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Elevator Etiquette


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What I hate is the scooter people who the minute the door opens gives no one a chance to get off -- they just start to charge right in!!


And some of them don't even care if the elevator won't hold them -- I have been on an elevator when people on the scooters puch their way in -- even had a couple of people on the scooters litterly tell others to get out and use the stairs. I glared at one person who said this when we where the only ones on the glass elevators on HAL which are small to begin with. After we wouldn't get off the elevator she said that she was going to report us. I told her -- go ahead -- and then I pulled out my handicapped card. She was speechless when I asked to see her handicapped card. She said that she didn't have one. I then made the comment -- "OH -- do you just rent the scooter for convience?" She never said another word and backed away from the elevator.


So far I am fortunate that I can get around slowly without a scooter -- but I do know that when that day comes -- I won't be cruising. Just can't do steps and steep ramps are tough on the knees.

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I'm in a wheelchair and I usually never rush to elevators at times I know they'll be busy I tend to go to things early or within minute or two of the start time as I don't have to search for a chair since its always under my @$$.


One thing I love doing especially after muster or after dinner when the elevators really start to have long lines is simply go over to the stairs and somewhat loudly say to someone usually a crew member cleaning "I think I'll take the stairs" Now I'm abit more able then most in chairs so if I'm not dressed super nice IE formal night. I will get out of my wheelchair and on my tush crawl up or down the stairs while bumping my chair along with me 2-3 steps at a time.


The look on the faces of passengers I left waiting for the elevator when they finally get off on a higher or lower floor and find me already halfway down the hall or coming out of my cabin in totally different clothes Priceless

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While I have seen this a lot of cruises, to be honest the only other place I see this happen on a regular basis is the Children's Hospital in our area before they put things like MRI's and such in their out patient centers near us.


Now I have always been a stairs person, and would make my kids take them also with us, just because I hate elevator lines with a passion! I remember going to dinner with my grandmother on a ship waiting with her for an elevator, and then groups of people coming up, rushing the doors as soon as they opened. It took us about 15 elevators to get on :eek:


Our last cruise our youngest was 4, he was actually knocked down by someone in a scooter because they "needed" to get on the elevator first. This is the son who the above specialists are for, walking up 1 flight of steps in our house still put him in pain at the time.


I am sure I am going to get the dirty looks from those in scooters on our December cruise. I can no longer walk down stairs. Well I can.. but I also now trip down our stairs at least once a week. I can't see from my right eye anymore, which makes depth a bad thing. Trying that in dress shoes, when I am lucky I can walk down 1 flight in bare feet is spelling disaster for me. Yes, I am in my early 30's and look fine, but I just can't see, these will also be the people I am sure who will cut in line in the buffet on my right side between me and my helper at the time (DH or older DS) and who gets their food knocked to the floor!

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I got stuck on a cruise ship elevator because 4 people managed to cram themselves in it as the doors were closing. We were stuck until the crew found someone to pry the doors open and help us crawl out. It was horrendous. Now if people insist on crowding onto an elevator, I push my way out. Life is way too short to get stuck in an elevator!

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...I see this is a dormant thread but was linked here. One thing I haven't read yet about elevator etiquette that really messes up the process of boarding and unboarding and makes me crazy: door holders. Not confined to cruise ship elevator travelers. They often stand fully in the doorway or their arm extends into it so that people cannot get on or off more easily or quickly. Of course, the sensor can't be triggered if no one can get on or off this moving sardine can because someone is holding the door and blocking exit and entrance.


**There is a BUTTON to hold the door open and there is a sensor to keep the door from closing on someone** The services of a door holder are not required and really help no one. If you must, step outside the elevator and to the side to not impede traffic.


There, I feel better.

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i force myself to take the stairs just to avoid:


pushy/rude people

people who wont get off or move over when you are in the back trying to get out even after EXCUSE ME EXCUSE ME PLEASE


children who have to push all the buttons

over-loaders--insist it will be fine if they get on in a full elevator--i love when the elevator wont go--forcing them off

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Amazing that we term this etiquette when it seems common sense. IF you want to get into the tiny box, it is easier to let people who are currently in the tiny box out. I am always amazed at how people on vacation forget to be polite and extend common courtesy. I have a friend who says exuse me one, loudly, then will push her way through...her thinking is 'excuse me' is for people who are inavdertantly in the way. Those who stand thier on purpose are just rude and can expect what attutude they give to be what they get from people they offend.

