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Lost luggage Holland America Alaska Cruise Aug 2015


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Guess we all have to start taking pictures of our luggage.


We always take a picture and print off what each suitcase looks like with its unique luggage strap. That way, if it gets lost, there is something to go on.... we also take a picture with our cell phone so we have one available in digital form as well.


Good luck.


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First of all, I'm happy you found your mother's luggage. Congrats. I've been reading along on your mission and am glad you were rewarded for you hard work.


May I ask you some questions? Will or can you tell us how it was actually located? You said that social media helped and mentioned a man in New York. Did an airline find it? How did they find you or your mother's name to call? Is this someone you called? Just curious.


Also, I couldn't find it, but did your mother use Luggage Direct? You said she put the luggage out the night before the cruise and it sounds like it was supposed to be at her home airport when she arrived. Is that correct? I used Luggage Direct from Seattle a couple weeks ago and everything worked great, but I did notice something. I was given a "sticky tag" which I attached to my luggage myself. When I got home I noticed that there was a second "sticky" tag on top of the one I attached. You mentioned something similar only the second tag was for someone else. I imagine that in the rush of putting the second tag on that someone lost track and put tags on incorrect bags. I can see where the airline/airport worker who finds the luggage wouldn't know to look under the top sticky tag. I have used EZ Check, the Princess version of this program, in different cities (not Seattle) and never had a problem. It's been a couple years since I've done it, but they only ever had one tag. The tag I used was the tag that was on the suitcase when I got home. I wonder if the extra step of the second tag is where the plan can go awry.


A couple things I wanted to mention. Somewhere it was mentioned that you can't lock your luggage. Yes, you can. There are TSA approved locks. Also, someone wondered what happens if no one picks up their suitcase. Once I used EZ Check with Princess and I didn't get back to my home airport for 2 days. The airline offered me credits to give up my seat two days in a row and I accepted the offer. My luggage flew home and I didn't. When I got home, my luggage was in the airport sitting there with and chain locked through the handles. They could tell that I had accepted their offer and they kept my luggage. In my case, because the tag was correct, Delta easily tracked my luggage and me throughout the trip.


I will continue to use this program when available. It makes my travel day so much easier. I would hate to lose my suitcase and hope it never happens, but I take care not to put anything in that suitcase that I would hate to lose. I carry my meds, paperwork, jewelry, cameras, etc. It would be disappointing to lose the few souvenirs that I buy, but I'd get by. Your lengthy list of reminders is handy. I have a luggage tag on my suitcase and always think that I'm going to put my name and address inside, but rarely do. I will try to remember to do that in the future.

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First of all, I'm happy you found your mother's luggage. Congrats. I've been reading along on your mission and am glad you were rewarded for you hard work.


May I ask you some questions? Will or can you tell us how it was actually located? You said that social media helped and mentioned a man in New York. Did an airline find it? How did they find you or your mother's name to call? Is this someone you called? Just curious.


Also, I couldn't find it, but did your mother use Luggage Direct? You said she put the luggage out the night before the cruise and it sounds like it was supposed to be at her home airport when she arrived. Is that correct? I used Luggage Direct from Seattle a couple weeks ago and everything worked great, but I did notice something. I was given a "sticky tag" which I attached to my luggage myself. When I got home I noticed that there was a second "sticky" tag on top of the one I attached. You mentioned something similar only the second tag was for someone else. I imagine that in the rush of putting the second tag on that someone lost track and put tags on incorrect bags. I can see where the airline/airport worker who finds the luggage wouldn't know to look under the top sticky tag. I have used EZ Check, the Princess version of this program, in different cities (not Seattle) and never had a problem. It's been a couple years since I've done it, but they only ever had one tag. The tag I used was the tag that was on the suitcase when I got home. I wonder if the extra step of the second tag is where the plan can go awry.


A couple things I wanted to mention. Somewhere it was mentioned that you can't lock your luggage. Yes, you can. There are TSA approved locks. Also, someone wondered what happens if no one picks up their suitcase. Once I used EZ Check with Princess and I didn't get back to my home airport for 2 days. The airline offered me credits to give up my seat two days in a row and I accepted the offer. My luggage flew home and I didn't. When I got home, my luggage was in the airport sitting there with and chain locked through the handles. They could tell that I had accepted their offer and they kept my luggage. In my case, because the tag was correct, Delta easily tracked my luggage and me throughout the trip.


