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Live Seascape YC (7/9-7/16): A Celebrity Loyalist Jumps Ship


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14 hours ago, GenerationX said:


Just when I was about to evacuate back to the peace of the Top Sail, I stumbled upon something I’d forgotten was a thing on MSC: the champagne bar. Those who know me already know where this story is headed…


When I sat down I intended to order something nice just by the glass. But then the sommelier Dennis told me that with YC he could give me 20% off a bottle purchase and that they could pressure seal and cold store the bottle for me to finish the next night.  Sold.


I ended up having 2 glasses of my Moet rose and then the bartender, Angela, asked me if I’d like to try a champagne cocktail recipe she’s been working on, included in the YC drink package. Those who know me also know what my answer to that question was. It was loud from the band so tough to hear exactly what she said was in it but I think she said champagne, St. Germaine, and a little passion fruit and lemon juice.


Angela just started her contract, so if you’re sailing Seascape in the next 9 months and you like a nice refreshing bubbly cocktail, go see her! 


I ended up spending my remaining free time until kids club pick up at said champagne bar with Dennis and Angela (aka my new best friends).


Shortly we’ll go get ready for dinner in the YC restaurant. Tonight’s show is a comedian and Gen Z has little interest, so she’ll probably go to kids club with her new friends and I’ll probably hit the champagne bar to see mine.  




Sounds like the champagne bar will be a place my wife and I need to check out in March, although depending on timing we'll either have just missed Angela or just meet her at the tail end of her tour.

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15 hours ago, GenerationX said:


Hola from hot, sunny Puerto Plata!


We got back from our excursion a couple of hours ago (report to come) and had a late lunch at the one pool (the carved to order leg of lamb is excellent BTW) and then cooled off sitting sipping an aperol spritz and watching Gen Z play in the pool with one of her new buddies.


When we came back onboard, we went by the room to freshen up and put on swimsuits and as soon as we came out, Charles popped out of the crew passage to greet us and ask how our excursion was. He escorted us up to the pool and and got us our first round of drinks while we made our plates from the buffet.  He also talked to one of the pool attendants and came back and let us know that there’d be a couple vacating a cabana shortly and he’d made arrangements for the pool attendant to set it up for us once it was free.  Not a bad welcome back!


Before I share about our day in the DR, a back in time report on our evening after dinner last night.


It turned out to be one of those “best made plans of mice and moms” kind of nights.


The original plan was for Gen Z to go to kids club for an hour and then we were going to go to the late show together.  However when I went to pick her up, I discovered I had been trumped by a super hero party and she asked me to just pick her up when the club closed at 11pm instead.


With 2 hours to myself to kill I decided to go check out more of the ship.  Much of what I saw kind of reinforced for me that sailing MSC not in yacht club, especially on these big ships, may not be a fit for me as a smaller, laid back cruise ship person.  There were sooo many people and kids everywhere and elevators took a long time. As in even with my YC VIP override, it would take 5-6 minutes for an elevator to come (which was still a vast improvement over the 10-15 minute waits for non-priority).  I nearly slipped and fell a couple of times where people had spilled drinks on the marble floors.


I passed one of the main dining rooms where I briefly glanced diners clapping in unison and waving their napkins while the waiters were singing and doing some kind of dance.  Nothing wrong with that if folks enjoy it, but just not my personal cruising forte.


Just when I was about to evacuate back to the peace of the Top Sail, I stumbled upon something I’d forgotten was a thing on MSC: the champagne bar. Those who know me already know where this story is headed…


When I sat down I intended to order something nice just by the glass. But then the sommelier Dennis told me that with YC he could give me 20% off a bottle purchase and that they could pressure seal and cold store the bottle for me to finish the next night.  Sold.


I ended up having 2 glasses of my Moet rose and then the bartender, Angela, asked me if I’d like to try a champagne cocktail recipe she’s been working on, included in the YC drink package. Those who know me also know what my answer to that question was. It was loud from the band so tough to hear exactly what she said was in it but I think she said champagne, St. Germaine, and a little passion fruit and lemon juice.


Angela just started her contract, so if you’re sailing Seascape in the next 9 months and you like a nice refreshing bubbly cocktail, go see her! 


I ended up spending my remaining free time until kids club pick up at said champagne bar with Dennis and Angela (aka my new best friends).


