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Raise in beverage prices. Shouldn't we be grandfathered in?


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Was this increase in drink prices recent? Is it making a massive difference to what you can and cannot get on the UBP?


Within the last few days and - Yes - it has made a difference to what you can get (massive is a relative term depending on your viewpoint - I drink single malts - they are now gone from the UBP - so a big difference for me).

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Within the last few days and - Yes - it has made a difference to what you can get (massive is a relative term depending on your viewpoint - I drink single malts - they are now gone from the UBP - so a big difference for me).


Would it be correct to say that premium brand spirits are now out of the $15 range?


thanks for your previous answer. I only ask as I am getting continually frustrated, We booked our cruise on the Escape early 2015 for December this year and these changes are now starting to add up and make a very big difference to the product we origianlly purchased.

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Well NCL is not the only one. Celebrity tried it a few years ago, but unfortunately for them, they had a list of items in their package published.


I don't see that it is not transparent; being non transparent would be to raise the price, but not changing the price list and then when someone orders it, they are then told it is more expensive or just charged the extra if they have the UBP. They have a price list for their drinks and they raised the price. Raising prices is something all companies do and unfortunately this price raise affects a few who drink those certain beverages. All companies raise prices, I would have loved to pay last year's prices for the new car I purchase a week ago, but that didn't happen because prices go up.


I think anyone that can't see that it is business and other cruise lines do the same thing seriously needs a reality check.


Many complain about extra charges on NCL, here is a quote from another thread about Celebrity: If you want better food and service, why not move up to premium or luxury lines. When you do the "net daily rate" comparison (taking into consideration all the extras you will have to pay for on Celebrity), you may really be surprised about the better value of moving up. Just show that all cruise lines are more alike than different.


I agree that companies will raise prices due to inflation - but - few companies will raise prices by 50% in one hit. This level of price rise smacks of one of two things - greed or desperation.

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Would it be correct to say that premium brand spirits are now out of the $15 range?


thanks for your previous answer. I only ask as I am getting continually frustrated, We booked our cruise on the Escape early 2015 for December this year and these changes are now starting to add up and make a very big difference to the product we origianlly purchased.


UKLloyd - I am afraid you have walked into the NCL 'change-things-on-the-fly' ethos. I have been banging on about this for the last 18 months but the cheerleaders do not seem to get it.


NCL are rapidly getting themselves a reputation for withdrawing things, raising prices for things, reducing provision of things - all at short notice.


NCL is no longer customer first - they are profit/shareholders first (and that is rapidly becoming their only focus).


The shipboard staff are wonderful, despite the crap they get thrown at them from Head Office - they have to deal with the upset pax. - which they generally do quite professionally. The onboard experience will be great - the cost to you is, unfortunately, the great unknown.

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I agree that companies will raise prices due to inflation - but - few companies will raise prices by 50% in one hit. This level of price rise smacks of one of two things - greed or desperation.
You say greed or desperation, one could argue that it is good business. Raising prices only because of inflation, is not the only reason a company raises their prices. With the UBP, I would bet that NCL has a break even point that they have to achieve to continue the program as a perk (taking into consideration the additional amount factored into the fare). If more people order the brands that cost more, then they have to do something to bring that break even point back into line. Now, they could raise the price on some of the lower price brands to say $15, but if folks aren't ordering them and only ordering the high priced brands (because let's face it, if it is free, folks are going to order the best that is available), that really doesn't do them any good. The most logical thing for them to do is to raise the price of the most expensive brands so they fall outside the UBP, thus if passengers want them (and I would bet the majority wouldn't order them if they have to pay anything extra), they pay a little more for them over and above their UBP, thus bringing their break even point more in line with what they need.


Thanks for the good discussion and I guess we will have to agree to disagree on business practices of NCL.

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You say greed or desperation, one could argue that it is good business. Raising prices only because of inflation, is not the only reason a company raises their prices. With the UBP, I would bet that NCL has a break even point that they have to achieve to continue the program as a perk (taking into consideration the additional amount factored into the fare). If more people order the brands that cost more, then they have to do something to bring that break even point back into line. Now, they could raise the price on some of the lower price brands to say $15, but if folks aren't ordering them and only ordering the high priced brands (because let's face it, if it is free, folks are going to order the best that is available), that really doesn't do them any good. The most logical thing for them to do is to raise the price of the most expensive brands so they fall outside the UBP, thus if passengers want them (and I would bet the majority wouldn't order them if they have to pay anything extra), they pay a little more for them over and above their UBP, thus bringing their break even point more in line with what they need.


Thanks for the good discussion and I guess we will have to agree to disagree on business practices of NCL.


So maybe - just maybe - selling cruises by giving away booze packages is not the smartest business model?


They do seem to spending an inordinate amount of effort messing about with booze prices/package prices/gratuities etc. to try to make it work.


They might want to re-read rule 1 - when stuck in a hole, stop digging.

