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Cruise and I have no luggage!

cruz chic

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Wow, I haven't been on the computer since last week and what a thread this is.


Lorekauf, I'm happy to see you have at least one bag and i hope that the other does catch up to you. Other than that i hope you do enjoy your cruise.



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First - Larekauf, :DPHEW:D, I was so happy for you to see this update. You must feel like a new person in your own clothes! Fingers and toes are back crossed that the next one will show up soon.


I dont get it. This board was criticized earlier for being cliquiy and rude. Now for being supportive and caring!


I dont kmow Lorekauf but i always read her posts and i have discerned over this past year that she has a very demanding job and didnt need this added stress duing her much anticipated cruise. I personally am thrilled that she has received one of her suitcases, and i am a relative newbie here as well.


Congatulations Lorekauf!


Thanks for this post. I was wondering how to say the same thing.:)


Really people. Empathy is a basic human emotion. If it is not in your repitoire perhaps you should look into getting some. I agree, it is not a disaster. But for someone who has saved and looked forward to a long awaited vacation, it is certainly a kink in the plans. How would you feel wearing store bought clothes that you couldn't even wash before wearing? I know I would be guttered. Is it the same as a death in the family. No, certainly not. Is it the same as loosing your job. Nope. But Lorekauf never said it was; she expressed disbelief and disappointment, something I would feel as well. A little empathy goes a long way to make humanity... well... human!

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Hey Luggage God's, yah ,yah, it's me again.

One out of two, guess she should feel blessed.

But seriously, would both have been such a pain.?


She floats happily about the Caribbean.

Enjoying tropical sun and azure seas.

Still waiting for luggage yet to be seen


So what do you say enough is enough

Work some of your magic please

And get Lorekauf the rest of her stuff.


Hey Lorekauf...I am sure you are having a wonderful time....and just so you know it was 30 below here yesterday with the wind chill.:eek: You are in a happy, happy place.:) Would ya have a martini for Colleeny :D

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Hey Luggage God's, yah ,yah, it's me again.

One out of two, guess she should feel blessed.

But seriously, would both have been such a pain.?


She floats happily about the Caribbean.

Enjoying tropical sun and azure seas.

Still waiting for luggage yet to be seen


So what do you say enough is enough

Work some of your magic please

And get Lorekauf the rest of her stuff.


Hey Lorekauf...I am sure you are having a wonderful time....and just so you know it was 30 below here yesterday with the wind chill.:eek: You are in a happy, happy place.:) Would ya have a martini for Colleeny :D

Colleen, now that you have written a second poem she will surely receive her second bag. It just stands to reason doncha think?


When are you going to post another story for us? Your first effort proved so popular.


So nice to see you posting again. I, for one, have missed you, or maybe I haven't been reading the right threads.

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Thanks Sapper. :) Hope all is well with you. Just this past week I mustered up the courage to submit a short story to the Toronto Star Short Story Contest (not about cruising:D)....kind of liberating stepping out of your box:o I don't seriously expect anything to come of it (over 2000 entries) but for now just happy I did it. Just think it all began writing a review here on CC.

My stories get banished to Floataway never to be seen :D...I appreciate this is not the forum.

Don't post as much as I used to....but do visit regularly.

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Thanks Sapper. :) Hope all is well with you. Just this past week I mustered up the courage to submit a short story to the Toronto Star Short Story Contest (not about cruising:D)....kind of liberating stepping out of your box:o I don't seriously expect anything to come of it (over 2000 entries) but for now just happy I did it. Just think it all began writing a review here on CC.

My stories get banished to Floataway never to be seen :D...I appreciate this is not the forum.

Don't post as much as I used to....but do visit regularly.

If I had any writing flair at all I would write a poem to the literary judging gods asking them to favour the selection of your story as the breakaway winner.

Send me an email if you win and I will look online for it on their website.

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If I had any writing flair at all I would write a poem to the literary judging gods asking them to favour the selection of your story as the breakaway winner.

Send me an email if you win and I will look online for it on their website.



How kind ,will do :).... but don't hold your breath :D .

