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Corona Virus.. anyone worried??


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I truly believe every individual person has the right to make their own decision (to cancel or not) in this situation and I think it is a great thing that Royal is giving all of us the ability to do so with FCC as the option.  I know people who are cancelling and people who are still going. 


The media hype around this is a little out of control.  For perspective check out this link from John Hopkins.  Notice how no one is reporting about how many people have recovered from it...


Edited by rsfunk
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I am on Oasis right now and it’s amazing how I haven’t  given CV a second thought all week. I needed 7 news free days. Passengers are carrying on as normal as can be - nothing feels different than my 40 previous cruises. No masks anywhere. 
Back to reality tomorrow. 😕

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Well, we all have our unique situations.  I got an article in my iphone news feed this morning that the CDC has warned US citizens over 60 not to frequent crowded places and not to fly.  In other words, avoid crowds.


We were b2b2b cruises starting late January this year:  right over Chinese New Year's with LOTS of Asian passengers.  Don't know where they were from, but long story shortened, I got a respiratory infection and ended up with (maybe) bronchial pneumonia by 2/18/20.  No fever.  Mr. Pcur got a cold, cough, and it went away within 12 days.


I have strong immunities due to 25 years of flu shots, and having had the Hong Kong flu during the pan/epi- demic in 1968.  Set me up up with a base immunity to all kinds future generations of Asian viruses. 


So, why not fly and see the grandbabies in early April?  


Because the original "community" infected woman with COVID19 is still in UC Davis Med Center, and one of the health care workers that treated her either there or in the Vacaville hospital, attended a Jr College about 4 miles from where we live, and was out and about in the community.  That person's incubation period is still in effect, and, well.......................................


We are not risking the possibility of taking the virus to our family, so we cancelled the trip in April.  Having been ill with similar symptoms and living close to a hotspot, AND the CDC's warning, it would be irresponsible of us to fly in the near future. 

Edited by pcur
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My bold, unscientific,  guesstimate on CO-Vid 19:

Peaks worldwide 3rd week of March. All over but the handwashing end of April.

Don't flame.  We still need to develop the vaccine.  Just no one catching this version. What happens next winter? Could come back, could  mutate again, could be something completely different. 

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2 hours ago, pcur said:

Well, we all have our unique situations.  I got an article in my iphone news feed this morning that the CDC has warned US citizens over 60 not to frequent crowded places and not to fly.  In other words, avoid crowds.


We were b2b2b cruises starting late January this year:  right over Chinese New Year's with LOTS of Asian passengers.  Don't know where they were from, but long story shortened, I got a respiratory infection and ended up with (maybe) bronchial pneumonia by 2/18/20.  No fever.  Mr. Pcur got a cold, cough, and it went away within 12 days.


I have strong immunities due to 25 years of flu shots, and having had the Hong Kong flu during the pan/epi- demic in 1968.  Set me up up with a base immunity to all kinds future generations of Asian viruses. 


So, why not fly and see the grandbabies in early April?  


Because the original "community" infected woman with COVID19 is still in UC Davis Med Center, and one of the health care workers that treated her either there or in the Vacaville hospital, attended a Jr College about 4 miles from where we live, and was out and about in the community.  That person's incubation period is still in effect, and, well.......................................


We are not risking the possibility of taking the virus to our family, so we cancelled the trip in April.  Having been ill with similar symptoms and living close to a hotspot, AND the CDC's warning, it would be irresponsible of us to fly in the near future. 

I agree with you. We also canceled a trip to see my elderly mother. We were going to bring my two younger grandchildren. We don’t wanted to expose them or my mother.

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We fall in the high risk category and are not canceling our upcoming b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b's =13 weeks of cruising.  If we stay home we have the same risk just going to the grocery store or anywhere else.  I will not live my last years in fear of what may or may not come and stop doing the things we love to do.  Life is nothing but risks every day so just go live.

