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What's your FUNNIEST Celebrity cruise story?

Vagabond Knight

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We were sailing on Regent, and on one of the last nights we’re having dinner with a large group of friends we had made on the ship.  We had requested our favorite waiter to serve us.  One of the menu options was either a Cornish hen or capon, can’t remember which.  The British lady didn’t know what it was, so waiter described it telling her it was delicious,so she ordered it.  Dinner came, and she was the last to be served.  Waiter came with a covered dish, and presented it with a flourish.  She actually screamed when he uncovered a naked rubber chicken!!

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OK, A few got a chuckle out of my earlier story, so I’ll try another. this is kind of cheating in that I saw this on CC and didn’t ‘see’ it personally:


The ship pulls into a rainy port and a gentleman can’t find the umbrella in his closet. His steward goes to find one and tells him people have already took all the extras - probably people wanting one each. He is upset so he goes to the front desk to complain. The desk person tells him the steward was right, none left, but she offers her personal umbrella to him, but asks him to bring it back to the desk. He takes it.


And we all know what happens. He ‘forgets’ and takes the umbrella to his room. then he leaves it there when they depart the cruise instead of brining it down sometime during the cruise. 


the cap off is his post about this is mainly a complaint of not enough umbrellas and barely acknowledges the desk person who loans her umbrella to him or that he fails to return it. Just his complaints who ‘terrible’ the ship is - his exact words.  And he messed over the staff by giving his steward a low grade, and not even thanking or acknowledging the desk staff for taking care of him. 


Classic. we all have legit complaints, but we Do see more than a few that reflect more on the complainer. 



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Oh I have a good one! Our first transatlantic cruise quite a few years ago we were on Eclipse, I believe. You know how those S class ships have the two banks of glass elevators facing each other. Well, there were two young “ladies” aboard who apparently had been partying heartily, and around 2 AM they decided it would be fun to go “go go” dancing topless in the elevators. Security was called but apparently they had a hard time tracking the girls down as they kept changing elevators while displaying their wares. Eventually they were apprehended, however, and given a good scolding and then confined to their cabin. Unfortunately for them, this was the first night of a transatlantic voyage, and we didn’t reach land until six days later. They were confined to their cabin that entire time with a guard sitting outside to make sure they didn’t leave! When we arrived in Ponta Delgada, they were escorted off the ship and that was the end of their ‘vacation’!!

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This one is a bit of a cheat too, I read about it on the Disney CruiseLine a long time ago, but it made me laugh and has stuck with me to this day. If I recall correctly, two older sisters were on the Magic, one needed to use the restroom, and there was a handicap single bathroom that opened onto the deck with those big push buttons. She could not figure out how to lock it, so she asked her other sister to ‘stand guard’ while the first one used the loo.

The second sister said she ‘saw something shiny’ got distracted and wandered off a few feet. Somebody wanting to use the washroom pressed the button, and the door slowly opened, and then slowly closed, the poor young lady trapped on pot, unable to do anything about it.


To this day, when I get distracted, I always say I saw something shiny…..

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First cruise over 20 years ago on the Mercury. I couldn't believe how cool that ship was. We get to our room and I am sitting on the edge of the bed and see this camera kind of hidden by our TV, so I get up and turn it around. The next day I ask the room attendant to please look at our TV because it wont work. He sees me later and says, "Mr Mike, we not watching you. The little box is for your remote, he-he-he." Tony I miss you.

Same cruise my wife and I decide to do the snorkeling/booze cruise. She was nervous because she didn't really drink anything besides beer and I found out they didn't carry her brand. Well once she got a taste of the rum punch, she was a happy girl in more ways than one. As we are leaving to go back and not wanting to leave any to waste, she grabs two more cups of punch and hands me two and we head to the ship. We get to security and she cant get her room card because her hands are full, so she hands me another drink and leaves singing happy as ever and I am now stuck with three glasses. The security guy starts laughing and says, "go ahead, I got you." And as I walk away, he says, "Cozumel was very good for her!"  OH! Did I mention that she was wearing the top of the pinata from our excursion on her head?

