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25 minutes ago, TruckerDave said:

I agree with you.  In addition we only have one persons account of the situation (the second reply in this thread was another person who was on the same cruise and didn't notice it at all).  One persons "rude and obnoxious" is another persons normal way of speaking. I also take into account the large amount of hyperbole that is used on this message board on a daily basis in so many of the complaint threads. 

Also have to take into account different cultures.  For example, what might be offensive in the US isn't going to be offensive in Europe and vice versa.  For example, if you ask a lady to stuff something into her fanny pack in England, you're going to get a swift fist to the jaw whereas here in the US, its completely tame.  And that's without mentioning the television standards between the two, where violence is accepted in the US, and nudity in the UK.


And that's before taking into account the difference between what is typically acceptable in more liberal areas vs what is acceptable in more conservative areas in the US.  If you're from the deep Bible Belt South, you're going to be straight up appalled if you're on a ship with the normal behavior of a contingent of urbanites from the Northeast.  Doesn't necessarily mean anyone in particular is wrong, just that each individual set of standards is different.

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An f-bomb directed at someone or not is considered sexual harassment.  Other curse words may or may not be but an f-bomb can get you in serious trouble if pursued here in the states.  I do not know if the laws at sea are the same as here on land but even if they are not I am sure that a cruise line would not like to get caught up in a sexual harassment case.  


I am not offended by such words, but if there are children around or if someone else if being offended by it, you had better believe that will and have put a stop to it very quickly.

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25 minutes ago, skeeter195 said:

An f-bomb directed at someone or not is considered sexual harassment.  Other curse words may or may not be but an f-bomb can get you in serious trouble if pursued here in the states.  I do not know if the laws at sea are the same as here on land but even if they are not I am sure that a cruise line would not like to get caught up in a sexual harassment case.  


I am not offended by such words, but if there are children around or if someone else if being offended by it, you had better believe that will and have put a stop to it very quickly.


Using curse words in a sentence is not sexual harassment.  If that was the case, just about every rapper and many other singers would be in serious legal trouble right now.  Maybe a state or two may have some archaic law from the 1800s that bans the use of profane language in public (that probably isn't enforced anymore), but I am fairly confident that Cruise Ships sailing in International Waters are not enforcing US State laws....which state would they even enforce?  All 50?  1? 


Edit - unless you are talking about labor/workplace sexual harassment and it being done to create a hostile work environment, but that doesn't apply in this situation either.

Edited by Stealthdog
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Too many people are trying explain away the woman's conduct.  The OP said she was screaming and using f-bombs.  Not once, not twice, every time they were around her.  At minimum she should have been asked to keep her voice down by fellow cruisers and hopefully the crew.  Then cut off from alcohol for the day, then for the rest of the cruise if her behavior continued.  At some point a senior officer should have spoken to her.  She is a low-life and her behavior ruined the experience of fellow cruisers.  Everyone shouldn't have to "just move to a different area of the ship" because of her.

Edited by Mike_DeA
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Guess I should pop back on here and clarify a few things....


It wasn't so much that she was using "spicy" language (and I'm used to hearing it day in and day out so it sort of goes in one ear and out the other), it was the decibel level that made it as annoying as it was.   Normal conversation level and it wouldn't  have been noticed - but she was "screaming".  I'd be willing to bet that there were some there though that were watching it as an odd form of onboard entertainment.....   As others mentioned, we could have gone to another area and at times we did, but if that is the designated smoking area then that's where I had to go from time to time to stay in the rules.   (and yes, that's why I go to the bar....to have a cigarette and my soda....).  


Good to know the passenger code of conduct exists and would be good for future reference.   Something like this probably doesn't happen often (I had never seen it before on a cruise or at all-inclusives) so I'm guessing my odds of having it happen again soon are probably slim.   

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Guest phd1003
On 5/13/2019 at 5:17 PM, Shih-tzu said:

She spent a lot of her time up at the bar and smoking area on Deck 13 but she could be heard by those of us when we were on deck 12 at the pools as well.

I guess that's a good thing. Normally the music is so loud poolside (and at the bar you speak of) - You have to yell to hear the person beside you.


