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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday October 29th, 2022


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Just checking in... arrived safely home to Portland, Oregon last night... it was dark, cold and raining a gale... the woman next to me asked if it was too late to change our minds and go back....😅


Got a peek of Hanauma Bay and Diamond Head... already missing the pool, view... and sun....🌞


Take care... and hoping everyone is well and having fun....!!



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1 hour ago, rafinmd said:


OK, so $500 each is the insurance amount.  I was thinking you were saying that was the charge per bag.  Are you ok with taking them home by yourself?


We will have them sent by luggage Direct. Where they pick them up and we won't see them until we reach the airport in Austin.

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33 minutes ago, Rowsby said:

Just checking in... arrived safely home to Portland, Oregon last night... it was dark, cold and raining a gale... the woman next to me asked if it was too late to change our minds and go back....😅


Got a peek of Hanauma Bay and Diamond Head... already missing the pool, view... and sun....🌞


Take care... and hoping everyone is well and having fun....!!




Welcome home!  What a wonderful stay you must have had.😎

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This morning I was working, I was on my last call of the day.  I told the woman who i was, and asked why she hadn't renewed.  Her husband had died last year, but she wanted to come back.  The problem was that she was going on a BIG LONG trip and really didnt want to do anything until January.


I asked her where the trip was going.  She said the Amazon.  I told her that I had good friends that were about to go to the Amazon, on Holland.  Yup.  I asked how the planning was going and she said fine except that she had to get a Yellow Fever Vaccine!  I told her that several of my friends were doing the same thing.


I told her about cruise critic, and she said that the woman she was going to travel with (different cabins) from AZ? might be on CC, she was on several sites.  I told my new friend Lucy to drop on in here, that she would never in her life meet such a nice bunch of people.  So you who are about to board for that Amazon cruise, if you meet a lovely lady from Louisville,, who's name is Lucy, say Hi!


It really is a tiny world......





Edited by marshhawk
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45 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

This morning I was working, I was on my last call of the day.  I told the woman who i was, and asked why she hadn't renewed.  Her husband had died last year, but she wanted to come back.  The problem was that she was going on a BIG LONG trip and really didnt want to do anything until January.


I asked her where the trip was going.  She said the Amazon.  I told her that I had good friends that were about to go to the Amazon, on Holland.  Yup.  I asked how the planning was going and she said fine except that she had to get a Yellow Fever Vaccine!  I told her that several of my friends were doing the same thing.


I told her about cruise critic, and she said that the woman she was going to travel with (different cabins) from AZ? might be on CC, she was on several sites.  I told my new friend Lucy to drop on in here, that she would never in her life meet such a nice bunch of people.  So you who are about to board for that Amazon cruise, if you meet a lovely lady from Louisville,, who's name is Lucy, say Hi!


It really is a tiny world......







Thanks for letting us know Annie.  I'll be looking around for Lucy from Louisville who has a travel mate from Arizona.  🙂

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The ship coming in now is headed for the basin.  Hopefully, Eurodam will be able to leave soon.  Oops, I thought I was posting to the sailaway thread.



Edited by rafinmd
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Thanks for the HAL Fleet locations , the Daily, the Care and Celebration Lists, the food and beverage recipes and the photos.

Good quote today,  Cat day is celebrated every day in this household, she has been sitting on my lap this afternoon, before returning to her outdoor territory.

@rafinmd Roy, good news for you from the Radiation Oncologist.

@smitty34877 sorry that Tana is needing more help.

@ger_77 Sochi is a beautiful cat.  Safe  troublefree travelling, Bon Voyage,

@aliaschief  safe troublefree travelling as you head home tomorrow after your super river cruise.

@grapau27 thank you for your reply yesterday.

It's  time to go for a walk , will take a water bottle, temperature is 23 C.

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Good Afternoon  from the Noordam

     We are at sea headed to Tonga, having missed Rarotonga yesterday due to sea conditions. 
     Passed the Zuiderdam this Am . The captains exchanged horn toots. 
     I know that food and entertainment are very subjective but we have found it all quite good. There is an entertainer with us that was scheduled to leave in Tahiti but flight was cancelled. He was then going to get off in Rarotonga to meet up with the Zuiderdam . Missed the port so now he is on until Brisbane. So they put him on for a few extra shows. 
    @Seasick Sailor we used Luggage forward for the first time on this trip. I believe it was you and Roy that recommended it. Best thing I ever did. Will continue to use them. 
    My Dailylite friends are in my thoughts .