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2 hours ago, RedneckBob said:


At a Q and A with the Cruise Director on a cruise to Norway a passenger asked " how often do passengers miss the ship"

"Very rarely" was his response.

That evening we met the CD in Al Bacio and before we had a chance to speak he said " they weren't passengers".

True, the entire ships orchestra had missed the ship. He said arrangements were being made to get them to the next port but he had no idea what had happened or why not one of them had called the emergency number. Normally missing the ship would result in the immediate termination of that person's contract but with just 3 days to the end of the cruise and as the ship needed the orchestra that was not an option. He expected their contracts would be terminated on arrival in Southampton. 

Sadly I have no idea if they orchestra had a genuine excuse or if they were all sacked, hopefully the former.

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When having serious allergy attacks every time I stepped in my stateroom on the Celebrity Silhouette, I came to the conclusion that there had been a cat (emotional support or otherwise) in my stateroom on the prior cruise.  I could not be dissuaded from that notion until the stateroom attendant told me he'd been assigned to that room for 4 months and categorically assured me there had not been a cat in there.  For the record, I didn't pitch a public fit or anything like that but I was so certain that my family still thinks it was hilarious.      






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Our first Celebrity Cruise on Silhouette out of Southampton and only our second cruise.


Not knowing the storage situation I'd saved space by wearing the brand new shoes I'd wear for formal nights to drive down to cruise. At Security boarding they asked me to remove my shoes took first one off thought this seems light looked down I had the uppers on my hand and the leather sole and heal were on the floor.


I took the second show off and the sole and upper were hanging by a thread!


So I boarded just in the uppers with the soles stuffed in the carry on and first formal night wore a pair of blue velvet shoes!


Our exciting first trip to the Azores was a dash to the shoe shops!

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2 hours ago, Islander500 said:

When having serious allergy attacks every time I stepped in my stateroom on the Celebrity Silhouette, I came to the conclusion that there had been a cat (emotional support or otherwise) in my stateroom on the prior cruise.  I could not be dissuaded from that notion until the stateroom attendant told me he'd been assigned to that room for 4 months and categorically assured me there had not been a cat in there.  For the record, I didn't pitch a public fit or anything like that but I was so certain that my family still thinks it was hilarious.      






Having multiple cats, I can attest to the fact that wherever I go, hard as I try, I bring cat hair and dander with me. Either on a coat, or because Fritz likes to rub himself against my legs when I'm leaving the house etc. If you are very allergic, it is quite possible that the previous tenants had cat hair and dander on them which they left behind.  I don't think you are crazy!

Edited by Guppy99
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On 3/17/2022 at 6:48 AM, Caribbean Chris said:

Another elevator story. I travel with a black Labrador service dog trained by Dogs for the Deaf. After eight months as a team I decided we were ready to take our first Celebrity cruise together but I was nervous and hyper-focused on her behavior. Actually she had been very well-trained, stood quietly and was sometimes hardly noticeable against dark furnishings.

We were alone on an elevator and several other people joined us. At the next floor, the doors opened with another group standing there ready to enter. “Back up!,” I commanded my dog in what I thought was a discreet whisper. Everyone on the elevator immediately shuffled backward in unison, giving me nervous side-glances.


OMG, I laughed till I snorted when I read this.  You made my day.

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We flew from ATL to MIA to board Equinox several years ago.  It was a special occasion so we splurged on first class airfare to go along with our suite.  We sat on the plane for a while before the captain explained that we were waiting on a computer navigation chip to be replaced but we would be on our way shortly.  In the meantime, the first class attendant had served drinks and mixed nuts to hold us over.  After a while, the flight attendant came on the PA system and said the following, "Ladies and gentlemen we apologize for the delay.  Our computer problem has been fixed and the captain has been cleared for take off.  We ask that you put your tray tables in their upright positions, stow your belongings, and hold on to your nuts."  Problem was, passengers in coach had not received nuts, so took this is a completely different way...Needless to say, the flight attendant was quite embarrassed.  

