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How are you all?


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Genuine question. 

Haven't been around as much as usual and only manage to pick up bits and Bob's on other threads and am genuinely interested in your wellbeing. 

I will start it off with we are coping well in this strange new world, business is good and we have managed to keep safe and are just starting to venture out a little bit. 

This isn't so much about what you are doing or where you are going, there are other threads for that... How are you coping? How is your mental health? How has this pandemic changed your life? 

Not cruise related? Don't care... 



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I would say we are doing ok.


As we no longer work, our day to day lives at home are the same as they were before the pandemic, therefore, once the front door is closed it seems quite normal.


As our income comes from pensions, we are also fortunate that we don’t have the money worries that many workers are experiencing.


My husband and I are both introverts by nature, so lockdown wasn’t too much of a hardship for us - we haven’t got children either, so we weren’t missing children or grandchildren.  We have used Face Time and Skype to speak to friends.


Also during lockdown, the rules were fairly simple and we were all doing the same thing.


Now that society has opened up a little, the rules have become increasingly more complex. To be honest, I’d be hard pressed to quote every single rule that applied to me.


We are just doing our own thing - small local excursions and one or two meetings with friends, observing social distancing.


What I find most difficult at the moment is the feeling that this is as good as it gets for a while, and that we are likely to become more restricted again in the winter.


 I don’t think too much about ‘when the vaccine arrives’.  That could be sometime, or it could be never. But it’s unlikely to be a magic bullet with an exact arrival time which will turn everything back to December 2019.

These are huge concepts to come to terms with, but I always find it easier to face up to the worst case scenario. That’s always been my coping mechanism. The world has changed, the virus is here for the foreseeable future. There’s nothing I can do about it,  so I will just have to get on with it, and make the best of each day. 



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2 minutes ago, AndyMichelle said:

Genuine question. 

Haven't been around as much as usual and only manage to pick up bits and Bob's on other threads and am genuinely interested in your wellbeing. 

I will start it off with we are coping well in this strange new world, business is good and we have managed to keep safe and are just starting to venture out a little bit. 

This isn't so much about what you are doing or where you are going, there are other threads for that... How are you coping? How is your mental health? How has this pandemic changed your life? 

Not cruise related? Don't care... 



Thanks for asking. I'm sure this is not going to be a flippant,  tongue in cheek thread and it will be somewhere to discuss the more serious outcome of the situation we have all been thrown into. 

To begin, Frank and I and our family are all doing well. It was a little easier to cope with all the restrictions at first as you had hope that this would soon be over. As the months have gone on its becoming more and more difficult to believe this will get any better than it is now. I'm still optimistic, I'm that type of person, and am optimistically looking forward to next year. What I feel now is anger and frustration that fewer and fewer people are still following the guidelines and others couldn’t give a toss. Frank still won't venture out but does a lot in the garden when the weather permits. I've been to town a few times when I have to but that's not often.

We seem to have turned into hermits and having to rely on public transport doesn't help our situation. We've seen the great grandchildren a few times now and that's a bonus. To be really honest though Andy I feel as though we've been put under house arrest. My eldest daughter is on her way to hospital as we speak. The doctor seems to think it's costochondritis but wants to rule out other things first. I sound like a right Moaning Minnie and there are worse than me I know.

We'll there you go Andy. You asked for it.😆



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10 minutes ago, Dermotsgirl said:

I would say we are doing ok.


As we no longer work, our day to day lives at home are the same as they were before the pandemic, therefore, once the front door is closed it seems quite normal.


As our income comes from pensions, we are also fortunate that we don’t have the money worries that many workers are experiencing.


My husband and I are both introverts by nature, so lockdown wasn’t too much of a hardship for us - we haven’t got children either, so we weren’t missing children or grandchildren.  We have used Face Time and Skype to speak to friends.


Also during lockdown, the rules were fairly simple and we were all doing the same thing.


Now that society has opened up a little, the rules have become increasingly more complex. To be honest, I’d be hard pressed to quote every single rule that applied to me.


We are just doing our own thing - small local excursions and one or two meetings with friends, observing social distancing.


What I find most difficult at the moment is the feeling that this is as good as it gets for a while, and that we are likely to become more restricted again in the winter.