Stay safe and enjoy today 


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Today turned out to be a busier day than expected.  I knew I needed to stop by a couple of stores.  The plan was to get DH some loose athletic shorts for use in PT.  I had picked up a pair while he was in the hospital.  It turns out it was a good thing I only got one pair.  The rehab hospital sets the top temperature on the a/c at 75F.  So, on the way to see DH, I had to find some loose pants for him.  Tomorrow I'm going to look for a hoodie.  Most of the patients were bundled up.


I noticed one improvement between yesterday and this morning.  He was able to sit up straight without leaning forward or sideways.  I'll take any improvement, but he still has a long way to go.  Unlike the hospital where he had his surgery, the food in rehab is pretty institutional and of the variety, you'll get what we fix.


This afternoon DH's therapy session was a group of 6 session.  Kind of an interesting concept.  DH said it was good.  Maybe misery loves company.  😉


@kazu  Jacqui, I'm glad you and your family arrived safely in Barcelona, and that your DBIL was able to make the journey.  Enjoy your time in Barcelona and the cruise.


14 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  DH and I were just talking last night about how hermit-like we were in 2020, but it eased up slightly as time went by.  We were lucky to have each other to lean on during that time.  Well of course every day in our house is Cat Day; Sochi wouldn't have it any other way.  A colleague of mine suffered terribly from psoriasis, but found temporary relief by taking "tar baths" at a sports rehab facility. 


A busy day today socially, as we're going for breakfast with the family (DH's son, daughter, son-in-law and sister), sort of a family gathering before we head off on our trip on Monday.   We have to stop on the way home to get some extra cat food (her highness can't go hungry, certainly!), and then this evening, friends of ours are having us over for a small Bon Voyage party with only 3 other couples. 


I'm happy to hear that @kazuand her family have arrived safely(with luggage) in Barcelona; here's hoping we have the same experience!  I keep checking my emails to be sure there haven't been any more schedule changes - no stress there!  LOL  


@Quartzsite CruiserI'm glad you're home; I'll bet it feels good!


I think I'd like today's menu suggestion, but we'll be enjoying appies, conversation and laughter with our friends this evening.  And wine.


DH prepared a box for our house/cat sitter that will hold the mail so it doesn't end up all over the kitchen table, but Sochi had other ideas for it . . .


The yellow cord on the left is the extension cord for the snow-blower; it lives in the house during the winter so it isn't frozen stiff when we need it.  Ah, life on the "frozen tundra!"


Prayers for everyone who is hurting, cheers to all who have celebrations going on!  Stay safe, everyone!


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂




It is good to be home.  Still a lot of work to catch up on that I let slide the past three weeks.  I guesd keeping busy will keep me out of trouble. 😁


14 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Good Saturday Morning!  I woke up too early to stay up, and when I got up again, the sky was blue and clear and what clouds there were , were taking on a pink glow.  Red sky in the morning sailors take warning, and now the sky is gray and cloudy.


@lindalerAt least the witches are not riding their brooms.  Of course they could sweep the streets clean, combine the ride with a city wide clean up.  From what I have seen of Mobile though, it is pretty clean. A very pretty city.


@ger_77Bon Voyage, I hope you have a great time, and I am glad to see that the "mail" box is being used correctly.



One of the campaigns I have been working on is Louisville Orchestra. (that's the one that is ending today).  The conductor of the orchestra is interested in new music, so he has 3 new composers on staff, artists in residence.  I called a patron several weeks ago and asked him what he was interested in as far as music, and he said new composers.  I told him about the program that Teddy Abrahms had started, well it turns out he is a composer, and he contacted the conductor, had an interview, and was getting hired!    His second interview was this past week.  Since I wont be able to call him back on the 9th, I got my boss to change my call back to today so that I can wish my new friend good luck in his new life!  I hope the second interview went well.







Annie, that was nice you could connect a composer with the symphony.


13 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Sochi is just beautiful! Thank you for telling us about your DH's experience  with catheterization  I need to get my mind out of the worst case scenario  mode and think positively. 