Edited by Georgia_Peaches
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On 3/22/2022 at 12:42 PM, CathyCruises said:

Oh I have a good one! Our first transatlantic cruise quite a few years ago we were on Eclipse, I believe. You know how those S class ships have the two banks of glass elevators facing each other. Well, there were two young “ladies” aboard who apparently had been partying heartily, and around 2 AM they decided it would be fun to go “go go” dancing topless in the elevators. Security was called but apparently they had a hard time tracking the girls down as they kept changing elevators while displaying their wares. Eventually they were apprehended, however, and given a good scolding and then confined to their cabin. Unfortunately for them, this was the first night of a transatlantic voyage, and we didn’t reach land until six days later. They were confined to their cabin that entire time with a guard sitting outside to make sure they didn’t leave! When we arrived in Ponta Delgada, they were escorted off the ship and that was the end of their ‘vacation’!!

That stinks, what happens at 2AM stays at 2AM

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Loving this thread!  


Ok here’s mine:


Hubby and I eloped on a Christmas cruise. Got married on the beach at Nachi Cocum in Cozumel and took full advantage of their all inclusive beverages to celebrate.


We got back to our suite that afternoon, several margaritas deep, and proceeded to commence doing what newlyweds do.  Shortly into it, I got the feeling we were being watched.  I turned my head and looked out the sliding door and saw a very large bird, I think a seagull, sitting on the rail of our veranda staring in at us.  It’s head was kind of cocked to the side as if it was thinking “what on earth are these humans doing?”.  


I busted out laughing and couldn’t stop.  I could barely breath.  At that point the romantic mood was ruined for me and I told my new husband that we were just going to get dressed and go to the buffet for snacks and a beer.


To this day, my husband still carries hate in his heart for that seagull.

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6 minutes ago, GenerationX said:

Loving this thread!  


Ok here’s mine:


Hubby and I eloped on a Christmas cruise. Got married on the beach at Nachi Cocum in Cozumel and took full advantage of their all inclusive beverages to celebrate.


We got back to our suite that afternoon, several margaritas deep, and proceeded to commence doing what newlyweds do.  Shortly into it, I got the feeling we were being watched.  I turned my head and looked out the sliding door and saw a very large bird, I think a seagull, sitting on the rail of our veranda staring in at us.  It’s head was kind of cocked to the side as if it was thinking “what on earth are these humans doing?”.  


I busted out laughing and couldn’t stop.  I could barely breath.  At that point the romantic mood was ruined for me and I told my new husband that we were just going to get dressed and go to the buffet for snacks and a beer.


To this day, my husband still carries hate in his heart for that seagull.

Funny story.  Did you pre-arrange the wedding with Nachi Cocum?  Nice place to get married.

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On our first X cruise, I accidently fell asleep on my pillow chocolates! The next morning, it was all over the bed sheets and looked like someone crapped in the bed. On the way out to breakfast, our cabin steward was about to come in. I told him, 'I'm sorry, but my wife wasn't feeling well last night!' Later that day, he was cracking up! I did apologize for falling asleep on it, he said no problem.

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We were in the MDR at a table for two, It’s the first night, we are both a tired after spending a few nights at a bad hotel selection with a lot of spring breakers.   After 35 years of marriage, we can sometimes both easily enjoy each others company without a lot of conversation – nice meal and sip our wine with long lulls between some quite small talk, this was one of those nights.  The adjacent tables are close and it’s hard not to start up a conversation with neighbors… We had some polite hellos where are you from, but nothing in-depth or serious… it was mentioned that we were being pretty quite, all was fine and friendly, but we didn’t talk much.  The next night, same couple arrives for supper and hands us each a set of cue cards (plural) with conversation topics that they thought we would enjoy talking about.


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43 minutes ago, klfhngr said:

On our first X cruise, I accidently fell asleep on my pillow chocolates! The next morning, it was all over the bed sheets and looked like someone crapped in the bed. On the way out to breakfast, our cabin steward was about to come in. I told him, 'I'm sorry, but my wife wasn't feeling well last night!' Later that day, he was cracking up! I did apologize for falling asleep on it, he said no problem.

This exact thing happened to me! I was so embarrassed and felt so bad for the attendant who had to change the sheets.

