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Table hogs

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Good manners do not have an expiration date. Although living here in Florida, sometimes I wonder. Playing games in a dining venue during meal times is rude. I am not interested in having lunch with someone else's grandmother.


Point taken, there are other "unconventional" places to choose to eat, do you have any suggestions to remedy this? From the specs I have looked at, finding a place for cards and well as an venue such as this is a premium. I'm only looking to book my next sail on celebrity. Perhaps you have some experiences and insight to help?



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Good manners do not have an expiration date. Although living here in Florida, sometimes I wonder. Playing games in a dining venue during meal times is rude. I am not interested in having lunch with someone else's grandmother.



I couldn't agree more. I don't understand the folks on here who argue it's OK for people to occupy a restaurant table for a whole day because they are old, saying we should respect the elderly. I have seen plenty of younger folks do the same and more importantly, there is no age above which it is OK to be rude. There's plenty of places on the ship where you can sit to read, play cards or do whatever. A dining venue isn't such a place. Do these folks hang out at a table at TGI Friday's all day when ashore?! And to the poster who said we can always ask her grandmother to share, I'm not interested in having lunch with your or anyone's grand mother either. I'm on vacation to spend quality time with my friends and family.

Edited by florisdekort
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For some folks a table is much more comfortable than a pool lounger so sitting at a table for them is just like others who like to sit in a pool lounger. My grandparents spent a lot of time sitting around the kitchen table. That is where we socialized and spent time. It was more comfortable for them. The issue is the ship doesn't have a lot of places to sit outside at tables. I can see how its more comfortable for some older folks - I personally find the table more comfortable than a lounger and wish they had more available outside in the sunshine.


We also just ask to join others and have met some very nice people that way.

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On our last cruise there was one day that due to our port schedule - the buffet was hit hard all at one time. There were NO available tables with people just wandering around carrying plates of food with no place to sit and eat. People were sharing tables with strangers and most people were trying to cooperate with others.


However - next to me, at a large table there were 4 people playing some type of card game that looked they they were using MANY decks of cards all stacked up - so it didn't appear they were leaving anytime in the next few hours. They had no food on their table - it was clear that they were not eating.


Yes - this is table hogging. Take the card game someplace else and free up the buffet tables for people that need to EAT. It is RUDE. Why not then just set your card game up on the Martini Bar - oh and make sure you aren't ordering a drink either. :cool:

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I couldn't agree more. I don't understand the folks on here who argue it's OK for people to occupy a restaurant table for a whole day because they are old, saying we should respect the elderly. I have seen plenty of younger folks do the same and more importantly, there is no age above which it is OK to be rude. There's plenty of places on the ship where you can sit to read, play cards or do whatever. A dining venue isn't such a place. Do these folks hang out at a table at TGI Friday's all day when ashore?! And to the poster who said we can always ask her grandmother to share, I'm not interested in having lunch with your or anyone's grand mother either. I'm on vacation to spend quality time with my friends and family.


young adult that just politely gets up when they see some one no matter who they are... use that scenario.


And there are no more words to be said

Edited by gopro63
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For some folks a table is much more comfortable than a pool lounger so sitting at a table for them is just like others who like to sit in a pool lounger. My grandparents spent a lot of time sitting around the kitchen table. That is where we socialized and spent time. It was more comfortable for them. The issue is the ship doesn't have a lot of places to sit outside at tables. I can see how its more comfortable for some older folks - I personally find the table more comfortable than a lounger and wish they had more available outside in the sunshine.


We also just ask to join others and have met some very nice people that way.


There is nothing wrong with using these tables for leisure most of the day, but it is wrong to sit at them during mealtime when eaters can't find tables.

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"Do you go out to a restaurant in your town, plop down with your book or game and sit for hours on end, while diners that come to the restaurant are turned away for lack of table space? I think not."


Try Starbucks sometime. Tables are full with people surfing the internet. No food or even coffee.

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But it is up to the cruise line to resolve the space shortage and find places for the card and game players...


Yes, I see a huge opportunity for any cruise line to meet the needs and interests of their passengers. During the day, I see lots of venues that are under-utilized as well as over-utilized. It seems that Celebrity could designate additional appropriate places for board games and redirect that interest group to those locations.


