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12 minutes ago, majortom10 said:

Think even if foreigners were brought in and were given free vaccines at the expense of the UK taxpayer even if in the lowest group there would be a public outcry and the press would have a field day.

I take it you haven't read the Daily Wail today then?


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23 minutes ago, ace2542 said:

Perhaps Saga in the interim will use crew who have been previously infected therefore immune for a time and at the back of the line for the vaccine the way Spain intends to do it. Perhaps somehow they can register these overseas crew with UK GP practice and bring in the none brits from overseas. All of whom will do hotel quarantine at Saga's expense then be free to leave, work on the ship and be vaccinated in due course in the lowest grouping and not leave the ship except to get the vaccine and until they are vaccinated to full effect. That is a thought that has come into my head.


Royal on the other hand are facing a much bigger task and ergo so are the P&O and the entire carnival group. What Royal does I suspect will be duplicated by P&O Carnival group.


3 hours ago, ace2542 said:

Not logical but necessary for safety of all crew/passengers onboard and for resumption of normal operations. Especially as many on Royal board would rather not wear mask when they cruise or wear it for 24 hours a day even in the cabins. Look what happened in Melbourne in the hotel the family of 5 and the single person opened the doors at the same to get food and the virus spread from the family of 5 to the 1. Should masks not have been worn in the hotel room if sharing a room at least? That would go to far wouldn't it.


And it is a pretty big line in the sand as saying goes. Though Saga did it put there first though no one really took it seriously. For a major cruise brand to insist upon that is a powerful statement that will be replicated through the carnival grouping and rightly so.

Hmm. Bear in mind that the currently un-vaccinated crew probably includes Captain and officers, mechanics and plumbers and engineers and technical as well as waiters, bar stewards and cabin crew.

Getting the ship crewed by people who have already had the virus assumes that they will be able to find sufficient people already trained for the required tasks, as well as lifeboat drills, which may not be that simple.

Also bear in mind that Saga is UK registered, applying UK legislation and has already stated that mask wearing in enclosed spaces will be mandatory unless exempt (my emphasis).

They are not allowed to ask for proof of exemption for masks.


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1 hour ago, nosapphire said:

Best ignored. It’s the equivalent of an internet troll - just trying to stir up trouble and hatred for its own purposes.

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1 minute ago, jeanlyon said:

It's in others as well.  Evening Standard etc.

They're all simply repeating the story from the Mail.  Shall we wait until we get some facts, rather than just another Daily Mail story aimed at stirring up hatred, jealousy and envy?


We don't know the facts, but I'm pretty sure the GPs who made the decision did so for reasons of public health - what other motives would they have had?  And I can see good reasons why you might not want a potentially large pool of infection floating around more or less at random, spreading the virus.


No vaccine is wasted if it's injected, and there may well be good reasons the Mail is choosing to gloss over.  Add to that the fact that unless and until we manage, across the world, to vaccinate everybody, everybody else will still be at risk.


The words charity and Christianity spring to mind - and let's not forget that Jesus could be regarded as an illegal immigrant!

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2 hours ago, Harry Peterson said:


We don't know the facts, but I'm pretty sure the GPs who made the decision did so for reasons of public health - what other motives would they have had

I would hope they have also vaccinated the hotel staff.

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3 hours ago, bobstheboy said:

What's going on with who gets the vaccine ? Now there is Ruth Langsford posing getting the jab aged 60 with no health problems. My wife is 62 and has major health problems and like many other is waiting patiently. Makes me sick.

They are following a protocol which is working very well.  When you have vaccinated 14 million plus there will always be some which appear to be or indeed are out of turn.  Not worth getting upset about.

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11 hours ago, bobstheboy said:

What's going on with who gets the vaccine ? Now there is Ruth Langsford posing getting the jab aged 60 with no health problems. My wife is 62 and has major health problems and like many other is waiting patiently. Makes me sick.

I wonder whether they think that showing a few "celebrities" getting the vaccine will encourage some of the people who are worried about getting it to see that it is safe. I know that most of us already know people in our own families and friends who have had it with no significant problems but some people are quite isolated.

Have you tried calling your doctor to ask when your wife is likely to get an appointment given her health problems ?

I hope that you and your wife are called in this week.

