:


Cheers - Ken & Darlene

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I follow the Twitter Idaho coronavirus account.  Oh, boy.

Identified cases at a church in Twin Falls, a restaurant in Pocatello, and then in Boise we have six bars and a YMCA where they identified cases.  Contact tracing begins.  The numbers will soon be going up.



The Governor had stated in his final phase reopening speech that we just barely made the grade for the phase tomorrow.  Too many cases going to ICU from this set of new outbreaks and we could have to phase back into previous restrictions.

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Well here in the Great Pacific North West GPNW - a place called Seattle.  I am ashamed to say.  With all of the Demonstrations and Rioting and therefore contacting that went on I think our do nothing Governor will probably want to isolate all of we law abiding citizens again. Too late, to stop it as the Antifas now own Seattle lock, stock and Mayor!  

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3 hours ago, dosperegrinos said:

Well here in the Great Pacific North West GPNW - a place called Seattle.  I am ashamed to say.  With all of the Demonstrations and Rioting and therefore contacting that went on I think our do nothing Governor will probably want to isolate all of we law abiding citizens again. Too late, to stop it as the Antifas now own Seattle lock, stock and Mayor!  


I understand they have six blocks of Seattle entirely blocked off to anyone else?  What about people that work and/or live in there?  They either cannot leave or cannot enter?  I thought Antifa was bad in Portland, but Seattle seems to have it much worse.

My sympathies.



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It is with deep regret I say the people that actually live in that area, yes, it is true, no longer have safe homes.  If the Governor does not step in and clear the area.  It is hoped that President Trump will.  This will of course be the end of the career of the Mayor.  I believe she is on the brink of collapse.  All of Downtown Seattle is in a state of suspenseful waiting.  Is there even a City left?  All of the businesses all of the monies invested in the Business, all of the IRA's invested here are in jeopardy.   There must be a ton of Law Suites slated against the City Council already.

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Just returned from camping. We ventured up to Modoc National Forest and camped for 6 nights. The first day it freaking snowed on us off and on all day. This is June in California. GAH!!! We stayed anyway. The first 3 nights we were in a campground where there was one other person camping - down at the other end of the campground. The second 3 nights we were in a different campground and were the only people there. LOVED IT! Modoc County is a "cootie free" zone - as described to me by a resident. (I had to stop into a small store to get some smaller bills for campground fees. Naturally I accomplished this by purchasing Cheetos - a gourmet camping food.


We had no service for the time we were gone so had no idea about Seattle or anything else going on in the world. It was great! Our middle kid is a CHP Sergeant stationed in the Eureka, CA area. They have had very large protests and lots of folks screaming "F*** the police" and "Kill the police". Back on Wednesday (June 10) he was on his 13th straight day of 12.5 hour shifts with no end in sight. I saw video clips of one of the protests and he was facing a large crowd demanding they be allowed to completely block US 101 which runs right through town. He was telling them he couldn't block the entire highway for them as it was the main highway and had to stay open for regular traffic as well as emergency vehicles but would be willing to close one lane to allow them to continue their march. You could hear people screaming at the officers but they finally agreed to the "one lane" offer. He maintained a totally neutral attitude throughout and never got angry or raised his voice - just stayed very calm and dealt with things. I really couldn't do that job.

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Me neither!  Bravo for you middle son.  I can only watch about ten minutes of T.V. news.  Have no idea how Seattle will be saved. The Mayor is bad enough but the Governor is cut from the same cloth.  Yes and it is cold up here too.  Perhaps the Earth has stopped spinning correctly too.

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2 hours ago, dosperegrinos said:

Me neither!  Bravo for you middle son.  I can only watch about ten minutes of T.V. news.  Have no idea how Seattle will be saved. The Mayor is bad enough but the Governor is cut from the same cloth.  Yes and it is cold up here too.  Perhaps the Earth has stopped spinning correctly too.

Seattle does not need to be saved. All will work out. As an Oregonian we think quite highly of governor Inslee. You can always go to Idaho and join a militia

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42 minutes ago, memoak said:

Seattle does not need to be saved. All will work out. As an Oregonian we think quite highly of governor Inslee. You can always go to Idaho and join a militia




Hopefully we do not have a militia near us in McCall, Idaho.  We may have to think about moving if that happens.

It was cold enough here to snow today for a couple of hours.

I think Mother Nature has lost all sense of time.

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On 6/14/2020 at 1:56 PM, Thrak said:

Our middle kid is a CHP Sergeant stationed in the Eureka, CA area. They have had very large protests and lots of folks screaming "F*** the police" and "Kill the police". Back on Wednesday (June 10) he was on his 13th straight day of 12.5 hour shifts with no end in sight. I saw video clips of one of the protests and he was facing a large crowd demanding they be allowed to completely block US 101 which runs right through town. He was telling them he couldn't block the entire highway for them as it was the main highway and had to stay open for regular traffic as well as emergency vehicles but would be willing to close one lane to allow them to continue their march. You could hear people screaming at the officers but they finally agreed to the "one lane" offer. He maintained a totally neutral attitude throughout and never got angry or raised his voice - just stayed very calm and dealt with things. I really couldn't do that job.

Bravo to him!

We appreciate and thank him for his service.

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Hello all my Cruise Critic Friends,

The weather in Boston was great to day. The best thing today was when I seen my favorite football player wearing his New Jersey. See Photo. 😳😁 Lew and Mr G. Your going to love this one 😁😁

The Captain of The Rowboat,



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15 minutes ago, Lucky TGO said:

Hello all my Cruise Critic Friends,

The weather in Boston was great to day. The best thing today was when I seen my favorite football player wearing his New Jersey. See Photo. 😳😁 Lew and Mr G. Your going to love this one 😁😁

The Captain of The Rowboat,



Now I'm confused.  New Jersey?  I thought you were from Boston!

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On 6/11/2020 at 4:44 PM, dosperegrinos said:

Doctors are now prepared to see all of we regular folks again.  So playing catch-up in that department.  Dermatology today,  Hair cut  and color on Monday report time 07:45 that is A.M. !  Lots of hairy people, we are being nick named Troll Dolls!  Showers will continue.  But the Sun is trying to win the Sky, eventually will.  Aloha

^^This^^.  Doctors, dentist and hygenist, PT, hair all set for the next few weeks.  Had to switch dentist's offices because with the re-opening cleanings are booked until OCTOBER!


You're right about the weather.  Completely bi-polar here.

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Soooooooooooooooooooooooo tired of this stuff. I absolutely despise wearing a mask. It makes me claustrophobic. It makes me sweat (It's been 100+ lately). It causes my glasses to fog. I can't understand a damn thing my wife says with her mask on and she can't understand me. It makes me "testy". I'm freaking tired of people who have their entire nose uncovered while wearing a mask. What's the damn point of that? I saw someone yesterday who had her mask down under her chin. Riiiiiiiiiiiight. That's helpful. Did I say this makes me "testy"? 


Our illustrious City Council has made me even crazier. The governor said not to roust out existing homeless camps. The city council said that the entire city park can now be homeless camps. We have about a bazillion. They authorized a "needle exchange" program which just hands out a bundle of syringes to anybody who asks. The needles are all over the place now as they just use them and toss them on the ground. We have every service imaginable to assist those who won't even try to help themselves but the council doesn't give a damn about the businesses with urine and feces in the doorway. They are apparently evil business owners who are only good for taxes and who have no rights at all. Apparently graffiti is now good as well. This used to be a nice town. It's going down the drain rapidly.

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