 I don’t think too much about ‘when the vaccine arrives’.  That could be sometime, or it could be never. But it’s unlikely to be a magic bullet with an exact arrival time which will turn everything back to December 2019.

These are huge concepts to come to terms with, but I always find it easier to face up to the worst case scenario. That’s always been my coping mechanism. The world has changed, the virus is here for the foreseeable future. There’s nothing I can do about it,  so I will just have to get on with it, and make the best of each day. 



What a refreshing attitude. 

We have no choice but to deal with what is in front of us. 

Glad you are both OK. 


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What a good thread Andy.and glad to hear you and Michelle are coping well.

Lockdown itself was hard as I live alone, but I had my dog for company and he saved my sanity and gave me a reason for getting out of bed each day and exercising.

It has been interesting Time for noting which “close” friends stayed in touch on a regular basis and which “close” friends didn’t........
Now things have eased I’ve been out and about - still not going anywhere near shops or crowded areas, but have enjoyed some wonderful pub lunches in the open air with friends and family.
Trying to sell my house and that is proving more difficult in these difficult times.
Take care everyone.

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4 minutes ago, Adawn47 said:

Thanks for asking. I'm sure this is not going to be a flippant,  tongue in cheek thread and it will be somewhere to discuss the more serious outcome of the situation we have all been thrown into. 

To begin, Frank and I and our family are all doing well. It was a little easier to cope with all the restrictions at first as you had hope that this would soon be over. As the months have gone on its becoming more and more difficult to believe this will get any better than it is now. I'm still optimistic, I'm that type of person, and am optimistically looking forward to next year. What I feel now is anger and frustration that fewer and fewer people are still following the guidelines and others couldn’t give a toss. Frank still won't venture out but does a lot in the garden when the weather permits. I've been to town a few times when I have to but that's not often.

We seem to have turned into hermits and having to rely on public transport doesn't help our situation. We've seen the great grandchildren a few times now and that's a bonus. To be really honest though Andy I feel as though we've been put under house arrest. My eldest daughter is on her way to hospital as we speak. The doctor seems to think it's costochondritis but wants to rule out other things first. I sound like a right Moaning Minnie and there are worse than me I know.

We'll there you go Andy. You asked for it.😆



I know I can be flippant Avril, but this is certainly not tongue in cheek. 

Your circumstances are exactly why I asked the question because nobody will share their woes without being asked, but it is good to feel supported. 

I hope your daughter is OK, fingers crossed for her. 

We have to cope in our own ways and if Frank is happy to potter about the garden and it makes him feel safe, then good for him. 

You are far from a moaning Minnie Avril, you keep lots of us smiling, so thank you. 


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3 minutes ago, Angel57 said:

What a good thread Andy.and glad to hear you and Michelle are coping well.

Lockdown itself was hard as I live alone, but I had my dog for company and he saved my sanity and gave me a reason for getting out of bed each day and exercising.

It has been interesting Time for noting which “close” friends stayed in touch on a regular basis and which “close” friends didn’t........
Now things have eased I’ve been out and about - still not going anywhere near shops or crowded areas, but have enjoyed some wonderful pub lunches in the open air with friends and family.
Trying to sell my house and that is proving more difficult in these difficult times.
Take care everyone.

Never underestimate what a dog can give you. 

Loyalty, love, dependency and a reason to carry on. We all need these things in our life. 

Stay safe Angel and enjoy life as best you can. 


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Genuine question. 
Haven't been around as much as usual and only manage to pick up bits and Bob's on other threads and am genuinely interested in your wellbeing. 
I will start it off with we are coping well in this strange new world, business is good and we have managed to keep safe and are just starting to venture out a little bit. 
This isn't so much about what you are doing or where you are going, there are other threads for that... How are you coping? How is your mental health? How has this pandemic changed your life? 
Not cruise related? Don't care... 