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A lost bag situation is a "disaster?" Seriously??? An inconvenience for sure - a MAJOR inconvenience actually, but my goodness, certainly not what I'd consider a disaster.:rolleyes:


Hopefully bag #2 will turn up for you Lorekauf.

Sure hope karma doesn`t come back and bite you. You must have no idea what it`s like.

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I`m surprised by some of the posts on this thread. I don`t know why people feel the need to be nasty. I`m telling you right now this isn`t the worst thing that happened to me this year so please don`t think I live some kind of charmed life. It`s because I`ve had to suffer thru a few unpleasant things lately that this is not welcome to me. I sure hope karma doesn`t come back and bite you. No one knows what is going on in someones life so please don`t make assumptions.


Thanks to everyone that has been so kind and positive. I really appreciate it. My other bag will not get here to St.Lucia today but maybe make it in Barbados. It`s coming back from Bora Bora (;):D). I think from now on I will take a big suitcase and a bigger carry on. I never want to be one of those people that carry on a lot but I guess I`m going to have to be.


Thank goodness for cheap internet in St. Lucia:D!

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I`m surprised by some of the posts on this thread. I don`t know why people feel the need to be nasty. I`m telling you right now this isn`t the worst thing that happened to me this year so please don`t think I live some kind of charmed life. It`s because I`ve had to suffer thru a few unpleasant things lately that this is not welcome to me. I sure hope karma doesn`t come back and bite you. No one knows what is going on in someones life so please don`t make assumptions.


Thanks to everyone that has been so kind and positive. I really appreciate it. My other bag will not get here to St.Lucia today but maybe make it in Barbados. It`s coming back from Bora Bora (;):D). I think from now on I will take a big suitcase and a bigger carry on. I never want to be one of those people that carry on a lot but I guess I`m going to have to be.


Thank goodness for cheap internet in St. Lucia:D!


I'm glad you got one bag. Progress is always reassuring.


One is better than none, but the point is to have ALL your bags! I agree that there are worse things than this that can happen, but when something like this happens it's difficult to play the "glad game" and be grateful it isn't worse. I would not be a happy (or pleasant) camper if the airlines lost my bags. And on top of that, you have the annoyance of repeatedly having to check up on things. NOT the kind of distraction you need.


It's scary that the bag was just sitting at the airport. Did someone from HAL or their port agent go to look for it for you?

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The airlines have no idea as to the cruise itinerary. Some airlines will just hold your luggage until you return home. Most; however, will attemt to forward luggage to the first port that can accept and deliver the items to the ship. Placing your cruise luggage tag on bags is helpful. Shoreside HAL staff work with the airlines to deliver bags during the sailing.



Not a good idea, unless you have extras. HAL's paper tags might not survive the handling process. And it's possible they could obscure the airline tag, making it hard to read the barcode. If the cruiseline barcodes their luggage tags (some do, I can't remember if HAL does), then you definitely should not put the cruise tag on your bag until you're finished with your flights.

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Lorene, I hope you are having a great vacation nonetheless. Are you on the 10/11 day cruise or 21 days?

I'm on the 11 day. It's been hard to enjoy prior to this but now I'm in vaycay mode:D. I can't hardly wait to sail by the Pitons today. It's so beautiful!

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I'm glad you got one bag. Progress is always reassuring.


One is better than none, but the point is to have ALL your bags! I agree that there are worse things than this that can happen, but when something like this happens it's difficult to play the "glad game" and be grateful it isn't worse. I would not be a happy (or pleasant) camper if the airlines lost my bags. And on top of that, you have the annoyance of repeatedly having to check up on things. NOT the kind of distraction you need.


It's scary that the bag was just sitting at the airport. Did someone from HAL or their port agent go to look for it for you?

The port agent got it for me. Yesterday I said to HAL that I would go to the airport myself but they said it wasn't necessary. This morning I was at the front desk getting some change for today. There was a couple next to me that still hadn't got their luggage. They are on the 21 day:eek:. They were hoping to get it tomorrow. She's gone thru the exact same emotions as I have so I don't feel to bad.