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3 hours ago, Stealthdog said:


Using curse words in a sentence is not sexual harassment.  If that was the case, just about every rapper and many other singers would be in serious legal trouble right now. 


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On many cruise ships I have been on, there are x or r rated comedy shows where they use explicit language and they ban minors under 18 from these shows. It only stands to reason then, that if minors are around, the cruise line should not allow explicit language around them. If you ban minors form places where there is explicit language then you should ban explicit language from places where there are minors.


This makes sense to me but I guess some will criticize me about it because I am from the "Deep South".

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Unfortunately there are people with no public social skills on cruise ships. They do not know how to appropriately act in public places. Are they rude? Yes. Are they obnoxious? Yes. Do we have to tolerate them? Unfortunately yes. The cruise staff are taught to not confront an obnoxious guest unless they are endangering others.

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12 minutes ago, tallyho8 said:

On many cruise ships I have been on, there are x or r rated comedy shows where they use explicit language and they ban minors under 18 from these shows. It only stands to reason then, that if minors are around, the cruise line should not allow explicit language around them. If you ban minors form places where there is explicit language then you should ban explicit language from places where there are minors.


This makes sense to me but I guess some will criticize me about it because I am from the "Deep South".


First off, there is basically no such thing as an X rated comedy show. That would mean people are like having sex during the show or being crazy explicit describing sexual acts. That's not happening on any cruise ship comedy shows. What you'll see in the 18+ shows is mild R-rated comedy that mentions adult topics like sex and drinking and weed or whatever.


Your reasoning is nonsensical to me. Because they don't allow kids into a show where adult content is discussed, adult content shouldn't be allowed to be discussed by ANYONE in a public location where kids ARE allowed? What?!  


Some people just don't think that the world needs to revolve around "protecting" children. Adults are allowed to curse and speak about adult topics in public. If you don't want your kids hearing about adult things, it is on you to "protect" them from that. 


Of course this doesn't mean people are allowed to be annoying to people around them. If an individual in a party at a restaurant or other public gathering location is being loud and several other surrounding parties have kind of made eye contact with each other and rolled their eyes, I'd expect someone to walk over and ask politely for the person to take it down a notch. Right?

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To the OP and others who have contributed to this thread:


My DH and I sailed the Dawn 5 day out of Miami on April 26th. The fellow cruisers were a very diverse crowd and we enjoyed this cruise greatly. On May 1st, less than 2 dozen of us gathered and went through customs and reboarded the ship because we were doing a back-to-back. Let's just say that the 4 day on the Dawn, May 1st had a very different cruise passenger than the 5 day before it!

Day one, at 5:30 p.m. we were seated in Cagney's for what we expected to be a quiet dinner. After all, it was just after the sail away from Miami. However after being seated next to a couple aged 80- wife and 71- husband, we realized our quiet, specialty restraunt dinner would not be as we expected. There was a group of three couples who had been seated minutes before us sitting mearly 2 tables away who were obnoxiously loud, very drunk and dropping the F bomb numerous times in each sentence. The older couple next to us were giving them the stink eye, as were we. Several times over 10 or so minutes, at least one of them would stand up and yell, use foul words and gesture to get their point across to their fellow table mates. Finally the husband sitting near us (he was an ex-marine, heavily tatooed and ex-police) turned to their table and asked them to "tone it down, you are being rude". at that point, all four of us, the older couple and my husband and I became the recipients of their foul language and insults were hurled non-stop to us. 

At this point, about 15 minutes into our meal, I could take it no longer. I got up and spoke to the Concierge Roel and the hostess. We are Platinum Plus and cruise in suites. Because we had already been on the ship for 5 days, we were familiar with both people at the Cagney's check in area. I briefly told them the problem, stated that their behavior was NOT appropriate in a specialty restraunt and I wanted NCL staff to diffuse the situation. I went back in, sat down and the terible insults continued to be thrown our direction. Finallly, the (female) Assitant Maitre d showed up with another  person (male) and spoke to them about the "noise level" and asked them to move to another table. This table was about 15 feet away from us. While they moved over, one of the men shouted out his room number, said he made love once and that he had a giant dil** for me waiting.

