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Governor Just Opened Florida

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14 minutes ago, onlyslightlymad said:

That's an interesting perspective.  It's true, everyone is going to die.  Is it therefore your argument that there should be no measures to save people's lives?  No treatments for cancers, no paramedics to road accidents, no intensive care units?  Or is it just people over a certain age?  eg 70 is the cut off - after that point, you've had enough life and you're of no value to society anymore, just a burden.  Do you also disapprove of other rules meant to save lives - like road rules, or food and drug safety standards?  Or is it simply a case of following the rules that keep you and your family safe but ignoring the rules that keep others safe ie every woman for herself?



Now where in the heck did you come up with that assumption?  Where did I say that. More fear mongering. 

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3 minutes ago, Milwaukee Eight said:

Now where in the heck did you come up with that assumption?  Where did I say that. More fear mongering. 

I'm sorry if I didn't explain myself properly.  I'm not disagreeing with you, I'm just interested to know what you meant by your statement that everyone is going to die and i thought you meant that therefore it was pointless taking measures to alleviate the increasing death toll.  If I misunderstood then i'm very sorry.  As to fear mongering I certainly don't want to do that.  My personal opinion is that being afraid isn't a useful strategy at all and, in fact, probably does more harm than good when it comes to making decisions.  

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26 minutes ago, Milwaukee Eight said:

Give it a break. EVERYONE is going to die. How many deaths in SD below 70?



I don't know why death has to be the boogieman here. Shouldn't every life matter? Do you those over 70 were at the bars, nightclubs, house parties and other reckless activities? We all know many of those over 70 were in nursing homes where they paid dearly for a "safe" place to live out their lives. We failed our elderly terribly and that is certainly nothing to be proud of. At no fault of their own covid was brought in by people under 70. So because many can't be bothered with the covid restrictions our elderly die. That's horrible.

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9 minutes ago, Milwaukee Eight said:

Now where in the heck did you come up with that assumption?  Where did I say that. More fear mongering. 

Most of who died were preventable. Like car crashes or cancer prevention. Other countries have been demonstrating that for months. 

So just accepting a brand new way to die, which is now the 3rd largest death on the US, is exactly like not trying to reduce cancer or car or smoking deaths. 



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36 minutes ago, Milwaukee Eight said:

Give it a break. EVERYONE is going to die. How many deaths in SD below 70?



Here is South Dakota's problem. This is active cases by age. This paints a clear picture of the problem not just in SD but the whole US. The young ones could care less. The "what's in it for me" or "what do I get" mentality is literally killing us.



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4 hours ago, Keksie said:

How many rules are you willing to live with?  Wear a mask, socially distance, close down your business, go on unemployment, take out your pool and hot tub, don't swim in a lake or a pool, get rid of your boat, take out all the trees around your home, take public transportation, only eat healthy foods in healthy portions, don't smoke anything, don't drink alcohol over a certain amount etc.  These are all safety measures which ones do you want a rule for?

So how do you feel about restaurants posting sign reading "No Shirts, No Shoes, No Service"?  To me requiring face masks are no different.  Help protects me and others.


In regards to don't swim in a lake.  In Florida there are many retention ponds and even lakes with do not swim in.  In fact Disney used to allow you to swim in two lakes, but many years ago they banned swimming in the lakes (even before the boy was killed by an alligator a few years ago.)  All for safety reasons.


In regards to "don't drink alchohol over a certain amount"  There are already public intoxication laws to that effect beyond the DUI/BUI laws.


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I think Florida's actually been a little slow to reopen with all it's phases. The assumption is that reopening means an immediate return to normal, but that simply won't happen because most people will take personal responsibility to protect themselves (I know, some won't).


It was maddening to see stores that usually only had a few people in them even before the virus forced to close, while essential businesses like grocery stores (which rightfully stayed open) were as busy or busier. I personally cut my grocery runs from 5 times a week to once every week or two and still the places where busy (I'm back to twice a week). Now they've reopened the theater near me. Is busy? Not even close. They should have let it reopen months ago.