Glad you & a Michelle are doing ok.
We’re ok here too mostly, husband and son get a bit stir crazy sometimes but daughter & I are savouring the slower pace of life while we can.
The worst thing for us was missing our other daughter & grandson but we are seeing more of them now, that’s the one rule we are breaking as daughter was getting desperate for some help and her husband works night shifts so she’s on her own a lot. We agreed between us to form a bubble and not break the rules with anyone else. If we hadn’t done that I’m not sure I would be coping well at all.
Our ‘children’ are all being sensible even though they are missing out when friends invite them for large group bbq’s etc. Their choice to say no, not mine.

We’re fortunate that it hasn’t adversely affected us financially at the moment. My husband works for one of the big local employers and feels his job is safe.

I hoping this all passes sooner rather than later but in the meantime we’ll continue to make the most of a difficult situation.

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As others have said, we too are both retired, so on a day to day basis little has changed. I've always been quite relaxed about going out and doing the shopping, as the shops have never been busy. We are now eating out at least once a week to help the economy.

My sister and I were concerned about our 93 year old Mum a couple of weeks into lockdown. She still lives alone in the old family house, but is very sociable. Always meeting up with the 'gang'of elderly ladies. She is, unbelievably,  the designated "sick visitor" for the local W.I. Being forced to stay at home (although she still went shopping) hit her hard. However, now she us able to meet up with her pals again she is much better.

The one thing that does depress us (and in the scale of things it is very minor) is that we have very little to look forward to, holiday wise.  Our Arcadia cruise was cancelled, we took the decision to cancel our Ventura January cruise, and our Spanish villa holiday in September. "All" we have left is Lanzarote in November, and a Saga cruise in March, both of which I am doubtful about. In the current environment I see no point in planning any other trips, and whilst I know the UK needs exploring, it does not have quite the same appeal.

However, overall we are happy and count our blessings that from a financial and  health point of view we are OK. 

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My eldest daughter is on her way to hospital as we speak. The doctor seems to think it's costochondritis but wants to rule out other things first.

Avril, I hope you’re daughter is ok, costochondritis can be horrible! My youngest daughter got it 4 years ago. She presented as having a heart attack, had an ECG which said she wasn’t but it was happening every night for several months. A locum said it was panic attacks and wanted her to go to counselling but she insisted she wasn’t anxious about anything other than the pains. Eventually saw our GP who listened to her symptoms, pressed on her chest and she nearly went through the roof...he immediately diagnosed costochondritis. Once we looked it up it all fitted into place. It took a long time to recover from and she still can’t lift anything too heavy and finds too much sugar makes it worse.
I hope your daughter gets sorted quickly.

Sent from my iPhone using Forums

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8 minutes ago, SarahHben said:

Glad you & a Michelle are doing ok.
We’re ok here too mostly, husband and son get a bit stir crazy sometimes but daughter & I are savouring the slower pace of life while we can.
The worst thing for us was missing our other daughter & grandson but we are seeing more of them now, that’s the one rule we are breaking as daughter was getting desperate for some help and her husband works night shifts so she’s on her own a lot. We agreed between us to form a bubble and not break the rules with anyone else. If we hadn’t done that I’m not sure I would be coping well at all.
Our ‘children’ are all being sensible even though they are missing out when friends invite them for large group bbq’s etc. Their choice to say no, not mine.

We’re fortunate that it hasn’t adversely affected us financially at the moment. My husband works for one of the big local employers and feels his job is safe.

I hoping this all passes sooner rather than later but in the meantime we’ll continue to make the most of a difficult situation.

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Glad you are doing OK. 

We have to sensibly manage the situation to suit ourselves because it's not going away completely any time soon. 

Sounds like you are sensibly adapting the guidelines, well done. 



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7 minutes ago, wowzz said:

As others have said, we too are both retired, so on a day to day basis little has changed. I've always been quite relaxed about going out and doing the shopping, as the shops have never been busy. We are now eating out at least once a week to help the economy.

My sister and I were concerned about our 93 year old Mum a couple of weeks into lockdown. She still lives alone in the old family house, but is very sociable. Always meeting up with the 'gang'of elderly ladies. She is, unbelievably,  the designated "sick visitor" for the local W.I. Being forced to stay at home (although she still went shopping) hit her hard. However, now she us able to meet up with her pals again she is much better.