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51 minutes ago, klfhngr said:

On our first X cruise, I accidently fell asleep on my pillow chocolates! The next morning, it was all over the bed sheets and looked like someone crapped in the bed. On the way out to breakfast, our cabin steward was about to come in. I told him, 'I'm sorry, but my wife wasn't feeling well last night!' Later that day, he was cracking up! I did apologize for falling asleep on it, he said no problem.

Me too, I fell asleep with it in my hand.  Oh man the mess.  I was sooo embarrassed.  LOL 😉

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21 hours ago, Guppy99 said:

Having multiple cats, I can attest to the fact that wherever I go, hard as I try, I bring cat hair and dander with me. Either on a coat, or because Fritz likes to rub himself against my legs when I'm leaving the house etc. If you are very allergic, it is quite possible that the previous tenants had cat hair and dander on them which they left behind.  I don't think you are crazy!

Thank you for that, Guppy99.  After reading your response, I now also recalled it once happened at a restaurant in Spain when a man sat very close to me.  I had been just fine, enjoying my wine and meal, and just minutes after he sat down, I started to experience the onset. We had to leave and sit by an outside table in a nearby bar in the fresh air for at least 30 minutes before I could breathe relatively normally again.  I think you are exactly right; apparently, I am just CRAZY allergic.  😿          

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On 3/21/2022 at 2:53 PM, DaKahuna said:


 Grits -- one of my biggest complaints about cruise ship breakfast -- they don't know how to cook grits.  They serve them way too watery. I like my grits thick and creamy not thin and watery.   nuff said !


Amen to that.  I remarked to one of the managers who wander around the buffet that their grits were not grits.  Explained the error of their interpretation.  Manager apologized and actually brought the buffet chef to the table we seated ourselves at and asked for me to explain the difference between "real" grits and what it was they were serving.  Told them it was simple.  True grits aren't runny at all, but more like the consistency of mashed potatoes.  


Next morning, we tried their grits again.  They were a bit better, but still way too watery.


I think someone needs to make some real grits and take them on board to show them the difference.  LOL!

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1 hour ago, graphicguy said:

Amen to that.  I remarked to one of the managers who wander around the buffet that their grits were not grits.  Explained the error of their interpretation.  Manager apologized and actually brought the buffet chef to the table we seated ourselves at and asked for me to explain the difference between "real" grits and what it was they were serving.  Told them it was simple.  True grits aren't runny at all, but more like the consistency of mashed potatoes.  


Next morning, we tried their grits again.  They were a bit better, but still way too watery.


I think someone needs to make some real grits and take them on board to show them the difference.  LOL!

Right now I am vacationing in South Carolina.  The grits are damn good here.

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5 hours ago, klfhngr said:

On our first X cruise, I accidently fell asleep on my pillow chocolates! The next morning, it was all over the bed sheets and looked like someone crapped in the bed. On the way out to breakfast, our cabin steward was about to come in. I told him, 'I'm sorry, but my wife wasn't feeling well last night!' Later that day, he was cracking up! I did apologize for falling asleep on it, he said no problem.

OMG...I am glad to know I am not the only one!

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First cruise ever, booked a guaranteed suite and was assigned the Royal Suite on the Constellation.  In St. Maarten the rental cars were all booked so we rented one ATV for 2 people (both female).  We got rained on driving towards Simpson Bay. Stopped at a rum hut for cover.  Continuing on just past the airport, a road sweeper pulled out in front of us, kicking up lots of dust.  We were still damp and now caked in a layer of mud.  Stopped in Grand Case at an upscale French restaurant for lunch.  They were very kind.  We attempted to wash up but still sported a helmet head hair do. Driving near Orient Beach, a car that was so anxious to pull out in front of our ATV,  pulled out in front of a police car who barely avoided hitting him.  We did not wave to the police and the stopped vehicle as we drove by.  Back on the ship, we decided to make use of the hot tub on the deck of the RS.  We were starboard with only the mountains as a view, no other ships.  Until... we heard the ship horn.  Time to leave, we thought. Then Adventure of the Seas, slowly......backs out past our stateroom.  We scrapped the idea of standing up in the hot tub and waving back.  We just hunkered down with towels.  Such a wonderful trip and Celebrity had us hooked.

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