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Royal Caribbean Cruisers -- How Are Things Where You Are? (was "Routine" ​ 😁 ​day in lockdown... how was yours?)

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1 hour ago, ownedbypets said:


My grandfather had a friend that was missing his entire arm. We were told he lost it when he put his arm out of the window of a moving car. Don't know if that's really true but none of us ever put our hands or arms out of the window.

Yep.  We were told the same thing too. I kept my arms in the car. 

Now, I'm sure that could actually happen if you drive on any of the roads in Ireland. Nothing like racy through those narrow roads with all that vegetation.  No telling what might lurk in there. 



@sunshine3601   I think I would have passed out. 


I lost a bit of tip of my middle toe as a young teen thanks to my sister.  It was hanging on by a piece of skin.  They finally got around to sewing it back on about 3 hours later and it was good for a 4 week gym pass (school was ending).  😀  Few weeks later during the healing process same sister managed to kick my foot and part of the toe's tip turned black and fell off.  Fortunately the nail did grow back, not perfect, and I was always self consious of it. 

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16 minutes ago, Sunshine3601 said:


 I opted to be awake for the surgery as it would expedite the scheduling

He was a great guy and a great doctor, very little scar, full motion, full feeling and I have a fingernail that grows too!


I never lock my car door till I'm a few feet away from the car now.

Wow Debbie,  You're my here!!!!  Holy moly!

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23 minutes ago, Sunshine3601 said:

I was amazed at the whole process.  They did an emergency re attachment in the ER Room then sent me home.  I probably shouldn't have driven myself home as I wasted on pain meds.

Next morning saw a highly recommended orthopedic surgeon (I think that's what he was called).    

He scheduled me to go in the next day to do surgery in OR and wasnt sure how much use or feeling I would have. 


 I opted to be awake for the surgery as it would expedite the scheduling but couldnt see with covered shields around my arm.  The doc asked me what music I wanted playing and OR was jamming.  The surgical nurses were freaked out I was awake and talking and laughing with them.

But boy i felt the vibration go thru my body when he hammered in a long spike through the bone.

  I was a pirate for awhile with this curved end of a spike sticking out the top of my finger.  Have to find a picture. 

He was a great guy and a great doctor, very little scar, full motion, full feeling and I have a fingernail that grows too!


I never lock my car door till I'm a few feet away from the car now.


I always thought reattaching a finger would require micro surgery to reattach nerves and tendons in addition to pins and screws for the bone.  I am surprised they could do it in an emergency room.  You are fortunate to have full function!

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3 hours ago, Momof3gurlz said:

We’re going to middle DD’s, just over the state line in MA, for Thanksgiving.  They’re preparing 3 turkeys- a traditional oven roasted one, a smoked one in SIL’s smoker and a deep fried one (which is done in turkey fryer in the driveway). Their will be 5 adults, 1 toddler and a baby for the meal; there should be plenty of leftovers LOL! 

 I’m bringing sausage stuffing and pumpkin pie, youngest DD is bringing a sangria and carrots au gratin (which is a traditional “must have” at every holiday meal in our family) and in addition to the turkeys, middle DD is doing the mashed potatoes, gravy, and a charcuterie board appetizer. 
I really love the Thanksgiving meal. 


Everything sounds delicious and I'll say for sure you will have lots of leftovers.

I love making charcuterie boards.  Looks so colorful, creative and delicious to try different foods.  A little of this, a little of that. 😃  Perfect appetizer.

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1 hour ago, Sunshine3601 said:

About 4 yrs ago I detached my finger in car door.  I was in shock and went inside after picking up my car keys unlocking door grabbing my finger and taking inside to rinse off.  I was home alone at the time and waited about 20 to 30 minutes till I drove myself to hospital with my finger wrapped up in a paper towel and ziploc baggy.

Re-attached and works great!  Very lucky to have my index finger. 


I was about to tell my finger story but now it just seems lame after reading @Sunshine3601 account. But I'll tell it anyway.


