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P&O Cruisers - What are things like where YOU are?

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42 minutes ago, Splice the mainbrace said:

The forecast from tomorrow shows being dry for a week in Cornwall but still only 18 to 20c max.

We will see.

It was supposed to be nice two days ago, but wasn't! 

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17 deg here at present with expected high of 19, but no sun until later this evening. However it certainly feels warmer than June was, and quite pleasant when the sun is out, unfortunately not too often.

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18 hours ago, Adawn47 said:

I'm onto page 36 now and I came across a long forgotten friend of ours.

Does anyone remember the lovely ROGER?😁



I wonder what happened to him ?

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1 hour ago, Peanut006 said:

Good morning everyone, hope you are all ok today.


Avril, you have brought up a lovely topic of conversation, reminding us all of all the lovely friends we have all made on here.


I have had a busy week looking after grandchildren now it’s school holidays. They go home today only for another two and their parents to arrive tomorrow for the weekend. A busy week!!


Then to top it all my mum went over on her ankle and has broken her foot. Fracture clinic on Monday for a review.


It is a dull day here this morning so I will either bake or take the grandchildren to the play gym


Have a nice day everyone 



Sorry to hear about your mum's accident,  I hope that she is able to get around and that you don't experience a long wait to be seen when you take her to the fracture clinic.

Take care not to not to fall on the equipment at the play gym.  I took my niece's children to one during the school holidays when they were younger, they persuaded me to try a  bouncy castle and I ended up with a fractured collar bone and consequently couldn't do a lot of things because it was my right side and I am right-handed.

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Such a wet day here 😱

Forecast suggests this is the last rain for a while though, and we may even have a tantalising glimpse of summer from the weekend





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Hello everyone...I have been " lurking" in the background for quite a number of years now...dipping in & out of all the posts which I have found....mainly  very supportive.....informative......funny....amusing....downright belly laughs and of course there are always some peeps....as in life....that you just think Oh... shut up or go away!!

I haven't posted as I thought our cruising days were well and truly over and so couldn't offer any up to date opinion. When C came along we lost all interest in cruising and started to re find  holidays in our country which we enjoyed 30/40 years ago ....they  have been wonderful....they still are but we now have 3 future cruises booked so looks like not just a toe but both feet are being dipped into the water again.

Will we enjoy cruising again....who knows....but watch this space !😃

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9 minutes ago, janny444 said:

Hello everyone...I have been " lurking" in the background for quite a number of years now...dipping in & out of all the posts which I have found....mainly  very supportive.....informative......funny....amusing....downright belly laughs and of course there are always some peeps....as in life....that you just think Oh... shut up or go away!!

I haven't posted as I thought our cruising days were well and truly over and so couldn't offer any up to date opinion. When C came along we lost all interest in cruising and started to re find  holidays in our country which we enjoyed 30/40 years ago ....they  have been wonderful....they still are but we now have 3 future cruises booked so looks like not just a toe but both feet are being dipped into the water again.

Will we enjoy cruising again....who knows....but watch this space !😃i

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46 minutes ago, janny444 said:

I haven't posted as I thought our cruising days were well and truly over and so couldn't offer any up to date opinion. 

One or two posting on this thread aren't likely to cruise again due to health concerns etc, but can still offer some invaluable advice due to their many years of cruising.  



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7 minutes ago, Adawn47 said:

One or two posting on this thread aren't likely to cruise again due to health concerns etc, but can still offer some invaluable advice due to their many years of cruising.  



Hello Avril....I have " communicated" with you a couple of times or so....think one of them was when we both couldn't sleep. I always had a problem sleeping but I think I have solved it....well....maybe not entirely but certainly improved and without medication !

It wasn't just that I wasn't going to cruise again but that I had lost interest and probably felt a bit negative to cruising which I didn't want to convey to peeps who are enjoying it. Unfortunately my manner can be a bit down to earth and say it as it is which can come across as negative but I look at it as being realistic....I really must learn to keep it  🤐 but think I am a bit too old to learn a new skill 😃

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1 hour ago, janny444 said:

Hello Avril....I have " communicated" with you a couple of times or so....think one of them was when we both couldn't sleep. I always had a problem sleeping but I think I have solved it....well....maybe not entirely but certainly improved and without medication !