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While I agree with some of the things on this forum about price increases or product eliminations, there are also inconsistancies. The cruise contracts are virtually the same across lines. There will always be a time when some passengers are within final payment, and nothing can be done about that. It happens on all lines. The only thing I blame NCL for is not advising customers of the changes via e-mail. It can be done in a mass e-mail, which wouldn't take a lot of time. Only about 1% of passengers belong to CC, so 99% don't know about the changes, and we have no idea what their feelings are.

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So maybe - just maybe - selling cruises by giving away booze packages is not the smartest business model?


OMG, we agree. I think NCL should drop the UBP and price drinks as if there were no UBP (back to reality). But can you imagine the uproar from many if they did that. I can see it now....NCL is greedy, they are making me pay for my drinks when the use to give them to me free. NCL is baiting and switching because now I have to pay for drinks. Mr. Del Rio is pocketing all my hard earned money now that I have to pay for the drinks they use to give me for free. Edited by NLH Arizona
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Well NCL is not the only one. Celebrity tried it a few years ago, but unfortunately for them, they had a list of items in their package published.




I don't see that it is not transparent; being non transparent would be to raise the price, but not changing the price list and then when someone orders it, they are then told it is more expensive or just charged the extra if they have the UBP. They have a price list for their drinks and they raised the price. Raising prices is something all companies do and unfortunately this price raise affects a few who drink those certain beverages. All companies raise prices, I would have loved to pay last year's prices for the new car I purchase a week ago, but that didn't happen because prices go up.




I think anyone that can't see that it is business and other cruise lines do the same thing seriously needs a reality check.




Many complain about extra charges on NCL, here is a quote from another thread about Celebrity: If you want better food and service, why not move up to premium or luxury lines. When you do the "net daily rate" comparison (taking into consideration all the extras you will have to pay for on Celebrity), you may really be surprised about the better value of moving up. Just show that all cruise lines are more alike than different.



These types of threads, plus the poster who always uses airline analogies (I don't get that either, as I still get free baggage, food and alcohol on my airline) remind me of my job. Whenever some kids are misbehaving their excuse is always- 'well so and so did it too'. My reply - 'well just because someone else does it that doesn't make it right.' Or as my mother would say - 'two wrongs don't make a right'. I guess some people never grow up.

I'm still cruising NCL, but to me their number one failure with the new regime is their lack of communication and the fact they lock people into contracts then change the conditions. No warning for changes that are going to come. This to me shows a total lack of respect and understanding of their customers. Even if some other companies do it, it doesn't make it right.

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Isn't that called bait and switch!


Sort of IMHO.

Offer you something, take your money and give you less than they offered you originally.

I thought I was getting the ULTIMATE beverage package, or that's what they told me.

The kicker here is they give you the perk, but......charge you for tips or a service charge for the free perk. Is it really free if it cost's me?


Sort of like free internet but then charging you a fee every time you access the network.:eek::D



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OMG, we agree. I think NCL should drop the UBP and price drinks as if there were no UBP (back to reality). But can you imagine the uproar from many if they did that. I can see it now....NCL is greedy, they are making me pay for my drinks when the use to give them to me free. NCL is baiting and switching because now I have to pay for drinks. Mr. Del Rio is pocketing all my hard earned money now that I have to pay for the drinks they use to give me for free.


I think we do agree. That TV programme several years ago about the Norwegian Jewel (?) which had the interview with Andy Stuart (sp?), made it clear that beverages was one of the main profit centres. Several of us queried whether the rush to 'free' booze packages was a good idea at the time.

Edited by SteveH2508
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Heh. Seriously? I mean, I admire this maneuver, but to play it you have to place "business" on some intellectual pedestal akin to hard science. "Business" is not black and white and some businesses can succeed without alienating their customers. Meanwhile, some customers can react "emotionally"--with irritation--due to knowing, intellectually, they're being screwed.
No, business is not black and white, but being logical about business strategies is....businesses are here to make money and are they going to tick off some of their customers with their changes and price increases, sure and I would bet that NCL knows just how many with each move they make they might lose and how many more that they anticipate earning through out the year. There is nothing wrong with reacting "emotionally"--with irritation and I don't think I ever said that was wrong, I said it was another way of looking at things. Some feel they are being screwed while others don't, because we all think and react differently. I use to wear Eileen Fisher clothing all the time and they finally priced themselves out for me. Did I feel sad, sure, because I loved her clothing, but did I feel I was being screwed over by the company because they raised the price, no, I just found another brand to wear. Edited by NLH Arizona
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Just out of curiosity here, where does the contract state that they can raise prices which result in things being excluded from what I already paid for...in full. :confused:


Yes the extra $2 would add up. Figure 6 drinks a day average, is $12 a day each so $24 x 40 days is almost another $1000 :eek:





How much did you pay for the UBP? Oh, that's right nothing, nada , zilch, zip. It was given to you as a promo.


You have less than no excuse to complain about anything.

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I'm still cruising NCL, but to me their number one failure with the new regime is their lack of communication and the fact they lock people into contracts then change the conditions. No warning for changes that are going to come. This to me shows a total lack of respect and understanding of their customers. Even if some other companies do it, it doesn't make it right.