I will continue to use this program when available. It makes my travel day so much easier. I would hate to lose my suitcase and hope it never happens, but I take care not to put anything in that suitcase that I would hate to lose. I carry my meds, paperwork, jewelry, cameras, etc. It would be disappointing to lose the few souvenirs that I buy, but I'd get by. Your lengthy list of reminders is handy. I have a luggage tag on my suitcase and always think that I'm going to put my name and address inside, but rarely do. I will try to remember to do that in the future.


Hi! KruzPrincess,


Thank you for your kind words. I'm happy to answer any questions.


Last night I was online researching every airline there basically is in the world (starting with the major airlines most commonly known) & made a list. From there I contacted each airline on their home Facebook page by posting to their page. I also sent a private message to them with my mom's contact information, which included her phone number should they run across her bag. I added a picture of her lost bag for reference to each message. In those messages I asked each airline if they had a universal database that could take my missing luggage information & contact info and put it into that system (if they had it) so they could contact us should the bag come their way. Also while I was at DIA yesterday my mom and I stopped into the baggage department of each airline's there, asking the same database question. Assuming they had that system our information was put into it. Because this is such a bazar story and it's confusing that my mom flew on one airline and her bag another, we had no way of knowing exactly what airlines it could have flown on or to what destination. Airlines don't have a system (yet) that connects one to the other. So, I Went to each airline separately with my info & sistuation. I thought if every airline had that info in every state, it might be more likely to be found.


I can only describe this sistuation as handling my mom's luggage as if it was a person itself. All bags get tags & are tracked like we are when we fly and any bag at anytime could be tagged incorrectly along the way and take on a whole route alone.


JetBlue was one airline that did get in contact with me last night via FB. They took my moms information, picture of her suitecase I sent them & put it in their lost luggage database. Today, at the JFK airport in New York a JetBlue employee who works in the baggage department saw that information in their database and found a suite case matching my mom's information & description came in. He did some research and found that there was a tagging discrepancy with 4 bags that were there from the Holland America cruise line transfer service. He matched the contact info he found in that JetBlue database system with the contact info on one of the 4 bags there and found it matched up. He was also able to match the picture in the database to the suite case that was there. He than called my mom and told her he had found her bag. He mentioned her bag had come via Alaska Air prior to landing in New York. He told my mom he would put her luggage on a flight from JFK to DIA tonight. We will be heading out to the airport personally to retrieve it shortly.



We used a transfer service for luggage that was offered by Holland America. We have used this in the past with no problems at all. This morning my mom touched base again with Holland America about the progress in finding her bag. She was also given a number to the 3rd party tagging company the cruise ship used, so she could fill them in on the sistuation as well. They informed my mom that during the tagging process their computer printing system had a glitch and the printed tags got out of order creating incorrect tagging on some of the luggage. And yes, you are correct, my mom was given a tag from the ship the night before she put her bags out for the transfer, to place on her own bag with all the correct contact info, the airline the bag was to be put on & what city it was to be flown too. That tag was correct. When the 3rd party transfer service had the printing glitch a different tag was placed onto her bag. I guess if a transfer is used 2 tags are put on each piece of luggage. Her original correct tag & the incorrect tag. Because the incorrect tag was put on the top of the two tags, the airlines used the one most visible. The tag that was placed on her bag was for a bag that was to be flown on anther airlines to CA.


We decided to use this transfer service because we had our final excursion the day we were going to fly home. We didn't want to deal with our luggage the entire day and thought it would be easier to use this option.


Don't get me wrong this is a really bazar story & im sure it is pretty unlikely to happen, but it did happen to her. The chances are there I suppose if multi people are involved in getting your luggage home. Anything is possible. I'm just very happy it didn't go out of the country, as that would have been a puzzle that may have not been solved.

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Wow... this is quite the tale, and I really admire your efforts to locate your Mom's missing luggage. Frankly, I have learned a lot from this and I sincerely hope I never, ever have to use that information. I am looking forward to hearing that the straying bag is home where it should be... and that all contents are good shape.



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The late great Louis Grizzard once said that he showed up at Atlanta airport to check in for a flight. When he got to the attendant he said hi, I'm going to Miami today, I want this bag to go to Chicago and that one to go to Denver.

When the attendant said that they couldn't do that, he responded "Well, you did it last week!"



I do feel for the passenger with the lost luggage, but this Grizzard quote I nearly feel over laughing. :):)

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I just wanted to post this before I go to bed.


After a lengthy drive to DIA my mom and I got her missing luggage home safe and sound for the first time in 78 hours. We also were elated that all her personal items were left untouched, laying exactly the way she had pack the night before she left the ship. I think my mom just couldn't believe her own eyes because she not only received the bag itself, but also all of the personal items inside. I too was and still am amazed that nothing was stolen, or rifflied through. It's just truly a disbelief that it's finally in her possession. I think my mom truly believed she might never see her bag again and that was very likely because when incorrect tags are added to your bag the odds of finding it get slimmer and slimmer.


