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Worse than bad customer relations, stupid


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Originally told by TA that only Visa needed was for India, then learned on this site ,needed E-Visa in advance for Sri Lanka. Now told on roll call site I need 3 color copies of my passport photo page for Oman.

None of these are beyond my ability to deal with.

But doesn't Celebrity have some responsibility to accurately inform 2000 paying customers of any and all Port visitation requirements even to the point of printing " None Required" if that is the case. ??????

It also wastes countless hours of Celebrity staff having to field inquiries, than could be solved by communicating requirements up front.

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Without knowing your full history (birth place, citizenship, criminal and otherwise), Celebrity would struggle to accurately inform every passenger of their Visa requirements.


Like any trip abroad, I do think looking into Visa conditions is a joint responsibility of both the passenger and TA, and my guess is that it says something to that extent in the T&Cs. Your first sentence about your TA is where I would direct my frustration.


Pleased though you have time to sort things out before your sailing.

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As mentioned in the above post, different nationalities have different obligations regarding visas etc. when entering another country. Celebrity certainly doesn't have the knowledge to advise you on that. It is your responsibility and your travel agent's. Although since you are the one taking the trip, I doubt I would trust my travel agent alone; I would do the research myself.

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As you know from the Roll Call the Sri Lanka government changed the process in the last few weeks and the transit visa now must de done 72 hours ahead of time and on-line. No way Celebrity or your TA could have known this earlier.


I personally don't believe they have a "responsibility" to inform passengers of visa requirements. Passengers come from many countries and in many cases the visa requirements are different or nonexistent based on your country of residence or country of birth. Trying to sort this out for thousands of passengers is asking for lawsuit if they make a mistake.

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I Am 100% sure, no make that 200% sure that on X's website, there is a discussion and link(s) concerning Visa's AND your TA needed to get this info or at least the basic info for you to follow up on.


Did you not read it? If not, how is it X's fault or problem?


I see it as a passenger or possibly a TA stupidity and not X's Customer Relations issue. At various places on X's website and most certainly in their confirmations (if you deal direct) there are hyper-links about Visas and passports and your responsibility to know and understand travel documents needed to travel.


If you did not understand or take that information as a serious matter, that is another issue. In fact, were it me, I would have started with finding out or asking or applying for these documents at the time I booked OR at least started to gain an understanding of what would be required before sailing....


I do not know if you are a seasoned traveler or not or even an American, yet usually most people know that there are Visa and passport requirements needed to travel to different countries with different requirements for each.


Sorry for your self-imposed issues, regardless.


bon voyage

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I've traveled to a lot of places that require varying documents and never have had anyone inform me of exactly what to prepare. It is not their responsibility to verify all passengers from countless countries have secured the correct documents. If they misinformed just one passenger due to a changing law, etc. we would be reading the same type of post blaming the cruise line.


The good news is there are several reputable online services that can help you determine what you need.

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Many passengers from different countries travel on the cruise. It is established in the contract that it is the passenger's responsibility to have their travel documents as passport, visas, etc. I suggest you look in the page of the government of your country for the documents you need to travel to each of the countries you will visit.


To be old and wise you have to be young and stupid first

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Originally told by TA that only Visa needed was for India, then learned on this site ,needed E-Visa in advance for Sri Lanka. Now told on roll call site I need 3 color copies of my passport photo page for Oman.

None of these are beyond my ability to deal with.

But doesn't Celebrity have some responsibility to accurately inform 2000 paying customers of any and all Port visitation requirements even to the point of printing " None Required" if that is the case. ??????

It also wastes countless hours of Celebrity staff having to field inquiries, than could be solved by communicating requirements up front.

A couple of year ago we went cruising to the places you mention I'm sure we only needed the multiple entry visa for India and that was a pain to get at the time. Don't remember anything for Sri Lanka, have been three times in two years to Oman and the ship gave out visitor cards. But we are from the UK and that's how it was for us!I would research just in case as things can change. I'm sure you will have a lovely cruise, Dianne

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I Am 100% sure, no make that 200% sure that on X's website, there is a discussion and link(s) concerning Visa's AND your TA needed to get this info or at least the basic info for you to follow up on.


Did you not read it? If not, how is it X's fault or problem?


I see it as a passenger or possibly a TA stupidity and not X's Customer Relations issue. At various places on X's website and most certainly in their confirmations (if you deal direct) there are hyper-links about Visas and passports and your responsibility to know and understand travel documents needed to travel.


If you did not understand or take that information as a serious matter, that is another issue. In fact, were it me, I would have started with finding out or asking or applying for these documents at the time I booked OR at least started to gain an understanding of what would be required before sailing....