The insults from them continued to be shouted out and sometime during the meal, a father who was holding a young child approached their table abd asked if they were the table making so much noise. They answered YEP! and did nothing to tone down their language nor their noise level. 

At the end of the meal, while they left, I turned on my phone anticipating there may be an incident occur. While they walked out they shouted more insults and one of the females fli[[ed off the 8- year old lady seated next to us. I filmed this experience.

Later in the cruise we spoke with other officers and they stated although there is a "policy" for the guests, unless they physically lay hands on another passenger, there is little to nothing they will do to stop this type of behavior. They used the example that if a child is running and screaming and crying and crawling in a specialty area, or disturbing other passengers in public spaces, they will do NOTHING. The cruisers have a right to experience the cruise in this way. 

So...if you want to pay money or use your perks in the specialty dining, do not expect to have a nice, adult style, quiet dinner. The rude, obnoxious, drunk, loud, screaming passenger has the right to their experience. If this is happening in the paid areas, what do you think they will allow in the "free" areas of the ship?

BTW, this was my 15th cruise since 2009 on NCL. I cruise suites which I purchase at the full retail price at least a year and a half before sailing. I'm Platinum Plus. I like to drink, no, make that LOVE to drink on a cruise. I might get a little loud when I'm drinking. But the diffence between me and the guests we experienced on the Dawn 4 day sailing out of Miami was I have the ability to understand how to act in certain areas of a ship. My behavior and language will be different at the smoking area of the upper pool  bar vs the attrium vs the Haven Bar vs the Mojito Bar. There are some people that do not have the ability to grasp this simple concept and ruin the experience of others around them. There were MANY people on this sailing who simply didn't understand how to adjust their behavior on this cruise. 

OP, I agree with you. I certainly wish that NCL would make strong suggestions to those who are standing out in a group of people that their behavior needs modified. We did see the bar staff on this 4 day sailing not serve MULTIPLE people, mostly female at the Champagne Bar during the evenings. These gals were having problems standing up and walking and were past the point of being able to speak enough words to even order a drink. I thank the bar staff who make those quick decions to stop serving. We also saw a guest being escourted to the briggs after an altercation in one of the hot tubs on the second day of our 5 day cruise. One of the officers told us he would be staying locked up until we got back to Miami and then woud be handed off to the Miami-Dade Police! What a bummer for his cruise mates...NOT! Cause problems, pay the consquences I say. 

We have a 12 day in January and after this cruise, we might be done with cruising for awhile and may return to all inclusives or simply fly in and stay at a few islands for vacation. I don't think the issues I don't care for are due to the drink package, I think they are due to the increasing rudeness/angry-ness/poor character of our society. I don't care to spend my vacation time and dollar with this segment of the population on these shorter cruises. 

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5 hours ago, hladygirl said:

Unfortunately there are people with no public social skills on cruise ships. They do not know how to appropriately act in public places. Are they rude? Yes. Are they obnoxious? Yes. Do we have to tolerate them? Unfortunately yes. The cruise staff are taught to not confront an obnoxious guest unless they are endangering others.

Haha just got off the Jade TA we had four of them we labeled crazy 1,2,3,4 after awhile they became the source of gossip and entertainment crazy 1 was confined to her cabin for 24 hours and crazy 2&3 were cut off from alcohol for periods. We all were waiting for them to be put off the ship but didn’t happen

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Last year my sister had a group of recent college frat boys that were drinking and carrying on during the safety demonstration. Of course they ended up in the cabins next to her.  The next morning she went down to see if changing cabins was possible.  Basically nothing could be done.  We followed their progress through the week -- security had asked her to phone any time they were out of line during late night hours. Fortunately, they called her back precisely when they REALLY ramped it up, and were able to witness it for themselves. Security arrived in person and apparently serious warnings were issued, because after that the nighttime antics were curtailed (though the door slamming intensified as they loudly proclaimed their contempt for whoever ratted them out).


They even disrupted one of the comedians' routines, and she tore into them with a VENGEANCE! (Made me suspect she'd been following them all week, too!) She really eviscerated their sense of entitlement and idiocy.  


