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Saturday November 25th, 2023 -- The Fleet Report and Daily


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Good afternoon from a sunny, cool and windy Quartzsite.  The house is looking a little straighter, and I only forgot to get one thing off the motorhome, not counting the food.  


The tree is up, relatively straight depending on where you are in the room.  😁  Now, I hope I don't jostle it while I'm putting on the ornaments since the angel on top is actually straight for once.  Usually, it take many tries to get it straight.  This year I tried something new.  I put the tinsel on the top first, then the angel, so the top didn't move as much.  It will probably be tomorrow before the rest of the decorations are set out.


7 hours ago, dfish said:

Good morning, everyone!


It is a nice sunny morning here in mid-Michigan, but it sure is cold!  We are taking River over to our niece's house today so she can play with Kourtney's boys, Samson and Griffin.  We try to get her together with her cousins each time we have her.  I have been worried about how little impulse control she has and did some reading and it is probably a result of her home life.  We just have to try to be the steady influence in her life instead of the chaotic life she is used to.  


We had today's meal last summer so we'll be reviewing today.  I think there is one new recipe that I snuck in there.  If you prefer meat in yours, add it in!   https://www.aheadofthyme.com/easy-vegan-stuffed-bell-peppers/




I would like the mushrooms and onions in these peppers.   I'd probably add in some eggplant and leave out the carrots and rice.   https://simple-veganista.com/vegan-stuffed-peppers/




These look really good, but I would replace either the lentils or quinoa with meat.  Too many carbs in this one for me.  If you want to, you can use ground chicken or turkey in place of beef.   Just season it well.    https://www.wellplated.com/vegan-stuffed-peppers/




I hope this finds you all well and that you have a wonderful day!



Debbie, I'm sure you and Sue are a great influence on River.  From what you've said about her home life and taking her age into account, it may take her a little longer to mature and not be as impulsive.  I'm sure her cousins are a good influence on her too.


5 hours ago, dobiemom said:

Good morning! Thank you for the HAL fleet report and all the daily information.


I still have a bit of draining sinuses and cough, but I think I’m getting better? I’ve tested negative for Covid before going into the office (3x so far) so it’s not that.  Luckily I only go in twice a week (work from home the rest of the week) and I have an office not a cubicle. 


Trying to get organized before my cruise. I ordered b-day/Christmas presents for the grandkids. They’ve arrived and I only need to wrap 1 b-day present now, the rest can wait until I return. Almost done getting Christmas cards ready to mail. I thought I had more cards for the office and family here but I can’t find them. So another trip to the store. 


Getting my packing list finalized. I wish I could check just 1 bag but I just need all my stuff. 😉


Thank you all for caring and sharing. Safe travels to all Dailyites on the road or on the seas. Prayers for all who need them. 


Marcia, I'm glad you are doing better and hope the remaining symptoms clear up soon.  I'm glad you keep testing negative.


4 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

Another frosty morning here, clear and 28 F when I woke up.  Heading for a high of 44 F.  

I love parfaits, and maize (corn) is my favorite vegetable.  Unfortunately it's also the worst for my blood sugar! We'll be getting groceries today at the Commissary and I do have my shopping list (reminder) started.  The Christmas shopping is finished.


I like the quote, prefer meat in my stuffed peppers and never have used a recipe.  Always use red peppers because DH doesn't like the green, and I like to add grated melted cheese over the tops. That actually sounds very good for tonight.   Viognier is one of my favorite wines, and I'd like to try the drink.  


Melbourne is on the itinerary for the GA, our plan is a city and garden tour, then I'd like to take the tram to the market.  Thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisers for the info.  Since we'll be there during their summer, I'm sure we won't feel like walking 9 miles that day like you did!  😂 I'm a cool-weather walker. 😉  


Vanessa @JazzyV I do hope you can get a nap today and prayers for your pain to get better (preferably go away!).  You have put up with this for far too long. 😞  

Gerry @ger_77 Great news that your DH's CT was fine and the culprit must be his blood thinners.

Annie @marshhawk I'm sorry you're having tummy troubles and hope it passes soon.

Sandi @StLouisCruisers I'm sorry you're also having tummy troubles and hope it's a 24-hour thing too.  It was exactly 1 year ago now when I was SO sick for weeks and couldn't hold down anything.  It's what messed up my kidneys -- so now I worry anytime I hear about tummy troubles.


Thanks all for the great photos of Melbourne!  Getting so excited!