On our walk back to our room for bed, Charles met us in the hallway and apologized for how late our room cleaning had been. He explained that he has a new assistant who just started his contact when we boarded on Sunday and is still getting up to speed. Perfectly understandable. I know zero people who are experts at their job in the first 48 hours.  


We’re currently sitting in the Top Sail while I enjoy tea service and Mini Me has a Lego play date with her royal suite friend.


Shortly we’ll go get ready for dinner in the YC restaurant. Tonight’s show is a comedian and Gen Z has little interest, so she’ll probably go to kids club with her new friends and I’ll probably hit the champagne bar to see mine.  


More to come later tonight!


















Gen X….i am really enjoying your review….we will be on the Seascape next week…Can you possible do me a favor…can you ask your butler (Charles) if it is possible to get a Trundell or Rollaway bed in the rooms.  We are staying in one of the Grand Deluxe Suites on 16 that is really wide and have 2 6ft tall teenagers.  Was hoping they could bring in a bed.  No Pullman in this room.   THANK YOU!!

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Good Morning from Puerto Rico!  


It’s 10am and someone is already counting this as a best life day.  


We’ve figured out that the best time to hit the kids casino-oops I mean arcade-is first thing after breakfast on port days.  There’s almost no one else there and no loud music playing. Much more sensory friendly.


This morning, after breakfast in the YC restaurant, Gen Z hit a jackpot on one of the games that paid out over 500 tickets, which she cashed in for a Minecraft toy she’s had her eye on in the prize machine since we boarded.


I haven’t seen her this happy since I woke her up on Saturday morning to fly out for the cruise.


Our excursion today isn’t until the afternoon so after she claimed her prize, Gen Z asked to go to kids club for the morning PS5 gaming session.


I’m having a little me time in the A/C with a mimosa in Top Sail enjoying the views of El Morro and trying to ignore the breakfast snacks display.


Yesterday in the one pool I heard a guy complaining that this is his first MSC cruise and he “can never find any food on this ship”.  I had to resist the urge to ask this gentleman if he had vision challenges.  I think if you wanted, you could literally spend your entire yacht club day stuffing food in your mouth. I think the YC staff would also enthusiastically assist you in this effort with smiles on their faces and songs in their hearts.


While I’m relaxing, a report on the rest of our day yesterday:


Our DR excursion ticket packet (which Charles left on the bed at turndown the night before) said we were to assemble in Top Sail at 9:20am, so we ordered room service breakfast on the hang tag the night before and it arrived right on time.


I didn’t eat much of mine because I was suffering from some heartburn due to excessive indulgence in richly sauced lobster, pasta and champagne the night before (life struggles of the yacht club bourgeoisie).


After breakfast we packed our bag and headed to the lounge around 9am where Charles and the other butlers with guests on MSC excursions were waiting.  Charles greeted us and found us a seat and got me a latte to sip till it was time for us to go down.  He also gave us a few bottled waters to take in with us. I saw the butlers with guests doing beach excursions also giving their guests towels and bags for holding wet/sandy apparel on return.


When it was time to head down, butlers escorted us in groups of about 10 at a time on locked out elevators and led the charge in taking us past lines of non-YC guests waiting to disembark.  I’d read to be prepared for occasional comments from said guests on seeing themselves be bypassed by a guy in a tux leading a bunch of YC residents and it was sound advice.  At one point poor Gen Z said “mommy I think that man back there is mad at us.”  I responded “He’s not mad at us, honey. He’s mad at the system.”


I thought the YC service would end once we scanned our cards to get off the ship, but nope!  A butler walked us all the way down the pier to the port area where somehow, out of a sea of sun and humanity, who pops up at my shoulder but Charles!  He told Gen Z and I to stand off to the side in the shade and feel free to use the facilities if we needed them (Gen Z did) and he’d go find the rendezvous point for our excursion and then escort us there.


Once we were deposited with our excursion group (with a few looks from the other passengers wondering what was up with our tuxed escort), we had to wait about 10 minutes for other excursion guests then we were lead off to our bus.