Terry, DH had an angiogram ten years ago.  It was to determine if there was a blockage or an electical problem.  There was no blockage, and a prescription solved the eletrical issue.  We got to the hospital about 6:30 or 7, and we were on the way home just after noon.  They went in through the groin.  DH had to be careful of how he sat for a day or two, and it left a big bruise around the groin.


6 hours ago, marshhawk said:

This morning I was working, I was on my last call of the day.  I told the woman who i was, and asked why she hadn't renewed.  Her husband had died last year, but she wanted to come back.  The problem was that she was going on a BIG LONG trip and really didnt want to do anything until January.


I asked her where the trip was going.  She said the Amazon.  I told her that I had good friends that were about to go to the Amazon, on Holland.  Yup.  I asked how the planning was going and she said fine except that she had to get a Yellow Fever Vaccine!  I told her that several of my friends were doing the same thing.


I told her about cruise critic, and she said that the woman she was going to travel with (different cabins) from AZ? might be on CC, she was on several sites.  I told my new friend Lucy to drop on in here, that she would never in her life meet such a nice bunch of people.  So you who are about to board for that Amazon cruise, if you meet a lovely lady from Louisville,, who's name is Lucy, say Hi!


It really is a tiny world......






Annie, I hope the nice lady joins the Meet and Greet.



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Good evening!  I am just now reading today’s Daily and surprised that psoriasis has a day of it’s own. Having been recently diagnosed with it and psoriatic arthritis it hits close to home.  I had a steroid shot prior to our cruise otherwise I would not have been able to go. I can’t keep having steroids and creams just help the surface.  I’m still waiting for financial assistance for the medication I’ve been prescribed. It’s been over a month. Unless you are a millionaire no one could afford this medication on a regular basis. So I keep waiting and calling. The other issue is getting an appointment with a rheumatologist. You have to be referred and approved. Patience. Wax on, wax off. 

Sorry for the rant. 

On 10/28/2022 at 11:58 AM, richwmn said:

Points for my cruise ending 10/22 have been posted.






On 10/28/2022 at 11:09 AM, kazu said:

Hi everyone!

Checking in from Pearson (Toronto) airport.  Going to see if I can catch up between my short layover here and the one in Montreal.

Have to say that the guy at Aeroplan gave me good advice.  Security treats ashes very seriously.  they had to go in a special bin and right in the centre of it.  Glad I called but it is a PITA having this extra bag.

travelling solo is complicated - you can’t save your seat in the lounge if you want to use the facilities as you have to lug your carry on’s with you since there is no one to watch it.

After the guy warned me on lost luggage yesterday I overdid it by packing some clothes for Barcelona in case.  On the way home, it will probably be checked -  nothing to worry about 😉 

So good to hear everything is going good (above is from yesterday). And good to hear you arrived in Barcelona. Yeah!  

Have a good evening everyone!

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13 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Dailyites. 

A cool blustery morning. Warming to 69 today.


We have a neighborhood adult trick and treats tonight with pumpkin carving, costume, and pet costume contests. Last year was so much fun.


We missed the Halloween dance and band last night. We weren't in the mood from the disappointing day we had. I hear it was a lot of fun and laughs.


Lenda I'm glad Steve is in rehab and you are home and able to rest.


Prayers for all on Roy's list. 


One of our own @Sharon in AZ suffers from psoriasis. I have a very mild case on my elbows and knees and a few other places. I stay on top of it with topical medications. 


Oh my goodness. Cat day!









Wishing everyone a great weekend. Be safe. Blessings and Cheers. Xx


Joy, thank you for the mention, I really appreciate it and for remembering. You are a sweet friend. 

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6 hours ago, erewhon said:

Thanks for the HAL Fleet locations , the Daily, the Care and Celebration Lists, the food and beverage recipes and the photos.

Good quote today,  Cat day is celebrated every day in this household, she has been sitting on my lap this afternoon, before returning to her outdoor territory.

@rafinmd Roy, good news for you from the Radiation Oncologist.

@smitty34877 sorry that Tana is needing more help.

@ger_77 Sochi is a beautiful cat.  Safe  troublefree travelling, Bon Voyage,

@aliaschief  safe troublefree travelling as you head home tomorrow after your super river cruise.

@grapau27 thank you for your reply yesterday.

It's  time to go for a walk , will take a water bottle, temperature is 23 C.

Thank you.

I will always happily answer questions.