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On 5/14/2019 at 10:14 PM, tallyho8 said:

On many cruise ships I have been on, there are x or r rated comedy shows where they use explicit language and they ban minors under 18 from these shows. It only stands to reason then, that if minors are around, the cruise line should not allow explicit language around them. If you ban minors form places where there is explicit language then you should ban explicit language from places where there are minors.


This makes sense to me but I guess some will criticize me about it because I am from the "Deep South".


Then how come children are allowed in Rock of Ages and they simulate and speak of oral sex? 

The woman was loud, perhaps she has a hearing problem? If the OP was offended so much I agree, it’s a large ship, pick up your drink and find someplace else to go. 

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We had some real loudmouths in Le Bistro on the Jewel a few years ago. Just obnoxious entitled older people. Car salesman/construction company owner type of people. Money, but zero class. We put up with it, and saw them around occasionally the rest of the cruise. They weren't hard to avoid from the constant noise they were making. 

We are on the Joy in August. This time we are doing the Haven. Hopefully, that should filter out most of the riff-raff, and if worse comes to worse we can just hang out in our huge cabin. That is exactly why we booked the Haven. Sorry to say it.

I am not shy about asking for a different table, or just getting up and cancelling our dinner booking entirely if things don't suit us. That isn't being entitled, it is just expecting the same level of manners and consideration from others as we give to them.

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I'm planning on becoming a last minute cruise buyer. I haven't decided if I'm going to cancel my 2020 cruise and rebook a month out before sailing. If I don't I'll start fresh in 2021.


No pax should be cursing at the top of their lungs expecially at the pool. It's not decent behavior. I thought cruise lines had rules on this. 

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19 hours ago, elwood_98034 said:

Car salesman/construction company owner type of people. Money, but zero class....

...We are on the Joy in August. This time we are doing the Haven. Hopefully, that should filter out most of the riff-raff, and if worse comes to worse we can just hang out in our huge cabin. That is exactly why we booked the Haven. 


There is no way to filter the behavior of others based on stateroom choice or economic status.


Some with money are jerks.

Some with less money are jerks.

Some with money are great people.

Some with less money are great people.


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On 5/18/2019 at 6:02 PM, Two Wheels Only said:



There is no way to filter the behavior of others based on stateroom choice or economic status.


Some with money are jerks.

Some with less money are jerks.

Some with money are great people.

Some with less money are great people.


And....you can't tell how much money a person has based on stateroom choice...….someone may choose to cruise an inside cabin due to the sleep quality you can get and then they can take several cruises a year.  Another may have a suite but it's their once-in-a-lifetime trip that they have saved and saved for.   

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2 minutes ago, Shih-tzu said:

And....you can't tell how much money a person has based on stateroom choice...….someone may choose to cruise an inside cabin due to the sleep quality you can get and then they can take several cruises a year.  Another may have a suite but it's their once-in-a-lifetime trip that they have saved and saved for.   


Exactly. That's why the whole "judge people by their stateroom..." mentality is a fail.

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On 5/17/2019 at 9:27 PM, elwood_98034 said:

We had some real loudmouths in Le Bistro on the Jewel a few years ago. Just obnoxious entitled older people. Car salesman/construction company owner type of people. Money, but zero class. We put up with it, and saw them around occasionally the rest of the cruise. They weren't hard to avoid from the constant noise they were making. 

We are on the Joy in August. This time we are doing the Haven. Hopefully, that should filter out most of the riff-raff, and if worse comes to worse we can just hang out in our huge cabin. That is exactly why we booked the Haven. Sorry to say it.

I am not shy about asking for a different table, or just getting up and cancelling our dinner booking entirely if things don't suit us. That isn't being entitled, it is just expecting the same level of manners and consideration from others as we give to them.


Sorry to break it to you, but staying in the Haven has absolutely NOTHING to do with "riff-raff".  We've sailed in the Haven twice, and both times we saw or met a handful of very loud, very entitled, very obnoxious people that were no different than when we sailed in inside or balcony cabins.  

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