And maybe there is room for compromise here. How about if certain venues like the buffet, Spa Cafe, Mast Grill, be limited to diners only during specific hours with a designated staff member enforcing the policy.........and that doesn't mean that playing cards with a food item at the side qualifies as "dining." I know for certain that the MDR is used for Bridge during the day but that venue is limited to specific, non-conflictng hours, why not other eating venues as well?


Okay, I guess I can now be called a compromise hog.

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For some folks a table is much more comfortable than a pool lounger so sitting at a table for them is just like others who like to sit in a pool lounger. My grandparents spent a lot of time sitting around the kitchen table. That is where we socialized and spent time. It was more comfortable for them. The issue is the ship doesn't have a lot of places to sit outside at tables. I can see how its more comfortable for some older folks - I personally find the table more comfortable than a lounger and wish they had more available outside in the sunshine.


We also just ask to join others and have met some very nice people that way.


I agree with you. Understand my mother uses a walker and because of her mobility issues, it is impossible for her to sit in a low lounge chair. Does this mean she should sit on her balcony for the entire cruise...? Deal with it...

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Actually yes I go to play pool, and I played from opening to closing. and the owner never charged us why, we brought in a crowd, making the place look busy. and we did this for many months so I am a regular on it.



Yes there are those times we know to not exceed the limit, and know when it is right or wrong, but there are the few that just don't see any side t othe story here.

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Well, a little common sense and consideration can go a long way. Granted, the tables in the Solarium are not in much demand, except at meal time. So, if you prefer a table (over say, a lounger) as your ideal 'perch' to sit, read, play cards, knit, etc. -- no problem. But, when the Aqua Spa Cafe opens for lunch, and you see folks walking around with trays, looking for a place to sit -- why not take the high road, and relocate your activities for a while? After lunch, those tables will most likely be vacant, once more. Just my $0.02. ;)

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At the pool grill on the Connie there are only a few tables to eat at. I have seen people sit at the tables all day and play cards. This leaves only a couple of tables to eat at. This is the same rudeness as being a chair hog.:mad:


I wonder how many of the OP's like minded supporters would give up their pool side loungers to others while they displace the game players at those pool grill tables. I.E. is this a case of a chair hog calling a table hog black? ;)

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I wonder how many of the OP's like minded supporters would give up their pool side loungers to others while they displace the game players at those pool grill tables. I.E. is this a case of a chair hog calling a table hog black? ;)


Obviously, if someone is looking for a table at the Mast Grill they are not occupying a lounger at the same time. What is your point? :confused:


I try to be aware of my surroundings and try to go out of my way to be polite to others. I don't want to "hog" anything. We don't need more rules, we need more polite people.

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Obviously, if someone is looking for a table at the Mast Grill they are not occupying a lounger at the same time. What is your point? :confused:


I try to be aware of my surroundings and try to go out of my way to be polite to others. I don't want to "hog" anything. We don't need more rules, we need more polite people.

I most cases we've been willing to share a table. Especially if it's an elderly person/couple. Lots of "life" stories can be heard & enjoyed.

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I wonder how many of the OP's like minded supporters would give up their pool side loungers to others while they displace the game players at those pool grill tables. I.E. is this a case of a chair hog calling a table hog black? ;)


You are bringing up the problem - if someone is so selfish that they would "take up a lounger" while eating lunch in the café or wherever they choose to dine, then they are no better than the person taking up the tables playing games or cards when others are trying to find a place to eat. It is really simple folks - Sit at the tables when you are eating - vacate when you are not. (And for those of you that say the elderly can't sit anywhere else but the dining tables - at least use the courtesy to vacate during high traffic times so people are can sit down for their meals. They shouldn't have to take their meals back to their cabins in order to sit down to eat! Use your loungers when you are by the pool or on the deck - when you decide to go somewhere else, vacate for someone else to use. Then no one is going to call you a "hog"!!!

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It would be easy enough to place cards on the tables by the Aqua Spa Cafe indicating that the tables were reserved for diners when lunch is being served.


If people want to play cards or games for hours on end, then there are other options. They could return when lunch is over, go to the Sky Lounge, etc.