I do not know if you are a seasoned traveler or not or even an American, yet usually most people know that there are Visa and passport requirements needed to travel to different countries with different requirements for each.


Sorry for your self-imposed issues, regardless.


bon voyage

Sorry Bo, and others, 90% of their passengers are from US, UK, Canada and Australia, this ain't rocket science to know and communicate what's required and " There is always a disclaimer protecting them from lawsuit's " and always will be. Just good and SMART customer relations. P.S. Have any of you used Celebrity's website???????? Yes, also I have visited more than 80 countries and my current passport has Visa's from Brazil, China, Cambodia etc. etc.

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Sorry Bo, and others, 90% of their passengers are from US, UK, Canada and Australia, this ain't rocket science to know and communicate what's required and " There is always a disclaimer protecting them from lawsuit's " and always will be. Just good and SMART customer relations. P.S. Have any of you used Celebrity's website???????? Yes, also I have visited more than 80 countries and my current passport has Visa's from Brazil, China, Cambodia etc. etc.


Sorry that the cruise line does not give you the level of "handholding" you seem to desire. Not even all the residents of the countries you mention, carry a Passport from their residential country. We have often cruised on Celebrity (and 13 other cruise lines) when passengers were from over 2 dozen countries (this is often announced by the Captain during his welcome aboard speech). Our experience with cruise lines (over forty years of cruising) has taught us to not rely on any cruise line for accurate Visa info....as we have actually been given incorrect info from 2 lines (not Celebrity).


The fact that you have visited many countries should have taught you to always perform your own "due diligence" when it comes to Visa and Passport requirements. Yes, it would be nice if the cruise lines had some kind of software program that would automatically notify each and every cruiser of their specific Visa needs, recommended sleep times, how much water to drink, etc. But until that happens a little personal responsibility goes a long way ;)



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Sorry Bo, and others, 90% of their passengers are from US, UK, Canada and Australia, this ain't rocket science to know and communicate what's required and " There is always a disclaimer protecting them from lawsuit's " and always will be. Just good and SMART customer relations. P.S. Have any of you used Celebrity's website???????? Yes, also I have visited more than 80 countries and my current passport has Visa's from Brazil, China, Cambodia etc. etc.


Okay e - presuming you are not a rocket scientist, what is the challenge with you being proactive in terms of finding out what documents are/were needed for the countries you were/are to visit?


Yes, I use X's website frequently and that is how I know about the Visa info and disclaimers posted there, you? How convenient to always blame the website for another's failure to execute.



Ahhh, you are a seasoned traveler and know that Visas and passports are required often, then you needed to understand what to do in order to insure you had/have the correct documents or your TA or whomever makes your travel arrangements requires a stern talking to....


bon voyage

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Some cruise lines do help out more on this then other lines in terms of giving information.


But many don't and in the end I am afraid it is the passenger's responsibility to figure this out.


I always recommend having a TA run this down and consider using a visa service.



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I don't recall any airline I've used when travelling to destinations requiring visas ever telling me exactly what travel documents I needed, and I don't know why anyone would expect a cruise line to assume such a responsibility either. This advice from WestJet is pretty typical of the industry:

You are responsible for making sure that you, and any child travelling with you, have the proper identification and travel documentation required to enter or connect through each country on your itinerary. Please consult with the
of each country you plan to visit.

As a septuagenarian who has travelled extensively, I've never relied on others to determine my requirements. Even if Celebrity was to provide me with the information, I would still make my own determination due to the frequent changes. This also begs the question as to when the OP expects Celebrity to advise passengers. When they first book? At final payment? After they've completed their online check in?


No, it certainly isn't rocket science, and anyone capable of booking and travelling on an international cruise should have no difficulty determining their own personal requirements.

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They do inform passengers of their visa needs by telling them where to go for such information. "this ain't rocket science to know and communicate what's required".


Their website -" It is your responsibility to identify and to obtain the necessary visas before beginning your cruise. Based on nationality, many countries still require an entry visa. Suggestions on where to get visa information:

  • U.S. citizens can visit the U.S. Department of State Foreign Entry Requirements
  • Canadian citizens can visit Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada
  • Embassies (Consular Service Office) of each country on your sailing itinerary
  • The visa service of your choice, such as Visa Central, for specific visa requirements, information, forms and fees that apply to your nationality

Visa Central Website

Toll-free telephone: 1-800-579-2406

email: celebrity@visacentral.com"

Pretty clear cut to me what I'd need in order to take such a trip. Took less than 5min to find what documents I'd need for such a trip.

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Maybe it's region specific but I just checked my booking confirmations for two upcoming cruise (Europe and Caribbean) and there are document and Visa sections from both my TA and X.


