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Toddler Death Law Suit Update

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10 minutes ago, nwcruiselover said:

Has anyone heard anything about the court appearance that was scheduled for today?  This is the one where he was to officially enter his plea of guilty or not guilty.

Defense asked for another month.  Judge set the next hearing for Feb. 24 and they'll set a trial date then.  


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33 minutes ago, twins_to_alaska said:

The Daily News article today kept calling him "elderly and color-blind". Since when did 51 become elderly?

When the family gave them an exclusive:


'We respectfully ask the Puerto Rican prosecutors to take a hard look at the new evidence that has come to light,' Alan and Kimberly said in an emotion-charged statement *shared exclusively* with DailyMail.com.”


Asterisks mine.


Family is working the media angle hard. 

Edit: wow, they even refer to him as “silver-haired”. Good grief. 

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16 minutes ago, lovemylab said:

Anyone else find it odd that of all media outlets to go to, they're choosing the Daily Mail?  One of the worst UK tabloids out there!

Weirdly, the DM provides more comprehensive coverage of criminal cases and such than most of the mainstream media websites in the US. I’m not saying they’re not a trashy tabloid, but you get a lot of actual content (photos and write-ups) in each article. On a US site, you would get 4,000 ads, maybe two quotes (sans editing), and three embedded tweets.


I (grudgingly) find myself referring to the site for coverage of true-crime stories because they’re not just a bunch of regurgitated social media posts found by some intern.


(I am not referring to the excellent longform journalism still practiced by a lot of US publications ... just typical online daily news coverage.)


All of which is a long way of saying, I’m not at ALL surprised the family gave this exclusive to Daily Mail.

Edited by perditax
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The article contained a detail which conflicts with something posted here--no formal plea deal has been offered to GF.


Further, the charge is a misdemeanor, but could bring up to 3 years. Acc to the article, authorities will not be seeking prison but rather would ask for probation. Unsure if this is an informal, or an announced, stance.

Edited by mayleeman
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His excuse that he was lifting her up so that she could bang on the glass is useless because he held her over the railing for 30 seconds.  If what he was claiming was true, he had 30 seconds to figure out there was no glass there and pull the little girl back in.  It's his blatant lies that make him unsympathetic.  He should have just admitted that it was a horrible mistake, but then there would be no civil suit.  The parents must really want that money.

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On 1/26/2020 at 7:40 PM, brillohead said:23794548-7922419-image-m-70_1579817689034.jpg.f865a0ddf99c8c7434385d6a611099e9.jpg








The attorneys are really grasping with those pics of the Re-enactment.  They are really hoping the general public is just plain gullible.  They claim The GF can’t possibly stick his head out the window without lifting his feet off the ground by 7 inches and then proceed to demonstrate that.  

Unless Annelo has a rod in his back that prevents him from bending his spine that is just not true.  The actor has his back in a completely flat fashion.  Who ever leans over like that?!?!  A normal person will curve their back.  I was curious myself to see how far I could lean over a 42 inch rail with my feet on the ground, and I am 5’3’’.   I can easily extend my body more than 18 inches with my feet on the ground because I don’t act like I have a rod in my back!


If this goes to trial I am sure RCI will bring in their own actors who don’t act like they have inability to curve their spine.

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6 hours ago, Magicat said:

Forgive my ignorance, from my understanding Puerto Rico is a protectorate of the United States.  When GF stands trial in PR, does he get extradited or just has to show up?  What happens if he doesn't?   

I’m not an expert, but it’s my understanding that it would be treated as if charges had been filed in one state and the defendant lives in another. 

There was a significant case a few years back that shed light on Puerto Rico’s relation with the USA. The case involved a man who had been tried in the US mainland in federal court for a crime but was then charged for the same crime in Puerto Rico. The case had to be decided by the Supreme Court and they determined that Puerto Rico doesn’t have sovereignty, it’s fully governed by the USA, and that a person can’t be tried for the same crime twice, here and there. It would be similar to committing a crime in one state and then having another state attempt to charge the person for the same crime.

The reason why this ruling was so significant was because it clarified Puerto Rico’s colonial status. Fully governed by the USA, with no sovereignty, yet no voting representation at the federal level, and no right to vote for any of the executive branches. This decision made it clear that Puerto Rico’s current relationship with the USA violates anti-colonial statues as determined by the United Nations, and that a change (either in favor of full statehood or towards independence) has to occur. Needless to say, resolving this issue is not a priority at the federal level which is why nothing has changed, but it’s an issue that is on every Puertorican’s

mind on a daily basis and a huge factor on every local election. The three main political parties in the island align themselves with a status; statehood, the current colonial status, and independence. Independence has the support of a very small percentage (usually 2-5%) with the balance evenly split among the other two parties.