I agree with you, their communication sucks, but to be honest it sucked prior to the new regime as well. It would be so simple for them to send out a blanket email on each of their changes, so that folks are not surprised by them, but everyone has asked for this for years and it just goes on deaf ears.
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How much did you pay for the UBP? Oh, that's right nothing, nada , zilch, zip. It was given to you as a promo.


You have less than no excuse to complain about anything.


Of course he/she payed for it. It was included in the cruise fare. Just as the use of elevators and the food in the buffet is.


They do not, and have never given away anything for free.


How much do you pay to use the bed in your stateroom? nothing! Would it be okay if they changed the beds in the staterooms to a towel on the floor? You know, to save fuel. You payed nothing(!), so why complain?

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Of course he/she payed for it. It was included in the cruise fare. Just as the use of elevators and the food in the buffet is.


They do not, and have never given away anything for free.


How much do you pay to use the bed in your stateroom? nothing! Would it be okay if they changed the beds in the staterooms to a towel on the floor? You know, to save fuel. You payed nothing(!), so why complain?


Bad example. Full board is included as part of the fare...that means you get a bed.


They were given the UBP which included drinks up to $15 dollars in price...it still does, nothing about the UBP was changed.


However, there is nothing that says that the price for a specific liquor is going to be the same when you cruise as it is today.

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As with so many of these issues, there are two questions..


1> Can they make this change legally without recompense. Yes.


The applicable phrase from the T+C for the UBP is: "Please note that rates are subject to change at any time at the discretion of Norwegian Cruise Line."


That's all they need to do it legally...


2> Should they? That's a different question. As with the change to beverage policy, there are far better ways they could have done it in order to at least give the appearance they care. An example solution would have been offering everyone with the UBP and inside final payment at the time the pricing changes were made a small amount OBC to offset the difference. It would have been good customer service. They chose not to go this route. Read into that what you will.


BTW, also note that in the Contract of Carriage you give away your right to any legal recourse other than arbitration on any issue... Just an FYI

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My husband's next cruise is without me, the cheap accountant. When at home he only drinks beer. When he cruises he drinks beer and Dark and Stormys, but it's not like he's a Dark and Stormy connoisseur. I THINK the menu said a Gosling Rum and Gosling Ginger beer is $17. Could he ask for a Dark and Stormy made with Myers Dark rum? I have to tell him what to do or he'll miss me. LOL


LOL I am am an accountant as well! Earlier in the year I was training for my UBP with homemade amateur dark and stomry's of Ginger Ale and Myers.


So essentially would my dark and gloomy be covered under the UBP?

This was their plan all along! So I paid $80 for drinks and then they will hope I will spend at least another $30 on surcharges.

I wonder if they will pull the same shenanigans with the SDP I have- it seems they have already taken the Waygu Beef Sliders and burger away from Cagneys.


I am thinking they might start calling Andre Champegene (I think I drank 2 whole bottles one NYE for $2.99 lol) premium!!

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Man I so agree with every single post that sea shark has written. The ubp is any drink up to 15, that has not changed. Nothing was implied other than that. No cocktails or brands were mentioned or implied. You searching the internet for a photo of a menu does not imply that NCL must not ever change anything. Menus change constantly. Prices change.I am so happy with my free beverage package, and yes I said free. I price out cruises with the amenities I know I will get and compare each line. NCL is a deal for me and I would tip no matter what so the gratuity is no issue.

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I have found in my last two NCL cruises (2015 & 2016) I have no idea what I will get based on what was offered when I booked - I was last surprised by the reduced wine by the glass offerings. I do not drink mixed drinks and prefer a good bourbon, whiskey or single malt scotch. A significant consideration in making my current booking was the fact that the UBP covered almost all premium+ drinks, now it does not. Dismissing this fact by saying it was a "free" promo is illogical. When comparing total cruise costs between lines people don't care if the company calls their drink package a free promo or it's priced per day. Promos are used by NCL to attract bookings that might not be made otherwise and are being accounted for in the overall cruise price. When I compare lines I know the drinks I want and plan accordingly.


I tend to drink quite a bit on a cruise and visit the specialty restaurants, but I too am now ready for the end of the promos. They have lost their value to me and are no longer an incentive that I want subsidized by my cruise fare (and I will not book a guarantee). I would happily go back to pre-ordering a bar setup of The Glenlivet in my room and paying covers or a la carte pricing for dining.

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Could anyone who has been on a recent trip clarify the issue with the "super premium" liquors? The T&Cs say they are "excluded" from UBP. So do you pay an upcharge or do you get charged full price+18%? Would be good to know to avoid any surprises. Thanks.



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I agree with you, their communication sucks, but to be honest it sucked prior to the new regime as well. It would be so simple for them to send out a blanket email on each of their changes, so that folks are not surprised by them, but everyone has asked for this for years and it just goes on deaf ears.


Yes, but I'm not sure an increase in onboard prices is something that needs to be announced per se, there does need to be a line drawn somewhere. I believe all of the literature does say that onboard prices are subject to change without notice. As far as raising the price on liquor it doesn't surprise me and I do understand why someone with the UBP would be upset, but they still get the basics covered (and I will say that this is another change that wouldn't affect me, I'm happy drinking rotgut:)).

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