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Can I Opt out of Medallion Use on Royal Princess?


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I've been on the Crown, Ruby, and Emerald for short cruises in 2014, 2016, and 2017, but never on a Princess ship that had the Medallion system in place. I'm thinking of booking a Cabo Getaway cruise on the Royal this coming February, but I'm hesitating because of the Medallion system on that ship. I just don't like the sound of it. All I want to do is show my room key if I want to buy something---the old-fashioned way, and the way I've done on recent cruises on HAL, NCL, Cunard, Oceania, and other lines. Can I simply say "No" to the Medallion and still be able to order drinks and make onboard purchases?

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Whether you use the medallion or the card, you still have to place it on the sensor when you purchase something.  The medallion automatically unlocks your stateroom door when you get within range (within 1 to six feet) whereas you have to place your room card on the sensor by the door.  Same sensor for both.  We have done two medallion cruises and have found the medallion is so easy.

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There will always be the option to get a regular cruise card at guest services, I got one last month on the Royal. There are some medical conditions like having a pacemaker which disallows one to use the medallion. For that reason there will ALWAYS remain an option to use a cruise card which works for everything . 

 The medallion tracks you and is used for marking purposes. Our friends walked by the Explorer lounge during an art auction and were inundated with "opportunities to come back and buy art. I find the medallion an invasion of privacy.

Edited by cruzsnooze
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There will always be the option to get a regular cruise card at guest services, I got one last month on the Royal. There are some medical conditions like having a pacemaker which disallows one to use the medallion. For that reason there will ALWAYS remain an option to use a cruise card which works for everything . 
 The medallion tracks you and is used for marking purposes. Our friends walked by the Explorer lounge during an art auction and were inundated with "opportunities to come back and buy art. I find the medallion an invasion of privacy.

May I ask you ... as my father has pacemaker and they love Princess and occasionally cruise. Would medallions of other people affect ones with pacemakers?
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In the stores as soon as you walk in they get your photo on their ipad.

The door opens too soon when you are getting close to it, not good if you do not want someone to know what room you are in.


I am going to try to have it in a RFID Blocking case next year.

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3 hours ago, birdiebill said:

Whether you use the medallion or the card, you still have to place it on the sensor when you purchase something.  The medallion automatically unlocks your stateroom door when you get within range (within 1 to six feet) whereas you have to place your room card on the sensor by the door.  Same sensor for both.  We have done two medallion cruises and have found the medallion is so easy.


Does that mean that if I walk down the hall past my room, the door will unlock?  Does it re-lock again as I walk away from the room.



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i was recently on a medallion cruise.  i don't understand the fuss about not using medallions.


the door locked when i was approaching it, i would see it unlock while i was a few steps away.  it does lock as you walk away.  i did some testing to find the perfect spot to hang out lanyards so we didn't trigger the door (the edge of the bathroom wall by the light switch to the bathroom)


we played the deck trivia in the app because we like trivia.


you do not need to do anything in the app unless you want to. you don't have to interact with the wall panels unless you want to.

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11 hours ago, cruzsnooze said:

There will always be the option to get a regular cruise card at guest services, I got one last month on the Royal. There are some medical conditions like having a pacemaker which disallows one to use the medallion. For that reason there will ALWAYS remain an option to use a cruise card which works for everything . 

 The medallion tracks you and is used for marking purposes. Our friends walked by the Explorer lounge during an art auction and were inundated with "opportunities to come back and buy art. I find the medallion an invasion of privacy.

Absolutely false.

There are a large number of passengers on this current Sky cruise (or every cruise for that matter) with a PM.    I have seen them announce at security that they have a pacemaker prior to passing through and are wanded. They have Medallions.

My son has one. We were on the Crown 2 weeks ago. He had his Medallion.

It is advised to keep it 8 plus inches away.

He cleared it with his doctor and the PM manufacturer.

You should not post false info like this.

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jimdee, Don't be afraid of the medallion. You carry it around just like a cruise card and use it the same way. You can ask the waiter for a drink just like any other ship that you have been on. The waiter will just scan your medallion or might just ask your cabin number.  If you purchase a latte at the International Cafe you just place your medallion on the circle, really not much different than swiping a cruise card, or using a smart credit card in your local store. You do not need to carry around a phone or smart device and use all the other medallion stuff. We don't. I think you will find the automatic cabin door open feature pretty nice, especially if you have things in your hands.