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I saw the thread about buffet etiquette; what about elevator etiquteet? We were so annoyed on our recent Freedom of the Seas cruise by people who would force themselves into over-crowded elevators, without allowing passengers trying to get OUT of the elevator to exit first. Out before in - right??

Thay should be tought to all

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Elevator etiquette is even worse at dinner time, when everyone is trying to get to the dinning rooms. On a recent cruise we took we "boarded" the elevator on deck 10 there were 5 of us; two were out 6 & 5 year old kids and there were already 2 people on it. We stopped on deck 9 and 4 more people joined us so there were now 11 and the car was fairly packed although it does state it can hold 18 (in what world) well it stops on deck 7, people see that car is full and allow doors to close. Then we hit deck 6 there are 5 people all traveling together parents in their 80's with kids in I would say mid 40's and a tween daughter and the Son 6'5 wearing his jeans, cowboy-boots and cowboy hat peeks into elevator and says there is room for us as his mom is saying no we should wait for the next one... he says no we waited long enough and forces his way into the car forcing everyone back so the rest of his family can get on bumps into me and says excuse me but do you think you can move back a little to that open space behind you.... Sorry I can't I reply... his response was that is a little rude can't you see there are five of us and we are together... I respond with yes I can but my 5 and 6 year old daughters are in that so called open spot. Oh he says but manages to position himself so that the rest of his family can fit in. Door then closes and he then says man its a snug fit tonight isn't it! Then get off on deck 4 the upper level of the aft dinning room, the remainder of us are on the lower level when the door closes the husband of the couple who was on the elevator when we got on.. said well duh.... what did you expect... maybe next time you comment that is a full car you will chose to wait for the next one or better yet let you two elderly parents ride the elevator and walk down the two decks you will get there at about the same time as you know it is going to stop on deck 5.

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People there is a great invention called stairs!!!!!! come on you are going from deck say deck 10 lido to deck 9 or vise-a-versa and do not carrying any thing big in your hands walk, heck you are going to wait longer for an elevator car that it will take you to walk!!! Please remember there are other people on the ship as well who are traveling greater distances!


Now I admit there are people that can not use the stairs even to go down or up one deck I have no problem with that!

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On the same recent cruise I remember on night at I was traveling in an elevator with about 4 people when it stopped on a deck, waiting was about 5 people one in a motorized chair, so I stepped out and some young guy mid 20's who was off to other side of the open car door hastily stepped in front of the person in the wheelchair blocked their way and attempted to push the door close button, I caught this and forced my leg back in to prevent the door from closing as other also reached for the door open button, one reached for the button on the panel the idiot was standing in front of... and he said excuse me what do you think you are doing... then the two people behind him "pushed" their way out of the car taking him with them as the person in the wheelchair entered on the side of the car I had my foot against the open door, then positioned myself in the opening just enough so the two people who pushed the idiot off the car could quickly step back in and the three of us blocked the door while the person pressing the open button began pushing the door close button causing the doors to close and prevented him from getting back on. needless to say as the elevator began to move the other on it gave a cheer and the person in the chair said thank you!

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My DH and I try to use the stairs if it is only 1 or 2 flights, but he is not physically able to do much more than that, and many times we have just waited for other elevators rather than stuff ourselves into an elevator, or just let those folks "who just have to get in that elevator first" just go ahead , the fuss just is not worth it to us, we are on vacation and have little time for rude people. My DH is a big man 6'6" and can be intimidating but that does not faze some folks , they just have to get on that elevator ...... so let them have it.


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I thought of this thread this morning when I was coming in to work. I take the subway every day, and for the most part, folks follow the same rules as one would for an elevator. Step aside, let folks off, then step into the car and continue forward until you are seated or at least have a grasp of a pole. Simple. BUT, there are those that will simply PUSH their way on in their determination to get a seat on an otherwise crowded rush hour subway.


This morning, I get on, sit down and read. At the next stop, a couple of families are getting off. One father has his kid in hand and as he is trying to get off, others are pushing him back in a rush to get a seat. Very pathetic.


What does he do? Exactly what I do. He steamrolls forward (child in hand) and God help anyone that tries to get in his way. Without a word, he just walked into and subsquently pushed back a few folks who just chose to not do the right thing. Bravo to him I say.


