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Royal Caribbean Cruisers -- How Are Things Where You Are? (was "Routine" ​ 😁 ​day in lockdown... how was yours?)

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6 minutes ago, jmh2006 said:

Good evening all.  Just wanted to hop on to let you know that we are cleared for take off in the morning!  DH's procedure today (lithotripsy) to blast his kidney stone was a success!  Phew!  First flight is Detroit to JFK departure time 10:07am so our pickup to airport is at 7am.  We have a bit of a layover at JFK as flight to Venice departs at 6pm so we will be enjoying the Delta Lounge.  I will check in here from time to time to provide updates and pictures!  Ciao!

Buon viaggio!

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15 minutes ago, jmh2006 said:

Good evening all.  Just wanted to hop on to let you know that we are cleared for take off in the morning!  DH's procedure today (lithotripsy) to blast his kidney stone was a success!  Phew!  First flight is Detroit to JFK departure time 10:07am so our pickup to airport is at 7am.  We have a bit of a layover at JFK as flight to Venice departs at 6pm so we will be enjoying the Delta Lounge.  I will check in here from time to time to provide updates and pictures!  Ciao!

Excellent news!   Safe travels to all😊

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32 minutes ago, jmh2006 said:

Good evening all.  Just wanted to hop on to let you know that we are cleared for take off in the morning!  DH's procedure today (lithotripsy) to blast his kidney stone was a success!  Phew!  First flight is Detroit to JFK departure time 10:07am so our pickup to airport is at 7am.  We have a bit of a layover at JFK as flight to Venice departs at 6pm so we will be enjoying the Delta Lounge.  I will check in here from time to time to provide updates and pictures!  Ciao!

Great news have a great vacation, you deserve this .

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34 minutes ago, jmh2006 said:

Good evening all.  Just wanted to hop on to let you know that we are cleared for take off in the morning!  DH's procedure today (lithotripsy) to blast his kidney stone was a success!  Phew!  First flight is Detroit to JFK departure time 10:07am so our pickup to airport is at 7am.  We have a bit of a layover at JFK as flight to Venice departs at 6pm so we will be enjoying the Delta Lounge.  I will check in here from time to time to provide updates and pictures!  Ciao!

Let the fun begin! Safe travels wished for you and Dave.

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49 minutes ago, jmh2006 said:

DH's procedure today (lithotripsy) to blast his kidney stone was a success!

Wonderful news!!  I used to work for Dornier, a division of Daimler-Benz, that invented the lithotripter.  

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Thanks for everyone who answered my Diamond drink voucher question.  However, I didn't word my question correctly. I know vouchers can be used in any bar. What I would like to know is if drinks are given in the DL without using vouchers.






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8 minutes ago, BonTexasNY said:

Thanks for everyone who answered my Diamond drink voucher question.  However, I didn't word my question correctly. I know vouchers can be used in any bar. What I would like to know is if drinks are given in the DL without using vouchers.


No. They are not. 

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@jmh2006 Jennifer, thanks for the update on Dave's successful blast.  Full steam ahead for a glorious cruise!


@HBE4 Very weird of Katy chowing down on pizza.  I was disappointed that she didn't give her own personal goodbye.  I remember Simon Cowell's heartfelt goodbye when he left the show. Big difference.  I love Abi's choice for Katy's replacement: Lady GaGa.

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On 5/18/2024 at 9:56 AM, bobmacliberty said:

The project to bring a new kitten into my daughter's house is going well. They are enjoying playing together, chasing each other around the house.  They no longer need to be kept separated.



It’s so adorable when they become friends and play.

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7 hours ago, jmh2006 said:

Good evening all.  Just wanted to hop on to let you know that we are cleared for take off in the morning!  DH's procedure today (lithotripsy) to blast his kidney stone was a success!  Phew!  First flight is Detroit to JFK departure time 10:07am so our pickup to airport is at 7am.  We have a bit of a layover at JFK as flight to Venice departs at 6pm so we will be enjoying the Delta Lounge.  I will check in here from time to time to provide updates and pictures!  Ciao!

Excellent news.

Last time we were in Venice we got the water taxi about 300 metres from Marco Polo airport to the hotel Hilton Molina Stucky then sailed next day on Splendour of the seas in October 2014.

Sadly cruise ships don't sail from Venice now.