I still don't know exactly what other airlines her bag flew on and how many places it went in our nation, the only carrier I am aware the bag flew on was Alaska Air and onto JetBlue who landed the bag at JFK in New York. Im not clear as to where it was for the remainder of the 3 days & I will never know, which is actually ok with me. I'm just absolutely elated this mystery has been solved!


When my mom & I were walking down the rows of carousels at DIA, we noticed 1 single bag laying on a carousel, that was no longer moving and there was absolutely no one around guarding it or placing it behind closed doors till morn. No, it was just sitting out in the open for everyone to see. The thing that's so scary about that is this could be my bag, your bag a family members bag, etc. just waiting to be picked up and stolen. Because there were no guards or anyone around who worked for this airline (who's name I won't mention) any one person walking by it could easily pick it up off the carousel, walk out the front doors with it and to their car in less than 5 min. and no one suspects a thing. No one is screened, not do you need to show proof of ID and other supporting documents that show officials this bag belonged to you. When I was younger there were guards & a long paper trail to prove the rightful owner was indeed taking the correct bag home. I'm not sure when all this changed. I feel the baggage claim center should be behind TSA so that could at least weed out the actual public from just wondering in and helping themselves to a random bag while no one is looking. I didn't think things like this happened, I always thought there was a guard who watched, than pulled all leftover bags off the carousel and placed them inside locked doors. ButI was proven very wrong just tonight. Scary...


Anyway, I am so happy my mom was able to reunite with her lost luggage. I believe her bag has more frequent flyer miles now than her. (Not funny! ...a little maybe!!!) but nonetheless we had a very happy ending and were extreamly fortunate. Many people aren't as lucky as we were and my heart breaks for them. It's truly a helpless feeling.


As crazy, unbelievable and confusing this story is, it isn't an impossibility that it could happen again, hopefully not, but probably could. So be careful my fellow travelers.


This has been a very long process and I want to really thank all of you who stuck with me through this. I'm so happy it's over and I know my mom is too. It's also 'a breath of fresh air' to see there is still kindness in our world. It's hard to see that sometimes, but than you get little glimpses every-once-in-awhile & it restores your faith in mankind.




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To help retrieve lost, delayed, mishandled bags, I do these things.


First, since all bags we check and most carry ons are hard sides, I have a large label affixed to the outside of each case with home address, phone, etc. I have booking information and another copy of the outside label inside each case.


To aid porters, shuttle bus drivers, and myself each of our carry on bags has a laminated orange tag that is attached that says carry on. I usually affix a baggage check to these, so the carry on label is very much needed.


There is only so much one can do, but these are all good steps. In my time as security consultant for Amtrak, I learned that one must give the baggage handlers some clues.:)


You sound a bit like me - the thought of losing my luggage is horrendous.


However, respectfully I am not sure it is a good idea to put your home address on a label on the outside of your luggage particularly when as you go through your home airport it is flagging up that you are away.


Think it might be better just to have details of your name and cell phone number.


I hope though that you never lose your bags.

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Thank you for letting us know about the happy outcome. I was pleased to read your mom got all of her possessions back untouched.


You certainly did your homework and could now work as a lost baggage consultant. :)

Edited by sapper1
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When my mom & I were walking down the rows of carousels at DIA, we noticed 1 single bag laying on a carousel, that was no longer moving and there was absolutely no one around guarding it or placing it behind closed doors till morn. No, it was just sitting out in the open for everyone to see. The thing that's so scary about that is this could be my bag, your bag a family members bag, etc. just waiting to be picked up and stolen. Because there were no guards or anyone around who worked for this airline (who's name I won't mention) any one person walking by it could easily pick it up off the carousel, walk out the front doors with it and to their car in less than 5 min. and no one suspects a thing. No one is screened, not do you need to show proof of ID and other supporting documents that show officials this bag belonged to you. When I was younger there were guards & a long paper trail to prove the rightful owner was indeed taking the correct bag home. I'm not sure when all this changed. I feel the baggage claim center should be behind TSA so that could at least weed out the actual public from just wondering in and helping themselves to a random bag while no one is looking. I didn't think things like this happened, I always thought there was a guard who watched, than pulled all leftover bags off the carousel and placed them inside locked doors. ButI was proven very wrong just tonight. Scary...