Carolyn, it's funny, I like the red peppers and DH likes the green, so I make half red and half green.


2 hours ago, marshhawk said:

I think my tummy problems were caused by being on so many antibiotics when I was sick on the ship. I am slurping yogurt, and that seems to help.  I have also gained 5 of the 14 pounds I lost.  While I would love to be thinner, that is not the best way to get there.  so the ice cream is helping too.


I have chores outside today before the rain comes back tomorrow.  And while I am moving slowly., move I must.


Annie, antibiotics can certainly mess up your digestive tract.  I'm glad you are feeling a little better and that the yogurt is helping.  Please don't over do,.


32 minutes ago, Nickelpenny said:

Well I will be doing the Hulu recital in 2 days!!  Oh my!!  Hopefully I will not fall!  Made a Luahala bracelet today. I am NOT crafty!!!  





The bracelet looks nice, Pennie.


Now, I better get back to the tree.  I don't think the ornaments will magically arrange themselves on the tree.



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@Nickelpenny I give you an A + on the bracelet!  Very pretty!


I cut down all 3 giant ( 6 feet tall) lantanas...and since Donna my neighbor says that we are going to get rain, I took a cutting and stuck it in the ground.  You see back in 2003 I only planted one of them, but a co worker said, why dont you do a cutting and stick it in the ground.  And then I had two of them, and then I did the same the next year, and I have 3 of them.  So why not try for 4?  I have also given cuttings to my green thumb friends (I do not have a green thumb) and they have hardy lantana now too. This lantana smells like Tropical Life savers.  Even the leaves are pungent. Since they are outside the den window when I sit at the computer I can see the butterflies and the hummingbirds all summer and autumn.  But winter is coming on now.


The lizards will move to the side of the house and hang around in the Yucca plants and the sun on the western side of the house.  Furnando will miss them, but I noticed that Bubbles sits in the drive and watches them.


@Quartzsite CruiserOnce I put up the tree it gets redecorated every day. The joy of cats.

Edited by marshhawk
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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Carolyn, it's funny, I like the red peppers and DH likes the green, so I make half red and half green.

Good idea Lenda, and it must look quite festive!  I like both, but have only done the red ones for so long now, it would seem strange now to have the green ones so I'll just stick with the red..


Guess what!  While grocery shopping today I saw that our Navy Commissary does have the Digestive Biscuits!  So now I can properly make the Kit Kat Slice recipe that @erewhon gave us.  I just never noticed them before.  I know the family will love it on Christmas.

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I'm still eating the Three Sisters stew, which is made with maize (as hominy), beans, and squash. I don't really enjoy stuffed peppers, but I wouldn't mind the cocktail. Not much Viognier is grown in the Finger Lakes, partly because Syrah tends to be lighter here and it's not needed for blending. I can still find only one, Swedish Hill 2018. I haven't been to Melbourne (or Sydney).




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Very full day again - Pantheon, Trevi, Vespas...

Oh, yeah - and packing. Shuttle arrives 10:30am to take us to the ship.

An unexpected surprise from Thursday visit to the Vatican  - Christmas 🎄 being installed. 20231126_005043.thumb.jpg.0fb7f3587b19b4a4b8a198b6dc528866.jpg

Prayers and positive thoughts for all. 

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I managed to get down more veggies and cranberry sauce for dinner, plus I took a tiny sliver of pecan pie.  So far everything is staying down.  Hoping this is a thing of the past tomorrow.  


Talked to DS after he dropped DDIL and Ren at the airport since they are flying back to Texas tonight.  The elder DGS flew back to L.A. earlier today and may go to the UCLA game tonight against Cal Berkeley.  He said the tickets for Ren and his friend were Club class so they weren't sitting out in the cold, they were behind glass and close to refreshments.  Sounds like a good deal.  Michigan beat Ohio State so I will not be bringing up football with DD as I'm sure she's not happy tonight!


Have a good night everyone and I'll "see" you tomorrow, God willing!🙂

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Sometimes destinations are not what everybody goes to see.  My visit to Melbourne was March 8, 2020.  It was a Sunday, and here is St. Michaels, one of the local churches.







The afternoon destination was Melbourne's Comedy Theater:





It was the 10th of 11 times for Come From Away and made my goal of seeing each of the production companies:




Not quite the typical tourist destination and exactly one week later the official end of the voyage was announced.