Edited by Josy1953
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I have had the vaccine being 74. As for following protocols, how can they be when if you put in my wifes details into the NHS site, it says she isn't eligible at this time ? I have no objection to celebs, however minor, putting their faces online and promoting the vaccine when they are in the correct group. She clearly isn't.

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3 minutes ago, bobstheboy said:

I have had the vaccine being 74. As for following protocols, how can they be when if you put in my wifes details into the NHS site, it says she isn't eligible at this time ? I have no objection to celebs, however minor, putting their faces online and promoting the vaccine when they are in the correct group. She clearly isn't.


Most decent celebs are out there helping with food banks and vaccine queues and getting 

their faces in the press that way . If she had been helping out at a vaccine centre and at the 

end of a day they said "look this is a spare one, your working here " I think we would have all 

understood it better . Best not be too hard on the woman as she is not the first and will not 

be the last to do so . 

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15 minutes ago, bobstheboy said:

I have had the vaccine being 74. As for following protocols, how can they be when if you put in my wifes details into the NHS site, it says she isn't eligible at this time ? I have no objection to celebs, however minor, putting their faces online and promoting the vaccine when they are in the correct group. She clearly isn't.

The problem with the NHS site is that it only looks at people's ages so for  vulnerable people it is up to the GP to arrange the vaccination.  There is a list of health conditions which are considered to make people vulnerable to the virus.


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12 minutes ago, bobstheboy said:

I have had the vaccine being 74. As for following protocols, how can they be when if you put in my wifes details into the NHS site, it says she isn't eligible at this time ? I have no objection to celebs, however minor, putting their faces online and promoting the vaccine when they are in the correct group. She clearly isn't.

I had to look Ruth Langsford up to see who she is, but maybe, as Josy suggests, it’s intended to encourage people to get vaccinated. For some bizarre reason people follow celebrities.


There’s a huge inconsistency across the country on ages, that’s very plain, and this isn’t that unusual. The only reason for all the publicity is that she’s apparently well known. One more or less makes no difference in the overall scheme of things, because everything depends on the position in your own locality.


Hope your wife is vaccinated very soon. I’m sure she will be.

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12 hours ago, bobstheboy said:

What's going on with who gets the vaccine ? Now there is Ruth Langsford posing getting the jab aged 60 with no health problems. My wife is 62 and has major health problems and like many other is waiting patiently. Makes me sick.

I’d say it’s one of two things. 
1) each area is moving at different paces and using slightly different methods in there approach so maybe your area is just a little behind. 
2) just because she’s a celebrity and we see her in TV, that doesn’t mean we know 100% that is has no underlying health conditions. She may well have but chooses not to share it publicly which I wouldn’t if I were in that position. 

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3 minutes ago, kalos said:


 What ??   Where has anyone dissed your view :classic_wacko:

I haven't said anyone has dissed my view, just not supported it, which I am surprised about. 


Anyway lifes too short for me to worry about what people on here think, although generally I agree with most. 


I am not ringing the surgery at this time, they are busy and keep us up to date on a faceache group. They are keeping to the NHS guidelines if others obviously are not. I feel very strongly about the rights and wrongs of vaccination timetables and this was one step too far for me.

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Leaving Ruth Langford aside, as she may well have underlying health issues for all we know, but I must confess to being quite surprised that a number of posters are reporting people aged 60-64 being called up for their jabs, or able to book them. Not everyone will be aware, but 60-64 is not the next group to be vaccinated after the 65-69 age group. Those aged 65-69 are group 5, whereas 60-64 are group 7. In between them we have 7.3m people aged 16-64 who have underlying health conditions, plus their carers, many of whom have been in self imposed isolation for fear of the virus adding to their already problematic health conditions.

Of course, it could be that all those aged 60-64 who have been able to book jabs so far have underlying health conditions and fall into group 6 but, if not, it would concern me that some areas may not be following the agreed priority order for covid vaccinations. I will declare an interest in that my wife is in group 6 as she is disabled and hasn’t been out of the house since last year for fear of Covid adding to her already severe health burden. When we checked yesterday, the NHS vaccination booking website says that she is not yet eligible, yet I am reading increasing reports of people aged 60-64 being able to book. 