I hope you had a nice walk.

It is currently 07.00am here in the UK and light.

Our clocks went back 1 hour last night.



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7 hours ago, erewhon said:

Thanks for the HAL Fleet locations , the Daily, the Care and Celebration Lists, the food and beverage recipes and the photos.

Good quote today,  Cat day is celebrated every day in this household, she has been sitting on my lap this afternoon, before returning to her outdoor territory.

@rafinmd Roy, good news for you from the Radiation Oncologist.

@smitty34877 sorry that Tana is needing more help.

@ger_77 Sochi is a beautiful cat.  Safe  troublefree travelling, Bon Voyage,

@aliaschief  safe troublefree travelling as you head home tomorrow after your super river cruise.

@grapau27 thank you for your reply yesterday.

It's  time to go for a walk , will take a water bottle, temperature is 23 C.

Today's sermon.


Edited by grapau27
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16 hours ago, marshhawk said:

@StLouisCruisersA travel mate with a husband and granddaughter with her from AZ..

The granddaughter should make it even easier to find the Arizona couple.  If I do see Lucy from Louisville I will definitely say hi from you!




12 hours ago, HAL Sailer said:


Hail to the Victors!

Congrats on your team's victory.



Melisa, that is very generous of you to say.  It must have been quite a game from what I hear.  


DS is an alumnus of Michigan, a professor and department Sr. associate chair so that college and team has been in our lives a long time.  Now his son is considering attending UofM next fall.  I wish they'd give discounts but unfortunately NOT!




12 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Today turned out to be a busier day than expected.  I knew I needed to stop by a couple of stores.  The plan was to get DH some loose athletic shorts for use in PT.  I had picked up a pair while he was in the hospital.  It turns out it was a good thing I only got one pair.  The rehab hospital sets the top temperature on the a/c at 75F.  So, on the way to see DH, I had to find some loose pants for him.  Tomorrow I'm going to look for a hoodie.  Most of the patients were bundled up.


I noticed one improvement between yesterday and this morning.  He was able to sit up straight without leaning forward or sideways.  I'll take any improvement, but he still has a long way to go.  Unlike the hospital where he had his surgery, the food in rehab is pretty institutional and of the variety, you'll get what we fix.


This afternoon DH's therapy session was a group of 6 session.  Kind of an interesting concept.  DH said it was good.  Maybe misery loves company.  😉


@kazu  Jacqui, I'm glad you and your family arrived safely in Barcelona, and that your DBIL was able to make the journey.  Enjoy your time in Barcelona and the cruise.



It is good to be home.  Still a lot of work to catch up on that I let slide the past three weeks.  I guesd keeping busy will keep me out of trouble. 😁



Annie, that was nice you could connect a composer with the symphony.



Terry, DH had an angiogram ten years ago.  It was to determine if there was a blockage or an electical problem.  There was no blockage, and a prescription solved the eletrical issue.  We got to the hospital about 6:30 or 7, and we were on the way home just after noon.  They went in through the groin.  DH had to be careful of how he sat for a day or two, and it left a big bruise around the groin.



Annie, I hope the nice lady joins the Meet and Greet.




I'm glad they got started on the therapy right off the bat.  Thinking positive thoughts for him.  Will you be driving over to visit daily?

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9 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

DS is an alumnus of Michigan, a professor and department Sr. associate chair so that college and team has been in our lives a long time.  Now his son is considering attending UofM


@StLouisCruisers Yes, college relationships often run deep in our state. My DH and his oldest son are MSU alums. I graduated from a university that started as MSU's Honors College. And our youngest DGS is planning on MSU



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10 hours ago, HAL Sailer said:


@StLouisCruisers Yes, college relationships often run deep in our state. My DH and his oldest son are MSU alums. I graduated from a university that started as MSU's Honors College. And our youngest DGS is planning on MSU




Totally agree.  Congrats on your family's special relationship with MSU. Our son was actually born in the state of Michigan while DH worked in Midland at Dow Chemical.  As a little boy he wore a U of M Wolverines shirt.  When it came time for college we had moved to 3 other states after we left Michigan, but it was U of M he chose to attend.  Besides, they had a great Electrical Engineering program and still do.  I don't know what field DGS will go into but I'm sure he will do fine wherever he goes.


And I still have that special, tiny shirt.  A keepsake.

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