Back in my college days, I used to worked part time in 2 different delis. On days I didn't have class, I'd work in both. Towards the end of a 12 or 14 hour day, I cut the tip of my finger  off while slicing roast beef. Never felt a thing and only noticed the roast beef was extra...well,  lets say juicy. Cut it right down to the tip of the bone but didn't hit the bone. Wrapped a bunch of towels around it and a regular customer offered to drive me to the hospital in his brand new Camaro Z28. Man, that car could fly but I was more worried about dripping blood over his new car.


In the ER, they called in a specialist who did a skin graft. For 6 weeks, my bandaged finger had to be kept pointed up to allow it to heal properly, so I had basically had my arm in a sling the whole time and had to sleep in a reclining chair. It healed nicely and new skin grew in so you have to look really hard to notice my index finger is shaped slight odd.


The worst part is the skin for the skin graft was taken from my wrist so there is a scar there now. Looks like I tried to commit suicide.


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@HBE4 that was a close one for sure.  I just sent my knives out for sharpening and managed to put a slice into my thumb the day after I got them back.   Knife was the counter and I barely touched it.  Then the following week I was washing a few and once again one of them got me.   Hardly  felt a thing, at least for 5 minutes, then the throbbing began.  

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1 hour ago, Sunshine3601 said:


He was a great guy and a great doctor, very little scar, full motion, full feeling and I have a fingernail that grows too!



What an amazing story. I'm so glad that you were able to regain everything. Medical science never ceases to amaze me.



1 hour ago, lenquixote66 said:

.Her daughter is an MD with a practice in Kansas City,MO and also is a media personality.I posted to you ,Greg,a while ago and asked if you were familiar with her but you never responded.I assume you did not see my post.Her name is Amber Botros.


I am sorry Lenny I must have missed your post. I do not know her personally but I do know of her. She owns a Med Spa in the Plaza. I think we have even done a news story on her in the past. Seems very sharp

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2 hours ago, Sunshine3601 said:

.  Have to find a picture. 


Don't think we need a picture.


I once cut the top of my big toe, that needed about 10 stiches when I was washing my mom and dads car. Cut it on the wiper blades.. I was about 10 years old. Yeah I know who washes a car in bare feet standing on the hood leaning up and over the windshield. Lesson Learned. !


Also when I was younger got run over by a   Pick-up truck  while sledding on an ice covered road out in front of our house. ( Ended up without a scratch, sledded right under the truck and out the other side, other then a scared crying brother and parents  who  were shaked up all was fine.) The truck was in a slide on the ice as it ran over me, saw me late sledding off a hill on the side of the street. Was sledding off the hill from one side of the street across to other side.... I know pretty stupid !

Edited by Jimbo
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I'm sure most on here have heard about the SUV that drove through the Christmas parade in Waukesha, WI, and killed 6 people.

Said the driver drove through the barricades at the start of the parade.

Not that it mattered much but did anyone notice that the barricades were all ready laying on their sides when the SUV actually ran over them not through them and why I haven't seen it anywhere where anyone questioned why they were like that and that they were not standing up?

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10 hours ago, Sunshine3601 said:

I was amazed at the whole process.  They did an emergency re attachment in the ER Room then sent me home.  I probably shouldn't have driven myself home as I wasted on pain meds.

Next morning saw a highly recommended orthopedic surgeon (I think that's what he was called).    

He scheduled me to go in the next day to do surgery in OR and wasnt sure how much use or feeling I would have. 


 I opted to be awake for the surgery as it would expedite the scheduling but couldnt see with covered shields around my arm.  The doc asked me what music I wanted playing and OR was jamming.  The surgical nurses were freaked out I was awake and talking and laughing with them.

But boy i felt the vibration go thru my body when he hammered in a long spike through the bone.

  I was a pirate for awhile with this curved end of a spike sticking out the top of my finger.  Have to find a picture. 

He was a great guy and a great doctor, very little scar, full motion, full feeling and I have a fingernail that grows too!


I never lock my car door till I'm a few feet away from the car now.