I did a land vacation to the beach in Punta Cana DR just a couple of weeks ago so I decided with this stop it would be good to see more of the interior of the island.  Our excursion was a tour of Isabel de Torres mountain and downtown Punta Cana.  The bus was an open air jeep (no A/C) and it was a very hot day. I was glad I’d packed a couple of small $4 battery operated hand fans.  Once the bus was moving the breezes kept us cool, especially as we got up the mountain, but while we were stopped it was pretty stifling.


The views during the 45 minute drive up the mountain were breathtaking in many places. In others, it was a stark reminder of the differences in lifestyle between the haves and have nots in the DR.  In between beautiful mountainside mansions were small farms with mud yards, no glass in the windows and rooftop rain collection barrels for water supply. 


I always struggle with the conflict between wanting to be respectful of avoiding being a poverty tourist but also wanting to raise Gen Z aware of the privileges and opportunities that she has been blessed with and that so many others don’t receive.


Sorry, I digress. Anyway, at the top of the mountain our guide gave us a nice (but hot, bless those mini fans and Charles’s water bottles!) walking tour of the trails through the jungle pointing out different local plants and telling us how Dominicans use them for natural remedies.


He also helped us with taking photos with the replica of Christ the Redeemer.  He warned us not to take the offers from the other locals hanging around the statue to take pictures for us.  He said they’ll take your phone, take several pictures of you and your companions but then refuse to give your phone back until you pay them, and some will demand as much as $50 US for their “photography services”!


After the mountain, the bus took us down on a drive along the ocean and then to the main square in Puerto Plata where our guide showed us the city hall building and told us about the history of Hispaniola and the DR’s path to independence from Spain.


Then he walked us around to see some of the sights, stopping for 10-15 minutes each in a couple of air conditioned “recommended” gift and coffee shops of course.  I couldn’t resist the urge to grab a Dominican Water (aka the local Presidente beer) and Gen Z and I each got a $3 empanada snack. Personally I think the Dominican beef empanadas are the best kind. They simmer the meat with allspice, cumin, ground raisins and olives and it gives it this great sweet and salty flavor.


When the bus dropped us back off at the port it was a much longer walk back (of course through a million shops trying to get us to come in, but we only had eyes for our air conditioned ship at that point) than it had been going out to the bus.


Overall it was a pretty walking intensive tour and the climb in and out of the jeep was not accessible friendly, so I don’t know that I’d suggest it for anyone who has mobility challenges or for anyone who’s particularly sensitive to the heat.


When we got down the pier to the ship I was glad to see the ice water and cold towel stand that I love so much on Celebrity.  There was also a separate embarkation ramp at the front of the ship with the blue yacht club flags.  As we came on up that ramp a butler locked out the elevator for us to go straight up to our deck so we could get cold showers and swimsuits ASAP.


Wifi is being slow this morning so will post pics when it’s working better.  I think I’ll have one more mimosa then grab Gen Z from kids club then we’ll have a quick bite up by the one pool before it’s time to assemble for today’s excursion.


Cheers from Seascape!

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1 hour ago, 39august said:

Is there a smoking area at the YC pool, please? And if so, how intrusive is the smoke? 

I believe I did see some tables and chairs on one side of the deck with ash trays, but if I recall correctly they aren’t  very near the pool and I haven’t noticed the smell of smoke thus far.  I’ll be sure to take a closer look next time we’re up there.

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Did you book your tour in Puerto Plata thru MSC or 3rd party? My husband and I will be there for the first time in September, and that sounds like something we'd enjoy. I was just checking excursions available to us thru MSC, and none of them sound like yours.


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Really enjoying your Live.

Did I miss it, and have you already "reviewed" your cabin?  

Are you in a Deluxe or a Grand Deluxe?

Are you having a stop at Ocean Cay on this particular itinerary?  Remember you mentioning how much Gen Z was looking forward to it.

Hope you continue enjoying!

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I spent tea time today in Top Sail sat next to a completely abandoned apple juice on the rocks belonging to my cruising companion, who was approached by a new friend and fellow Fortnite enthusiast from Austria and invited to go the arcade, and promptly took the better date deal.


Oh well, at least I had her company for the afternoon in Puerto Rico, report to come.  While I only had myself for company, a wrote up little info about dinner last night.