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The tree is decorated and the ornament box is put away.  The tree that goes in the kitchen is also up, but all it required was plugging in.   We have a lot of ornaments, some of which I made for the DDs each Christmas, some they made, quite a few that were given to us or the DDs, and the remainder we bought as souvenirs on our travels.  This year I didn't put them all on the tree, just most of them.  Tomorrow the rest of the house will be decorated.  Hopefully, I'll get the outside lights up in the next day or two.


5 hours ago, marshhawk said:

@Nickelpenny I give you an A + on the bracelet!  Very pretty!


I cut down all 3 giant ( 6 feet tall) lantanas...and since Donna my neighbor says that we are going to get rain, I took a cutting and stuck it in the ground.  You see back in 2003 I only planted one of them, but a co worker said, why dont you do a cutting and stick it in the ground.  And then I had two of them, and then I did the same the next year, and I have 3 of them.  So why not try for 4?  I have also given cuttings to my green thumb friends (I do not have a green thumb) and they have hardy lantana now too. This lantana smells like Tropical Life savers.  Even the leaves are pungent. Since they are outside the den window when I sit at the computer I can see the butterflies and the hummingbirds all summer and autumn.  But winter is coming on now.


The lizards will move to the side of the house and hang around in the Yucca plants and the sun on the western side of the house.  Furnando will miss them, but I noticed that Bubbles sits in the drive and watches them.


@Quartzsite CruiserOnce I put up the tree it gets redecorated every day. The joy of cats.


Annie, it sounds like you got a lot done today.  We had cats for many years plus dogs.  The bottom few branches of the tree remained bare.



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11 hours ago, superoma said:

Sharon, I, too, was nervous before my cataract surgery. After all, it is the eyes we are working on. But, now that I am on the other side and looking back the worst things were putting the drops in, not getting water in my eyes, not rubbing them (bad habit of mine), and wearing those eye shields at night. I got thru it all. The nurses at the clinic were excellent and my eye surgeon talked me thru each step he did. I did opt to have injections in the eyes so I only had to do the drops for one week. Both eyes were done on the same day. In order to keep the water out of my eyes I have been wearing swim goggles in the shower and to wash my hair. I will need reading glasses, using cheaters from Costco tight now until I see my own eye doctor. Wishing you all the best and take it easy for the first few days after surgery.


9 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Hi Sharon @Sharon in AZ.

I have had cataracts removed and intraocular lens put it both eyes and it is the best thing I did.

My first was when I had an Epiretinal membrane removed first.

It was painless with several drops put in my eye over a 10 minute period before the op was performed.

I had drops to put in daily for a couple of weeks afterwards but my eyesight was great after about 4 days.

The patch came off the next day.

I can read easily at distance over 4feet away and don't need my varifocal glasses anymore and only have reading glasses for reading.

Best wishes Graham.


Thank you both for your kind wishes. My doctor won’t do both eyes at the same time so they are one week apart. Drops are fine for me but I remember my DM couldn’t.  Eva, I’m not sure my doctor has restrictions about water in the eyes afterward but I can work that out later. The goggles sound like a great idea. Graham, I think they will give another type of sedation plus the numbing drops.  Not sure but I think I’ll need some kind of relaxation meds. 


8 hours ago, Nickelpenny said:

I heard Mt Lemon got snow!  Stay warm!!!

Gosh, I’m not surprised that Mt Lemmon got snow!  I didn’t even look at the mountains all day, it was just too rainy and cold. I’m a wimp in the cold. Enjoy sunny Hawaii!  Loved your bracelet. I’d love to see your hula on Hulu. 😉

Edited by Sharon in AZ
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5 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

I managed to get down more veggies and cranberry sauce for dinner, plus I took a tiny sliver of pecan pie.  So far everything is staying down.  Hoping this is a thing of the past tomorrow.  


Talked to DS after he dropped DDIL and Ren at the airport since they are flying back to Texas tonight.  The elder DGS flew back to L.A. earlier today and may go to the UCLA game tonight against Cal Berkeley.  He said the tickets for Ren and his friend were Club class so they weren't sitting out in the cold, they were behind glass and close to refreshments.  Sounds like a good deal.  Michigan beat Ohio State so I will not be bringing up football with DD as I'm sure she's not happy tonight!


Have a good night everyone and I'll "see" you tomorrow, God willing!🙂

I'm pleased to hear you are feeling a lot better Sandi and keeping your food down.

I hope you are back to your usual healthy self tomorrow.

Best wishes.


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