I hope you have an amazing cruise.


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3 hours ago, BonTexasNY said:

Thanks for everyone who answered my Diamond drink voucher question.  However, I didn't word my question correctly. I know vouchers can be used in any bar. What I would like to know is if drinks are given in the DL without using vouchers.






You don't get paper vouchers each day 4 drinks Diamond 5 Drinks Diamond plus are added to your onboard account and can be used in every bar and restaurant except the Bionic bar any time during the day or night.

When you get a drink tell them it is from your Diamond allowance otherwise you might get charged for it.

Your voucher allowance is used in the Diamond lounge.

If you just want a cheap coke,coffee etc tell them you are paying for it otherwise it will be deducted from your daily free drink allowance.

Edited by grapau27
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Phew, I just got caught up AGAIN.  I worked six nights last week and five nights this week, so my life for the recent past has consisted of work and sleep and not much else.  

So apologies for a bunch of old posts I'm about to reply to, but at least I wasn't gone so long that I wasn't able to read all the old posts before coming back again!

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On 5/11/2024 at 8:47 PM, MJSailors said:

In 2004,I hired a teacher for our department. She and I became close friends. So close that she and her husband have “adopted” us as the parents she never truly had. We are considered grandparents to her two children.

Miracles can happen. We lost our baby son,and it took some time,but we have gained a family that we truly love and they truly love us.


So many people never get to realize that family is about love, not blood/DNA.

My birthmother didn't want me, placing me for adoption at birth.  And my adoptive mother's mental illness means she is incapable of caring for anyone other than herself.  Being rejected by TWO mothers can do a number on your self esteem, lemme tell ya!

But then two decades ago I befriended a couple that I met through our local minor league hockey games, and I now call them Mom and Dad (and refer to them as my "surrogate parents") and they tell people I am their daughter (even though they have two biological sons and two biological daughters as well). I am their Patient Advocate when they go to the hospital, and I'm the only one they let stay with them at the hospital (they often don't even tell their bio-kids that they've been admitted until after they are back home).  


It's not that they are estranged from their bio-kids, either -- I actually ran into one of the sons at their house when I stopped by on Mother's Day.  (It was kinda awkward, b/c they had invited me for lunch but not him... they kept trying to encourage an end to the conversation so he'd leave so the three of us could have lunch without having him there! LOL)

My bio-mom passed away this week after spending almost three years on hospice for end-stage COPD, and neither of us had any desire to see each other for probably the past decade, if not more. Her passing means nothing to me mentally or emotionally, since she never really was a part of my life even though I've known her for three decades now.  My half-brother said they're not even having a service, b/c he doesn't think they could even find enough people to show up to fill a single row of seats.  

I haven't seen my adoptive mom in over two decades, and my life is ever so much better for her absence.  If she ever dies (pretty sure she's just too mean to die), I will have the same non-reaction to her passing as I did to bio-mom's this week.  

However, losing my birthfather and my surrogate parents -- which won't really even be a surprise when it happens, as they all have different health issues -- those will all be a gut-punch when they happen.  The difference is love, plain and simple.  

Family isn't who the legal system says is your family, nor is it who DNA says is your family... it's the people you love and the people who love you.  I'm so glad that in spite of the loss of your beloved child, you were able to find your own love-family to enrich your life, as you have enriched theirs.

People come into your life for a reason... and I'm glad that I have all my CC-family in mine!

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4 hours ago, BonTexasNY said:

Thanks for everyone who answered my Diamond drink voucher question.  However, I didn't word my question correctly. I know vouchers can be used in any bar. What I would like to know is if drinks are given in the DL without using vouchers.


No, you have to use vouchers in the DL too. This went into effect when they increased the number of vouchers, made them good to use in any lounge, and for pretty much any drink.

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On 5/11/2024 at 1:10 PM, voyager70 said:

@Ocean Boyif you don’t mind me asking a medical question I was prescribed Ativan as needed for occasional anxiety and insomnia which seemed to be working pretty well. Dr switched me to Klonopin as my personal issues which I won’t get into became more difficult. I know they’re both benzos and assumed the effects would be similar but whenever I take Klonopin before bedtime (which is also when I would take Ativan) I’m very groggy and a little loopy for a few hours after I get up which never happened with Ativan. Is that just me or do they work differently?