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I have a pacemaker and had no problem or issue.  I checked with my cardiologist and the manufacturer and they both ssid it was not a issue.  They just recommended that I treat it like a cell phone and if I have a shirt pocket don't carry it in the pocket.  

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My husband is on a pacemaker, and I plan on getting the cards for both of us. Yes, 8"  might be correct, but the idea of walking around with a magnet when not needed is senseless. I keep mine around my neck. I give dh a hug without thinking. BAM. Dh keeps his in a wrist band. He pounds his motion activated pacemaker without thinking. BAM.


No thanks. Perhaps it is an overabundance of caution, but I don't care to walk around with magnets. And frankly, I don't want to be tracked either. Princess can keep their medallions.

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Off crown few weeks ago, thought I did not like this gadget , it was handy but the BIG advantage was I could locate my wife anytime on the boards near elevators, right down to the seat in Buffett, this eliminates trying to meet up at certain times, no more   Where are you, coffee shop or room

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1 hour ago, Colo Cruiser said:

Absolutely false.

There are a large number of passengers on this current Sky cruise (or every cruise for that matter) with a PM.    I have seen them announce at security that they have a pacemaker prior to passing through and are wanded. They have Medallions.

My son has one. We were on the Crown 2 weeks ago. He had his Medallion.

It is advised to keep it 8 plus inches away.

He cleared it with his doctor and the PM manufacturer.

You should not post false info like this.

People really think they would use a device that would affect people with pacemakers and other medical devices? 

Common folks, this technology is everywhere. People aren't dropping dead every day.

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1 hour ago, skynight said:

jimdee, Don't be afraid of the medallion. You carry it around just like a cruise card and use it the same way. You can ask the waiter for a drink just like any other ship that you have been on. The waiter will just scan your medallion or might just ask your cabin number.  If you purchase a latte at the International Cafe you just place your medallion on the circle, really not much different than swiping a cruise card, or using a smart credit card in your local store. You do not need to carry around a phone or smart device and use all the other medallion stuff. We don't. I think you will find the automatic cabin door open feature pretty nice, especially if you have things in your hands.



I appreciate your explanation, and thanks as well to the others who have posted.


I think I misunderstood the difference between the medallion itself and the Medallion App. I had the impression that having the app---and all the Ocean Ready stuff that goes with it---was a precondition to using the medallion, that you couldn't even get on the ship without having the app on your phone already. Unlike most people, I don't have a smart phone of any kind, and I never will. (I'm simply incapable of understanding them). I guess I could use the medallion in the way that "skynight" explains, but I still don't see the necessity for the medallion system itself. Is it that hard to open your cabin door? Is it that hard to order a drink at Crooners? Is it that hard to tell your spouse or traveling companion, "I'll be in the gym if you're looking for me?" It seems to me that Princess is addressing "problems" that don't exist, or are so trivial that they don't need addressing.

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56 minutes ago, ukestrummer said:

Off crown few weeks ago, thought I did not like this gadget , it was handy but the BIG advantage was I could locate my wife anytime on the boards near elevators, right down to the seat in Buffett, this eliminates trying to meet up at certain times, no more   Where are you, coffee shop or room

I found that it wasn't always accurate. At times it wouldn't show anything at all and other times it would show the incorrect deck.

I still prefer it to the card.

They still haven't fixed the security problem of indicating the persons cabin by checking the board so that if you lose your Medallion anyone has access to your cabin until you report it lost.

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2 hours ago, jimdee3636 said:

It seems to me that Princess is addressing "problems" that don't exist, or are so trivial that they don't need addressing.


Princess is doing what every other company in America seems to be doing, data mining you. They will use all this information about you to try and sell you more stuff.

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6 minutes ago, scottca075 said:


Princess is doing what every other company in America seems to be doing, data mining you. They will use all this information about you to try and sell you more stuff.

I can't see what more they could possibly want to sell me?