I'm thoroughly impressed with how you handled the whole situation.  You always wonder how you will respond in an emergency.  Will you be cool, calm, and collected, or will you be panicked.  Now you know!


I thought I'd be the cool, calm, collected one until my daughter dislocated her elbow.  She was about 4 and had Nursemaid's Elbow...where the joint was not yet fully developed and popped out.  I was holding her hands and spinning her such that her feet were off the ground and her body parallel to the floor, what we called doing a helicopter, when she started crying in pain.  After a minute of crying, she shut down completely, like she was in shock.  We called her pediatrician, described what happened, and he tried to walk me through the process to pop her elbow back into place.  He said that it wasn't that difficult to do and she would have immediate relief.  I was freaking out (since I was the one spinning her who caused it to happen) and got about halfway through the process when she all of sudden screamed in pain.  That was it...I was done.  I couldn't handle that scream.  Into the car and to the ER.  They took an X-ray and then reset her elbow and she was fine...like it never happened.  I learned that I'm not the cool, calm, collected one when it involves my kids.  I also learned not to do any more helicopters.

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19 hours ago, George C said:

Lowes is just 5 mins away and I get ten percent off everything since I am a veteran also reserved parking spots for vets . My brother in law didn’t know about discount until I told him when they were going to buy a new fridge and they saved a couple of hundred.
   Growing up I remember going to the local butcher and he would give the children a big slice of baloney . In my Italian neighborhood where I had my first apartment the local grocery store gave out shots of whiskey at Christmas time 


Having to suddenly buy a new washer (and added dryer with it) we found the Veterans discount would not "stack" she called it.   Was marked down on discount (but not that much).   She told us it was not combinable.  But when we bought all our new kitchen cabinets, counter tops, dishwasher, fridge from them 4 years ago...which was all on sale, the discount applied.  


Not sure why this was different on these.  I was more upset about it than Bucky.  

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14 hours ago, BonTexasNY said:



On to a more "tasty" subject. The best turkey I ever had was fried. Tender, moist and juicy. I never heard of fried turkey until I moved to Texas.  I kept picturing cutting up the turkey in parts and frying it up in a huge pan like fried chicken.  My nephew had a turkey fryer and kept it in his garage with the door open.  Not sure but I think if not careful it could blow up?? 

We bought a turkey fryer about 15 yrs ago.  Does make a delicious and very moist turkey but after hearing so many stories of people burning themselves and melting their siding I decided we would not use anymore.  

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14 hours ago, Momof3gurlz said:

We’re going to middle DD’s, just over the state line in MA, for Thanksgiving.  They’re preparing 3 turkeys- a traditional oven roasted one, a smoked one in SIL’s smoker and a deep fried one (which is done in turkey fryer in the driveway). Their will be 5 adults, 1 toddler and a baby for the meal; there should be plenty of leftovers LOL! 

 I’m bringing sausage stuffing and pumpkin pie, youngest DD is bringing a sangria and carrots au gratin (which is a traditional “must have” at every holiday meal in our family) and in addition to the turkeys, middle DD is doing the mashed potatoes, gravy, and a charcuterie board appetizer. 
I really love the Thanksgiving meal. 


All sounds amazing.  Enjoy🤩

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30 minutes ago, bobmacliberty said:


I'm thoroughly impressed with how you handled the whole situation.  You always wonder how you will respond in an emergency.  Will you be cool, calm, and collected, or will you be panicked.  Now you know!


I thought I'd be the cool, calm, collected one until my daughter dislocated her elbow.  She was about 4 and had Nursemaid's Elbow...where the joint was not yet fully developed and popped out.  I was holding her hands and spinning her such that her feet were off the ground and her body parallel to the floor, what we called doing a helicopter, when she started crying in pain.  After a minute of crying, she shut down completely, like she was in shock.  We called her pediatrician, described what happened, and he tried to walk me through the process to pop her elbow back into place.  He said that it wasn't that difficult to do and she would have immediate relief.  I was freaking out (since I was the one spinning her who caused it to happen) and got about halfway through the process when she all of sudden screamed in pain.  That was it...I was done.  I couldn't handle that scream.  Into the car and to the ER.  They took an X-ray and then reset her elbow and she was fine...like it never happened.  I learned that I'm not the cool, calm, collected one when it involves my kids.  I also learned not to do any more helicopters.