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3 hours ago, Pratique said:

When I lived in Florida we had a very strict homeowners association. They fined me for not properly edging the grass along the driveway. They forced me to get approval to repaint my house the exact same color. And on and on. The rules were there because if you give someone an inch they will take a mile. The rules don't bother me if I am going to follow them anyway. The rest of the rules are because of abuses by others, like parking broken cars on their front lawns, which I would never do.


You also had a choice to move into the neighborhood w/ an HOA. Bad anaolgy

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Perhaps it is time for this post with so many people 'discussing' their views and others disagreeing with them.  Although I am fortunate to be a Canadian - my DS and DIL have owned a condo in Kissimmee since 2010 and I have visited many times.  However, this year, will not be going.   In my home province, we did not have many cases then approximately three weeks ago cases continued to climb with many attributed to those under the age of 70 and particularly in the under 40 age group.  People thought that as we had no cases reported for  13+ days, they could begin to socialize in larger groups.  As of Monday, in Winnipeg, all people have to wear masks in public spaces and weddings, funerals, etc. are limited to ten people.  Schools etc. were already mandated with students having to wear masks from grade 4-12, universities,  as well as hospitals, etc.  

Although I may not agree with some of the comments on this page, I respect the fact that everyone has their own opinion.  As for me, I will continue to wear a mask etc. as I have done for the past several months.  


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The governor of Florida has an interesting way of doing the math.  These are yesterday's  numbers for the state of Florida.  How can he possibly claim a positivity rate of under 5%?


2,847  positive

New persons tested today: 26,495

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19 minutes ago, mustgo said:

The governor of Florida has an interesting way of doing the math.  These are yesterday's  numbers for the state of Florida.  How can he possibly claim a positivity rate of under 5%?


2,847  positive

New persons tested today: 26,495

The 7 day moving avg is 10.9% positivity rate.




In comparison:

CA 2.8

NY 0.9

TX 9.9

WA 3.4

SD 24.2

ND 7.1



Edited by flyguyjake
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50 minutes ago, gatour said:

So how do you feel about restaurants posting sign reading "No Shirts, No Shoes, No Service"?  To me requiring face masks are no different.  Help protects me and others.


In regards to don't swim in a lake.  In Florida there are many retention ponds and even lakes with do not swim in.  In fact Disney used to allow you to swim in two lakes, but many years ago they banned swimming in the lakes (even before the boy was killed by an alligator a few years ago.)  All for safety reasons.


In regards to "don't drink alchohol over a certain amount"  There are already public intoxication laws to that effect beyond the DUI/BUI laws.


A business can post any sign it wants.  I can eat elsewhere if I don't want to follow those rules.  If enough people won't eat their because of their rules the restaurant will change those rules or not have as much business.  None of our restaurants have required face masks except for the servers.

People still try to swim where it is posted not too.  The rules only stop the people that really didn't want to swim there anyway

People still get arrested (some multiple times) for DUI/BUI.  You can still drink to excess, even to the point of dying in your own home.  

You can't legislate people into acting the way you think they should.  You really only have control over yourself (and maybe your kids when they are young).

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6 hours ago, cured said:

It is why so many countries have travel bans against us.  Nobody trusts this country to do the right thing and follow health protocols.

I have to say, as an Australian, this comment is so sad - and is completely correct regarding most other countries thoughts of the US. we don’t trust US citizens and leadership to manage for the best public health outcomes.

I am absolutely not trying to be inflammatory or offend, I love to visit the US.


However, I do hear this attitude of non-compliance with health protocols a lot on this forum from American citizens. I never, ever understand why people would ignore, dismiss and ridicule the advice of the overwhelming majority of health professionals, epidemiology and infectious disease specialists? 

I also think the attitude of “I am not listening to Dr Fauci because he has changed his advice since March” is ridiculous - it is crystal clear that all countries have adapted their response to the epidemic as they have learned more about the virus. 

These attitudes and actions mean that it will be a long time before my government will allow Americans to enter Australia, and before my government will ever let me visit the US again.