Once he's off, the people he push rather meekly board, most with sheepish little smiles or stony looks to deflect anyone else's glance. Except one guy who loudly said, "MAN he was a ----!" to anyone/everyone within earshot.


Loudmouth that I am, I said as loudly back, "Perhaps next time you'll let people OFF the train before you try to get on."


He tried to get into a bit of smack talk, demanded I repeat what I said. I was more than happy to oblige. He spluttered and denied every doing something so heinous. He finally realized he was very in the wrong when a young lady actually spoke up and said, "He's right, I shouldn't have pushed." I was dumbfounded that anyone would admit doing something so stupid. And it sure did shut up the idiot who tried to bluff his way through his muddled self entitled mindset.


And that's what these people are. Self entitled. They feel their rights trump everyone else's. And if they are that rude, I see no problem treating them in the exact same manner while letting them know exactly why.

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For those who cruise during school holiday breaks, there is also the chance of encountering groups of those little darlings who delight in sitting on the elevator floor, riding it up and down.


Their preference is usually for the elevators closest to the theater right at prime time when a performance is letting out and there is a big crowd waiting to board the elevators.


Those passengers who are unable to take the stairs either need to wait for security to arrive and remove the children, or else head down to another elevator bank. As tempting as it may be to board the elevator and step right on top of them, most people manage to maintain self-control, not willing to risk arrest for assaulting someone else's children.

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And BRAVO to you, RickinNYC. Well said.




In addition, what about the people who step out of the elevator/subway car/escalator and just stop and look around? Where do they think the people behind them are gonna go? Duh.

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For those who cruise during school holiday breaks, there is also the chance of encountering groups of those little darlings who delight in sitting on the elevator floor, riding it up and down.


Their preference is usually for the elevators closest to the theater right at prime time when a performance is letting out and there is a big crowd waiting to board the elevators.


Those passengers who are unable to take the stairs either need to wait for security to arrive and remove the children, or else head down to another elevator bank. As tempting as it may be to board the elevator and step right on top of them, most people manage to maintain self-control, not willing to risk arrest for assaulting someone else's children.


Step on 'em. Or spill a thick,warm,sticky beer on 'em. They'll move.

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For those who cruise during school holiday breaks, there is also the chance of encountering groups of those little darlings who delight in sitting on the elevator floor, riding it up and down.


Their preference is usually for the elevators closest to the theater right at prime time when a performance is letting out and there is a big crowd waiting to board the elevators.


Those passengers who are unable to take the stairs either need to wait for security to arrive and remove the children, or else head down to another elevator bank. As tempting as it may be to board the elevator and step right on top of them, most people manage to maintain self-control, not willing to risk arrest for assaulting someone else's children.


I would still get on the elevator, tell them that it wasn't a place to sit and loudly say, "MOVE" and stand right in the middle of them. They're kids/teenagers. What are they going to do? Complain to their parents that they were being idiots by sitting in the elevator and a big mean man told them to knock it off?


I say, don't let them get away with it. Get on the elevator. If you don't want to confront them, don't. But don't let them think it's acceptible behavior by acquiescing and allowing them to continue. I truly could not care less what they thought of me for having ruined their social moment on an elevator. They know what they are doing and are doing it intentionally. These kids are the ones who grow up and become the very same adults with an overblown sense of entitlement.

Edited by RickinNYC
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People there is a great invention called stairs!!!!!! come on you are going from deck say deck 10 lido to deck 9 or vise-a-versa and do not carrying any thing big in your hands walk, heck you are going to wait longer for an elevator car that it will take you to walk!!! Please remember there are other people on the ship as well who are traveling greater distances!


Now I admit there are people that can not use the stairs even to go down or up one deck I have no problem with that!


Well said, As a carer who pushes a wheelchair and waits for ages while abled bodied push past, I feel able bodied would benifit from using the stairs!!!! They may work off the extra calories they are stuffing themselves with

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For those who cruise during school holiday breaks, there is also the chance of encountering groups of those little darlings who delight in sitting on the elevator floor, riding it up and down.



Why would any adult tolerate this.


I would have no problem telling the little imps to quit playing on the elevator, get off, and do not let me see you doing it again.


And if they defy me, I tell them "it looks like there is going to be a fight to the death, good luck."

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