It makes no difference how old a person is. There is no reason to be inconsiderate and selfish.

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As I posted elsewhere, we where having lunch in the buffet when 4 women came and told us we had to leave because that's where we play cards. Ignored them and they finally left in a huff

Edited by rvmike
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You just cannot please all the people :). And then there are those who are just rude. A few years ago we were sitting in our loungers at the indoor pool on a Celebrity ship. As is our usual sea day practice, we were up early, had breakfast, and then sat in a couple of well-placed loungers (near the pool) where we spent the day reading, swimming, socializing. About 11:30 a couple approached DW and moi and asked if we would please give up our loungers so they could sit. They explained that we were always in those loungers....and should leave so that they could have a chance. And they were serious!





That is ridiculous. Not sure that I understand those people's reasoning.


I think while on a cruise there are likely to be issues when crowds are higher in public places like the buffet restaurants, pool area or even in the gym.


I like to do an hour on the cycle machine, but there is usually a 30 minute limit, so if someone wants the machine, I give it up.


As for using a table for a meal, I do think people should be considerate and once they finish their meal, if others don't have a table, that giving it up is the polite thing to do, which is an individual choice.

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Well, a little common sense and consideration can go a long way. Granted, the tables in the Solarium are not in much demand, except at meal time. So, if you prefer a table (over say, a lounger) as your ideal 'perch' to sit, read, play cards, knit, etc. -- no problem. But, when the Aqua Spa Cafe opens for lunch, and you see folks walking around with trays, looking for a place to sit -- why not take the high road, and relocate your activities for a while? After lunch, those tables will most likely be vacant, once more. Just my $0.02. ;)

I agree. Just some common sense and some manners go a long way. I find it fairly insulting to even suggest we waive the rules for the elderly (and as I apply for my Medicare this month I consider myself approaching that category). Age hasn't a darn thing to do with it. Nor does a disability. There are plenty of places to sit on the ship that someone with a cane or walker can manage to get to, and easily get in and out of. We have often traveled with elderly relatives with just those issues and you would never see them saying hogging a table like that for hours when others are stumbling around with loaded plates trying to find a place to eat. Good manners doesn't have an age limit!

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I am more concerned with "air hogs". Some people breathe in the air I wanted. I say after 30 minutes you have to stop breathing.


Some people will look for anything to complain about….RELAX


Best answer to a Hogs thread I've ever read.

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The problem boils down to people who are inconsiderate will continue to be so regardless of what is written here.


We always invite people walking around with trays to join us if we have empty seats. We always get up when done during peak times to allow others the seats.


Nothing I or you do will alter the actions of someone with the me, me, me mentality.

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And you are the type of person my MOTHER would want sitting with her. You must be a "breathe hog".


I'd like to point out that every opinion on these boards are valid, including yours. But to belittle people for their valid opinions is considered rude. Go ahead and disagree with others, but please, not in a demeaning or sarcastic way. But I would like to ask you, IF you've ever experienced being on a ship and going for a meal, but not being able to find a place to sit, what do YOU do?


As a disabled person, it IS frustrating to not find a table in the buffet and have to struggle carrying your plate around, especially at breakfast when a lot of people sitting there are just lingering for hours just chatting. You can chat anywhere on the ship, with many cozy places that are comfortable.

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I hope she was kidding, but if she wasn't I am sure we won't hear from her again
Why would you think I wouldn't come back? :rolleyes:


Well, I'm back and I stand by every word I said.

For those who thought I wouldn't "show my face here" because of my comments, here I am. I usually don't always come back to a thread after I have posted because I don't have a lot of time to spend here. Glad I came back.


People don't always go back to a thread where they have posted something that others thought was a joke or outrageous. Doesn't mean they put their tail between their legs and went off to hide.:rolleyes: They also probably don't go back to follow all the threads they have posted in.


For those who don't think I respect elders (including yours) I do. As long as they also respect others and don't think they are entitled because of their age. Being old has nothing to do with being nice to others. It's called having respect for each other. If my mom tried playing the old age card (she is 80) I would be so embarrassed and appalled.


Dining tables should be used for dining and not playing cards all day. I don't care who you are or what your age is. It is just rude.

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