Probably more information than you wanted to know, but I hope that it’s helpful! 

Edited by Tapi
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2 hours ago, mayleeman said:

The article contained a detail which conflicts with something posted here--no formal plea deal has been offered to GF.


Anello's attorney said that it was verbal and that it was being considered. Anello didn't want it and stated so from the beginning.


If the prosecutor is only looking for probation, Anello might as well continue with the trial. It helps the family's civil trial/settlement chances if Anello drags it out. RCCL can continue to release more footage.


Heck, RCCL can find someone shorter than Anello and do their own "reenactment" if that can be considered evidence.

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5 hours ago, twodaywonder said:

I am just about sure their attorney is doing it on a percentage basis. He does not want it to go away or he gets nothing.

Sorry, my comment was about a different case.  I quoted it above my comment.  Sorry for the confusion however this case is ridiculous as well.  

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6 hours ago, fred30 said:

The lawyer's for the family are going to keep pushing this as far as they can until a trial because more than likely there will be a settlement.  There will almost always be some offer on the table to make this go away.   It doesn't cost the lawyer's that much to keep this going until trial time.



Agree -- expect more media including another TV appearance or two.  

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15 hours ago, Brisbane41 said:

There are forensic tests available to determine if someone is actually colour blind. Has this man ever driven a car before and how does he go at traffic lights. There are tests to find out if people are faking colour blindness. He should be tested. You would think that a colour blind person at his age would be more careful around glass or touch it to make sure first. Personally I do not believe he is colour blind.

Colorblindness isn't even an issue here -- that's just something Anello's team came up with to try to sway public opinion in their favor.

Being colorblind doesn't mean you're blind to whether objects exist or not -- just that you can't tell which color something is.  

Watch this video of a colorblind person trying to sort M&M candies. This person can't distinguish red from green, and some other colors are slightly muted.

Note that the person in the video CAN SEE ALL THE CANDIES.... they aren't blind to the existence of the candies, only to which ones are which colors.

I think many of us have seen a person or animal walk into a closed glass door or window before -- either in real life, or on America's Funniest Home Videos.  They didn't see the window was there because it was so clean and/or they were distracted by something/not paying close enough attention.  In the space of a couple seconds, while engaged in walking (or flying, in the case of birds) and possibly also talking / texting / other distracting action, the person didn't see the glass that was there.


But how many cases have you seen or heard of (besides Anello's) where someone stood in front of an opening for the majority of a minute and thought there was glass there, but didn't realize it was actually an opening?  For me personally, I've only ever seen that when someone was playing a joke and pretending to wipe down a (non-existent) glass door and someone else came and tried to push open the door that wasn't there.  

As someone else states in this thread, even someone who was ACTUALLY blind and deaf would have known that there was an open window there within seconds, let alone the 40 or more seconds that Anello was standing there.  

But Anello being colorblind or not has nothing to do with this case -- colorblind people would be able to see the presence or absence of glass in the window.  


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9 minutes ago, brillohead said:

Colorblindness isn't even an issue here -- that's just something Anello's team came up with to try to sway public opinion in their favor.

Being colorblind doesn't mean you're blind to whether objects exist or not -- just that you can't tell which color something is.  

Watch this video of a colorblind person trying to sort M&M candies. This person can't distinguish red from green, and some other colors are slightly muted.

Note that the person in the video CAN SEE ALL THE CANDIES.... they aren't blind to the existence of the candies, only to which ones are which colors.

I think many of us have seen a person or animal walk into a closed glass door or window before -- either in real life, or on America's Funniest Home Videos.  They didn't see the window was there because it was so clean and/or they were distracted by something/not paying close enough attention.  In the space of a couple seconds, while engaged in walking (or flying, in the case of birds) and possibly also talking / texting / other distracting action, the person didn't see the glass that was there.


But how many cases have you seen or heard of (besides Anello's) where someone stood in front of an opening for the majority of a minute and thought there was glass there, but didn't realize it was actually an opening?  For me personally, I've only ever seen that when someone was playing a joke and pretending to wipe down a (non-existent) glass door and someone else came and tried to push open the door that wasn't there.  