The one thing that does depress us (and in the scale of things it is very minor) is that we have very little to look forward to, holiday wise.  Our Arcadia cruise was cancelled, we took the decision to cancel our Ventura January cruise, and our Spanish villa holiday in September. "All" we have left is Lanzarote in November, and a Saga cruise in March, both of which I am doubtful about. In the current environment I see no point in planning any other trips, and whilst I know the UK needs exploring, it does not have quite the same appeal.

However, overall we are happy and count our blessings that from a financial and  health point of view we are OK. 

I agree Wowzz, the longer it goes on without something to look forward to, the harder it is going to be. 

Come to Walton on the Naze with us for Whelks by the seaside... 

Your Mum sounds like a right character, glad she is still going strong. 



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1 minute ago, AndyMichelle said:

I agree Wowzz, the longer it goes on without something to look forward to, the harder it is going to be. 

Come to Walton on the Naze with us for Whelks by the seaside... 

Your Mum sounds like a right character, glad she is still going strong. 



Spent a fortnight every summer there until I was 12 or so, driving up and down from Colchester every day in the family A40, spending the days in a beach hut at the Naze  end.

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Thanks for asking Andy


We’re OK.  Enjoying the present and not thinking too much about the future.  Looking forward to the new puppy joining us early next month.  She won’t know about pandemics and will have that lovely doggy trait of waking up each day happy and ready to go 🙂


It’s (only) been 5 months.  It doesn’t do to look forward 5 months, 5 years, or longer.  Enjoy each day.  Appreciate what you have and don’t waste ‘headspace’ fretting about what might have been


Avril - hope your daughter will be much more comfortable very soon

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Just now, wowzz said:

Spent a fortnight every summer there until I was 12 or so, driving up and down from Colchester every day in the family A40, spending the days in a beach hut at the Naze  end.

Similar story here Wowzz. 

We had use of a Caravan on Naze Marine for the 6 weeks school holidays throughout my childhood and we also rented a Beach hut just the other side of the pier and spent all day there through the Seventies and early Eighties. 

Staying on the same holiday camp in September. 


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Hope your daughter gets on ok Avril.  


We have managed fine up till now.  We have laughed our way through it all for nearly all of the time.


A week ago I suddenly turned into Mrs Grumpy, .. goodness knows why.. I have never been a misery at all in my life although I have been dealt a bad hand many times.  Darling other half was brilliant.  I haven't slept well for 20 years, but I'm well used to that.  I think it was just the whole situation including having nothing to look forward to holidaywise.  Anyway all is fine now.


Back to my usual nutty self 😃

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6 minutes ago, indiana123 said:

Hope your daughter gets on ok Avril.  


We have managed fine up till now.  We have laughed our way through it all for nearly all of the time.


A week ago I suddenly turned into Mrs Grumpy, .. goodness knows why.. I have never been a misery at all in my life although I have been dealt a bad hand many times.  Darling other half was brilliant.  I haven't slept well for 20 years, but I'm well used to that.  I think it was just the whole situation including having nothing to look forward to holidaywise.  Anyway all is fine now.


Back to my usual nutty self 😃

Well done for riding the storm. 

Glad your nutty self is back in full flow... 

We spend our lives chasing dreams and when the future is uncertain it is difficult to cope. 


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20 minutes ago, SarahHben said:

My eldest daughter is on her way to hospital as we speak. The doctor seems to think it's costochondritis but wants to rule out other things first.

Avril, I hope you’re daughter is ok, costochondritis can be horrible! My youngest daughter got it 4 years ago. She presented as having a heart attack, had an ECG which said she wasn’t but it was happening every night for several months. A locum said it was panic attacks and wanted her to go to counselling but she insisted she wasn’t anxious about anything other than the pains. Eventually saw our GP who listened to her symptoms, pressed on her chest and she nearly went through the roof...he immediately diagnosed costochondritis. Once we looked it up it all fitted into place. It took a long time to recover from and she still can’t lift anything too heavy and finds too much sugar makes it worse.
I hope your daughter gets sorted quickly.

Sent from my iPhone using Forums

She's had it for a few days now and triaged with the doctor this morning who seems to think it's costochondritis . As he couldn't examine her he's sent her to the hospital to make sure it's nothing else. I Google too and her symptoms are the same. Funny you mentioned sugar. She was diagnosed type 2 diabetes a month ago.