It wasn't just that I wasn't going to cruise again but that I had lost interest and probably felt a bit negative to cruising which I didn't want to convey to peeps who are enjoying it. Unfortunately my manner can be a bit down to earth and say it as it is which can come across as negative but I look at it as being realistic....I really must learn to keep it  🤐 but think I am a bit too old to learn a new skill 😃

I remember you Janny, not just from this thread but also some of the others.  I know you were posting well before I joined CC, because I used to see your posts when I was also a lurker and about to take out first  cruise in 2010.

I'm hoping that Frank can soon feel confident enough to cruise again, but....... we shall see, I certainly do miss it. We were begining to research some itineraries last year with a view to try a cruise this October or November, but his sudden unexpected hf over the new year has put paid to that. It's given his confidence a bit of a knock.

With any luck there's always 2025.🤞



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3 hours ago, janny444 said:

Hello everyone...I have been " lurking" in the background for quite a number of years now...dipping in & out of all the posts which I have found....mainly  very supportive.....informative......funny....amusing....downright belly laughs and of course there are always some peeps....as in life....that you just think Oh... shut up or go away!!

I haven't posted as I thought our cruising days were well and truly over and so couldn't offer any up to date opinion. When C came along we lost all interest in cruising and started to re find  holidays in our country which we enjoyed 30/40 years ago ....they  have been wonderful....they still are but we now have 3 future cruises booked so looks like not just a toe but both feet are being dipped into the water again.

Will we enjoy cruising again....who knows....but watch this space !😃

That's very much similar to me. My interest in cruising never really came back after 2020 and we've enjoyed some great UK holidays in the last few years.


We did have a cruise with Saga last year which was not 100% successful. We liked a lot of the cruise, but didn't get on with many of their dining arrangements, and it didn't help that we returned home with the unmentionable disease. We are trying again with another short cruise with Cunard in 2026 for our 45th wedding anniversary, but have no plans to cruise after that. 


I still read everyone's posts, but don't often post these days, as I feel I haven't got much to add when it comes to cruising

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I posted a couple of weeks ago about my husband's recent health problem.


The good news is that the wound from the perianal abscess that was drained has healed very well. It healed even better than expected, and his last appointment at the wound clinic was cancelled.  He has been booked for an MRI scan in September for a final check that all is well.


The constipation that was linked to all of this has also been resolved and he's back to normal in that department!


Not so good news  - He had a CT scan of the pelvic area, to see if there was any underlying problem that caused the abscess in the first place.  They discovered that his appendix was enlarged. There could be several reasons for this, including cancer, so he was put on the 2 week pathway. He's had blood tests, a CT scan of his thorax and a colonoscopy. The colonoscopy result was completely normal, with no sign of anything strange going on around his appendix,  He's got no symptoms, and what with a normal result on the colonoscopy, at this point, we're thinking that there's not too much wrong with him.  Hopefully we'll get an appointment for the rest of the results - my main worry is that they'll see something they don't like on the CT scan of his thorax, and start rooting around for the cause of that! 

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25 minutes ago, Adawn47 said:

I remember you Janny, not just from this thread but also some of the others.  I know you were posting well before I joined CC, because I used to see your posts when I was also a lurker and about to take out first  cruise in 2010.

I'm hoping that Frank can soon feel confident enough to cruise again, but....... we shall see, I certainly do miss it. We were begining to research some itineraries last year with a view to try a cruise this October or November, but his sudden unexpected hf over the new year has put paid to that. It's given his confidence a bit of a knock.

With any luck there's always 2025.🤞



Life's side swipes certainly do affect us and makes you very unsure about venturing too far from home. For us going back to cruising will be like a step in the  dark and at this point we are not entirely sure that it will still be our cup of tea. We have wonderful holidays staying in this country. 