Gen Z’s tea time play date yesterday ran a little long, so by the time we showered, dressed and got to the restaurant it was almost 7:30.  Charles once again appeared as we were on our way out of the room popping his white gloves on and asked if he could escort Gen Z up (while patiently listening to her go on and on about her new Lego rabbit).  We’ve been eating more like 6pm when the restaurant is pretty quiet. At 7:30 it was very busy and we got one of the last couple of open tables.


Service earlier has also been excellent, but this time the service had a few hiccups.  Gen Z’s drink order never arrived despite asking a couple of times and I ordered both the prime rib and the lobster pasta for my main, but the pasta never came.  The prime rib turned out to be plenty of (just as good as it was on Divina) food, so missing the pasta wasn’t a big deal.  Gen Z had the filet mignon from the adult menu and was sopping up the sauce with her dinner roll after she finished the steak.  My crab cake appetizer was also great and not skimpy on the king crab.  I think going forward we’ll make a point of getting to an earlier dinner time in YC when the servers aren’t pulled in as many directions.  

After dinner, we went to check out the nightly “family friendly” main pool deck disco party before Gen Z went to kids club.  I was half expecting Baby Shark and Cocomelon caliber entertainment (and was tempted to have an extra glass of wine at dinner to steel my nerves for the experience).  It actually turned out to be a better dance party than some of the grown up night clubs I’ve been to. The moms on this ship got serious moves. That’s all I’m gonna say.


Jumping back to present day…After I finished my solo tea this afternoon, I switched out with our Austrian friend’s mom on supervising the kids in the arcade.  Both kids have the fun pass but Gen Z’s was getting low of funds. I offered to go reload it for her (we still have about $300 of OBC so I was happy to drop another $70 for my child’s happiness) but her friend said “oh no miss she was sharing her card with me before you came, I’ll share mine with her now.”


When the kids went to cash in their tickets, a little Italian boy about 5 years old was near tears standing at the ticket counting machine with his big broth because the machine had just eaten some of his tickets without putting them on his voucher.  Gen Z and her friend pulled an arm length of tickets off of the string they’d just won together and gave it to the upset little boy.  The little boy’s teenage brother thanked the kids and a little later, when he won some tickets, gave them to Gen Z and her friend to thank them for being nice to his little brother…I’m beginning to think we should just go ahead and let these kids start running the world right now. My hope for the future is restored!


Meanwhile, in the world of adult passenger behavior, while we were in the arcade, the captain came on the PA about 45 minutes after all aboard to say that we were still missing passengers.  He said the ship had been in contact with them but they were still waiting to return a rental car and he said “I cannot make 5,000 people wait for 1 or 2 who are so late.” and that we’d be pulling our lines and leaving without them.  Key takeaway:  if you decide to venture out on your own in port, probably a good plan to schedule your day to be back at the ship AT LEAST an hour before all aboard (personally I try to plan for 2 hours before when going independent) to give yourself some wiggle room in case things take longer than expected.  Unless you’re on a ship’s excursion that got delayed, the ship probably isn’t waiting for you. 


Gen Z and her friends are having their usual Lego hour in the lounge, then shortly we’ll go get dressed for our specialty dinner at the teppanyaki restaurant tonight.























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52 minutes ago, GenerationX said:

Meanwhile, in the world of adult passenger behavior, while we were in the arcade, the captain came on the PA about 45 minutes after all aboard to say that we were still missing passengers.  He said the ship had been in contact with them but they were still waiting to return a rental car and he said “I cannot make 5,000 people wait for 1 or 2 who are so late.” and that we’d be pulling our lines and leaving without them.  Key takeaway:  if you decide to venture out on your own in port, probably a good plan to schedule your day to be back at the ship AT LEAST an hour before all aboard (personally I try to plan for 2 hours before when going independent) to give yourself some wiggle room in case things take longer than expected.  Unless you’re on a ship’s excursion that got delayed, the ship probably isn’t waiting for you.

Ah yes, thinking the ship will wait for you!  Many years ago on the Celebrity Century during a Mediterranean cruise, the ship pulled out of Livorno, then it slowed to a stop, up comes the pilot boat, wearing life jackets this couple climbs into the ship.  An expensive trip as we found out they had to pay for their short trip!

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9 hours ago, GenerationX said:

I’m beginning to think we should just go ahead and let these kids start running the world right now. My hope for the future is restored!

Sounds like a plan to me!