I get paper ad's for every concealable item on board & service now that goes directly into the trash can as soon as I see it. :classic_laugh:

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2 hours ago, Colo Cruiser said:

Absolutely false.

There are a large number of passengers on this current Sky cruise (or every cruise for that matter) with a PM.    I have seen them announce at security that they have a pacemaker prior to passing through and are wanded. They have Medallions.

My son has one. We were on the Crown 2 weeks ago. He had his Medallion.

It is advised to keep it 8 plus inches away.

He cleared it with his doctor and the PM manufacturer.

You should not post false info like this.


"Over-reacting"? yes.  But "false" is a bit harsh, especially in a post that could prove deadly.


Such devices will work as designed, Medallion or no Medallion, but "as designed" is different than "as expected".  Some (most?) pacemakers and implanted defibrillators have an internal switch which is activated by placing a magnet over them.  Just what the switch does depends upon the device, but in one case it deactivates the device's automatic defibrillation function -- kinda non-trivial, no?


Medallions are built with an embedded magnet to secure them in wristbands and come with lanyards that hang them over your heart.  A simple "it is advised" does not convey just how strongly some people need to keep that eight inch distance.


I am not a physician.  Ask yours.   Be sure he thinks about "embedded magnet", "internal switch", and "lanyard".

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16 hours ago, jimdee3636 said:

I've been on the Crown, Ruby, and Emerald for short cruises in 2014, 2016, and 2017, but never on a Princess ship that had the Medallion system in place. I'm thinking of booking a Cabo Getaway cruise on the Royal this coming February, but I'm hesitating because of the Medallion system on that ship. I just don't like the sound of it. All I want to do is show my room key if I want to buy something---the old-fashioned way, and the way I've done on recent cruises on HAL, NCL, Cunard, Oceania, and other lines. Can I simply say "No" to the Medallion and still be able to order drinks and make onboard purchases?


I understand...

Many of us are creatures of habit.  We like the way things have always worked before and would rather not have any change...

BUT things DO change...and we DO adapt...

In my lifetime, I have gone from rotary dial corded phones to digital phones to cordless phones to tiny cell phones...I've gone from vinyl records to 8 tracks to cassettes to CDs to just streaming music...I've gone from a tube black-and-white TV with 7 channels to flat screens with cable or computer apps with hundreds of channels and "on demand"...and from Beta to VHS to DVR...I've gone from film cameras to digital...

The list goes on and on...Things keep changing...we keep adapting...(Though, yes, some of us adapt faster...or slower...than others).

Most of the changes make things better...or more convenient...or more amazing...and, yes, many also make things more complicated and require more training and work...


AND, so we get to this "medallion" thing...

Is it a MAJOR step in technology?  Really, from what I can tell, it's not...

Many of us already drive cars with the same technology--where you don't need a key to unlock the doors...or start the engine...It's the same thing here.  It's not hard to deal with...and it's just slightly more convenient.  Ever had your hands full and you need to reach in your pocket to find your key...or your ship card?  With this, now you don't...

Ordering a drink?  You can use the app...or not...You can still just walk up to a bartender or ask a waiter...and flashing your medallion is little different than showing him/her your card...

You don't have a smart phone?  Well, yes, there are some parts you won't be able to access...but many of those you likely wouldn't have wanted to access anyway...The features like locating your spouse on the ship?  As far as I understand, you can still use that feature by flashing your medallion at certain screens around the ship...(And that's one feature that sounds really good to me...my wife is often hard to find).


I've done 55 cruises WITHOUT a medallion...and I've always been very comfortable with the "cards".  Of course, when I started cruising, they didn't even have THOSE cards...they had PAPER ones that wouldn't even open your cabin door.  Heck, we really could have used the medallion...or even those current plastic cards...way back when our daughters were teenagers and we could not locate them in Cabo and had to hire taxi boats to take us up and down the beach searching...and they delayed the ship's departure over an hour for us...only to finally find out they were back on board, sitting in the dining room eating...In those days, they didn't even have a way to track who was onboard or not!


In January, I'll be on the Royal...my first cruise ever WITH the medallion...I am looking forward to trying it...to testing it out...to seeing what "works" for me and what doesn't.  I don't fear advancement or technology.  Things change.  I'll figure it out...

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