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1 hour ago, Adawn47 said:

Thanks for asking. I'm sure this is not going to be a flippant,  tongue in cheek thread and it will be somewhere to discuss the more serious outcome of the situation we have all been thrown into. 

To begin, Frank and I and our family are all doing well. It was a little easier to cope with all the restrictions at first as you had hope that this would soon be over. As the months have gone on its becoming more and more difficult to believe this will get any better than it is now. I'm still optimistic, I'm that type of person, and am optimistically looking forward to next year. What I feel now is anger and frustration that fewer and fewer people are still following the guidelines and others couldn’t give a toss. Frank still won't venture out but does a lot in the garden when the weather permits. I've been to town a few times when I have to but that's not often.

We seem to have turned into hermits and having to rely on public transport doesn't help our situation. We've seen the great grandchildren a few times now and that's a bonus. To be really honest though Andy I feel as though we've been put under house arrest. My eldest daughter is on her way to hospital as we speak. The doctor seems to think it's costochondritis but wants to rule out other things first. I sound like a right Moaning Minnie and there are worse than me I know.

We'll there you go Andy. You asked for it.😆



I hope your eldest daughter is okay.

I regularly used to leave my heavy sales file on the back seat and twist around to bring it to the front and several times my doctor said my chest pain was costachrondritis after doing an ECG.

If they do an ECG at hospital also ask for a blood test to discount a heart attack.

All my tests in December were fine but it was the blood test that alerted the consultant who got me into the cardiac ward immediately.

Best wishes Avril.



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31 minutes ago, indiana123 said:

Hope your daughter gets on ok Avril.  


We have managed fine up till now.  We have laughed our way through it all for nearly all of the time.


A week ago I suddenly turned into Mrs Grumpy, .. goodness knows why.. I have never been a misery at all in my life although I have been dealt a bad hand many times.  Darling other half was brilliant.  I haven't slept well for 20 years, but I'm well used to that.  I think it was just the whole situation including having nothing to look forward to holidaywise.  Anyway all is fine now.


Back to my usual nutty self 😃

I had a “down period” too, sometime shortly after the 100 day mark.  The realisation that it was only the first of at least one more 100, probably three or four more 100s and quite possibly ten, or a dozen or an infinite number. 🙁


Just gotta get on with it though.  Find the best and amplify that.  Squash the worst, or indulge it for a day and then get on with it.

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I think I wrote about my heart failure a while back which way back in 
October was 20% and last checked had gone back up to 48%.
It took some getting my head around but with the help of my wonderful wifes
support I learnt to live with it.
The Covid then came along  but by now we were used to staying in so in a 
way we were already coping .
Yes there were a few tears as Mrs K has heart condition and she wondered 
when  it will all end as her Sister got the news she had breast cancer.
She is doing fine with the treatment,so far so good.

The Mrs seems to cope fine until she goes online and see's the beaches  or 
crammed pubs ,this really gets her going  .
Me I try to look forward and never look back ,unless I could learn from it.
There are people out there who are not coping as well and feel down and 
if I can cheer them up I try to with my posts on here .

Sometimes they need a serious answer which I will always help with if I can .


Up to yet we have had the built in oven pack in on us ,we just sent off for a large 
work top one as we have a large kitchen anyway .
Our main TV decided to pack in as well. We simply just ordered a new one .

Who would have thought it ..Me and a smart TV :classic_unsure:

We have learnt to take whatever life throws at us ,no good comes from stressing  out.
Try to keep safe folks and "Don't worry,be happy" 
Take up a hobby like ..Sailing for beginners ..No experience needed  to park it up !
Just ring Jean at the harbour office , she will sort you out .:classic_wink:

Seriously  you all take good care .1549924277_imagesweekend.png.e64b057d01fa19e11780ed4a9f2be058.png :classic_smile:

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6 minutes ago, kalos said:

I think I wrote about my heart failure a while back which way back in 
October was 20% and last checked had gone back up to 48%.
It took some getting my head around but with the help of my wonderful wifes
support I learnt to live with it.
The Covid then came along  but by now we were used to staying in so in a 
way we were already coping .
Yes there were a few tears as Mrs K has heart condition and she wondered 
when  it will all end as her Sister got the news she had breast cancer.
She is doing fine with the treatment,so far so good.