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I returned from a cruise on Monday and nothing felt different on board. I've certainly seen more obvious extra cleaning going on on other sailings back when norovirus was the thing. I did keep my distance more than usual though. I only went to one show, spent most of my time in quiet parts of the ship. I actually thought it was smarter to eat in the WJ. I got my food, re-cleaned my hands, and ate in the back which was always empty. I was told the cruise was full but I doubt it. The WJ was never really busy.


I would worry about quarantine now that a second ship has infections. Planes are coming in from around the world unchecked but cruise ships have a stigma now. I'm going to take a break for now but I look forward to getting back out there once things have resolved. 



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6 hours ago, rsfunk said:

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I truly believe every individual person has the right to make their own decision (to cancel or not) in this situation and I think it is a great thing that Royal is giving all of us the ability to do so with FCC as the option.  I know people who are cancelling and people who are still going. 


The media hype around this is a little out of control.  For perspective check out this link from John Hopkins.  Notice how no one is reporting about how many people have recovered from it...


Thanks so much for the the link, made me feel more optimistic about this virus.

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2 hours ago, crewsweeper said:

My bold, unscientific,  guesstimate on CO-Vid 19:

Peaks worldwide 3rd week of March. All over but the handwashing end of April.

Don't flame.  We still need to develop the vaccine.  Just no one catching this version. What happens next winter? Could come back, could  mutate again, could be something completely different. 

World War Z.


I love that movie.  We watched Contagion last week.  Scary stuff.

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I look at it like this......

There have been many viruses and threats to life in my 30+ years of cruising.

Did that stop me? no it did not.

I am booked on a cruise out of Long Beach on April 11th, 2020.

So based on the factual data from https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6

Cruisers are not singled out as possible people to get the virus.  There are many situations where the virus could get passed on, at sporting events, in restaurants, at the movies, in grocery stores, on planes, on busses, on trains, etc the list is endless.

In fact there are people watching out for possible carriers when boarding a cruise and hence I believe the risk is reduced.  Reading about how the virus is spread, through fluids from one body being inhaled or ingested by another I believe that the risk is lower than people might think.  

There have been strains of the flu that have killed people in the past and that did not stop people going on cruises.

Incidents on cruise ships make good press due to the vast numbers of people that could be affected when in fact the number of people actually infected is very low on the one ship in the USA so far (21 people and 19 were crew that live in close quarters)

My Mother-in-law and Father-in-law who are in their 80s have decided to cancel but they are easily swayed by the media and bless them they are in the group that is apparently most affected.

I will stay tuned to the news and the stats and see what gives.

Going on a cruise migt be a good way to get away from all the drama 🙂


It is all personal preference, if you don't feel safe or think you will be a nervous wreck while on the cruise worring about it then I would probably not go. But if you can think about things logically and take the necessary precautions then it is most likely ok to go.


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55 minutes ago, gadaboutgal said:

We fall in the high risk category and are not canceling our upcoming b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b's =13 weeks of cruising.  If we stay home we have the same risk just going to the grocery store or anywhere else.  I will not live my last years in fear of what may or may not come and stop doing the things we love to do.  Life is nothing but risks every day so just go live.

I see your point too.  But for the last 15 years my husband has had a seizure disorder from viral encephalitis  from shingles. It was not completely controlled except the last couple of years. I don’t want him to go back to having uncontrolled seizures.

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1 hour ago, gadaboutgal said:

We fall in the high risk category and are not canceling our upcoming b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b's =13 weeks of cruising.  If we stay home we have the same risk just going to the grocery store or anywhere else.  I will not live my last years in fear of what may or may not come and stop doing the things we love to do.  Life is nothing but risks every day so just go live.


You're probably in more danger in the villages 😂

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1 hour ago, gadaboutgal said:

We fall in the high risk category and are not canceling our upcoming b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b's =13 weeks of cruising.  If we stay home we have the same risk just going to the grocery store or anywhere else.  I will not live my last years in fear of what may or may not come and stop doing the things we love to do.  Life is nothing but risks every day so just go live.