9 hours ago, GenerationX said:

He said the ship had been in contact with them but they were still waiting to return a rental car and he said “I cannot make 5,000 people wait for 1 or 2 who are so late.” and that we’d be pulling our lines and leaving without them.

Pier runners can provide unplanned entertainment... as long as you are the ones watching from the ship not the ones on the pier...


I have immense sympathy for anyone caught out by unexpected accidents obviously, but too often it does appear to be poor planning not misfortune.

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I'm always amazed to read about passengers on various cruise lines getting mad about suite-level guests getting escorted about, brought to the head of the line, etc.  YC, Haven, Retreat, Star Class, et al have been around for a while now.  Are there still people who are unaware that cruise lines offer different cabin classes?  I'm a bit worried about this on my upcoming Seascape cruise and will probably limit the amount of escorting that I accept (it's not something I'm super comfortable with anyway).


Charla - there have been complaints in an MSC FB group this week about many non YC'ers being in the YC areas of Seascape, and the staff refusing to ask them to leave or police them coming in (allegedly, there are some family groups who are pulling in non-YC family members).  Have you noticed any of this?

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Hi Charla,

I always really enjoy reading your live trip reports. Thanks so much for taking the time to write them. 


Would you please be able to comment on any live musical entertainment you’ve experienced in the YC lounge? Do they  bring in any singers to perform? One of my favorite parts about sailing Celebrity is enjoying live music in all parts of the ship. Now that I’m pondering an MSC YC cruise - thanks to you! - I’m wondering if that’s something available in this ship within a ship experience.


Enjoy these special moments with your Gen Z. I enjoyed many similar experiences with my Millennial Me. lol

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As usual, I am really enjoying your posts. Thanks for doing them. It seems like the only way that someone like me would enjoy MSC is if I could book YC class whereas on Celebrity we’ve enjoyed regular balcony cabins and Aqua Class. In Oct we are having our first Retreat experience (got an amazing deal on a TA) so we will see how it goes. We don’t travel with any kids so the things that are enhancing Gen Zs experience have no appeal to us.  In any event, it is great to have someone like you describing your experience on Seascape so that I can evaluate the fit for us.

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3 hours ago, momofmab said:

I'm always amazed to read about passengers on various cruise lines getting mad about suite-level guests getting escorted about, brought to the head of the line, etc.  YC, Haven, Retreat, Star Class, et al have been around for a while now.  Are there still people who are unaware that cruise lines offer different cabin classes?  I'm a bit worried about this on my upcoming Seascape cruise and will probably limit the amount of escorting that I accept (it's not something I'm super comfortable with anyway).


Charla - there have been complaints in an MSC FB group this week about many non YC'ers being in the YC areas of Seascape, and the staff refusing to ask them to leave or police them coming in (allegedly, there are some family groups who are pulling in non-YC family members).  Have you noticed any of this?

I saw that FB post as well. (they even used the word "interlopers") It sounded like a number of them were family members of officers who were sailing outside of the YC, but allowed in to use the facilities. That really puts the YC crew in an awkward position. Others are sharing their YC wristbands. 



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15 hours ago, bunnyette said:

Ah yes, thinking the ship will wait for you!  Many years ago on the Celebrity Century during a Mediterranean cruise, the ship pulled out of Livorno, then it slowed to a stop, up comes the pilot boat, wearing life jackets this couple climbs into the ship.  An expensive trip as we found out they had to pay for their short trip!

many years ago the pier runners were shouted at & cheered  by the passengers onboard(there were many who had one too many cocktails ashore) - on the Italian ships when the Captain either put the gangplank back down or slowed the ship so a passenger could board from a tugboat - it was well known fact/ rumor that the captains would only do that for their girlfriends - not their wives!!!

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Good morning from our second sea day!  Gen Z is at morning kids club session (she said something about a junior environmental ambassadors training, I’m all for it) so I’m starting my day poolside the rum punch way.  Much like the Retreat deck on Celebrity, while there are plenty of loungers, shade is in limited supply at the One Pool.  Why do these ship designers think the suite demographic wants to bake ourselves to oblivion???  Today the YC staff have put a bandaid on the situation by putting pop up tents around some of the sitting areas for more shade.  I’m currently stationed in one said canopy area.