Our youngest had this too.  The first time was as a toddler, lifting her up by her hands, resulting in a trip to the ER.  Second time was her older sister doing the helicopter trick.  Back to the ER where they showed me how to pop it back in place.  I was pretty sure I wouldn’t be able to do it myself so I “laid down the law” at home about being extra careful with anything involving her arms.  Thank goodness it never happened again. 

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10 hours ago, reallyitsmema said:


I always thought reattaching a finger would require micro surgery to reattach nerves and tendons in addition to pins and screws for the bone.  I am surprised they could do it in an emergency room.  You are fortunate to have full function!

I'm not really sure what they did in the Er but they said it was only temporary and would require a specialist to reconnect nerves, tendons and the bones.  The surgeon said the Er did a great job and was impressed with their temporary reattachment.  

If i recall correctly, He did put pins in bottom portion and the main knuckle then a rod with a curled end that stuck out of the top of my finger which was pulled out about 6 weeks later.  

The only issue I have is when it is cold out I loose some feeling at the tip.  There is a slight bump and ridge bottom portion of finger nail  but my nail girl does a great job in hiding it with acrylic filler.

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31 minutes ago, island lady said:


Having to suddenly buy a new washer (and added dryer with it) we found the Veterans discount would not "stack" she called it.   Was marked down on discount (but not that much).   She told us it was not combinable.  

Sounds like someone there has been studying the RCI playbook.

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11 hours ago, Sunshine3601 said:

About 4 yrs ago I detached my finger in car door.  I was in shock and went inside after picking up my car keys unlocking door grabbing my finger and taking inside to rinse off.  I was home alone at the time and waited about 20 to 30 minutes till I drove myself to hospital with my finger wrapped up in a paper towel and ziploc baggy.

Re-attached and works great!  Very lucky to have my index finger. 


11 hours ago, Sunshine3601 said:

I was amazed at the whole process.  They did an emergency re attachment in the ER Room then sent me home.  I probably shouldn't have driven myself home as I wasted on pain meds.

Next morning saw a highly recommended orthopedic surgeon (I think that's what he was called).    

He scheduled me to go in the next day to do surgery in OR and wasnt sure how much use or feeling I would have. 


 I opted to be awake for the surgery as it would expedite the scheduling but couldnt see with covered shields around my arm.  The doc asked me what music I wanted playing and OR was jamming.  The surgical nurses were freaked out I was awake and talking and laughing with them.

But boy i felt the vibration go thru my body when he hammered in a long spike through the bone.

  I was a pirate for awhile with this curved end of a spike sticking out the top of my finger.  Have to find a picture. 

He was a great guy and a great doctor, very little scar, full motion, full feeling and I have a fingernail that grows too!


I never lock my car door till I'm a few feet away from the car now.

Thank goodness you had the presence of mind to grab & wrap the finger and to driver yourself to the ER!  I think I might’ve passed out but I guess you never know what you can do when that adrenaline kicks in. 
Similar story:  About 8 years ago, Andy was helping a friend with a construction project. He was using a circular saw which hit something in the wood, it jumped a bit and came down in his hand, cutting through his thumb. The friend called me on the way to an Urgent Care & I met them there.  It was beyond anything they could handle. The cut was straight thru & his thumb was holding on just by a piece of skin.  Andy’s very squeamish & when he heard this he started getting faint.  They called an ambulance to transport him to RI Hospital where they did a temporary repair & sent him home.  He met with an amazing surgeon the next day and was operated on the following day to reattach it.  He also had the metal spikes sticking out.  Afterwards the surgeon said his only concern was Andy might not have much movement of the thumb due to the nerves that couldn’t be reattached.  It works pretty well, he just can’t bend it very well.  