Off topic:  How does one manage to accumulate 275+ cruises?  That's pretty amazing. Even at 5 a year, that's 54 years of cruising. 10 / year = 27 years. Was hoping you'd have them all listed on your profile!!!  

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We just got off the RC Symphony of the Sea on a 7 day Western Caribbean cruise. Feb. 29- March 7,,2020.  We came prepared with individual sterilizing  packets and spray. Well RC has really stepped up their cleaning and sterilizing on their ships. My husband likes to play the slots at the casino. The crew was walking around cleaning off the machines when someone got off. Nice to see. The hallways smelled fresh and clean nice touch. Our room was always clean (helps though because its new). Food was always being watched for spills and checked on displays. All in all the cruise line is stepping up to the plate. Now for boarding in Miami we got on very fast we had the Key program which I say is worth the money for early boarding and lunch at the main dining room. Wish they would have done more screening when we got on though. Think they need to work on that area. If you have a cruise book go take it. But come prepared to do your share with your own hand wipes. RC is trying to do their share also.  Go out and enjoy your vacation. 

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9 hours ago, rsfunk said:

If this isn't allowed due to link, please delete.

I truly believe every individual person has the right to make their own decision (to cancel or not) in this situation and I think it is a great thing that Royal is giving all of us the ability to do so with FCC as the option.  I know people who are cancelling and people who are still going. 


The media hype around this is a little out of control.  For perspective check out this link from John Hopkins.  Notice how no one is reporting about how many people have recovered from it...


This is another data collection site and footnotes it references. World o Meters Covid-19


As for where you are more likely to catch it, I’d say around young adults and children. The data hasn’t been peer reviewed completely yet but younger people so far are less likely to get severe cases and present with minimal symptoms. As opposed to the flu where it attacks the very young and old.  





Take a look at the contact tracing chart for Singapore.  They’ve done an amazing job at contact tracing and testing people. Over 3500 people have self quarantined and they’ve been fighting this since almost the beginning.   They have 130 cases, 27 have been imported and if you excluded those the avg age of 103 infected people is 50. 


So imho you need to worry more about those that are sick but with a mild case and don’t realize they have it and unfortunately spread it to others. 





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Amazing news from tonight is that Italy is going to quarantine the entire Lombardy district with Milan and Como with 16 million in the zone. This will last through the 3rd of April. As testing has escalated they encountered 1200 new cases in Milan in the past 24 hours. 





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Sorry-responding off topic to OnTheJourney.  Retired and started off 1 cruise in 2002 and then it just increased exponentially year to year.  We have been cruising since Aug. of 2019 with a 2 week break in December, then back to cruising Jan 4, until just getting back on land on March 1 (We call it going into dry-dock=getting back into ship shape by seeing the doctors, etc.) 

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6 hours ago, crewsweeper said:

My bold, unscientific,  guesstimate on CO-Vid 19:

Peaks worldwide 3rd week of March. All over but the handwashing end of April.

Don't flame.  We still need to develop the vaccine.  Just no one catching this version. What happens next winter? Could come back, could  mutate again, could be something completely different. 

Hope your scenario on peak in 3rd week of March (and over in April) comes true and it gives us time to develop a vaccine.  


The handwashing etc. can't hurt with flu season in full swing.  We should practice it all the time -- it is my standard defense against norovirus.  

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2 minutes ago, SherriZ366 said:

Hope your scenario on peak in 3rd week of March (and over in April) comes true and it gives us time to develop a vaccine.  


The handwashing etc. can't hurt with flu season in full swing.  We should practice it all the time -- it is my standard defense against norovirus.  

Given that this started in China in December and didn’t peak until end of February and is still not contained and that was with extreme measures and other countries just starting to show huge increases now I have an extremely hard time seeing how this will be over in a month let alone 3 months from now. 

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