About three years ago I formed a small social group for " boys & girls".....married or single.....about 14 of us... and I call us the "Lancashire Funsters"....the clue is in the title as to where I am from and what we are about......we have meals out....theatre trips and coach holidays together and we have so much fun....my only rule is when we holiday together ...don't moan about your ailments....we all have them....just have fun & laughter.😉

Not  all of our holidays are with the group ....not by any means


it is going to be very interesting to see if cruising still ticks our boxes

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1 hour ago, Dermotsgirl said:

I posted a couple of weeks ago about my husband's recent health problem.


The good news is that the wound from the perianal abscess that was drained has healed very well. It healed even better than expected, and his last appointment at the wound clinic was cancelled.  He has been booked for an MRI scan in September for a final check that all is well.


The constipation that was linked to all of this has also been resolved and he's back to normal in that department!


Not so good news  - He had a CT scan of the pelvic area, to see if there was any underlying problem that caused the abscess in the first place.  They discovered that his appendix was enlarged. There could be several reasons for this, including cancer, so he was put on the 2 week pathway. He's had blood tests, a CT scan of his thorax and a colonoscopy. The colonoscopy result was completely normal, with no sign of anything strange going on around his appendix,  He's got no symptoms, and what with a normal result on the colonoscopy, at this point, we're thinking that there's not too much wrong with him.  Hopefully we'll get an appointment for the rest of the results - my main worry is that they'll see something they don't like on the CT scan of his thorax, and start rooting around for the cause of that! 

Lovely to hear from you @Dermotsgirl.

Excellent news so far about your husband.

Prayers 🙏 uplifted that Everything else is fine with your husband.

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I hope your husbands remaining tests results are all good. It's natural to worry about 'what ifs', I did it with Frank, but try not to worry about something that hasn't yet happened. I know it isn't easy, but for your own sake, please try.


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@Dermotsgirl Wishing hubby all the best, not easy for you at the moment either.


@janny444 look forward to reading how good your 3 cruisers go for you ,as you

say keep that positive vibe and enjoy .


@Adawn47 Hope Frank has now finished with his scans etc and is responding 

well to his medication . I do remember you saying "he felt better than he had for 

quite a while "

If that is right and I know how he feels ,now is the time to live life with HF.

That is what my cardio specialist told me ,so as Janny above,time to dip a toe,

even if it's just one night away at a local hotel. He has been through a lot but 

so had you and you both deserve a break. If you can go for it.

Best wishes to all above -Take care 🙂

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A pleasant warm and cloudy day here, nice for walking, which we have done our fair share of.


We are tootling off to the Isle of Man tomorrow on the charabanc from Barnsley for a few days. One of those places we have fancied visiting for many years but never got around to it. The weather forecast looks decent and we have three trips out which covers most of the island. 


I hope everyone enjoys the weekend whatever you choose to do.

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Frank is still doing well thank you kalos. He's quite happy gardening and he's even started doing his woodcarving again.

He's had 2 blood tests and a scan since being discharged and they're pleased with his results. I'm hoping that he'll soon feel confident enough to risk some time away.

You know kalos, he has always led a very active life, he was still practising his karate katas for excersise at 71, and had no health problems at all, so for this to come out of the blue at age 78 was a big shock and it has really frightened him. It has only been 7 months so I think it's best to let him come to terms with it in his own good time and wait until he mentions having a holiday.


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9 minutes ago, yorkshirephil said:

A pleasant warm and cloudy day here, nice for walking, which we have done our fair share of.


We are tootling off to the Isle of Man tomorrow on the charabanc from Barnsley for a few days. One of those places we have fancied visiting for many years but never got around to it. The weather forecast looks decent and we have three trips out which covers most of the island. 


I hope everyone enjoys the weekend whatever you choose to do.

Have great time Phil and Mrs YP.

Do you mind me asking what company you use that leaves from Barnsley?



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2 minutes ago, Adawn47 said:

Have great time Phil and Mrs YP.

Do you mind me asking what company you use that leaves from Barnsley?



KM Travel Avril. We have been with them before a few times. They have a shop in town and a web site.

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