Last night was Notte Bianca (aka “white night”).  For my fellow MSC newbies, this white dress night is a staple part of the agenda on MSC cruises (and unlike Celebrity’s white night attempts, is heavily observed).  


I only knew about it before my Divina cruise thanks to Dream Cruises episodes (still salty that was pulled from my DirectTV subscription), so I’m passing along the heads up so that folks can pack accordingly.


When I started to study Italian recently, I learned that Notte Bianca is not only a literal translation to “white night” but also a saying in Italy for a night that never ends and a party that goes till the next day. 


For those that followed my Divina review, you may remember that this party to end all parties took me almost 36 hours to fully recover from.


When I found out that on Seascape, there’s also a separate, private white night party for Yacht Club, I was super excited to see what the VIP version would be like.  For some reason I envisioned ice sculptures, go go dancers from the entertainment team on mini stages around the one pool, champagne fountains, Belvedere martinis towers, white confetti cannons, etc. with Seascape’s “wealthy elite” reveling gratuitously in their luxury few can afford.


You know, something reminiscent of the “A Little Party Never Killed Nobody” scene from the Baz Luhrmann’s Great Gatsby (look it up on YouTube if you haven’t seen it).


Instead, after dinner when we got to the one pool deck, we were greeted with a single white pop up tent with a DJ under it, minimal decor, a couple of disco lights, a small buffet of sweets, and most of the population of the YC snuggled comfortably in poolside chairs with not a thought of dancing to the (pretty good) music.  


All of the butlers were out and about and between drink service several joined the handful of kids in YC in dancing to a couple of songs, but I think I was one of maybe 3 guests over the age of 14 who ever hit the dance floor.  


Gen Z did seem to have a blast with her little friends and it was fun to cut loose a little with the YC staff.  Still, when the YC party started to wrap up at like 10pm (what???) I couldn’t help but look at my Mini Me and channel my best Jack Dawson and smirk and said: “so, you wanna go to a REAL party?”   


After a quick gelato stop, we headed to deck 6 and the atrium where the main ship white night party was moved (from the main pool) due to approaching weather.  It was 5 decks of white clad partiers of all ages and all of the best dance music from at least 3 continents.  There were even  dancers and jugglers on little stages  I never noticed before in front of the video screens.  THIS was the white night from Divina. Times Two.


Gen Z and I danced it up until she said she had to go to bed because her feet were killing her (welcome to a woman’s world baby girl) then left a still roaring party a little before midnight.


Before we partied, we fueled up with dinner at the Keito tepanyaki specialty restaurant.  The food was on par with the hibachi restaurants we have in St. Louis and our total tab for the night ($86) was a little less than what we’d typically spend in STL.  We had a wonderful server who went next door to butcher’s cut to get a bottle of champagne to serve me by the glass that was included in the yacht club package (the Keito wine list only showed a Prosecco by the glass).  Gen Z loved the show aspect of the dinner, which really is what we mostly do hibachis for. It’s not the place to expect authentic top notch Japanese cuisine.


For the sensory/autism spectrum folks following, if your kids have never done this type of dining before, I’d suggest taking them down to the restaurant first around 7:30/8pm and letting them see and hear it in full effect before you book just to make sure it will be a good fit.  The walls are glass so you can see inside from the hallway and it’s loud enough you’ll get a good sense of the noise level without even going in.  There’s A LOT of stimuli coming from all directions.  Lots of clanging of metal on metal and unexpected random cheers and singing popping up from other tables.


We brought Gen Z’s headphones along in case she needed them, but she ended up being fine.  As you can see from the pics, she was also very happy with her kids steak dinner and sushi.


Now that my sunscreen has set, I’m going to finish this rum punch and hop in the pool for a bit.  Then I’ll be spending a little time on the MSC and Celebrity websites doing some price comparisons and emailing with my TA’s.  I use separate TA’s for booking with Celebrity vs. MSC vs. land trips.  It’s been my experience that TA’s are a lot like lawyers in that over time they become specialists in certain lines/experiences.  I could probably draft you a passable will if I had to, but an estate specialist will be the lawyer who can really give you added value.) 


It’s about time for me to start planing my usual January/February solo cruise for 2024, and I must admit I’m more torn than ever.  Will be interesting to see how the Aqua class vs. Retreat vs. YC numbers are shaking out.







































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And just this morning I thought, "Isn't it about time for Charla to be cruising again?"