Nonetheless I agree with the other posters, it's my trip so it's my responsibility to verify whatever information I'm given so that my trip isn't ruined because I didn't have something I needed.


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It is standard for any travel provider to not be responsible for this. Some will provide info as a courtesy but you can bet somewhere that they're disclaiming the accuracy of that info. That goes for TAs as well. It's ultimately up to the individual to make sure they have the proper documentation to travel. Period.

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I Am 100% sure, no make that 200% sure that on X's website, there is a discussion and link(s) concerning Visa's AND your TA needed to get this info or at least the basic info for you to follow up on.


Did you not read it? If not, how is it X's fault or problem?


I see it as a passenger or possibly a TA stupidity and not X's Customer Relations issue. At various places on X's website and most certainly in their confirmations (if you deal direct) there are hyper-links about Visas and passports and your responsibility to know and understand travel documents needed to travel.


If you did not understand or take that information as a serious matter, that is another issue. In fact, were it me, I would have started with finding out or asking or applying for these documents at the time I booked OR at least started to gain an understanding of what would be required before sailing....


I do not know if you are a seasoned traveler or not or even an American, yet usually most people know that there are Visa and passport requirements needed to travel to different countries with different requirements for each.


Sorry for your self-imposed issues, regardless.


bon voyage




Hi Bo


Me and my wife will be traveling to South America (carnival cruise )

We are traveling with a USA passports we understand some countries we will be visiting requires a visa. But we also have a second passport that not require visas we are using these passports to enter those countries

We are traveling with 4 different countries passports.

Do you see any problem ? Our passports are %100 valid and legal




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It is definately the responsibility of the person travelling. I would never leave it up to a travel agent either. I would ensure I checked it all out myself, then only myself to blame if it's not correct.



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Nowhere, Nowhere, in my original post did I say that it Celebrity's responsibility to obtain my correct Visa. I also believe that Celebrity has, in order to even think about visiting a country, knowledge of everything it takes, for the ship, it's passengers and crew to visit that port/country. And in this computer age it would be smart marketing to not use what it has at it's finger tips to make anything from booking to disembarkation a most pleasing seamless experience. to "have customers singing their praises"

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Sorry, but I disagree with many of the previous posters on one very important point. Celebrity does NOT tell you when the VISA is available on the ship. Sure, they could qualify it...but at least say that for Vietnam, VISA's for US Citizens are available on the ship. Why is this important....well, for one thing $'s....the visa cost $35 or so on the ship...but over $200 if you get it in advance through one of the visa sites on the internet, including the one Celebrity sometimes refers folks to.


Yes, of course, Celebrity can't know everyone's status...but they could tell you what they do know. And yes, it could change...but they could cover it with "at present" and "conditions may change"...but at least say something.


I'll hang at least this facet of the VISA discussion on Celebrity.

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It is definately the responsibility of the person travelling. I would never leave it up to a travel agent either. I would ensure I checked it all out myself, then only myself to blame if it's not correct.



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Nowhere, Nowhere, in my original post did I say that it Celebrity's responsibility to obtain my correct Visa. I also believe that Celebrity has, in order to even think about visiting a country, knowledge of everything it takes, for the ship, it's passengers and crew to visit that port/country. And in this computer age it would be smart marketing to not use what it has at it's finger tips to make anything from booking to disembarkation a most pleasing seamless experience. to "have customers singing their praises"

Nowhere does LondonTowner suggest that it's Celebrity's responsibility either. We're all talking about the getting related information, not the acquisition of the visa(s).


While Celebrity may well know what is required for its ships and their individual crew members, how would they possibly know the requirements of every single passenger? Passengers do not provide to Celebrity all of the information required by visa officers to make a determination.

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Hi Bo


Me and my wife will be traveling to South America (carnival cruise )

We are traveling with a USA passports we understand some countries we will be visiting requires a visa. But we also have a second passport that not require visas we are using these passports to enter those countries

We are traveling with 4 different countries passports.

Do you see any problem ? Our passports are %100 valid and legal




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s - I see no problems at all, unless a particular passport will require a Visa to enter the country you plan on entering.


I will trust that you have done the research to know which passport for which country you will use them for that has the least/no restrictions in terms of Visa requirements.


Multi-Nationals, very nice, to say the least... how do you keep them in order while traveling?


bon voyage

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Thanks. Bo


I keep one in each packet just in case. But the one I like the most and very handy is USA. PASSPORT CARD.

It dos not replace you regular passport but in my case it was accepted in many countries. I think everyone US citizens travel abroad should have one


Bon voyage



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