As I say, I don’t want to single people out, but if I was just 60 and had my jab (or booked it), I would want it to be known that I have an underlying condition (even if not declaring the detail) so as not to be accused of queue jumping. 

Edited by Selbourne
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5 minutes ago, bobstheboy said:

Not a lot a support for my view it seems on here. I am disappointed. Bye folks.

I do understand where you are coming from.


my husband who is 69, got his jab yesterday, but I had  been anxious on his behalf for at least 10 days, as I’d seen on social media that lots of people who are younger than him had already had their jab. ( I should add that my husband wasn’t bothered at all).


I think some GP’s have advanced more quickly than others,  whereas, in other areas that haven’t proceeded as fast, or have more older patients, progress can seem slow.


For all we know, Ruth Langsford’s GP is one of the GP’s who didn’t have a lot of older people on their books, and has been able to proceed at a faster pace.


Fortunately, we don’t have to wait for GP’s to catch up, when it’s officially time for our group to be vaccinated we get a letter from the NHS, and we can book at one of the vaccination centres, which is what my husband did.


From what you’ve said, your wife is in priority group 6, for people aged 16-64 with health conditions that make them vulnerable, so her time is coming very soon.


I’m in the next group, for 60-64 year olds, so I know I will see people who are a lot younger than me who will be vaccinated before me, but the fact that my husband got his letter from the NHS has reassured me that the system works. So I am going to try and manage my anxiety- hopefully my time will come sometime in March. 

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1 minute ago, bobstheboy said:

I haven't said anyone has dissed my view, just not supported it, which I am surprised about. 


Anyway lifes too short for me to worry about what people on here think, although generally I agree with most. 


I am not ringing the surgery at this time, they are busy and keep us up to date on a faceache group. They are keeping to the NHS guidelines if others obviously are not. I feel very strongly about the rights and wrongs of vaccination timetables and this was one step too far for me.


2 minutes ago, bobstheboy said:

I haven't said anyone has dissed my view, just not supported it, which I am surprised about. 


Anyway lifes too short for me to worry about what people on here think, although generally I agree with most. 


I am not ringing the surgery at this time, they are busy and keep us up to date on a faceache group. They are keeping to the NHS guidelines if others obviously are not. I feel very strongly about the rights and wrongs of vaccination timetables and this was one step too far for me.


We have a similar problem in our family ,my wife's sister has just finished Chemo two 

months ago and same as you we are disappointed when she goes online only to be 

told your not eligible , yet the Ruth's of this world are . I hope your wife is vaccinated very

soon. I’m sure she will be. Until then ,you to stay safe & take care .


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37 minutes ago, Selbourne said:

Leaving Ruth Langford aside, as she may well have underlying health issues for all we know, but I must confess to being quite surprised that a number of posters are reporting people aged 60-64 being called up for their jabs, or able to book them. Not everyone will be aware, but 60-64 is not the next group to be vaccinated after the 65-69 age group. Those aged 65-69 are group 5, whereas 60-64 are group 7. In between them we have 7.3m people aged 16-64 who have underlying health conditions, plus their carers, many of whom have been in self imposed isolation for fear of the virus adding to their already problematic health conditions.

Of course, it could be that all those aged 60-64 who have been able to book jabs so far have underlying health conditions and fall into group 6 but, if not, it would concern me that some areas may not be following the agreed priority order for covid vaccinations. I will declare an interest in that my wife is in group 6 as she is disabled and hasn’t been out of the house since last year for fear of Covid adding to her already severe health burden. When we checked yesterday, the NHS vaccination booking website says that she is not yet eligible, yet I am reading increasing reports of people aged 60-64 being able to book. 

As I say, I don’t want to single people out, but if I was just 60 and had my jab (or booked it), I would want it to be known that I have an underlying condition (even if not declaring the detail) so as not to be accused of queue jumping. 

Just to add to my post (above) BBC News just reported that those with underlying health conditions should be able to book from tomorrow, so we will check again. With around 10m in groups 5 (65-69] and 6 (16-64 with underlying health conditions), it should still be some weeks until those aged 60-64 with no underlying health conditions (group 7) should be able to book. 

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Our GP's surgery is still only vaccinating those over 70. My daughter who lives in Truro and has an compromised immune system has been vaccinated at her GP's. So although we are both in the same NHS region there are big differences within only about 20 miles.

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