The Mrs seems to cope fine until she goes online and see's the beaches  or 
crammed pubs ,this really gets her going  .
Me I try to look forward and never look back ,unless I could learn from it.
There are people out there who are not coping as well and feel down and 
if I can cheer them up I try to with my posts on here .

Sometimes they need a serious answer which I will always help with if I can .


Up to yet we have had the built in oven pack in on us ,we just sent off for a large 
work top one as we have a large kitchen anyway .
Our main TV decided to pack in as well. We simply just ordered a new one .

Who would have thought it ..Me and a smart TV :classic_unsure:

We have learnt to take whatever life throws at us ,no good comes from stressing  out.
Try to keep safe folks and "Don't worry,be happy" 
Take up a hobby like ..Sailing for beginners ..No experience needed  to park it up !
Just ring Jean at the harbour office , she will sort you out .:classic_wink:

Seriously  you all take good care .1549924277_imagesweekend.png.e64b057d01fa19e11780ed4a9f2be058.png :classic_smile:

As always Kalos, thank you for making us smile. 

Humour is vital in troubled times, so your job here is not done, we need to keep smiling. 

Keep yourself and Mrs K safe and well. 


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10 minutes ago, kalos said:

I think I wrote about my heart failure a while back which way back in 
October was 20% and last checked had gone back up to 48%.
It took some getting my head around but with the help of my wonderful wifes
support I learnt to live with it.
The Covid then came along  but by now we were used to staying in so in a 
way we were already coping .
Yes there were a few tears as Mrs K has heart condition and she wondered 
when  it will all end as her Sister got the news she had breast cancer.
She is doing fine with the treatment,so far so good.

The Mrs seems to cope fine until she goes online and see's the beaches  or 
crammed pubs ,this really gets her going  .
Me I try to look forward and never look back ,unless I could learn from it.
There are people out there who are not coping as well and feel down and 
if I can cheer them up I try to with my posts on here .

Sometimes they need a serious answer which I will always help with if I can .


Up to yet we have had the built in oven pack in on us ,we just sent off for a large 
work top one as we have a large kitchen anyway .
Our main TV decided to pack in as well. We simply just ordered a new one .

Who would have thought it ..Me and a smart TV :classic_unsure:

We have learnt to take whatever life throws at us ,no good comes from stressing  out.
Try to keep safe folks and "Don't worry,be happy" 
Take up a hobby like ..Sailing for beginners ..No experience needed  to park it up !
Just ring Jean at the harbour office , she will sort you out .:classic_wink:

Seriously  you all take good care .1549924277_imagesweekend.png.e64b057d01fa19e11780ed4a9f2be058.png :classic_smile:

Always an uplifting poster.

All the best Kalos for you and your family.


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40 minutes ago, Adawn47 said:

She's had it for a few days now and triaged with the doctor this morning who seems to think it's costochondritis . As he couldn't examine her he's sent her to the hospital to make sure it's nothing else. I Google too and her symptoms are the same. Funny you mentioned sugar. She was diagnosed type 2 diabetes a month ago.


Painful to touch the joint was my  previous main symptom of costachrondrtis especially the seat belt I had to keep it pulled away from my chest.

ECG,x-ray,CT scans were all fine with me in December so please insist on the blood test as that told the consultant I had had a mild heart attack.

Sending prayers to you and your daughter and hopefully it is costachrondrtis.

Edited by grapau27
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What a lovely thing to ask everyone Andy.

We have been lucky during the pandemic because neither of us have had any additional health problems and David's heart condition has been stable.  We are retired so have not been impacted financially due to having excellent work pensions.  The worst thing has been not seeing friends and family. My OH is 65 today so we are having a little barbecue with my sisters and niece and their husbands in our garden this evening, it will be the first time that we have been together since the lockdown began.  My niece was diagnosed with cancer 3.5 weeks ago and had surgery last week so that has been a real downer for us.

I am just thankful that we have gotten this far with no one close to us has had the dreaded virus.

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