To me, hearing this nonsense from many people on this forum is incredibly sad.

I am so sorry the US has been affected so badly, and I am so sorry for your losses of over 200k people.


Edited by Missusdubbya
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8 minutes ago, Missusdubbya said:


I have to say, as an Australian, this comment is so sad - and is completely correct regarding most other countries thoughts of the US. we don’t trust US citizens and leadership to manage for the best public health outcomes.

I am absolutely not trying to be inflammatory or offend, I love to visit the US.


However, I do hear this attitude of non-compliance with health protocols a lot on this forum from American citizens. I never, ever understand why people would ignore, dismiss and ridicule the advice of the overwhelming majority of health professionals, epidemiology and infectious disease specialists? 

I also think the attitude of “I am not listening to Dr Fauci because he has changed his advice since March” is ridiculous - it is crystal clear that all countries have adapted their response to the epidemic as they have learned more about the virus. 

These attitudes and actions mean that it will be a long time before my government will allow Americans to enter Australia, and before my government will ever let me visit the US again.

To me, hearing this nonsense from many people on this forum is incredibly sad.

I am so sorry the US has been affected so badly, and I am so sorry for your losses of over 2 million people.


Excellent post.  Thank you.

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2 hours ago, yogimax said:

"Let the business police themselves"?


Yeah, we gave a great record with that...

Let the businesses dump waste into lakes and rivers...

Let the businesses spew as much toxic air as they want into the atmosphere...

Let the business discriminate in hiring practices...

Let the businesses cover up the sexual harassment of their officers and management...

Let the drug companies set their own prices...

etcetera, etcetera, etcetera 



What does any of this have to do with a cruise ship? Cruising?



Just another one of your political rants.  

Please stop. Take a break from the boards. Re-group. 

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1 hour ago, flyguyjake said:



I don't know why death has to be the boogieman here. Shouldn't every life matter? Do you those over 70 were at the bars, nightclubs, house parties and other reckless activities? We all know many of those over 70 were in nursing homes where they paid dearly for a "safe" place to live out their lives. We failed our elderly terribly and that is certainly nothing to be proud of. At no fault of their own covid was brought in by people under 70. So because many can't be bothered with the covid restrictions our elderly die. That's horrible.


Well a huge chunk of those deaths can be attributed to poor decions made by the governor of NY. 

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2 hours ago, yogimax said:

"Let the business police themselves"?


Yeah, we gave a great record with that...

Let the businesses dump waste into lakes and rivers...

Let the businesses spew as much toxic air as they want into the atmosphere...

Let the business discriminate in hiring practices...

Let the businesses cover up the sexual harassment of their officers and management...

Let the drug companies set their own prices...

etcetera, etcetera, etcetera 



It's still about choice. You have the choice to not eat in a restaurant that does not require a mask. Use it wisely. Stop telling others how to manage their lives. Their are stores, restaurants, businesses etc that cater to you. Use them. Stop complaining about those that don't. Just don't go there. 

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25 minutes ago, Missusdubbya said:


I have to say, as an Australian, this comment is so sad - and is completely correct regarding most other countries thoughts of the US. we don’t trust US citizens and leadership to manage for the best public health outcomes.

I am absolutely not trying to be inflammatory or offend, I love to visit the US.


However, I do hear this attitude of non-compliance with health protocols a lot on this forum from American citizens. I never, ever understand why people would ignore, dismiss and ridicule the advice of the overwhelming majority of health professionals, epidemiology and infectious disease specialists? 

I also think the attitude of “I am not listening to Dr Fauci because he has changed his advice since March” is ridiculous - it is crystal clear that all countries have adapted their response to the epidemic as they have learned more about the virus. 

These attitudes and actions mean that it will be a long time before my government will allow Americans to enter Australia, and before my government will ever let me visit the US again.

To me, hearing this nonsense from many people on this forum is incredibly sad.

I am so sorry the US has been affected so badly, and I am so sorry for your losses of over 200k people.


Very well said... your comments need to be repeated for all the hear!

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