Edited by Momof3gurlz
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43 minutes ago, bobmacliberty said:


I'm thoroughly impressed with how you handled the whole situation.  You always wonder how you will respond in an emergency.  Will you be cool, calm, and collected, or will you be panicked.  Now you know!


I thought I'd be the cool, calm, collected one until my daughter dislocated her elbow.  She was about 4 and had Nursemaid's Elbow...where the joint was not yet fully developed and popped out.  I was holding her hands and spinning her such that her feet were off the ground and her body parallel to the floor, what we called doing a helicopter, when she started crying in pain.  After a minute of crying, she shut down completely, like she was in shock.  We called her pediatrician, described what happened, and he tried to walk me through the process to pop her elbow back into place.  He said that it wasn't that difficult to do and she would have immediate relief.  I was freaking out (since I was the one spinning her who caused it to happen) and got about halfway through the process when she all of sudden screamed in pain.  That was it...I was done.  I couldn't handle that scream.  Into the car and to the ER.  They took an X-ray and then reset her elbow and she was fine...like it never happened.  I learned that I'm not the cool, calm, collected one when it involves my kids.  I also learned not to do any more helicopters.

That had to be very scary.  Thank god it was easy to fix.

When one of our sons was a toddler and we were getting ready to go out for the evening and a very good friend was going to babysit for us our son was choking on a small pretzel.  

Our friend literally ran out the front door screaming the baby is choking.

Like really!   

Within seconds we had the pretzel cleared and all was fine while she was still out front crying.   Learned she wasnt good in an emergency situation.


The funny thing with my finger was how I went into the house went to kitchen sink washed my hand with blood gushing,washed the finger then held in place like it was just going to re attach itself.  I wrapped up in paper towels, went to the bathroom and sat down on chair in bedroom and casually called Eric to tell him what happened. 


 He had recently broke his leg and was wearing a boot on driving foot and wasnt allowed to drive.  I told him no big deal I can drive myself.  He took uber and met me at the hospital then I drove both us home.


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8 hours ago, Jimbo said:

I'm sure most on here have heard about the SUV that drove through the Christmas parade in Waukesha, WI, and killed 6 people.

Said the driver drove through the barricades at the start of the parade.

Not that it mattered much but did anyone notice that the barricades were all ready laying on their sides when the SUV actually ran over them not through them and why I haven't seen it anywhere where anyone questioned why they were like that and that they were not standing up?

I heard the horrible story on the news but didnt see the video.  I saw the video of him knocking on someone's door to call uber.    It does sound like was intentional or he was wasted out of his mind and didnt know what he was doing.

So sad for all involved.

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18 minutes ago, Ocean Boy said:


Sorry I forgot to update you.  Eric is very pleased with the samsung s20 phone he bought a couple weeks ago.  

He was able to take his existing sd card and install in new phone with no issues.

He likes a lot of the new features as well as the quality of the camera.

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2 hours ago, island lady said:


Having to suddenly buy a new washer (and added dryer with it) we found the Veterans discount would not "stack" she called it.   Was marked down on discount (but not that much).   She told us it was not combinable.  But when we bought all our new kitchen cabinets, counter tops, dishwasher, fridge from them 4 years ago...which was all on sale, the discount applied.  


Not sure why this was different on these.  I was more upset about it than Bucky.  

Try and speak to someone else.  You get multiple different answers when calling RCI so maybe the same applies to the store?  OR shoot out an email or phone call to Corporate.  It's unconscionable for them not to recognize our veterans, Bucky in particular.

2 hours ago, Sunshine3601 said:

We bought a turkey fryer about 15 yrs ago.  Does make a delicious and very moist turkey but after hearing so many stories of people burning themselves and melting their siding I decided we would not use anymore.  

And, that's why people do NOT use the turkey fryer inside the house. 

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Very happy this morning , we have been feeding a feral cat for years but haven’t seen hm in about 5 months, he showed up this morning for breakfast 😁, there are bobcats and coyotes in the area .  Sailing in 3 days on Allure, our friend from Long Island is flying home in a couple of hours.

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