(quoted post trimmed for space)


I'm so glad your mother got the bag back. I know I'd be frantic. Just wanted to let you know you are not the only person who feels this way about baggage claim. It must be 10 years or more since we had guards checking baggage tags as we walked out of the claim area. Maybe because most people keep valuables in their carry-on, thieves don't consider stealing luggage worth the risk/trouble.

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(quoted post trimmed for space)


I'm so glad your mother got the bag back. I know I'd be frantic. Just wanted to let you know you are not the only person who feels this way about baggage claim. It must be 10 years or more since we had guards checking baggage tags as we walked out of the claim area. Maybe because most people keep valuables in their carry-on, thieves don't consider stealing luggage worth the risk/trouble.


Unfortunately there still are many, too many in my mind, reports of people stealing luggage. Ranges from baggage handlers stealing individual items from luggage to what I call the baggage claim thieves. I won't say we're paranoid but my wife and I are pretty focused on getting to baggage claim as quickly as we can. While I can't say we've encounted thieves we have had the occasional "oops....your bag looks just like mine" individual pulling our luggage. Never actually had anybody seriously try to walk off with a bag but being there and watching carefully makes us feel better. We too had noticed the drop off, maybe total elimination would be more accurate, of bag tag checkers at baggage claim areas over the years. I don't remember the last time I was asked to show my luggage claims but ten years seems a fair guess.

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Unfortunately there still are many, too many in my mind, reports of people stealing luggage. Ranges from baggage handlers stealing individual items from luggage to what I call the baggage claim thieves. I won't say we're paranoid but my wife and I are pretty focused on getting to baggage claim as quickly as we can. While I can't say we've encounted thieves we have had the occasional "oops....your bag looks just like mine" individual pulling our luggage. Never actually had anybody seriously try to walk off with a bag but being there and watching carefully makes us feel better. We too had noticed the drop off, maybe total elimination would be more accurate, of bag tag checkers at baggage claim areas over the years. I don't remember the last time I was asked to show my luggage claims but ten years seems a fair guess.


I will admit to being paranoid about it, and we try to get to baggage claim quickly. It's just too easy to grab someone else's bag, either by mistake or on purpose. Amtrak still checks bag tags and takes your claim ticket. But they have such a low volume of checked baggage, it doesn't take a lot of employee time (money to them).

Edited by 3rdGenCunarder
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I will admit to being paranoid about it, and we try to get to baggage claim quickly. It's just too easy to grab someone else's bag, either by mistake or on purpose. Amtrak still checks bag tags and takes your claim ticket. But they have such a low volume of checked baggage, it doesn't take a lot of employee time (money to them).


Unfortunately living in the middle of the country, and adding in my wife's vacation limitations, Amtrak or driving to a port are not a viable options for us. That means surrending our checked bags to the airlines and the associated risks of lost or delay or even theft. The airlines we typically fly now have baggage tracking applications for our iPhones and it's a bit more reassuring to be able to see where our bags are but nothing feels as good as seeing our bags roll out on the carousel at our destination.

Edited by Randyk47
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Unfortunately there still are many, too many in my mind, reports of people stealing luggage. Ranges from baggage handlers stealing individual items from luggage to what I call the baggage claim thieves. I won't say we're paranoid but my wife and I are pretty focused on getting to baggage claim as quickly as we can. While I can't say we've encounted thieves we have had the occasional "oops....your bag looks just like mine" individual pulling our luggage. Never actually had anybody seriously try to walk off with a bag but being there and watching carefully makes us feel better. We too had noticed the drop off, maybe total elimination would be more accurate, of bag tag checkers at baggage claim areas over the years. I don't remember the last time I was asked to show my luggage claims but ten years seems a fair guess.


I've never heard of such a thing but this thread has certainly opened my eyes. That said, it always seems like quite the wait for luggage to come out in both Calgary and Toronto, the 2 airports I use most. Scary!

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I asked whether she used Luggage Direct or just an airport transfer; the OP said it was an airport transfer.

However, the process she described really did sound that it was Luggage Direct. Perhaps it was, and OP doesn't know that term?


I've never heard of a HAL baggage transfer to the airport for us that was not part of Luggage Direct.

I have had HAL process the transfer when I was doing a HAL coach to the airport, but the only tags I put on the bag was the usual disembarkation tag. There was no special "airline type" tag for me to add when I did that; there is for Luggage Direct.


I think it is important to be aware that even though Luggage Direct works well the vast majority of the time, there can be errors made (this is not the first one I have heard of). When things do go wrong with Luggage Direct, they go wrong in ways we don't think of, which makes the problems harder to solve.

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