As OB stated, they are "similar but different".  From my experience with administering these medications to patients in the hospital, Klonopin has a longer duration of action than Ativan.  A typical order will be for Klonopin every 8 hours or Ativan every 6 hours, for example.  

I would definitely recommend discussing your options with your doctor, as OB also recommended.  It may be as simple as taking your Klonopin earlier in the evening so it wears off more by the time you rise in the morning, or lowering your dose (or both).  Or maybe a different medication altogether, on its own or in conjunction with another med (like a daily maintenance med plus an "as needed" med when the situation warrants.

But your doctor/provider isn't likely to offer you any different choices unless you bring up the issues you're having with your current medication.  Keeping a written record of your symptoms and the times/dosages of medication you've taken and the resulting effects of the medication is something I recommend to everyone (for any type of medication).  That way you can show it to your doc/provider at your next appointment and say, "when I do A, then B happens for X period of time", and they can have something concrete to work with to find you a better option.   

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On 5/11/2024 at 9:13 AM, A&L_Ont said:

I wonder what our American friends would think of Swiss Chalet?  

Lisa and I occasionally go there for lunch if running errands and often think the couples there are people having affairs.😂 The rest of the clients are seniors at the noon hour. 


I've never heard of this chain, and after googling it, I may have to make a trip just to check it out!!!

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On 5/14/2024 at 6:09 PM, FromSea2ShiningSea said:

Last but not least, I have to share with you these cute little cars.  I love them and wish they make these cars here in US because I would get one.




Helen, I've enjoyed ALL of your Japan pics -- thank you so much for sharing the whole trip with us!

As for those little cars, they remind me of a cartoon where a gigantic character uses cars as rollerskates!  🤣

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On 5/13/2024 at 11:21 PM, FromSea2ShiningSea said:

Museum shop



These little chick bags are ADORABLE!  

Based on other items in the pic, it looks like the chick design is a mascot for the company?  I've never seen it before, but it's so dang cute!!!  😍

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On 5/13/2024 at 3:23 PM, bobmacliberty said:

Since there are a lot of cat people here...My older daughter got a second cat a couple of days ago.  Meet Merlin:




I'm much more of a dog person than a cat person, but your new grandkitty is soooooo cute!  


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On 5/15/2024 at 7:55 PM, SteelCityCruiser10 said:

Extremely sad & difficult day here.  One of our dogs, Oliver, passed away late last night.  I have always included him and Emma in my Live reports.  I posted about him last week mentioning several of his health issues many of which all culminated recently over the last month.  He is breathing freely now in heaven.  Words cannot express how greatly he will be missed.  He’ll always be my “Goodest and Handsomest Boy” as I told him daily.  Here’s a few of my favorite photos of him.

Cheers to Oliver 🍻








I'm behind the times, but I also want to extend my condolences on the loss of your Goodest and Handsomest Boy.  


They leave such a ginormous hole in your heart when they leave. 

I know it's going to happen with my Dexter eventually (at 14yo, he's exceeded the life expectancy for a black Lab already, even more so since he had heartworm when we got him), and even though I've been trying to prepare my mind for it for over a year now, I know you can never really prepare to have a piece of your heart torn from your chest.  


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On 5/19/2024 at 10:29 AM, bobmacliberty said:

Time for an actual cruising question.  We're doing a family cruise on Wonder in November.  Same old, same old itinerary...St. Maarten, St. Thomas, CocoCay.  I'm looking for ideas on St. Maarten. For our first visit there many years ago (including daughters), we did a round the island tour with Bernard's Tours and enjoyed it.  We've since been to Maho Beach several times, and now typically just do a beach/shopping day in Philipsburg.  The "kids" with us are all in their late 20s and will want to do something more active.  We could try Bernard's again...anyone used them recently?   Any other ideas for something new and different?



About 20 years ago, the ex and I rented scooters in St. Maarten and just drove all around the island for the day.  It was a lot of fun, and we enjoyed being able to REALLY explore, going into some neighborhoods, going around to the French side, etc.  We even had to stop at one point going up the center hill/mountain while a man herded his goats across the road in front of us!  


If they want to do some snorkeling, I've heard SEVERAL people sing the praises of Captain Bob's tours.  I've never done one myself, but I plan to in the future, as I'm pretty bored with taking the water taxi over to the beach for lunch at the Blue *itch Bar.  

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