As someone else states in this thread, even someone who was ACTUALLY blind and deaf would have known that there was an open window there within seconds, let alone the 40 or more seconds that Anello was standing there.  

But Anello being colorblind or not has nothing to do with this case -- colorblind people would be able to see the presence or absence of glass in the window.  


I agree, however if it can be proved that his lawyers made up "colour blindness" it goes to his credibility.


It makes me remember a time from my childhood. I had lost a ball over the neighbours fence and knocked on their front door to ask to get it back. They invite me in and we head to the back. Their back door was a glass sliding door. Bang! I walk straight into the thing. I am sure I was under 10 at the time remembering where I lived but it is one of those childhood memories that stayed with me for life.


Though I agree with the amount of time he had his head there he should have known it was open or perceived danger. Even if he did manage to find a closed window what was he hoping to achieve. It would have been inevitable that she fell either smashing her face on the frame or back of her head on the guard rail.

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3 minutes ago, Brisbane41 said:

Even if he did manage to find a closed window what was he hoping to achieve. It would have been inevitable that she fell either smashing her face on the frame or back of her head on the guard rail.

Which just goes along with the statements I made in this post:


Plain and simple, whether he thought there was glass there, whether he held her through the window or just in front of it, NONE OF THAT MATTERS ONE TINY BIT.  The fact that he picked her up and held her like that, unsupported by anything but his own extended arms, above a solid surface -- that's all you need to know in this case.  

The glass doesn't matter.

Him sticking his head through the window doesn't matter. 

The child being through the window or just in front of it doesn't matter.

He held the girl up and dropped her.   Nothing else matters. 


Whether she fell on the floor at his feet or whether she fell on the pier, either fall could be deadly. 




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I am just curious with US law, will Royal Caribbean or the judge or anyone involved in deciding the lawsuit be given a tour of the ship or a ship of its class that shows how the area is set up? It wont be hard to work out the truth when you are physically there and see it for yourself. I believe colour blindness can be replicated with special glasses so even then people can see how he saw it. To me the photo with the guy and the measuring tape looks more incriminating for the family as well as that video from behind that actually looks like he is knowingly holding her right outside the frame. Surely he knew when he had seen her body go beyond the frame that he had to pull her back in. Even picking her up he lifts her way above his head level which is quite odd.



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44 minutes ago, brillohead said:

But how many cases have you seen or heard of (besides Anello's) where someone stood in front of an opening for the majority of a minute and thought there was glass there, but didn't realize it was actually an opening? 


Winkleman is in the process of finding someone to stand in front of Publix when the door is open and that person will claim that they thought that the door was closed and that they were waiting for it to open....."See?....People think glass is there when it really isn't. Publix needs a sticker on the door indicating that the door is closed..."

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10 minutes ago, Two Wheels Only said:


Winkleman is in the process of finding someone to stand in front of Publix when the door is open and that person will claim that they thought that the door was closed and that they were waiting for it to open....."See?....People think glass is there when it really isn't. Publix needs a sticker on the door indicating that the door is closed..."

Better make sure it's someone who is colorblind, though..... LOL

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What I wonder is why did GF think the glass down at Chloe's level wasn't adequate for her to see through or bang on?  My gut tells me he knew she could see much clearer up top without that pesky tint obscuring her view.  Why else would he lift her up other than so she could see better?

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5 hours ago, rimmit said:

The attorneys are really grasping with those pics of the Re-enactment.  They are really hoping the general public is just plain gullible.  They claim The GF can’t possibly stick his head out the window without lifting his feet off the ground by 7 inches and then proceed to demonstrate that.  

Unless Annelo has a rod in his back that prevents him from bending his spine that is just not true.  The actor has his back in a completely flat fashion.  Who ever leans over like that?!?!  A normal person will curve their back.  I was curious myself to see how far I could lean over a 42 inch rail with my feet on the ground, and I am 5’3’’.   I can easily extend my body more than 18 inches with my feet on the ground because I don’t act like I have a rod in my back!


If this goes to trial I am sure RCI will bring in their own actors who don’t act like they have inability to curve their spine.

After thinking about it I think they are trying to paint a picture that he was just lifting her up to bang on the glass and as a toddler she leaned forward to do so beyond his grip and fell. Given the criminal charges they need to paint a picture that he was innocent and did not know what he was doing. Though the video clearly showed him stick her right out and stick his heard out. Hopefully justice will prevail.

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Grandpa leans out of an open window then he picks up child and holds her outside of that same open window.

Grandpa then drops her to her death and the family sues Royal Caribbean.


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