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Not a good idea, unless you have extras. HAL's paper tags might not survive the handling process. And it's possible they could obscure the airline tag, making it hard to read the barcode. If the cruiseline barcodes their luggage tags (some do, I can't remember if HAL does), then you definitely should not put the cruise tag on your bag until you're finished with your flights.



There is no barcode on HAL tags but I agree with you that any more tags than the airline luggage routing tag and personal ID tags are not a good idea for the best chance of good routing of your suitcase. The less confusion on a suitcase, the better the odds of ever seeing it again.


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I disagree. There is plenty of room for airline tags and cruise tags on your bag. The paper tags rarely come off unless they are soaking wet. (HAL staff at the airport have extra tags if you need them.) There have been many instances where a cruise tag has brought the attention of either an airline baggage services employee or HAL shoreside staff to search for the owner either at the pier of onboard. Delayed or misdirected bags can spotted on a crowded luggage carousel, whereas non-tagged bags may not be. It can make the difference, especially if a flight arrives just before sailing time. Because the bag is destined for a cruise ship, you can bet the airline will do everything they can to make sure it gets to the dock before sailing.


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I disagree. There is plenty of room for airline tags and cruise tags on your bag. The paper tags rarely come off unless they are soaking wet. (HAL staff at the airport have extra tags if you need them.) There have been many instances where a cruise tag has brought the attention of either an airline baggage services employee or HAL shoreside staff to search for the owner either at the pier of onboard. Delayed or misdirected bags can spotted on a crowded luggage carousel, whereas non-tagged bags may not be. It can make the difference, especially if a flight arrives just before sailing time. Because the bag is destined for a cruise ship, you can bet the airline will do everything they can to make sure it gets to the dock before sailing.




Many (perhaps most ?) of us fly on our own and have no contact with HAL shoreside staff at the airport. DH and I arrive, claim our luggage and almost never see HAL there. We have no expectation they'd be present at a flight for an 'independent' traveler.... as we are called.


However, we can get tags from stevedores at the dock if we need them.

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Wishing you the best in your case arrivial tomorrow from where ever it has been. It would be interesting to know just where it has been. Now most airlines have a tracing number, so you can see where your case is at the monent. Again, wishing you success tomorrow.

Thx for that info. I don't have it on me but I'm going to remember to take it off the ship where there might be free internet.

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I`m surprised by some of the posts on this thread. I don`t know why people feel the need to be nasty. I`m telling you right now this isn`t the worst thing that happened to me this year so please don`t think I live some kind of charmed life. It`s because I`ve had to suffer thru a few unpleasant things lately that this is not welcome to me. I sure hope karma doesn`t come back and bite you. No one knows what is going on in someones life so please don`t make assumptions.


Thanks to everyone that has been so kind and positive. I really appreciate it. My other bag will not get here to St.Lucia today but maybe make it in Barbados. It`s coming back from Bora Bora (;):D). I think from now on I will take a big suitcase and a bigger carry on. I never want to be one of those people that carry on a lot but I guess I`m going to have to be.


Thank goodness for cheap internet in St. Lucia:D!


Thanks for the update. I'm glad to hear that your second bag is on it's way.

How on earth did it get to Bora Bora?? That island is on my bucket list, preferably as a port stop on a HAL South Pacific cruise.


Enjoy the rest of your cruise in a more stress free and relaxed way.

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How on earth did it get to Bora Bora?? That island is on my bucket list, preferably as a port stop on a HAL South Pacific cruise.


I was the one that made a joke about the luggage being in Bora Bora. I have no knowledge that it had gone there really, I had watched the Amazing Race before posting that and they are in Bora Bora. ;)

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A lost bag situation is a "disaster?" Seriously??? An inconvenience for sure - a MAJOR inconvenience actually, but my goodness, certainly not what I'd consider a disaster.:rolleyes:


Hopefully bag #2 will turn up for you Lorekauf.


For the life of me, I cannot understand why anyone would make such an unsympathetic comment to someone who has not received her bag(s). Unbelievable. It's a "inconvenience"(according to AIP) I don't wish for ANYONE to experience on ANY trip, land or sea. My heart goes out to Lorekauf in her situation. Something like that happening can put a big damper on an otherwise wonderful trip.


I surely hope she receives her second bag soon.

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