I'm doing MSC Seashore in November based on your last MSC review/comparison to Retreat so I'm following along closely. As much as I hate a buffet... the YC one sounds awesome. (It's not the actual buffet so much as the "people at the buffet" that drive me mad. I almost went "John Wick" on a lady that had to inspect every piece of lettuce before it touched her plate.) Please snap a photo if it crosses your mind and I've heard the seafood buffet is the one that the "Interlopers" crash.


I've been checking the Retreat prices for next year and I have to say, it's not looking good. They are double what I paid this year so I'm really hoping YC will be my wallet saver. Did you receive any perks for booking this one onboard your last MSC?


You and Gen Z look great!

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7 minutes ago, go.without.you said:

Did you receive any perks for booking this one onboard your last MSC?

Just to save Charla a little typing, here is the standard book onboard offer... You also get whatever the current MSC promotion is at the time.



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4 hours ago, momofmab said:

I'm always amazed to read about passengers on various cruise lines getting mad about suite-level guests getting escorted about, brought to the head of the line, etc.  YC, Haven, Retreat, Star Class, et al have been around for a while now.  Are there still people who are unaware that cruise lines offer different cabin classes?  I'm a bit worried about this on my upcoming Seascape cruise and will probably limit the amount of escorting that I accept (it's not something I'm super comfortable with anyway).


Charla - there have been complaints in an MSC FB group this week about many non YC'ers being in the YC areas of Seascape, and the staff refusing to ask them to leave or police them coming in (allegedly, there are some family groups who are pulling in non-YC family members).  Have you noticed any of this?

I saw that FB post too.  My personal experience is that I haven’t had an issue finding pool or lounge space or had long waits for anything in YC and I’m seeing mostly familiar faces. Today is the seafood lunch and I’ve noticed a lot more butler, officer and security presence on the pool deck even this morning, I suspect it’s to address this very issue.  

I will say that on the first sea day while I was laying on a lounger I saw an unfamiliar couple walk onto the pool deck via a side staircase near me through a gate that didn’t have a lock. A pool attendant almost immediately approached them and asked very respectfully if they were YC. When they were confirmed not to be, they were immediately and politely asked to leave. 

What really triggered me was that as they were walking away I heard them accuse the poor pool attendant of only questioning whether they belonged in YC because of their race.  

As a member of the same minority group as the crashing couple who hasn’t had a single issue with such questioning, and neither have any of the other diverse YC guests that I’ve met so far (because it seems the staff seems learns incredibly quickly who belongs and who’s a random new face), I felt so bad for the crew member and went over to thank him for doing his job and added him to my end of cruise tip envelope list.  

Having experienced my fair share of true racism and prejudice (thus far never on an MSC or Celebrity ship), it’s an issue I take very seriously and it’s sadly still a very real issue in the world, and it really makes me mad when people like that throw such a serious allegation around when they know they’re in the wrong to begin with.

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19 hours ago, jules815 said:

Did you book your tour in Puerto Plata thru MSC or 3rd party? My husband and I will be there for the first time in September, and that sounds like something we'd enjoy. I was just checking excursions available to us thru MSC, and none of them sound like yours.


I did book it through MSC.  I did notice that closer to my sail date, a few more excursion options popped up in the cruise planner, so if you’re sailing in September maybe check again at the end of this month?


Here’s the title and code for our excursion if it helps.


Overall though, I think for me MSC doesn’t have the same volume/variety of excursion options that Celebrity offers.  But MSC’s non-sale excursion pricing is a little better.



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Charla - Thank you for sharing your experience.  I won't be on MSC for the first time until December but my impression from reading multiple trip reviews is that it's a relatively diverse line (maybe more so than the other popular US-based lines) and certainly most of the wonderful cruise staff across all the lines hail from many countries, so it seems disingenuous of them to make that assertion.  I hate that the staff are put into these situations.


The gentleman making the complaints is painting the picture of YC being like spring break in Daytona Beach circa 1988.  Glad to hear that's not your experience 😄


Of course, an easy way to prevent sneaking in via the back staircase is to simply put a sign on it and a latch that can only be opened from the YC side.


Edited by momofmab
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